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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey. I spent most of the night sleeping and running errands (not at the same time). Sorry I missed you in the breakroom, MsQ.

Saw today's ep. Have to admit, I'm totally influenced by my own fanon. When Tracy told Lulu she'd regret having an abortion, I saw it. I saw that knowlege in her eyes, that understanding that comes from experience.

I also saw, dare I say it, disgust on her face when Edward was going on and on.... Like she was wishing he'd simmer down and let her handle the situation.

I did notice the vulgar blocking--obviously done by a director who thinks Old West Melodrama is a viable form of entertainment. Tracy even had the Wicked Saloon Owner hair.....

But we have TQ for THREE days this week. *dances around* And even GUZA can't totally demolish our girl, with JE in the role.

Oh, MsQ, I'm downloading your vid.

Regency, you shame me with your praise. :blush: And this comment from TWoP: Tracy, you look pretty. Smack your father. Why? Just cuz. had me LOL even before I realized it was you. I was stunned at the pro-Q sentiment on that board. I really should read it more often, huh?

ETA: hahahhahahahahahaaaa!!!! Page 136, Page 136, I got Page 136! (Damn, it's been too long since I was the first post on a new page. I think I need a virtual melon baller or virtual egg timer, just to commemorate.)

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I looked back over the last page and need to add:

nex I'm not the only one on SZ who defends her and there are times I don't bother. BUT I will if I feel strongly about it.

And I understand about not paying to post.

I took advantage and paid up until January of next year. After that will depend on if our lovely Ms.Elliot re-signs.

Regency I also feel like I need to apologize to you. I mentioned how I find TWOP too mean for my tastes...but I don't think *you* are at all.

You've never been anything but polite in this thread.

I can see why Ms.Q likes to lurk there...the times I have lurked that someone has something insightful about the Q's to say, I usually enjoy reading most of the comments.

But speaking in general terms?

I just think the overall tone of the board is negative towards GH and sometimes the opinions of other posters...and it doesn't help my attitude.

I found myself making pretty nasty comments about characters and hated myself for it because it's just not *me*.

Obviously I just don't belong there and wisely chose to voluntarily bow out.

But no offense personally to you...as I said you've never been anything but polite here and I have no beef with you at all. :)

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Aw man! I forgot to put the title of the song in the video! MinervaFan, the version your downloading won't have the title, but I'm going to fix that right now. New version will be edited it. :)

ILoveTracyQ, does that mean you liked it? ;) It's kind of sad, I know. *gets teary eyed* When Laura returns, we better have our tissues handy. Eh. Maybe. I'm not one to get that emotional over a TV show. The last time I needed Kleenex was when Lila died, and I think that might be because Anna Lee passed away. Anyway...Bottom line? Tissues or no tissues, it's gonna be a bit depressing to watch. *braces self*

Edit: Almost WITH the title. Heh.

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Yes it means I loved it Ms.Q. Probably one of my favorites already...I watched it like three times.

It might not hit me so hard if it weren't for Laura coming back.

But I think you captured the "Bittersweet" of their relationship perfectly.

And wow...even though most of those scenes took place over a year and a half almost...and there aren't that many of them..Jane and Tony really DO make the most out of every scene they're in don't they?

They never ever phone it in when they're together.

I simply love them.


I hate how Luke treats Tracy a lot of the time.

But love them as a couple anyway.

Isn't that strange?


And with that I'm off to bed.


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Night, ILoveTracyQ.

About their relationship, I'm feel the same exact way. It's hard to explain why I like them as a couple when I hate the way he treats her. I just do. I guess the good outweighs the bad. *shrugs*

And squee! Detailed feedback. Since there aren't a lot of clips of them, I sometimes feel like I'm using the same exact ones in each video. Heh. I've ended 3 videos with the same scene. :o *thinks about requesting some clips at HellaGood* I'm missing bits and pieces from May through October. Eh. I got enough, right? LOL.

About Laura returning/Videos...The "I'll Remember" one got to me while I was creating it. The part where the lyrics go, "Back when our love was strange," and then there's Tracy/Luke "fighting" with her tied to the wheelchair. Le sigh. They were so wonderful together, and now it'll all be no more. Even if Laura doesn't stick around, how the heck are you going to go back? "Oh, Spanky. Laura's catatonic again. Wanna remarry me, so I can can continue to mooch off you and your family?" Whatever. It'll be even worse if Tracy AGREES.

And yes...TG and JE do make the most out of the less than stellar material. *sigh* Getting a bit upset about GF's return. I know. I know. Just a soap. LOL.

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Loved Loved Loved the video!!! I've always liked the song, but the clips fit perfectly. I know they are ones that are used all the time b/c there are so few (a few people mentioned that), but it has a very different feel than some other videos. Thanks for making it!!!

otherwise, just wanted to say very g;ad our girls was on today... even for that pittance, b/c it is so rare lately.

and waves all around!!

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I set the VCR to record the last fifteen minutes of yesterday's show and I guess it recorded but forgot to watch as I got up this morning. Oh well maybe when I go home tonight.

ABout Laura coming back and whether or not they can go back. No, they can't. Not back to the way things were.

And you're right Ms.Q...if they do go back to the same old same old...it's going to make Tracy look ridiculously desperate and dumb. Not that TIIC are above doing that...so it could happen.

BUT can they start over differently? They could. I think actually the only way it should be done is have Tracy move on with someone else and Luke decide he wants to be with her and try to win her back. He must CHOOSE it. And if they part ways for Laura..it would be his choice. No more fifteen million tying him down.

Of course I think that was always just an excuse...but now he won't even have that excuse anymore. So he'll have to either find another excuse or admit he likes having her around. I doubt TIIC would write a man just for Tracy...so most likely we'll see the two of them alone and obviously missing each other but both too stubborn shy and proud to be the first one to make a move.

And something happens (what I have no idea) to facilitate them coming back together.

At least that's how it'd happen in my world. LOL

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I want to see that, too, ILTQ. I want to see them both grow up a bit (but mostly Luke). I want to see him grow up, and her regain her courage. I think Tracy's been burned so many times now that she's terrified of letting anyone in. I think she could love Luke with all her heart, but has no good reason (other than loving him) to let herself do so. He's proven irresponsible, he's cruel, he's immature. Any sensible person would tell her to run in the other direction. He's exactly the man she needs, and exactly the man who will never be able to be what she needs--unless he grows up.

Problem is, fans don't want a mature Luke. They're thrilled with the caricature he's become, thrilled with the half-wit antics that have replaced the three-dimensional character he used to be. Luke coasts on reputation and TG's considerable charm, and TIIC have no motivation or need to try to breathe life back into him. Why should they? They can put him in any silly old storyline, and fans will flock in to see it. Why go to the trouble of expanding him, maturing him, making him REAL, when people are clamoring for cartoons and nostalgia?

Unfortunately, because our girl seems to be inexorably tied to Luke, she's also tied to his two-dimensional quagmire. She's fared better, character-wise, with these writers--they let her have more depth, more compassion, more maturity than they give Luke (all of which JE grabs like a bandit and runs with for all her worth). But she's still stuck in the trap of "Qs are villains, Tracy is the second-chief villain (after Edward), and women are nothing without a love interest."

It's sad, and makes me glad I have books to read that are written by real writers. It makes me glad that there are fanfic writers out there who are brave enough to go somewhere with a character, and who are loving enough to develop those characters honestly and with respect.

And I'm STILL glad we get three TQ days this week, even if it's just a pittance to make Lulu look like the victim. (Oh, they are NOT going to turn this spunky kid into MiniLaura, are they?)

OT: Speaking of great books, I just finished "Remnant Population" by Elizabeth Moon. Best fiction novel I've read in years. I strongly recommend it.

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I don't know if I agree that the fans love wacky irresponsible comedic Luke.

I think his diehard fans are loyal no matter what kinda like we are to Tracy.

But a lot of the posts I read indicate that the viewers want dramatic serious Luke as well or more than PeterPan Luke.

What I love best about Jane is that she is able...as I was saying to Ms.Q in the reply about her vid...to make the most of whatever she gets.

I think it's HER(although I may be biased) that gives Lacy the emotional pull it has. Because so far let's face it...we haven't seen a lot of emotion from Luke towards Tracy. Now in part that's due to AG simply not letting anything come through.

Luke's as passionate as she is...surely he's feeling something even if it's nothing but deep friendship.

Yet I rarely get that in their scenes unless it's a serious scene. With Jane I get the love Tracy feels even when it's supposed to be a funny scene...like Tracy in the MI during sweeps.

For me the "change" would have to be AG selling that Luke loves Tracy. A different love from Laura...but loves her all the same.

I haven't gotten that from him yet...and for me to happily accept them again after GF leaves...I guess that's what I'd need to see.

I'd need a reason to root for them to go on. And right now I don't have one.

ETA *waves* to tracyluver

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ILTQ, I agree with you on the part about Tony Geary not showing the same expressions of love in Luke's non-dramatic scenes with Tracy, but I think that's actually in character. I think Tracy can't avoid love once she's in it--remember that little monologue Dillon had during the Monkey Fever storyline--about Tracy advising him to love without holding back. I think that's what she does, and when she's in love, she can't stop being in love, no matter what the situation. You see that even when she is furious with him, when she's yelling at him or setting him up for a fall.

Now, Luke is a total bird of a different feather. Boyfriend believes in running full-throttle from love. His default setting is casual, not emotional, and it's only during dramatic scenes that he really releases and admits emotional connection. It may have been different with Laura, but then he put Laura on a pedastal. I doubt even after they admit their feelings for each other and move to the next level, Luke will never be as open about his feelings as Tracy is. She's the water and fire, he's air and fire. They will both feel it profoundly, but he will rationalize his way out of ever expressing it unless he has to.

Oh, MsQ--that vid was amazing. You have single-handedly reinvigorated my LuNacy tendancies. Thank you. Just beautiful, beautiful work and an incredible song.

Looking forward to more TQ on today.

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OMG!!!! PREVIEWS!!!! OMG!!!!

Edit #1: *breathes* OMG!!!! Lulu: You have no idea what I'm going through. Tracy: What about my 3 pregnancies?

Edit #2: *breathes again* *collects self* Today's show? Eh. 3 short scenes. Nothing big. Tracy had what? 4 lines total? No Tracy/Dillon "heart to heart" as spoiled. Dillon didn't go to her either. She went to him in the last scene, spouting off legal jargon. The previews were the ONLY thing that saved today.

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Omg, I can't wait to go home and see this. I can't wait, I can't wait! Omg, we called it, dudes. We called it.

(And if we're wrong, don't tell me. Wowsa. We called it.)





If it becomes canon TQ terminated a pregnancy, with the current attitude of the screenwriters....

She will be able to add "BabyKiller" to her long list of epithets. (Didn't Lucky use that exact phrase?)

With the anti-Q sentiments and the obvious pro-life bent of the story, this is another chance to villainize Tracy. Although I know JE will work her magic on it, wow. They could go really bad with this.

Holding breath and hoping for a miracle. Hoping even more that Edward doesn't overhear her confession....and banish her for "killling a Quartermaine heir."

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It's just a 2 second preview for tomorrow, MinervaFan. ;) The actual show today was pretty crappy if you're watching just for Tracy.

Oh, and Lulu? Tracy did NOT put Dillon into boarding schools.

Edit #1: Just a few comments about today...Julie and Scott were REALLY good. I'm SO glad TIIC let Dillon have a POV in all of this. He got to express his opinion, just as much as Lulu got to express hers, and while I'm rather certain I'm supposed to take Lulu's side, at least Dillon got to say how he felt. Wish we could've gotten more from Tracy/Dillon (talk about wasted potential...ugh), but before I start b-tching more than usual, I want to see where GH takes Tracy/Lulu tomorrow. *feeling slightly optimistic* Oh, and I'm not digging the hair as much as some of you. I want the curls back now.

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