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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow. What a difference a word makes. I wrote "encouraging" Lulu to have an abortion. What I meant to say was "supporting" Lulu having an abortion.

I don't see Tracy (especially the way she is now) pushing her opinions on Lulu in regards to having the kid. I think she might be very opinionated about Lulu having options--but not forcing her one way or another. I mean, face it, even Tracy is not going to go that far.

As for life being precious, in regards to abortion--Tracy is old enough and scarred enough to know that the fetus's life is not the only life in question here. She had Ned young, and she has seen how not only her life, but Ned's and Larry's lives were profoundly affected by the youth of the parents and their inability to "step up" to parenthood. She sees how making the choice (though I doubt it was a choice so much as a happy accident) to have a child so young destroyed many of her options, cheated Ned out of having parents who were ready and able to give him what he need, and perhaps even drove Larry into the immature behavior that eventually destroyed his relationship with his son.

Tracy has seen all the bad sides of parenthood, as well as the good. She knows how wonderful it is to have children, how amazing it is to love them, and how precious the gift of parenthood is (even if she is unable to express those things freely to her children). And I think she wants that for her children (by now, she has to think of Lulu as her child, at least on some level.)

But she also wants them to have a chance at a good life, and knows how much an unwanted pregnancy will hurt that chance. So if Lulu expresses an interest in an abortion--Tracy will not fight her. If Lulu seems to be waffling, Tracy would (if she was allowed to) help her explore all her options.

So....those are my thoughts on the subject.

As for Tracy carry Lulu's baby? LOL. Um, no, honey. I can't see it in a bazillion years.

Finally (there's someone waiting for the computer), MsQ I was not indicating that your feedback was less than adequate. To the contrary, you are a Queen of All Things Feedbacky, and you make the fairies and sprites dance a happy dance whenever you comment on my stories. :)

I'm just a needy, greedy feedback whore who can't get enough of the good stuff.....

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I was just giving you a hard time, and I'm the same way. I need feedback, darnit! LOL.

Per SOW, Genie Francis is now back for 6 weeks, not 4, and if the ratings spike, she'll be around for even longer. Of course, for all we know, JE will very well be off canvas by then, so it might not matter. Just passing it along...

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No TQ again huh?


spoiler talk

Oh who cares about Genie Francis? Really. She's so overrated. Oh I know that there are enough out there that love her and the ratings will rise a little.

As far as *spiking* ...LMBO...if they do go up they won't stay up...cause I have a feeling Luke/Laura fans will be very disappointed.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I wonder how early we'll hear spec about Jane leaving?

Cause you know there's going to be huge rumors with GF possibly staying longer.

spoiler talk over

I just want Tracy on my screen. I fear however that with the current IIC JE/Tracy will NEVER get even a strong supporting story.

Which is a shame.

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We've been hearing spec for months, ILoveTracyQ. Since January. ;) And I apologize for bringing over the GF thing. And so I shall bring over something else...We got ABC.com spoilers for NEXT WEEK!

SPOILER TALK (new spoilers edited in)






From ABC.com: Tracy and Edward talk about defective condoms being made by ELQ then overhear that Lulu is pregnant with Dillon's baby. All right. Never did I once think I'd read a spoiler like this. We get our first Edward/Tracy one-on-one scene since JI's returned, and Tracy and Daddy discuss defective condoms? :lol: And I guess this answers the unspoken question of how Tracy finds out about the baby. I was kind of hoping Lulu or Dillon would tell her, or she'd be smart and have it figured out already, but eh. I'm just glad for a TQ spoiler, even if it only lasts one day.

Edit: From Anonymous of SoapDish: News travels quickly, and the Quartermaines discover that Lulu is pregnant with Dillon's baby - another heir, but all hell breaks loose when they hear the teen is considering abortion. Tracy worries for LuLu and tries to be sensitive to Luke and how he'll take the news. Nikolas stands by his sister. Sounds like speculation based on what we already know, but as with everything, we'll see...

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Random thought of the day:

I'll say it again b/c I am being selfish, but I don't want JE to leave the show. That being said, if she does leave the show, when they inevidably bring her back down the line she'll have a great sl and rating will be good again b/c it seems like she brings the show back from the grave every time she returns. And her huge return storyline will always be a major plus.

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knh, I just can't see her returning after this time. I love her, but let's face it. She's a woman, she's almost 60, and that stuff doesn't happen often. Then again, GH let her return in '03, so I guess it can happen again.

nex, these are the "Tracy comforts Alan" scenes from AJ's memorial. Credit NikEmilyLover, but if anyone asks, I didn't share 'em. ;) You're supposed to register to get their stuff, and while I am registered, I actually got them from someone else. Shhh. ;)

MinervaFan, I sent you an email.

EVEN MORE SPOILERS (um, you might not like them...)





From SOW: Edward and Tracy want Lulu to have the baby so that the scandal regarding the defective condoms doesn't go public. Are they serious? Come on. I get the the Q's are family over everything (except maybe money...heh), but do you know how "evil" this is going to make the Q's look? If they want Lulu to have the baby, this shouldn't be the reason. *sigh*

Also...More news on GF's return. Laura wakes up a la the movies Awakenings (the victims of an encephalitis epidemic many years ago have been catatonic ever since, but now a new drug offers the prospect of reviving them) and The Notebook (an old man tells an old woman about their life together, and finally, one day, she remembers). TG is very talented, and I don't mind if Luke visits Laura every once in awhile, but if I'm going to have to listen to monologue upon monologue on how Luke/Laura came to be and how their love is one that cannot be destroyed...UGH. Sorry, guys, just had to rant, and hopefully, since most of us, a minority we may be, are in favor of Tracy/Luke and not Tracy/Laura, I figured that'd it be okay to express my anger. :)

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Rats. Another full week of no TQ. I bet JE's garden is in great shape, and her house has never been so clean. :( Oddly enough, I actually watched the entire episode yesterday - no fast-forwarding at all. It was a revelation.

  1. After two minutes of therapy, Sonny Corinthos has opened up Uncle Sonny's House of Counseling and counts every single resident of Port Charles amonst his clients.
  2. Georgie Jones Quartermaine has been submitted to the Vatican for immediate cannonization. Her treatment of Lulu was amazingly generous, considering. And if she just hands over Dillon without a fight to "do the right thing," she is the Idiot Saint of Port Charles. (Actually, just the latest in a long line of idiotically sainted women....)
  3. At one point, Sam and Ric were real characters, weren't they? Not these fake, evil, horrible, loathesome caricatures they've become, right? And Alexis? Girl, go to the doctor, castrate your husband, kick your "daughter" in the ass, and get on with it.
  4. Anna, he's cute. Stop pushing. We will have Scrubs ad nauseum for months and months. You don't have to make it worse.
  5. Alexis needs a friend. (I know I've mentioned this storyline before.) How bout Luke? Yeah, Luke could come home, kick Ric's ass for his bud "Natasha" and drag Tracy (kicking and screaming) into a storyline that has nothing to do with the stupid teenagers. (Maybe in gratitude, Alexis warns Luke about Lorenzio, and together he and TQ set about protecting the Qs from Alcazar.) And maybe pretty pink peppermint popsicles will rain down from the sky like the Fourth of Freakin' July....
Okay, I've just depressed myself. I want TQ on the screen, and not just as set dressing.

Oh, and MsQ--sent back my comments on the revised finale of "The Right Thing." Ya'll are going to love it. :) Much with the LuNacy joy.

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ABout the spoilers...well at least TQ is on:

spoiler talk

I was afraid somehow some way or another Tracy and the Q's would come out looking bad.

And while I realize defective condoms is a bad thing...the box says 95% effective....which means not 100% which means any lawsuits would be a waste of time. Right?

So the news gets out defective condoms were made. It isn't exactly the Q's fault...more like the fault of the inspectors on the line in the factory.

It's not like it wouldn't be the first scandal for the Q's...and how do THEY know Lulu wouldn't have ended up pregnant anyway?

95% remember?

They can't say it's because the condoms were defective. It can't be proven beyond a reasonable doubt right?

Don't apologize about GF/Laura Ms.Q. I know there are some on this board that like both or one of them. LOL

I'm just not one of them. I've hated her boring butt ever since her married to Scotty days.

Soooo overrated and overhyped...both the character and the actress.

Well ya'll let's start planning how we're going to entertain ourselves during Laura's return cause I doubt we'll get much if any Tracy.


You know I hate the part about Tracy and the Q's seemingly only wanting the kid cause of the scandal.....but Lulu IS Carly Jr. and her butt is going to get propped to Kingdom Come...at the expense of our girl and her family for starters. Guess we better get used to it.

spoiler talk over

Can't wait for your fic update Ms.Q.

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Ms.Q thanks of the clip and I swear I will not tell a soul. :)

MF, you know its so funny that you said that you watched yesterdays entire episode without using the FFW button, because I did the same thing. And I agree 100% with everything you said. I am sooo over Dr. Phil umm Sonny Mr. helpful and insightful it makes me want to puke! Its amazing just three sessions with Lainey and suddenly he is cured!?! *gag*

And Alexis....don't even get me started! Back in the day (way before Tracy came back to town) I LOVED her, she could do no wrong in my eyes. I loved her and Ned they were my obsession. :D When they broke those two up I was heartbroken and it was all down hill from there. I do agree however, with Alexis on the way Sam is just so pathetic with Jason.

Here is hoping that all the TQ spoilers for the next few weeks come true!


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*waves to MsQ*

ETA: *angel2devil snuck in while I was typing.* *WAVES to angel2devil*

Any TQ on today? I'm working two hospitals this week and next, and I'm stressing like a lunatic. Knowing TQ was waiting on my VCR when I got home would make me very very happy.

Anybody working on any new stories? Anybody got something in the pipeline for the Day in the Life challenge? Stories? Vids? Graphic art? Interpretive dance? Haiku?

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*waves to MinervaFan and coolkid*

The Right Thing has been completed. Thanks to MinervaFan for looking it over for me! Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Chapter 9.

Your comments about GH are so much interesting than the actual show, MinervaFan. Not that I watch enough of the show to know, but you know what I mean. What you said about Sonny reminds me of what someone wrote at SoapZone. It was a parody that had most of the couples going to couple's therapy, and in the end the counselor that showed up turned out to be Sonny. LOL.

According to SoapZone...lots of Lulu, Dillon, and Georgie. Mommy dearest is running around Port Charles trying to find everyone's stash of condoms, so she can replace them with non-defective ones. (can't take credit for that...came from SoapDish) :lol:

Hmm...Haiku's go 5 syllables, 7, 5, right? *thinks*


Where did our show go?

Oh, please give it back to us.

We deserve better.

Yes, I know that was a rhetorical question, but heh. I couldn't resist. I do know that one of us in this thread is working on a vid. She told me the other night. ;)






Regarding ELQ: It's about going out their way to make the Quartermaines "evil." I hate it, but it's the truth. Edward/Tracy don't want Lulu to have the baby for the baby's sake (or even because it's a potential heir). Oh no. They want her to have it, so they can avoid a lawsuit. Whatever, GH. And ILoveTracyQ, that is an excellent point. After this all plays out, and the Q's get the blame, one of us needs to write the mags again and point out the 95% effective thing. Never thought I'd consider writing a letter about condoms, LOL. *sigh* If Lulu is the nuCarly, Dillon is the nuAJ. Uh oh…

This is apparently the quote from SOW for anyone who's interested: "Tracy and Edward start conspiring after realizing Lulu's pregnancy is their fault. ELQ manufactured the brand of condoms that Lulu and Dillon used. They want Lulu to have the baby and not make a big deal about the condoms so they can cover up the whole thing and not be sued by other pregnant women." Doesn't sound like the exact quote, but it's probably pretty close.

You know, I do love that Edward/Tracy are conspiring together since it means they're on the same side. But…WHY must it be about ELQ's defective condoms? Out of all the possible things…*shakes head*

About Laura's return: Well, we're not exactly getting much Tracy now, but we tend to overlook it since Luke is gone. Once Luke is back, and sharing most of his scenes with Laura…*sigh* The lack of Tracy will be much more noticeable. Okay…Whatever happens, promise me you guys won't completely abandon this thread. Even come November if JE leaves, we can still come up with something. We can do a "Clip of the Day" that features our girl. We can still do fanfic. We can still do a lot of things. I guess, eventually, the thread will die no matter what (:o), so how about we promise to keep it alive as long as we can? :)

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MsQ I pm'ed you the lil story thing.

Spoiler Discuss thingy







Tracy and Edward start conspiring after realizing Lulu's pregnancy is their fault. ELQ manufactured the brand of condoms that Lulu and Dillon used. They want Lulu to have the baby and not make a big deal about the condoms so they can cover up the whole thing and not be sued by other pregnant women..... LMFAO!!! Okay I like that Tracy and Edward are actually working together but seriously now this sl is starting to sound really ridiculous! JMHO.

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"knh, I just can't see her returning after this time. I love her, but let's face it. She's a woman, she's almost 60, and that stuff doesn't happen often. Then again, GH let her return in '03, so I guess it can happen again."

I know... I agree, but I'm keeping my optomism alive and kickin' anyway.

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