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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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*yay* for Ms.Q. I bought the mag and was going to do the recap. Went and left it at home though. LOL

I DID wonder if it was one of us. I knew it wasn't me but had a feeling it might be Ms.Q or MinervaFan.

Great letter Ms.Q. Doesn't it make you feel proud? :)

Did anyone also catch that in Carolyn Hinsey's mention of GH she brought up the same scenes?

She didn't have much to say other than that she liked the way it was played. That Tracy guessed the truth and basically just busted Lulu.


Oh and there's a small pic of Tracy/Lulu in her column with a caption referring to how Tracy told Lulu she reminds her of herself.

LaineyBev that was an awesome story. If only.....I'd love to see something similiar play out on RealGH.

I love everyone's answers to the TQ survey but I'll add my own...some are just "ditto this" and "right on's"...LOL but I'll post them anyway.

Kinda cool we all pretty much see her alike.

Question #1:

What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

I think she wishes she were a better mom and that she had better judgement when it comes to men but I'm not sure Tracy wishes she could go back and change anything. She's not one to cry over spilt milk or dwell on regrets.


Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

I think she mostly thinks of Lila.


Tracy can secretly ____________. And only _______ knows it.

Tracy can secretly crack a safe (Marco taught her) and only Marco knows it. Although I think Luke wouldn't be surprised.


Tracy would die for her family and/or other loved ones like Luke.


What Tracy loves best about Luke is....I think Tracy loves everything about Luke except that he's not socially acceptable in her circles. That's a big thing that IMO that GH has just dropped the ball on. Other than one particular show I can remember (New Year's Eve?) where the Q's were talking about all the Country Club complaints about Luke...and TG got this hurt look on his face for a second...and Jane as Tracy seemed to play it as if she'd known all along they were complaining and never said anything to Luke.

That's something that should be more explored. Of course I guess it makes more sense to explore it only if they are a "real" couple. *Snort*


Tracy admires Alan Monica and Lila all equally I think.


Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

Yeah. LOL This was kind of an out of place question.


Tracy keeps _______ in her nightstand.

Junk food. LOL And she keeps a padlock on the drawer. She'd die if anyone knew she had a trashy romance novel and moon pies in there.


Tracy is currently reading....in public The Wall Street Journal I guess. In private she's reading above mentioned trashy romance novel.


Tracy's best traits are:

Her loyalty and fierce love and protectiveness of family.

Her sense of humor and ability to bounce back.

Her lack of "poor pitiful me". Her wit and ability to be charming when she wants to be. The fact that underneath it all she is a romantic.


Tracy's worst traits are: Pretty much the same as everyone else's choices: greed, selfishness, meanness, tendency to ignore or write off other's feelings and needs/wants/desires if it doesn't fit with HER plan for them: ala Dillon w/Georgie and Ned with ALL his wives/girlfriends.

#12 Essay question:

The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

I don't know if I'm the world's biggest Tracy fan or Jane fan. I do know that I grew up watching GH and JE captured my attention from the very first moment I saw her as Tracy, her coming down the stairs with her suitcase after Daddy banished her in 1980. At least that was my first clear memory of her.

And in those short final scenes she sucked me in and hooked me and I've been a Tracy/JE fan(also watched her on DOOL) ever since.

I agree with Ms.Q's assessment: she's my favorite actress on GH(probably my favorite actress of any genre) and probably THE best actress on GH currently.

I think Tracy is classic, timeless and complex.

As Ms.Q also said(I shoulda just "ditto'd" her response) she can make me laugh, cry, and make me want to smack her and then hug her....all in the space of a few minutes.

NO other character on GH can do that.

She's just....awesome.

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

ETA *waves* to all lurking.

Where's coolkid and everyone else?

It's not the same if we don't hear from everyone. Post people. NOW. :)


*passes around Orange Blossom muffins and milk from the breakroom*

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Thanks to everyone for all the kind words. You guys are great!!!! I think I might have another fanfic bubbling in me... we'll see. :D :D

I'm off now to upgrade my operating system (I bought it! I bought it!). Hopefully in a little while I will actually be able to see some of the clips and vids you guys have posted in the past. I have never been able to see any of them because my "older" (It's barely 3 years old) Mac OS doesn't work with the "flip" software needed to see .wmv..... but all that should change really soon! I'm off!

(And if I don't get back on later tonight it's because I messed something up!!) :(:(

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Started on my Tracy Q piece. Not sure what I'll name it as yet. The first chapter is not nearly finished, but the first bout of writing landed me at 1,932 words per minute and roughly 3 1/2 pages in Word. After some brainstorming, I'm off to write a little more.

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Thanks. It's funny. After I found out that the letter was published, I thought, Hmm...A lot of people in this thread are familiar with the way I write/words things. If anyone of them read it, they're gonna know it's me. LOL. Anyway, here is Part 1 and Part 2. There's even a little photo of JE/Tracy and my quote. Heh.

LaineyBev, the old clips/videos will need to be re-uploaded since SendSpace/YouSendIt/MegaUpload (all those places) don't last forever. If you have any requests of what you want to see first, you know you can post them here.

Keith, yay! You're writing more goodness. Can't wait to read it.

And as some of us mentioned, where is everyone? coolkid, tracyluver, angel, 4XCrazy, kenna, and anyone else who hasn't posted in a really long time...We miss ya!

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Ms. Q , This was the first one of these LuNacy things I was ever able to see. So fun! Love it! Thanks for sharing!!! Okay.. who's got more of these LuNacy vids that are 1) still on Sendspace or 2) you don't mind uploading to sendspace!??! (I think I'm about to go over the edge on this LuNacy thing.. I may need to dial back soon. I'm beginning to scare myself :o:o:o )

Yeah! Can't wait to read it. Go Keith !!!!

(You think us newbies are beginning to write because of the Tracy Dearth? Think that's our motivation?)

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Thanks LaineyBev. It was more of a Tracy video than a LuNacy one, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll start uploading other videos to SendSpace right now. (I'll edit them in as they become available.) :)

Keith, thanks! I wish it sounded more professional though, LOL.

Edit: Some videos for LaineyBev...

2 of mine...

(I'll Remember and the LuNacy Promo should still be on SendSpace)

Accidentally in Love. Luke/Tracy fun/romantic video.

Time After Time. Luke/Tracy romantic video. My transitions are "eh," but it's something. ;)

2 of nex's...

Accidentally in Love. Another Luke/Tracy video. Very, very fun.

Ohh La La. A cute, fun, upbeat TQ video.

1 of MinervaFan's...

Nana. Another cute, fun, upbeat TQ video. Out of all of MF's vids, this one is my favorite.

knh, I have the 12/09/03 and 2/17/04 clips. I'll get them up (as well as other vids) in my next post. And thanks for the feedback on the video. I was kind of worried, since I randomly chose most of the clips, LOL, but so far, it seems that people are enjoying it.

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Hey all! It's been a while so I thought I'd stop in and say a quick hi.

Ms. Q- I loved the new video, it's not like any of the others I've seen on here. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE them all, but this one is strictly Tracy. It's very playful, upbeat, and fun but it still has her feistiness and a lot of her other characteristics at the same time.

LB- loved the first story. I hope you write some more soon.

I am still looking for some of those clips from earlier if anyone's got them (there are quite a bit, so I'll have to go back and see what they all were). Some of them were:11/14/03 (Tracy and Dillon when he was in the hospital after being shot), 12/09/03 (when she bails Dillon out of jail by pretending he is crazy). 2/17/04 (at the hospital after hotel fire), 3/10/06 (luke and tracy scenes)... Thanks so much in advance

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[little thought or suggestion... thougt I'd just put it out there, let it kick around a while and you can all do with it what you will (I don't have the clips or the know-how to put anything together) Ms. Q's TRacy video made me think or having one about Tracy and all her men (any of them that are involved in her life, the sons, Luke, Robert, old boyfriends and husbands... anything. The second thing was a clip with the song Don't Wanna. I don't know if anyone here has ever heard of Cheryl Wheeler, but let me just say she's awesome. She's a folk singer, but I think this song would be great for a vid about Luke and Tracy. I can't find a clip yet to put up here, but I have the song to upload if anyone wants it. The lyrics are here.


the song is at this link.


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For LaineyBev...

1 of kenna's videos...

Not Ready to Make Nice. One of the best TQ videos ever. Emphasis is on her relationship with Edward (also Tracy/Dillon, Tracy/Alan, Tracy/Luke).

For knh...

12/09/03: Dillon pretends to be crazy.

Credit to GH Heaven1.

2/17/04 Part 1: The Q's gather. Tracy goes on about ELQ and the Quartermaine legacy. (JE kicks all sort of butt and looks really nice in these scenes). Dillon knows that Tracy is afraid Edward is going to die.

2/17/04 Part 2: Skye/Justus talk about Edward. Tracy/Dillon discuss rejection.

2/17/04 Part 3: Tracy visits Edward after his surgery. Helena threatens the Q's since the fire resulted in Nikolas's "death."

Credit to Arie.

Will have more in the near future. :)

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*waves* to all.

Ms.Q I did have a strong feeling the letter was yours when I read it but I wasn't sure.

It's always a shock when they print something you write...I haven't written a public opinion letter in a while but the few times I have in the past they usually get published or a line or two will be mentioned in some way.

It's a nice feeling to know you were noticed but I'd rather have TIIC notice it and DO something about it.

Ms.Q you also asked a few pages back when I complimented you on your latest vid if I meant your promo or vid....I liked both. LOL

The promo was different and the vid was great. Probably the best Lacy one I've ever seen. It captured pretty much ALL their different facets and little moments and watching that video just emphasizes the fact that while Lacy aren't on much they do so much with their time. Of course most of it has been silly but even the silly moments have had their touching soft sides.

Remember the Markham Islands?


Kook Spencer was impressed with his Spanky Buns riding in to save them all that day. :)

knh I love the "Tracy and her men" idea for a vid.

And the song for a Lacy vid would also fit. I really liked the song and think it fits Tracy/Luke pretty well.

Let's see....for Tracy and her men we need: Tracy/Edward scenes; Tracy/Alan; Tracy/Larry; Tracy/Mitch; Tracy/Scott; Tracy/Harlan; Tracy/David; Tracy/Paul; Tracy/Marco; Tracy/Alex; Tracy/Gino; Tracy/Jacob;

Tracy/Luke and last but not least Tracy/Ned and Tracy/Dillon.

*whew* Good luck finding some of those.

I know they're out there somewhere. But wouldn't it be awesome to include all of those in one vid? Or maybe it would have to be a two part vid. LOL

Some of them I'd rather forget and some of them ultimately Tracy would rather forget and some of them just aren't that important enough to include.

Isn't it funny....and very telling about the character...that we can list at least a dozen male relationships that probably shaped her or affected her in some way...but only really three female ones:

Tracy/Lila; Tracy/Monica; and Tracy/Zoey(yes I'm including her. :)

Oh and I'd love to include Tracy/Lulu. I guess we can throw her in there, LOL.

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ILoveTracyQ - did I just see love and Lulu in the same sentence? I didn't think you had it in you. :P

Making progress on my first chapter. Still need a title. I've done about three or four little vignettes. I think I may work on extending them, because they seem very short to me. Never satisfied. :P It's currently at 8/9 pages in word, a little over 4500 words. I think I'd be happy with about 15 Word pages per chapter. Just have to get there. I should get back to writing.

Edit: Where'd the Olive scene take place? The MetroCourt? Or Jake's?

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