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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms. Q, you are doing a GREAT job!! (But I gotta tell you...if you want to go faster on the "getting them together thing," I would not be opposed. Ha!) :lol::lol::lol:

It's all part of my (now very sad and pitiful) Tracy & Luke addiction/obsession. GH isn't helping.. so I am seeking my "fix" elsewhere!!

Audrey!! Audrey!!! No Tracy, but Audrey!?!?!?! What the heck? When's the last time we saw her?!?!??! I wasn't even aware GH had a deal where they could bring her back for a day like that. (She looked great by the way!)

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Question #1: What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

I agree with the sons thing.

#2: Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

Or her own regrets.

#3: Tracy can secretly kick ass. And only Luke knows it.

#4: Tracy would give anything for Edward to respect her.

#5: What Tracy loves best about Luke is the challenge.

#6: Tracy admires her mother more than any other person on earth. Living or dead.

#7: Tracy has been married 5 times and name her husbands in order: Larry Ashton, Mitch Williams, Paul Hornsby, Gino Soleito, and of course, our wonderful Kuke...I mean Luke.


Tracy keeps pepper spray in her nightstand.


Tracy is currently reading Wicked.


Tracy's best traits are: her determination and drive.


Tracy's worst traits are: her lack of self-esteem, penchant for deception, and her impossible jealousy.

#12 Essay question:

The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

Why am a Tracy fan? That question is rhetorical? Well, I love my underdogs. And veteran actresses. Jane Elliot is a star, plain and simple. Until 2003, I didn't know what a Tracy Quartermaine was. Ever since, boy do I ever. I fell for that woman then and she barely did anything but drop her son off. When I heard she was coming on full force, I nearly wet myself. Oh, the possibilities. At the same time, GH had been taking a turn for the worse, and I couldn't really watch. I soldiered on, and watched our girl whenever I could. And I got some real treats. Lila's death rocked me to the core. Elliot hit a triple homerun. Just brilliant. The PC Fire sucked like nothing else, but there was a highlight. Tracy and her boys. Then came the moment that we never expected--her marriage to Luke. We hate this man because she deserves better, but we cheer him because he grants her more airtime than TPTB feel she deserves. More recently, we were introduced to a side of Tracy we haven't seen in this tenure before. Olive!Tracy, CurlyHair!Tracy, and Tender!Tracy. There's no better kind of love.

ETA: 118!

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#1: What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

Leaving her sons for long periods of time.

#2: Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

These days, it’s Luke – always Luke.

#3 Tracy can secretly _touch her nose with her tongue_. And only _Dillon_ knows it.

#4 Tracy would _die__ for __Luke__.

#5 What Tracy loves best about Luke is __the way he looks at her when he thinks nobody is looking__.

#6 Tracy admires _Luke_ more than any other person on earth. Living or dead. (You want me to say Lila.. but I’m not going to do it!!)

#7 Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

Lord Larry Ashton, Mitch Williams, Paul Hornsby, that guy from “The City” (It starts with an “S.” Solieto?), Luke Spencer (So 5. Is that right?)

#8 Tracy keeps _a silver flask of Greygoose_ in her nightstand.

#9 Tracy is currently reading _The Lesbian Karma Sutra_. (She’s been trying to get some inspiration to swing the other way for a while. Men haven’t worked out very well.)

#10 Tracy's best traits are: her willingness to stand up for herself no matter what!!, her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

#11 Tracy's worst traits are: her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

#12 Essay question: The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan (or just a Tracy fan) is: her willingness to stand up for herself no matter what!!, her sarcasm, her !@#$%^&*]iness, her cut-throat do or die attitude.

I love “women of substance.” Tracy is a “woman of substance” (She is only one of a handful on daytime TV, where vapid pretty women rule ---until they’re no longer vapid and pretty. Then they fade into the background like Bobbie and Monica).

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I'm ready.

Question #1:

What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

Not giving Ned and Dillon the kind of mother she had. A present and supportive one.


Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood?

Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

A little bit of all of them. She thinks of the life she would've had if things had ever gone her way.


Tracy can secretly tie a man in knots with her tongue. And only Robert Scorpio knows it.


Tracy would kill for her boys.


What Tracy loves best about Luke is his wit.


Tracy admires Alan more than any other person on earth, because he has their father's respect.


Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

She's a five-timer. 1. Lord Larry Asston...I mean, Ashton. 2. !@#$%^&*] Williams--uh, Mitch. 3. Paul Hornysby (wow, this is getting old). 4. Gino Solieto...nothing I can do to that name. Besides, he's a mobster; he might come back from the dead to kick my ass. 5. Fluke Spencer; that sounds about right.


Tracy keeps a voice recorder in her nightstand. You never know when you'll have a particularly EVOL idea to ruin someone's life. Or just, you know, wanna hear yourself speak.


Tracy is currently reading Wicked Gelphie fanfiction. She knew as soon as she started reading the book that they'd been getting it on for a while.


Tracy's best traits are:

Her ability to detect and see through bullshit, her seductive hair flip, her legs, smile, her deviousness, her somewhat warped dedication to family.


Tracy's worst traits are:

Her inability to pull off her schemes without getting caught, her inability to stand up to her father, her greed, her process for choosing prospective life mates, her definitely warped efforts to protect her family.

#12 Essay question:

The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

Because I saw her and I didn't see the ghost of beauty, I saw beauty as it still exists today. I'm not turned off by the though of this woman in low-cut dress. I'm not turned off by the thought of her having done dark things for whatever purpose she deemed necessary. I'm not turned off by the fact that she has two adult sons and that she sometimes hardly seems to know them. I think there's more to her than we will ever see again. I think she is seductive, intelligent, deep, haunted, and scarred. Women like that fascinate me because I can rewrite them however I wish and they will still be who they are. Because they perservere when a number of us would've given up. They move on, they push their experiences and pain into a tiny box and shove it to the darkest corner of their minds, and then they keep going. And they hardly complain about what was done to them, instead accepting their part in it, even in its unfairness. They are strong women with weak points. Tracy Quartermaine is this woman and though I doubt she will ever be allowed to rise above her sub-Hell pedestal, I know she's better than she gets credit for. That's why I watch her and that's why I write her. It's why I'm a fan.

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Hey peeps....I haven't even thought of answers to my own questions yet but I LURVE everyone else's.

It's so nice just to bask in the Tracy love. :)

BTW....I've mentioned "Solace" before but thought I'd bring it up again and provide a link for anyone who hasn't read it that might want to.

It IS unfinished and sadly will remain unfinished but the TQ stuff in it for the most part is very good.

It's an ensemble fic....and TQ's part in it is minimal at first....if memory serves(it's been a while since I've read it) she doesn't even show up (although she's talked about) until chapter 77 or so.

And as Ms.Q and I discussed before there are things the writer has TQ doing in the beginning we felt were out of character (you'll know when you read it what we mean).

But when TQ really starts getting involved in the action it gets better.

I love the story purely for Tracy and Victor Cassadine.

It's worth the read just for that alone.

I read the whole thing in one sitting (took me alllll day but I did it). I sped read through all non TQ parts but you do kinda need to read the non TQ parts to know what's going on.

Anyway enough talking about it.

Here's the link for those interested:


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My Answers to the Survey:

Question #1: What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

She would definitely be a better mother to her sons.

#2:Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood? Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

I think she gives herself time to be angry, to feel her pain, to mourn her losses. Then she gets over it and starts working on making things better.

#3 Tracy can secretly sing beautifully. And only Dillon knows it, although Ned suspects.

#4 Tracy would die for love.

#5 What Tracy loves best about Luke is the fact that she doesn't have to hide her true nature with him.

#6 Tracy admires Lila more than any other person on earth. Living or dead.

#7 Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

Everybody's done this, so I'll respond with her nicknames for them. "Pinky" Ashton (named for the color of the frilly underthings he wore on their honeymoon; "Moontchie" Williams (was "Mitchie" until he pissed her off; now he's Moontchie); "LyingCheatingWhoringBastard" Hornsby (no explanation needed); "Stiffy" Solieto (not a sexual thing, really. She just came up with it when she and Zoe were carting his dead body off to the laundry room); and "Kook" Spencer.

#8 Tracy keeps a picture of her sons in her nightstand.

#9 Tracy is currently reading The Art of War.

#10 Tracy's best traits are: Strength, perserverence, cleverness, adaptability.

#11 Tracy's worst traits are: Selfishness, low self-esteem, greed.

#12 Essay question:

The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is:

I am not the world's biggest Tracy fan. I'm just a fan. I think she is amazing, tough, beautiful, sexy and smart. She makes mistakes, but she perserveres. She has regrets, but she makes no excuses. And even when she has a legitimate reason for laying blame, she doesn't. She loves with everything in her, even when reason dictates she should hold back. She is fiercely loyal, smarter than her peers, and tougher than most of us would ever dream of being. She shows faith in a family that treats her like dirt, and never loses her ability to love them--regardless of what they are doing. When the s**t hits the fan, she's there--okay, she may be throwing somebody to the wolves, but not the people she loves. Not the people who have earned her love--and even those who don't deserve it but get it anyway. She's complex, intelligent, and one of the most fascinating characters I've ever watched/read about/written. Yeah, that stuff.

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Help... I wrote a little LuNacy fanfic (or tried to anyway), but now i'm having all sorts of posting issues.. because I'm a bit of a web idiot. Fanfiction.net isn't going to work for me because I have a Mac, but it's not 10.3 OSX or higher. It's only 10 OSX.. and yeah, yeah, yeah.. I'm going to upgrade anyday now, but I haven't yet, and my current operating system won't work with this software ff.net says I need to use. So.. I just opened a livejournal account.. but now I'm completely at a loss about how I get my little story out of my computer and linked to the TQ ficathon community. Help please! (and gosh.. don't be too rough on my story.. I tried REALLY hard! And while I sorta like it, it's not nearly as good as I wanted it to be. Oy)

Edited : I did it! My little fanfic, called "Surprise," is now on the tq_ficathon.

Yeah! Finally! It took me awhile.

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(Kind of) brief rant: Didn't watch today, but from recaps and such, I gather that TIIC are trying to manipulate viewers into thinking that Sonny is a really, really, really good man, who is all helpful, sympathetic, and that sort of thing. Please tell me this isn't happening. And please tell me that people other than my sister are not actually falling for it. *pukes* And WHY is Sonny CORINTHOS the first conscious person (other than Lulu herself) to learn about the SPENCER-QUARTERMAINE baby? I know it's just a show, one that I don't even bother with if my girl isn't on, but this stuff really frustrates me. UGH! Can someone tell me I'm not alone? LOL.

Catching up...

Keith, about Ned...Guess I'm just being hopeful, LOL. I'm choosing to believe we'll still him at Q gatherings and at Christmas. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, can I ask if you referring to the "I'll Remember" video or the promo? Either way, thanks for the feedback. :)

LaineyBev, when creating a post, try typing this <lj-cut text="Read more"> The text of your story goes here </lj-cut> I hope that works. If not, you can always SendSpace it. Looking forward to reading what you came up with. :)Edit: Oops. I should probably tell you how to create a post. Go to the TQ Ficathon, and then click User Info. Near the top, there are 6 icon image thingies. You want to click on the 2nd one (blue pencil). You should be able to post from there.

I did the survey in my head (well, most of questions) before reading everyone else's responses, yet I still ended up with some of the same answers. Heh. I'll share them anyway...

#1 What would Tracy go back and change about her life? Try to choose only ONE thing.

I am completely with nex on this one. At first I wanted to say witholding "Daddy's" heart medication, but I really do think it how she raised (err, in Ned's case, didn't raise) her boys.

#2 Who does she think of most when in a melancholy mood? Lost loves? Lost battles? Or her own regrets? Or something else.

All of the above. Can I do that? LOL.

#3 Tracy can secretly (This is a such a fun question.) And only (But I don't have an answer.) knows it.

#4 Tracy would die for her sons.

#5 What Tracy loves best about Luke is the fact that he accepts her for who she is. (I think MinervaFan had a similar answer.)

#6 Tracy admires Lila more than any other person on earth. Living or dead.

#7 Tracy has been married how many times and name her husbands in order.

All of us did this question already, and I don't have any neat nicknames, LOL, so I'll just skip over it.

#8 Tracy keeps a photo of Lila in her nightstand.

#9 Tracy is currently reading *skips over question*

#10 Tracy's best traits are: ambition, strength, protectiveness of her family (even if she messed it up), not being afraid of saying what's on her mind (Can't think of the word for that, LOL.)

#11 Tracy's worst traits are: selfishness, low self-esteem, believing she always knows what's best (of course, that might fall in the selfishness category...), forever trying to earn her father's approval (not really a "trait", but I threw it in there anyway)

#12 Essay question: The reason I am the world's biggest Tracy fan(or just a Tracy fan) is: *pouts* I hate essay questions. I'll have a response to this later. ;)

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For those of you who haven't read it, LaineyBev714's story Surprise! has been reposted to the TQ Ficathon. (I reposted it mainly because SendSpace doesn't last forever, and frankly, that story should be accessible for longer than five days, dangit!) Personal note--oh, ya'll have to read this one. It's sexy, snarky, romantic, and fun. A great first effort by LaineyBev714, who needs to write more more more.....

Just pimping the ficathon, cuz ya'll know it's what I do.....

Oh, catching up on some personal stuff this morning, and then I plan on getting into the fic writing big time. *toddles off to do some work, thinking of Venetian glass and Paris balconies*

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Kind of a long post ahead (Where is everybody?)...

LaineyBev, I can't believe that is your first Luke/Tracy fanfic! You are brilliant. I agree with MinervaFan, it's sexy, romantic, snarky...You must write more. And Luke got her presents? Aww. Loved all the narrative you incorporated, and the dialogue was perfect. I loved it. :D

My Response to the ESSAY Question...dum, dum, dum.

Why do I :wub: Tracy? *inhales* Because she's a fun, intelligent, snarky, strong, determined, and complex character. She doesn't pretend to be someone she's not. Everything she does is for a reason (maybe not always a good reason), and when she messes up, she can admit it (i.e. "I made a mistake. I am trying to fix it." ~Tracy to Emily, late 2004). She doesn't accept people's garbage. She isn't just a b-tch. Outside her tough exterior, there's this woman who's (and I quote Wally Kurth) "hurting and desperately crying out for love" and respect. Probably the love and respect that Edward's denied her since birth. :( I love how she's willing to do anything for her family. She's loyal to those Quartermaines even if they don't deserve it. She can have me laughing in one moment, wanting to smack her in another, and wanting to hug her 5 minutes later. Toss in the fact that she's portrayed by one of the best actresses on General Hospital (all right, the BEST as far as I'm concerned), and you got my only reason for watching this show. *exhales*

Tracy can secrety sing the alphabet backwards. And only Alan knows it. (It was this thing they did as kids....I don't know. :lol:)

Another video. Nothing special. Just a bunch of TQ clips to music. Gotta thank the sister for pointing out that this site has a lot of short MP3's for videos and such.

And finally...

Yes, I'm quoting myself, but um, guys? This is my letter. :blink: I sent it after the Tracy/Lulu/advice scenes. My first one ever. I didn't think it'd get published, LOL. And not once did I mention how "wonderful" JE is (although, I do agree...). I mentioned JB, SC, and JE working "wonderfully" together. There's a difference. Heh.

Anyway, that's why I figured it wasn't mine. Oh, and I'd like to say that SOD changed "amazed with Jane Elliot" to "amazed at Jane Elliot," which makes it sound like I used the wrong preposition. I guess I should've wrote "amazed by," but "amazed at?" No sense IMO. Who is editing these things? LOL. And since most of us are probably going, "What the heck is she talking about," I might scan it later, or at least provide details if anyone is interested. Question though...Should we be happy about a pro-JE letter even if it came from me? I was kinda hoping someone other than us would take the time out to write something. Eh, well...JE got a mention in the Mail Bag regardless. *smile*






Looks like the actual Lorenzo/Quartermaine spoiler is that Lorenzo tells Robert he'll destroy them, if he doesn't reveal Skye's whereabouts. *sigh* This means the Q's don't even have to be involved.

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Yay Jane's in the Mailbag! And so is Ms. Q! Double-score! I wanna see! :D

So Lorenzo/Quartermaines spoiler is really Lorenzo/Robert? Dumb.

LaineyBev, yet to read your little slice of fic, but I'm going to now, because it's been so talked about I can't not read it.

Edit: Read it. It rocks. Left a comment on the Ficathon. Oh, and, I've begun what I think will become a several chapter fic. I may be looking for a beta reader, if anyone's interested. I'm probably going to be very imptient with myself as far as length. I need word, I miss being able to do word count and have page breaks, damn it. Oh well.

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