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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Pleasepleaseplease, if somebody gets the clips of Jane on SoapTalk today, please post them here.

Re: fic--I have one prompt finished, one hand-written and needing to be input, and another one writing itself in my head while I should be thinking about work. I'd post the finished one, but it's ouf of order, and I want to add more to it when I get a chance. hopefully, I'll have some time to type up my hand-written piece tonight or tomorrow night. Domestic relations have been less than peaceful at Casa Del Minervafan lately, which means less time on the computer and more time out of the house trying to escape the drama.

speaking of drama--


The whole Lulu getting shot thing--I could see it bringing Tracy and Luke together, actually, unless it's a Quartermaine at fault. I mean, look at how much the whole Monkey Fever incident got them together--for a while at least. I rewatched my Luke/Tracy DVD last night (Lulu arrives through the beginning of the Monkey Fever SL), and there is a marked difference in their relationship before the Monkey Fever incident and after. It's like, there's more substance there now, more depth. The looks between them are more meaningful, the conversations (when they happen) are more emotionally charged.

I think they fell in love with each other during that crisis, when their children's lives were in the balance, and they couldn't scheme or bully or joke it away.

And then, when life got back to normal, they didn't know what to do with themselves. The rules were changed, subtly, and both of them floundered - a lot - trying to figure out what exactly they had become as a couple. (And yeah, they think of themselves as a couple.)

Lulu getting shot could drive it right through, imho. Especially if Luke blamed himself in some way. If Luke blamed Tracy, or Dillon, that could also force the issue--make them have it out, finally, and really just lay their cards on the table. Is this a real marriage? Is this a real family? Let's figure it out and either go live it or end it.

In the end, because this is a soap and drama is what they do, I believe they'll choose to live it, to risk it, to take the chance at love again.

About ten minutes before Saint Laura wafts into the room on a cloud of golden light, surrounded by choirs of heavenly music, with little cartoon birds fluttering around her halo of golden curls.....


/end spoiler talk.

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Is it wrong that I want to be hateful to all the Genie/Laura fans?

It has nothing to do with Tracy....just things people say about GF/Laura that I totally disagree with.

But of course most people might see it as sour grapes on my part so I try to stay quiet.


I try so hard. LOL

But it's so tempting. :)

A genius? Me?

Naaah. If I were,and I were writing this show,I'd kill Laura off.



There I go again. BAD me. BAD.

spumor talk

Hmmmm.....MinervaFan I'd love for your scenario to be true,but Luke will blame Tracy if something happens to Lulu,or he'll blame Dillon..or both of them.

He's a Spencer, and like all Spencers,he makes a career out of making other people the scapegoats.

Nothing is HIS fault,not if he can help it.

Oh some things have been unavoidably Luke's fault,like the rape.

But he won't take the blame for something that happened when he wasn't there.....but he will look for someone else to blame.

If that makes any sense.

I can see Tracy reaching out to him,but if he even remotely blames her....NOPE. No bonding going on there.

Guess ultimately we'll just have to wait and see.

spumor talk over

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*looks around*

Anyone got anything?

Edit #1: *waves to nex and Regency* Come on and post. ;) It's dead in here.

Edit #2: *waves to coolkid and 4XCrazy* Welcome back, 4XCrazy! :D

(I swear I'm not stalking you guys, LOL.)






At SoapZone, someone posted about a newspaper recap that stated "Patrick and Robin desperately try to help Lulu." I'm thinking she does get hurt...So, the question is: Is it a suicide attempt? And is this what "slams Tracy back into motherhood?"

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Hey y'all! How goes it? Thanks for the welcome Ms. Q.

Spumor Talk

To be honest, I wish Tracy would be "smacked back into motherhood" with one of her own children. Like Ned, whom I miss. I'd like to see them have a mother/son scene. However, I take whatever's coming as long as they do it justice. The spumor, let's hope it's true, give Tracy/Jane more screen time and that makes me happy.

/Spumor Talk.

If my brother has half the sense he pretends to have, he taped Soaptalk like I asked him to. If he did, I can try to make clips.

To my fanfiction writers, how are things going with your stories?a

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Okay, I'm in Tracy withdrawal. I haven't seen her since last Tuesday and I need to. I've never menta-ficced so hard in my life. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind not to tape over Mon and Tues because I knew there was a chance I wouldn't see her for awhile. Those eps are my sustenance. Just watching them, I've learned a lot about Tracy's mannerisms and interactions with others; I soaked up her character like a sponge. I'm still working to grasp her voice though.

It's only a spoiler if you know it already

On that front, I started writing a ficlet where Robert kisses Tracy. :rolleyes: It only stars her to the point that he kisses her, so I may write another part where the kiss occurs from her vantage point. Thus far, they're looking at each other, mutually stunned at what he's just done. Yeah, Anna has left the area and Tracy is not amused.

I am in desperate need of more Tracy. It's an addiction.

Quick oddball question: How tall is JE?

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Hi to all the new people :lol: this is the best and the coolest Board on the Net for Tracy Fans! B)

Aww I missed Ya MS.Q

Keith hows the breadmaker goin? I hope you have not got Bread Fever! :D

MinervaFan Bobbie and Tracy I think that would be even better then Lacy, At least Bobbie cant run off and leave her, (unlike Luke <_< ) not that she would.

Regency I think that Jane is around 5'10 cause Ty treadway is 5'11 and when she was on soap talk today she wasnt that much shorter then he was.

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Oh hell, she's baaaaaack! :D

I quit watching GH for a while, mostly because the writing was awful and it made me sick to watch something with so much potential be swallowed into a deep, black hole of really bad writing.

But what everyone has talked about sounds really interesting, so I could possibly start watching again.

It's great to be back!

PS- How is Jane's wardrobe? Is she still stuck in my curtains or that ugly UGLY green dragon thing from the Un-Murder mystery?

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Okay... I'm working late nights all week.. and I got home about 2 hours ago.. and watched the SoapTalk interview.

I have a question -- How come Jane looked so much younger on SoapTalk than she does on General Hospital!?!?! Really, I thought "Jane" looked 10 years younger than "Tracy." I know the lighting on GH HAS to be more sohpisticated than the lighting on a little cable network talk show, so I just don't get it. GH makeup has to be at least partly to blame.

Am I the only one who thought this way? (It could be that I'm just so wacked-out tired that I'm not seeing clearly...)

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Two new fics:

Session Three Prompt #19 - Crazy. Tracy must undergo court-mandated anger management therapy after threatening a traffic cop.

Just Like Precious Prompt #20 - Love. Precious Pie Willoughby loves being a dog--especially frolicking with Misstracy in the Damn-Quartermaine's rose garden.

Prompt #21 already being written in my head.

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LaineyBev the lighting at GH has always been atrocious,plus I think JE generally wears less makeup when she comes on those shows,as opposed to the sometimes harsh stuff they put on her at the studio.

She said she just walked over from the lot but it looked to me like she washed her face or at least took some of the makeup off.

She does look ten years younger on ST though.

*waves to Clinkboom long time no talk.

I can't believe you've missed most of the Lacy marriage.

It has been the only thing keeping me watching,despite the crap writing.

waves to

coolkid,Keith,nex,Ms.Q,LaineyBev,Regency,4xCrazy,MinervaFan and anyone else I missed.


MinervaFan I loved both stories....but the Q's DID have a dog,Annabelle,a pedigree in a romance with the Spencer's mutt named Foster.

Some symbolism there,I think.

And actually Tracy has been banished at least four times....in 78,93,96 and 2003.

Both those stories rocked,and I wouldn't mind seeing more of those therapy sessions.

Great job BTW of getting her there....I knew she'd have to be forced into it somehow.

Both great stories.

The therapy one (actually the dog one too) made me tear up.


SoapTalk....so Jane wants to go back to producing when her daughter leaves the nest.

I'd miss her acting as Tracy(although if she produced GH she could always pop in when necessary).

But I think she'd do awesome at it.

She,Tristan and Tony....running GH.

No doubt it'd be worlds better.

It'd be nice to see TQ before Thursday....hope we get to.

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Hey Clickboom and Pestspray, whom I don't know but am happy to meet.

MsQ, thanks for the correction on the number of banishments. I guess I missed one in there. (Didn't know she'd been banished again in 2003--just thought she left on her own.) As for the dog--was that storyline more than five years ago? Cuz Precious Pie has only been around five years, and that might have been before her time. Oh, btw, Precious Pie is based on a real Yorkie I knew, by the same name. So much fun writing from an animal's POV.

Started the next prompt at lunch--more Teen!Tracy, cuz well--who can get enough of our girl pre-crushing traumas of adult life?

So want to see that interview with Jane on Soaptalk. I agree with you--she does look better on those shows than she does on GH. I'm thinking it's makeup, too. JE tends to underdo it, from what I've read--sweats and ponytails for this girl, if she can pull it off. Loved the transcript comment on her limit of two hours in heels per day!

Looking forward to Thursday, hoping for TQ before then.

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*smiles gleefully at the amount of participation in this thread*

4XCrazy, totally hear ya on the motherhood thing. When was the last time we saw Ned anyway? *thinks* The vow renewal episodes? Even if he doesn't share screentime with Tracy, Dillon could use him right about now. And if you can make clips of SoapTalk, please do. :D Regarding fanfiction? Oh, Baby is still coming along...slowly, but surely. I have part of the Anniversary Challenge saved on my computer. I stopped writing it because it was going nowhere, but with July being catch-up month, I've started it again. We'll see what happens.

Regency, if you're interested in seeing some clips (to help with fic and or Tracy withdrawal), I'll happily post. I've visited your fanfic site, by the way, and I think I'm going to love whatever you do with Tracy. As for JE's height, SC is 6 ft (according to IMDB.com). Don't know the accuracy of that, but JE's considerably shorter than him. Anyone have any guesses? LOL.

LOL coolkid. Loved that you put that in bold. This is the best place on the net for crazy TQ fans like us (all right...not all of us are crazy). The TQ Ficathon is nice too, MinervaFan.

Clinkboom!!!!!!!! Welcome back! *does happy dance* Wardrobe varies. And she'll still wear curtains every now and then. I don't think we've seen the green dragon outfit since last summer though. I got a feeling it's time for another appearance. Heh. Oh, have you ever seen the bright orange thing? I'd take the green jacket over that one *hangs head in shame* I am one of the few people who love the green dragon lady outfit. I know. I know.

About GH in general...I'd recap, but if TQ's not on, I don't bother with the show. It has unfortunately come down to that. I do have an idea about what's going on with Alexis though. She's currently stuck in Jasam hell. Sam's her daughter, but you probably figured that out already, and from what I've read online, Alexis wants Jason out of Sam's life, and Sam is currently planning to get revenge on Alexis by fooling around with Ric. I don't think anything real has happened though. And it's sad, but I honestly don't care. Love NLG and Alexis, but Alexis needs to forget about Sam.

LaineyBev, the lighting on GH is horrible. Can't wait to see how awesome JE looks on SoapTalk.

Welcome to Pest Spray! Good to have you here! Feel free to keep on posting.

MinervaFan, so far, I've just read the "Crazy" one. I'll have more feedback later, but I'm so glad you did a "Tracy in therapy" story. And ILoveTracyQ was the one to point about the banishment thing. When you wrote 3, I thought nothing of it. ;)

ILoveTracyQ, all 3 of them running GH? I would actually have to watch even if Tracy wasn't on.

angel, kenna, and tracyluver, smirks, nex...come out, come out wherever you are. Party in the TQ thread! Oh, amello and Bella too. And if razor32always still comes by...and psychofan...and bellcurve...We'd love to have you back!

*still smiling* So many posts in such a short amount of time. Does my TQ loving heart good.

According to Live Recaps: Lulu has gone to Carly for advice again (Ugh...Is it Thursday yet? Will the Carly propping EVER end? And can Lulu/Tracy get just as much screen time together as Lulu/Carly?), and Lulu is apparently considering faking a pregnancy. *head to desk*

Edit: #1 This is to remind myself that my next post is #600 and to make it a good one, LOL. It's bold and red, so I don't accidentally skip over this line. Heh.

Edit #2: Had to add smirks and nex to the list of posters.

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