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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No TQ today, suprised? MsQ, I loved both updates, they were great. MinervaFan, I thought that was Heather choking Tracy? Maybe not, i dont know. Any spoilers concerning Tracy coming up soon?

I'm thinking about making another vid but I dont know of a good song to use. Any suggestions?

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MinervaFan thanks for the PM.

And you would be great with adolescent Tracy. :)

I just think your teenTRacy is soooo CUTE.


Moving right along.....

ABout the drunk Tracy thing.

MinervaFan you have a great grasp on Tracy,and it's all opinions.

SpecialHugs to you because I can't imagine growing up with anyone even remotely like Tracy,as much as I love her.

Ms.Q I loved your updates.

Is Helena going to be in your story at all? :)


Cause I'd all kinds of dig that.

*waves to everyone*

*crosses fingers for TQ tomorrow*

Quick question ya'll...informal poll,sorta:

What do you WANT to see happen from now until the end of the year with our girl,and what do you THINK will happen?

(let's try to keep it UPBEAT, m'kay?) :lol:

ETA kenna I love your banner !

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Catching up...

*cyber-hugs to ILoveTracyQ and MinervaFan*

Glad you got the avatar to work, tracyluver. I think I need to get a new one. Luke and Tracy are so yesterday. LOL. And yet, I'll still be rooting for them come October or whenever when I know perfectly well they won't stand a chance.

kenna, yeah, it was Heather. Dillon came in and should've screamed, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO STRANGLE MY MOTHER?!?" but instead was all, "Hey, Mom." Actually, I don't even think he said that much. *searches GQ Daily* Here are Dillon/Tracy scenes (the one where he walks in is missing): Part 1 and Part 2. After watching, I guess I should give him credit for asking his mother if she's all right.

Edit: *waves to ILoveTracyQ* I'm glad you're enjoying it. At this point, Helena's not involved, nor do I plan for her to be, LOL, but that could always change.

Hmm, what do I want to see? (This is combination of want and think...at least until the end...You'll see what I mean.) Do I have to base it on what is happening right now? LOL. I guess I should. *thinks* Wow, this is hard. As much as I hate the idea of JE in the teen SL, Tracy should be a part of it. I want to see her give Lulu a hard time about her stupid plan, and then I want them to bond. I want the Tracy/Dillon dynamic to play into this as well. Could I maybe hope for some Ned/Tracy/Dillon scenes? *stops dreaming*

On the adult front, I could definitely go for more Tracy/Lorenzo scenes. Maybe a business SL, with them as rivals (and when Jax returns in August/September, he can join Tracy's side, LOL), because we all know GH would never pair TraLo romantically. Tracy/Robert on the side might be nice too, but with Anna back, looks like our girl will have to take a back seat to that (and how much does it annoy me that TR and FH get more to do than JE...) Ooh. Maybe Robert can try to double cross Tracy while he's working at the HS, and since she said the next man who tries to con her is in for a big surprise, she can plot some kind of revenge.

Or...Robert will live up to his word and romance Luke's wife...I want dinner, dancing, flowers, etc. And then it could turn out to be real. And then when Luke returns in August, he'll have lost Tracy and will have to win her back. Except uh oh. He leaves again. Tracy divorces his sorry butt, and when he returns he has nothing, but lo and behold, Laura is well, and Luke has her. And Tracy's finally free.

But oops...GF's return is supposedly temporary. Laura slips back into her catatonic state, and Luke is all "Poor, poor me." Tracy finds him drunk. He wants her bad, but she doesn't want him. (Oh, and this point, I guess the Robert/Tracy dinner/dining has come to an end; and Tracy/Jax/Ned (yeah, I'm adding him in) have successfully kept Lorenzo away from ELQ). Tracy/Luke are on friendly terms, and Luke starts treating her with respect.

Meanwhile, Skye's back in town, 9 months pregnant, in November, and she/Tracy get locked in the Q freezer. Skye goes into labor (oh, it's Thanksgiving, by the way, LOL), and Tracy flips out. Eventually, the Q's hear both of them screaming, LOL, and come down...except the baby can't wait to come out, and Monica ends up delivering it. With all the excitement, Cook forgets about the turkey and it burns, and voila...There's your pizza dinner.

If JE re-signs, Luke will continue to try and earn Tracy's trust. And then Christmas comes, and Luke surprises Tracy with a ring...Except it's must too soon to re-marry, and Tracy won't accept for the time being. He continues making nice-nice, and in February (all right, so I'm into the following year), on Valentine's Day, he tries again. (I don't care how cliched this is, LOL). And she says, "Yes." They're not going to waste any time. Big wedding is planned for May Sweeps...Right before Luke says "I do," Laura shows up in the back of the church...Kidding. I'm done. Way too much rambling. And some of this is a lot of wishful thinking. The first part could happen though (Tracy/teens, Tracy/Robert). :)

Ask and you shall receive, LOL.







Week of July 10th

From Wizard: Tracy gets the shock of her life when she finds Dillon and Lulu in bed together. Tracy convinces a reluctant Robert to have a "talk" with Lulu.

From SON (this site): Robert and Tracy are concerned about Lulu and Dillon's attentions, and Robert gets a thrill out of seeing Anna jealous. (This might be about Skye. I don't know.)

From ABC.com: Tracy is shocked and disgusted when she walks in on Dillon and Lulu having sex in the boathouse. Dillon defends their relationship, but Tracy vows to pull the plug on it.

From SOW Sneak Peeks: Tracy finds Lulu and Dillon in bed together.

Week of July 17th (maybe)

From Wizard: Lulu confesses to Tracy. Tracy gives Lulu some much needed advice.

From WUBS: Tracy talks to Lulu about her recent actions. Will she be a nice step-mommy or a hysterical one?

Most of them are variations of the same thing. Wizard gets the gold star for spilling them first though. :D

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What I want to see happen with Tracy and what I think will happen are two extremely different things.

Here are my hopes:

Luke comes back in August to encounter a frosty and angry Tracy. At first he thinks it's 'same old Tracy,' but then he realizes the zip and zing and fun are completely gone from the relationship. That's when he realizes that she loved him, and he truly hurt her when he left. And he also realizes, 'hey that old relationship we had was really fun and it was working, and why the #$*&(#@! did I mess it up?' He tries to woo her with this great seduction scene on the Haunted Star, but she basically tells him he's a rat and a whimp, and she doesn't trust him enough to ever be involved with him. And oh-- by the way-- she tells him if he were a real man, he would realize what a creep he was, and how he hurt her and that he should divorce her and leave the 15-million. He gives her one of those fabulous 'I am wounded' Luke looks and leaves to go back to real-world vacation land. End of Luke until September.

When he comes back (shortly before the return of Laura), he hands her the divorce papers and tells her he wants her back, and realizes that this time he's going to have to earn it. She likes the sound of that on many different levels.. and decides to play along. But hey, guess what, after a week or two of over the top wooing by Luke.. they end up in bed (you know one of those over the top scenes GH likes to do every so often.. like the one they did with Carly & Jax the other day --- Barf!!! Gack!!!). At the end of it, he tells her that they are two of a kind, and that they both bring out the best and worst in each other and that is why he loves her. Yes, he uses the "L" word for the very first time. Despite our girl's best intentions, she can't keep her heart encased in steel. She uses the "L" word too. They begin to do what you think they would do at this point, and camera pans up to a blurry blonde figure who is watching all of this from outside the window. End of episode (oh guess what -- it's a Friday).

On Monday, we learn that Laura is out of her catatonic state and has bolted the psych-ward. From the very beginning of this re-emergence Luke is wary. He has history with Laura, and he thinks he owes her.. so he starts to nurture her, and he gets sucked back into the relationship. But from the beginning, he realizes he is motivated by guilt and history, not romantic present-day love. Laura is his "Angel" (remember the episode with Sonny?); Tracy is his spicy, zingy "Devil." And hey, our 50-something Luke knows who he is, and what he is (and he ain't no angel), and what he wants. He wants the zingy, independent, sassy Devil.. not the needy Angel. So, after six weeks of nuture and angst with Laura, he breaks it off and tells her his life is with Tracy. This amazes everyone in town including Tracy, who had already started to harden her shell, and move on.

Whew... I'll stop now.. But those are the highlights of my hopes and dreams as far as Tracy is concerned.

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Re: "On the Next General Hospital" Okay. So it was Heather trying to strangle Tracy. Takes a little of my enjoyment out of the icon, but okay... ;)

Kenna and LaineBev--I am massively loving the Wishful Thinking for Tracy! Like great fanfic, without the fanfic! I'm wracking my brain....

I want Tracy to go blind. Or develop amnesia. Or join a cult.

I want Tracy to have a storyline all her own that does not involve the same old same old--chasing after/being chased by Luke (or Robert or any other guy), trying to take over ELQ, dealing with her son(s)' indiscretions, dealing with "Daddy"'s indiscretions, fighting with Alan or Monica over money, fighting with Skye about being a fake Quartermaine.

I want Tracy to stumble across a box of love letters from her mother to the gentle man who actually was her father, Lila's one indiscretion, and go on a painful, yet ultimately liberating journey of self-discovery as she learns the truth behind Edward's rejection of her and finds not only a family she never knew she had, but a Tracy she never knew existed.

I want Tracy to get behind a cause, something either positive or at least interesting, that takes all her passion--getting rid of a corrupt politician, saving a beloved stretch of natural land that her mother loved--and truly unleashing the Wrath of Tracy on those who would oppose her.

I want Tracy to be explored as a true viable character, with facets and dimentions beyound whose bed she's in (or wants to be in) and what her family is doing to her.

But GH is a soap, so I'm never going to get those things. So I'll just settle for a reasonable amount of air time that isn't humiliating for Tracy or Jane.....

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See I can actually imagine all of your ideas happening,but probably with different writers.

What these writers will do is anyone's guess.

My opinion?

I think a lot of L&L fans,be they hardcore fans or not, are taking for granted that Luke would just jump over hoops to be with Laura now....and I honestly don't see that happening. At least not the way most people think.

I can really see LaineyBev714's scenario coming to pass,or something similiar.

For several reasons:

I think deep down,both Genie and Tony want to stretch as actors,and explore being paired with other people.

Tony certainly has pushed for years to be paired with Jane. He also seemed to like the Luke/Felicia pairing.

That doesn't sound like the talk of an actor who thinks his character can only be with one woman.

Of course he has also said in terms of romance that Laura was "it" for Luke,but that was before the last few years,that was before Skye and Tracy.

I do think Luke can love someone else, maybe not in the same way he loved Laura,but it can be just as real.

TG also said in one of the latest mags that he REALLY liked the way his character was going and the people he worked with,but that he would welcome Genie if she returned.

Call me optimistic but I like to interpret that as "I like my storyline the way it is and don't want to go backwards."

Which,let's face it,is exactly what L&L would be....going backwards. Haven't they already been through it ALL?

So,if it were up to TG,I don't think L&L would just magically reunite.

I don't think it'd be as simple as him choosing Tracy though.

What I think will happen,with THESE writers: Laura will come back and Luke and Tracy will have a heartbreaking moment where he tells her he has to go be with Laura,and Tracy either goes off to the DR to get a divorce,or leaves town(if JE doesn't re-sign.),or BOTH.

OR Tracy is Rick Webbered and when Laura goes back into a catatonic state,we find out Tracy is responsible,maybe working with Helena? And she leaves town after Luke rejects her,or maybe leaves town before Luke can find out.

If JE does re-sign, and Genie stays permanently or on enough of a recurring basis that it makes Lacy impossible to continue....she may just be there once again to mainly snark at Dillon or her father or whomever,and may spend time causing havoc for L&L.

And honestly with THIS regime,I doubt they'd do little else with her.

If Genie doesn't stay,and doesn't do recurring, I can see Lacy continuing their little game,but the stakes would be different,I think.

Other than that,I can't see much changing.

What I want to happen is something similiar to LaineyBev's. I want Luke to CHOOSE Tracy. If it's just a case of "oh look Laura's catatonic again. Let's go,SpankyBuns"...LOL that would just infuriate me and disgust me.

If he can't choose her because he realizes he's better off with Tracy because of who he is NOW,I'd rather they went their separate ways.

And maybe that's what it will take. Luke NOT having her there,to realize he needs and wants her there.

Personally I just don't see Luke,the way he is now,taking right back up with Laura as if nothing's changed,as if HE hasn't changed.

My biggest thing is, I don't want to lose JE/Tracy...but I don't want her wasted,either. And if she's going to be wasted,she would be better off elsewhere.

Sorry for the long post,and end of rant.

Thanks for the comments,you guys.

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Why is it so dead here? *cries* One day of TQ each week is not working. We need more, darn it! And really, it shouldn't be too difficult considering certain characters are on 4-5 days.

Sounds like a lose-lose situation. Or not. *crosses fingers that JE will re-sign and that she'll get something that resembles a SL*

Yes, I'm quoting myself, LOL, but this goes for amello as well. We miss ya!

nex, thanks for the reminder. I have the episode on tape...somewhere.

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i really dont no what to say. therefore i will like top make random comments.

i would also love for jane to leave the shipwreck of GH and go back to DAYS which is starting to become flawless again. one of my favourtie actresses on my favourite soap wiould make me SQUEE the most anyone has ever lol.

i also feel sorry for you guys that do watch because of all the disappointment you get hoepfully the ratings will continue to go down guza and phelps will be fired and jane will get an actual storyline

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Yay! amello posted! That was quick. Yes, I agree, the ratings must continue to fall. Last week, GH tied its all-time record low. *grins evilly*

So, I only watched the previews today, and guess who's in them? :D

(Dillon and Lulu in the boathouse...)

Lulu: The second time was even better.

Tracy (dressed in her regular curtain-made clothes): OH MY GOD!

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Sick of the TQ/JE wasteland GH has become. Am I kidding myself, even asking if she was on today? Oy.

Personally, I'd hate to see her leave the show, because I've seen her in other parts, and I don't think I can bring myself to love them as much as TQ. (Anjelica, from what I saw, would have bored me terifically.)

I'd love to see her do a sitcom, maybe play the villainness on a smart comedy -- a character they'd normally give to a Holland Taylor -- older, sexy, powerful woman who holds the lives of the younger characters in her perfectly-manicured fingers...... Her comic timing is utter perfection, and she could really shine in that capacity. If she had to leave GH, I wish she'd leave daytime altogether and do something I could enjoy.

Ooh, my dream cast--Jane Elliot, Stockard Channing, Diane Wiest, and Candice Bergen. We don' need no steenkin' men! Have them run a women's magazine, or a stock brokerage, or a law firm or something. Just four tough, funny, smart, sexy women in a show together......

Sigh. I am dreaming, aren't I?

Well, maybe next week.

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MinervaFan, according to SZ, she's not on. Are we surprised? *sigh*

Can Tracy please be on more than one day next week? We know she's on Monday, but maybe Tuesday as well? And Thursday? LOL. Eh, I won't be home, anyway. [informal announcement] Some of the family is meeting in Indiana, so I'm not going to be around Sunday-Friday [/informal announcement] 5 days off from work. *celebrates* Of course, I'll be sure to catch up when I return. Hopefully, there's a lot of Tracy!TV and therefore a lot of catching up to do. Heh.

I'll still be popping in and out for the next 36 hours or whatever, so you're not getting rid of me yet. :P

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Noooooo Ms.Q you can't leave.


Well okay. Just this once. :)

Have fun with your family.

Safe trip and all that....and if you get a chance sometime next week,pop in PLEASE.

Diane Wiest: she's been on Law and Order (not sure if she's still on,I mostly watch reruns)

She was also in Footloose,Parenthood,help me someone, I know there are more movies......

About JE...leaving or not.

Of course I don't want to lose her,but yeah....stuff like the five minutes of airtime a week gets old real quick,and honestly with this regime,sadly....I don't see it changing.

If a story with Luke Spencer doesn't grant you two or three days a week,(EVERY WEEK)I can't see anything else doing the trick.

So yeah I'd hate to lose Jane,but I'd hate even more for her to stay and be wasted.

AS far as DOOL...she MIGHT get more airtime/better respect there,and it's the only other soap I watch.

I doubt I'd take up watching a new soap just for her,as much as I love her.

Soaps as a rule bore me,which is strange considering what this board is. LOL

But anyway.

About Anjelica.....on paper she WAS boring,but I think I've already said that.

But you know,Jane made her SHINE.

And if she went back to DOOL....I'd rather she played a whole new character,maybe even someone Tracy-like(or TQ herself,if it could be done.)

So yeah.....while I'm determined to enjoy every last second of the TQ/JE goodness we might have left,be it a few more months or years(if she re-signs), I'm still hopeful she'll get snapped up by someone else,or things at GH will change.

About the female ensemble MinervaFan...it's a good one.

But it'd have to be a brilliant show for me to watch.

TV truthfully bores me,and even as I'm watching it,I'm almost always aware that there are at least ten other things more important and productive I could be doing.


Monday TQ will be on though....which is a good hint she may be on several days next week.

*crosses fingers that all TQ's airtime plays out over several days and not just Monday*

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