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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Thanks for the feedback. I liked that the lyrics matched too, LOL, I just HATE transitions. I tried and tried, and then I get irritated, and then I start disliking the song, and it just isn't good. *sigh*

Lurve the "spoiler," MinervaFan.

For those interested: I am having too much fun in the GH Survivor Thread at SOC. Someone voted off Tracy for running down Jenny all those years ago. Helloooooo...Accident. And where is she gonna find a car on the island to run someone else down? Yeah, like I said, too much fun. :lol: In any case, I have formed an alliance. Next round, if Robin isn't gone, I am voting for her, so people will help keep my Q's in the running. :D

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Um, I may have just got myself booted from the LJ General Hospital group. :) I had a moment of TracyDom and had to post. Where the hell are Jane and Tracy?

I will probably get flamed and chastised by the community's mod, but it had to be done. I mean, they frackin' list Leticia! in the interests, but not Jane or Tracy!

Of course, I probably just ensured that neither will EVER be listed there....

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*waves to tracyluver* You haven't posted in awhile. ;)

MinervaFan, from the characters listed, I'd guess it hasn't been updated since April 2003 or so (SC and NL joined at this time; GV too...or around there). Since this is before JE returned full time, I can see a reason for her not being included...except that it's not April 2003 anymore, and the list SHOULD be more up-to-date. *shrugs* Laura Wright's not on there either if that helps. :)

Edit #1: The Source: All Things GQ has a Tracy/Dillon scene up from March 2004. They're discussing Edward's disappearance. Tracy wants to find him, so she can have him commited to Shady Brook. It's part of plan to avoid liability for the hotel fire. There's a clip of Luke/Skye/Dillon/Edward hiding out too. Too bad the one where Tracy joins isn't included...

Quick Recap (for those who've never seen it): Tracy shows up and demands to know where "Daddy" is. She sees the nun outfit (which Edward used as a disguise) and questions Luke/Skye. Skye rips it away from her, and insists what she/Luke do in their time isn't Tracy's business. Tracy doesn't buy that Skye dresses as a nun. Luke implies that Skye doesn't, but he does. He places the outift around his head, puts on a woman's accent: "I'm am sister Mary Francis Dominae, and this is Trixie, my student." He rips off his belt (Tracy screams "Woo!), as he states, "She needs discipline! Discipline! Must have discipline! (something like that)." Then he looks at Tracy, "Wanna play, Tracy?" I'm not good with describing these things, but it was hilarious. ILoveTracyQ, you remember, right? Then JE put her purse in front of her face and closed her eyes before finishing her lines. I'm not sure if she was holding in a laugh or what, but wow...I LOVED that scene. *must go to sleep*

Edit #2:: Re: The banner. Tracy does look beautiful in those pictures, doesn't she? I was actually thinking about changing the banner. Any ideas? *really going to sleep this time*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Okay, I flew off the handle a little bit. I 'pologized. Little bit....anyway....but I want Tracy listed, dangit.

Oh, and btw, have I mentioned recently that I LURVE your Jungle Queen banner? That picture of Luke just cracks me the hell up, and Tracy just looks sooooo darned beautiful in those pictures.

ETA: Banished is uploaded. It's rough, no smooth transitions, no fancy effects. Just the clips and a song behind it.

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Bumping just because....LOL

I like everyone's vids and stuff.

Not much to say until we see Tracy again.

No stuff on her in SID.

Spoiler/Rumor Talk


What are the chances that Luke is presumed dead?

What will that mean for Tracy,IF anything...because I wouldn't put it past this show to make it All.About.Sonny.

Or someone else.

Anyone but the Q's.

His supposed dead status would tie into Tracy being "slammed" into motherhood again,whatever that means.


Rumor talk over

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Nice video, MinervaFan. :)

I'm bored. Someone entertain me, please. LOL.






From SOD, courtesy of SZ's Proteus (ILoveTracyQ has seen this; not sure about everyone else)

Anthony Geary (Luke Spencer): It's summer vacation time for Geary. Look for Luke to leave the canvas in early July and return in the fall. Guza says that Luke will be in on the beginning of a summer caper and then he goes. This stretch then leads to more with Anna, Robert, and Robin.

Oy. Late July was better. And where's Tracy? Is she getting backburnered again? *cries* Well, there is that motherhood spoiler...I guess we'll see.

M'fundo Morrison (Justus Ward): The actor is out...He last airs June 19...Insiders at GH are whispering that Justus may not be the only Quatermaine headed off the canvas.

Dear TIIC: You leave my Q's alone. We hardly see them anyway. No need to keep shipping and or killing them off. Any speculation? *bites nails* JE does have a contract up in the fall.

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For those of you wanting inspiration, LJ just started the 100 Situations challenge. Basically, you sign up for a character and choose one of three tables containing 100 prompts. Then, over a period of time, you write fanfic based on those prompts. I picked Tracy, Table One (here is my table of prompts), There are two more tables available, so theoretically, two more people can choose Tracy. (Hint, hint....) You don't have to write long stories--I think the minimum is 200 words, which is about three-five normal sized paragraphs.

Sooo....is anybody going to join me in my madness? Could be fun.

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[whispers] I've noticed a lot of our posters have disappeared...tracyluver, angel, coolkid, 4XCrazy, smirks (You should be heading home soon, right? I bet you're excited. :D)... kenna has posted somewhat recently and Keith and nex4evr, and then there's me, ILoveTracyQ, and MinervaFan, the poster children for obsessive fandom, LOL. But seriously...The lack of TQ on my screen is just depressing, and I need people to cheer me up. Please. :D (Consider this a call out to any lurkers...BellaSorcerer, amello, come post with us.)

GH Survivor Update: Tracy's still in the running. Alliances have been formed, and I must protect the Q's. (See how bad it is when Tracy's not on? I'm spending my time voting fictional characters off a non-existant island, LOL)

Tracy Quartermaine: 3 Years Ago *


Dillon steals AJ's car and drives it into a parking meter. After he getting arrested, his mother comes from EUROPE to bail her "baby" out. Dillon pleads with her to take him back, but she declines. He wants to know how long he is going to be stuck in Port Charles, but Tracy doesn't have an answer. Before leaving, she tells him she loves him and goes to hug him, but Dillon backs away. Upset and angry, Tracy stomps off.

* Edit: Oops. Today's not the 12th. That should be "3 Years Ago and a Day," I guess, LOL.






I'm guessing not true, but SD's "Seer" has Scott Clifton being replaced with an older, "hunkier" actor. Funny how it comes out right after SOD's "Another Q will be leaving." Of course, I'm not sure if recasting counts. In any case, just thought I'd throw it out there. Seer also says Skye will be re-Q'ed without much fanfare. Once again, doubt it, but I wouldn't be against it. *hides from ILoveTracyQ*

Edit: Page 81! Yay!

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Poster children for obsessive fandom, huh? *rolls eyes* You are so not the first person to call me that.


I don't believe the Scott Clifton rumor, honestly. Hasn't the kid been up for an Emmy, like every year since he got there? And if they can keep Natalia Livingston, by GAWD, they can keep Scott Clifton. (I really, really like Scott Clifton.....)

I'm not sure what you mean by Skye being re-Qd, except that maybe she'll be moving out of Alcazar's and back into the Qmansion? Just how many rooms does that place have, anyway? And more importantly, how many bathrooms?

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I actually borrowed the "poster children" phrase from you, LOL. Last week, you asked if any of the other SON threads had as much action as this one or if we were the poster children for obsessive fandom. I chose the latter. ;)






Yeah, I don't think the SC one is true either. I do wonder which other Q is going though (if SOD's Grapevine is accurate).

Re: Skye...Re-Q her as in make her a blood Quartermaine again. Either Alan's daughter, as she was brought on to be, or Tracy's daughter. *laughs evilly*

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Well...that would just bring the whole "Tracy gets slammed into motherhood" to a new and interesting level, wouldn't it? LOL. You can start breathing again, ILoveTracyQ (or is it tracyluvr?)!

Personally, I'm just glad they didn't go with the whole "Tracy is Sam's mother" routine. Of course, that nice little incestuous tie-in would have been fun--she's her boyfriend's cousin! That would provide the Jerry Springer aspect we've come to love with the whole Who My Mommy? SL.

Actually, who would it be fun to find out was actually Tracy's kid? Maybe she had a love child with one of her European studs, and it turned out to be....*drumroll*....um.....BABY JOHN JAX!

Oh, wait, no! Tracy's long-lost daughter is....MONTANA MOOREHEAD, from The Sun Also Sucks!

Okay, now that I've stopped choking....

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Wow. I'm gone for only a little while and you've gone through two pages!

Has Tracy been on at all so far yet?!?!? I haven't been able to watch since I've been busy babysitting and things (also why I haven't been able to come by here)!!

Spoilers/Rumors/blah blah blah






Re. SC leaving- Oh they soooo better keep away from him. He needs to stay just where he is (okay maybe a better sl too)!!

Re. TG vacation- Uuggghhh noo Tracy better be on or I'm gonna go psycho-evil-teen on them!

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