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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Wow I am falling behind on replying to things people say,LOL....I have been so busy lately I just zip through posts.

*hangs head in shame*

With that said....how was Wisconsin Ms.Q ? Do you have family there?

I spent last Saturday ALL DAY almost,at the zoo with my sister and her three children.

I love them,but.....(and to think it was MY idea). :)

Then to Shreveport and the Boardwalk,that I'd never been to.

Welcome to DevotedToAMC :)

MinervaFan that Ned/Tracy fic...hate to be cliche but you had me at "Don't!"

I LURVE Ned/Tracy scenes,Ned/Tracy stories.

More than Tracy/anyone,pretty much...except maybe Tracy/Luke.


Another one.

Yes,I'm THAT greedy.

Can't wait for your other story.

*waves to Keith who posted a few pages back.

Post more often Keith. You're missed around here.


And yes my twelve hours at work,eh yesterday was EOM and sooo much to do,but every day is hectic.

NO,I do not plan on repeating that today,however.


SID seems to be the only mag with TQ spoilers,and in Summer Spoilers Guza just says that no one will apparently be with the ones they want to be with.

Doesn't sound very happy for anyone,does it?


Also,a blurb that Tracy MIGHT use Robert to get to Luke.

Awww...I love she's mentioned at all.

But IMO she's so above that crap.


Also heard a rumor that TG might not be taking his summer break.

I doubt he'd skip the whole thing,but I could see him pretaping and seemingly cutting it short.

We'll see I guess.

Has anyone else read or heard that?

spoiler talk over

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MinervaFan read and reviewed your story, still speechless.

MsQ Thanks for posting those!!

I really don't want to see her for only five minutes (well that's kind of a given)! I've been so bored and nothing to look forward to that all I've been doing is tanning by the pool and watching old Bette Davis movies (yeah in case you haven't noticed I'm not like most girls my age lol)! But hey I saw Anna Lee in one of them! I miss her!! Anyways, Very colorful outfit for Tracy its better than the usual gray bleak things they like to put her in.

TQ is supposed to be on today!

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DUDE!! I thought i was the only seventeen year old girl who watched Bette Davis movies on the regular!! I'm so excited now :D:D:D !














I think pic of Tracy and Luke and the twenty has something to do with a bet...maybe Tracy bet Luke that he's in love with her and that he'll never leave and then he said "nuh-uh" and then she said "uh-huh" and then he said "nuh-uh" and she said "wanna bet" and then he lost. (REALLY need to start gettin' that life i need..... :lol: )

I am a little excited about the Luke/Coleman pic. I mean, how can they be together and NOT talk about tracy? Maybe we'll get to see a little spark of jealousy in those eyes of his (tho i doubt it)

I like the scenerio someone posted about Coleman being the one that has to rob the HS. I could totally see that happening. Maybe that'll bring Coleman into the sl and we'll get THREE men fighting over our girl (wishing, and hoping, and thinking, and praying....)

I dunno, but today is my last day of school, i'm officially a SENIOR (WAHOO!!!) and i need my girl. TA ladies ( and Keith)

ETA: Nice vid-credit thingy, marland.

ETA2: LURVE thie fic, minervafan! I did a little happy dance when i saw that you'd posted one. :)

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I'm excited too! :D Except I'm two years younger than you but close enough. Congrats on now being a senior!!

Spoiler talk thing







Luke/Tracy/20- Hmmm..... I'm not sure what that's all about and to be honest I'm a little scared.

Luke/Coleman- ::big grin:: oh this ought to be fun! pleeeaaaassseee tell me she is at least mentioned please!

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Will respond to the rest of the posts later...

The $20 bill scene didn't air. :o 2 TQ scenes so far (5 segments in), but Robert/Luke/Nikolas are at the casino. If she hired Robert as manager, I missed it. What a disappointment this episode has been. It's not even worth getting excited over. *sigh*

Edit: Luke wants Nikolas's money for the Haunted Star. And aww, look at Tracy sneaking up on the boys. Tracy advises Nikolas to go ahead and hand over the money. She's arranged it so it'll ALL end up in her accounts. Aww, that's our girl.

Edit #2: Nikolas doesn't want to do business with Luke anymore. He leaves Luke/Robert/Tracy alone where he Tracy proceeds to hire Robert as the new manager. Robert's amused. Luke? Not so much. One condition though. Robert must report back to Tracy if he realizes Luke is up to something. Tracy is too cute looking at Robert like that, LOL. Robert agrees. He wants to discuss the matter with Tracy over a cocktail. He pulls out the chair at the bar for her. Oh, this scene better continue. Meanwhile, Luke makes a phone call. He's arranging a robbery of the HS.

Edit #3: Previews: No Robert/Tracy. Boooooooooo! They've apparently left the casino where Coleman/Luke are talking about the robbery.

Guess today wasn't as big of a disappointment as I initally thought. Still wish that scene didn't get cut. But 4 total isn't that bad, right? :)

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Who loves me? Because the STOOPID Kentucky weather strikes again, and we didn't get GH due to weather breaks on the local affiliate. OF COURSE, it doesn't happen during the week of SOILY Badness. It has to wait until today. I'm going to ask a coworker to tape it off Soapnet tonight, but she's not reliable. Anyone love me enough to post clips????

Haven't seen any feedback on the Ned-Tracy story. Sounds like you guys like it, which makes me happy. I busted my butt to get that one out almost on time.....

ILoveTracyQ, Shreveport, Louisiana? Are you down there or were you just visiting? I'm a Thibodaux girl, born in New Orleans. Living in Kentucky now, but you never really expunge that Cajun Umbilical Cord.

More Tracy-Ned, huh? Could happen, especially in the AU fic and the TRACY GETS SHOT fic that I absolutely HAVE to write now.

I haven't posted a new challenge yet on the ficathon. Anybody want/need an extension on this current challenge? I'll post something either today or tomorrow, but feel free to work on the old challenges if they float your boats.

*curses stoopid stormy weather that delays my TracyLurve*

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Maurice Benard is getting his big ManicDepressiveStory,and NLG/KMo are getting their story,Scrubs is popular,the summer is coming up and the teens will be featured...so anyone expecting Jane to get an abundance of airtime this summer....LOL

*pats silly TQ lovers on the head*

Aahh...I hope I'm wrong.

Will continue to think positive thoughts...but again I'll say,when SBu gets more airtime in one episode than JE gets all frackin' week...that's just WRONG.

I'm an Arkansan.

Or Arkansawan,as we say in jest.

I have been to NO before,just once,last year,briefly.

Visiting friends,actually they live in Pontchatoula(I KNOW I mispelled that,LOL)

MinervaFan I hope all your family is okay in spite of the hurricane last year

And yes by all means more Tracy/Ned.

Hey Tracy's on today.

Even if it's only a few minutes,that's cause for celebration. :)

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*takes deep breath* Where to begin?

MinervaFan, read, reviewed, and loved the fanfic.

ILoveTracyQ, Wisconsin was nice. The weather was wonderful, and I got to spend some time by the pool. No family there, unless I have a long lost twin sister or something who happens to live there, LOL. Been to the area (Lake Geneva) several times though. It's nice to just get away without having to get on an airplane or spend 15 hours in the car. Thanks for asking. :) All day at the zoo? I don't remember the last time I went to a zoo, LOL. Did you get to see anything exciting? Glad you're enjoying the fanfic, by the way. I just couldn't leave Luke out completely. ;)

angel, you can look forward to whatever Tracy we get, although that's kind of a given; of course we look forward to her! Most of the time, I won't bother with GH unless she's on.

MinervaFan, during the Lila memorial episodes, there were some bad storms. We got warnings and such that took up most of the screen, but I was so glad it wasn't interrupted. And then there was another time during Courtney's foundation's gala or whatever, and based on transcripts, someone sent her an anonymous check, and Tracy assumed Jason because it "saves him the monumental effort of remembering his own first name." I would have LOVED to hear JE's delivery, but nooooooo. That time, it was interrupted.

Clips for MinervaFan and Keith... (credit to Shazzer)

Part 1: Monica/Alan are tired of Robert/Luke's freeloading. Edward informs them of his plan. Luke believes Tracy's gone too far this time.

Part 2: Luke is furious that "Cranky Buns" won't allow him to have a stake in his own casino.

Part 3: Tracy joins Robert/Luke/Nikolas. She wants Nikolas to transfer $$$ to the Haunted Star because she'll end up getting it all.

Part 4: Tracy hires Robert as the Haunted Star's new manager; Luke makes arrangements to rob it.






What does that blurb mean by "might?" What kind of spoiler is that? Seriously. I also heard the rumor about TG not taking his vacation this year, but with his limited screentime lately, I'd almost say he's on it, and everything we're seeing has been pre-taped. Vacation or no vacation. JE still better be onscreen.

tracyluver, Luke/Coleman have to at least mention Tracy, right?

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Tracy Quartermaine: One Year Ago: June 1, 2005

Luke has reserved a hotel room for him and his wife. He doesn't want to keep Edward up all night with Tracy's "shrieks of ecstasy."


I adore JE's hair here.


Um, why is Luke dressed in prison-like garb?

Tracy: I hope it's a big room. I get very athletic.

Luke: I know. I ordered a trampoline and some leather restraints.

Tracy: You know, you talk a good game, but I think that's all it is -- talk.

Luke: Only one way to find out. Should we go?

Tracy: I'll meet you at the hotel.

Luke: Why can't we go together?

Tracy: Because I don't want to be seen in public with you. Oh, and I feel that I must warn you that I have a hard time stopping once I get started, and if you don't manage to keep pace, I'm going to have to divorce you on the grounds of sexual incompatibility.

Luke: Well, in that case, we're going to be married for a long, long time.

Clips can be found here. Thanks to smirks for posting them. Credit to one of the ladies at GHVT. Misty?

Later, Tracy/Skye spar with one another:


They both look so funny here, LOL.

Tracy: Can I buy you a drink? It might be the best way to cope with that pesky jealousy of yours.

Skye: I am not jealous at all. Luke has no feelings for you whatsoever.

Tracy: I know what it's like to lose the man you love. Do you love Luke? Well, you must. You chase after him all the time. What was I saying? Oh -- um -- I know what it's like to lose the man you love to his wife. But why don't we look at it this way? You always lose the man you love, so I'm just hastening the inevitable. Luke, your friend, is in for the thrill of a lifetime. More than one man has told me I am the best he's had.

Skye: Really? Was that before or after you untied them?

Tracy: That's funny. And you can say whatever you want, because I don't care. Because after tonight, Luke will probably forget about the 15 million.

Skye: Huh. That money is the only reason Luke even talks to you.

Tracy: That was then; this is now. And once he realizes the kind of pleasure that I can give a man, Luke will be mine. And who knows? It could work both ways. I mean, sexual chemistry is such a mystery. And Luke and I could -- wow -- end up married for life.

And even later, Tracy enters the hotel room. Skye tricks a maid into getting a key. Luke stops her from entering. If he's not in bed with Tracy, then who is? (Yeah, yeah, we know it's Coleman...)


Sick freaks.

Clips are here. Once again, thanks to smirks and one of the ladies at GHVT. Misty?

ETA: Page 75!

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re: today's episode!

1. Crankybuns. 'Nuff said.

2. Apparently Tracy went to the same tanning salon that catered Sam's brain surgery!

3. Love the spring apparel, and never a bad day when we see Qmaines en masse!

4. Tracy. Just basking in the Tracyness. She is so ADORABLE when she's scheming.....

5. Did I mention we had Tracy today?

ILoveTracyQ--my family is fine. Only one cousin lived in N.O., and he had minimal damage--just trauma from the experience of having to evacuate like a refugee.... thanks for asking.

MsQ--adoring "Second Chances." More, please, more!!!!!

Now, I'm off to watch a scary movie before bed. TA for now.

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What's good everybody? :)

I haven't had time to watch the show due to finals :rolleyes: but I've got Soapnet.

I'm loving everybody's fiction. I'll review them tomorrow in Tech. I haven't had the time to watch anybody's videos, but I'll download them tomorrow and provide feed back as well.

Yeah, so while working with samples for my album, I came across a song that reminded me of the Tracy/Luke situation. I know y'all like to make music videos, so I stopped by to share it. It's called "Is It a Crime" and Sade sings it. I'll be using it at some point in my story, but I figured somebody might like it for a video.

Sade - Is It A Crime Lyrics

This may come, This may come as some surprise

but I miss you

I could see through, all of your lies

But I stll miss you

He takes her love, but it doesn't feel like mine

He tastes her kiss, her kisses are not wine, they're not mine

He takes, but surely she can't give what I'm feeling now

She takes, but surely she doesn't know how

Is it a crime

Is it a crime

That I still want you

And I want you to want me too

My love is wider, wider than vitoria lake

My love is taller, taller than the empire state

It dives and it jumps and it ripples like the deepest ocean

I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back

Is it a crime

Is it a crime

That I still want you

And I want you to want me too

My love is wider than vitoria lake

Taller than the empire state

It dives and it jumps

I can't give you more than that, surely you want me back

Is it a crime

Is it a crime

That I still want you

And I want you to want me too

It dives and it jumps

And it ripples like the deepest Ocean

I can't give you more than that

Surely you want me back

Tell me

Is it a crime?

Oh, Minerva Fan thanks for reccomending my fic over there on livejournal.

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Oooh, Sade! :) MeLurves. Glad to know I'm not the only one who hears songs and thinks of LuNacy. Of course, I can't think of a single title right now....oh, this just came to mind!

Artist : Jo Dee Messina

Title : My Give A Damn's Busted

Well you filled up my head,

With so many lies.

Twisted my heart

Til something snapped inside.

I'd like to give it one more try

but my give a damn's busted.

You can crawl back home

say you were wrong,

stand out in the yard

cry all night long.

Well go ahead and water my lawn.

My give a damn's busted.

I really wanna care,

I wanna feel somethin'

Let me dig a little deeper...




You can say you've got issues.

You can say you're a victim.

It's all your parents fault,

After all you didn't pick em

Well maybe Oprah's got time to listen.

My give a damn's busted.

(*Well let me get this straight now)

Your therapist said

It was all just a phase

A product of the prozac

And your co-dependent ways

So uhh ... who's your enabler these days

My give a damn's busted.

I really wanna care,

I wanna feel somethin'

Let me dig a little deeper...


(*Oh you're tellin' me)

It's a desperate situation,

No tellin' what you'll do.

If I don't forgive you,

You say your life is through.

Well honey... give me somethin' I can use.

(My give a damn's busted.)

(*Ahh you knew I was gonna say that, didn't ya.)

My give a damn's busted (*ha ha)

My give a damn's busted

Honey trust me

My give a damn's busted yeahhh ...


My give a damn's busted yeahhh

(*You wanna do what?)(*ha ha ha ha ha)

My give a damn's busted

(*Get the party started, that's what we'll do)

My give a damn's busted

(*I'm not done honey, trust me)

My give a damn's busted

(*Been there, done that)

My give a damn's busted

My give a damn's busted

Yeah. Feeling mean this morning.

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I missed the second sequence with the Q's,Robert,Luke,but caught the first and last.

I kinda like the chemistry between JE/TR and think if they wanted to they could really turn it on. :huh:



Maybe Luke could walk in on them and have a heart attack.

Okay,not really.

But a few palpitations would be nice. :rolleyes:

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