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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Greetings, DevotedToAMC, and welcome to the LurveFest! Tracy and Jane are pretty much gawdesses here, which suits most of us just fine. :) Feel free to jump right in and get your feet wet.

Hope everyone in places that celebrate it are having a good Memorial Day. I'm not a particularly large fan of "barbeque holidays," but I *am* a fan of paid days off from work! Started work on two new stories last night--trying to squeak in one more "Tracy Gets Trapped" story before the challenge ends, and I wrote the first chapter on that AU story I mentioned a while back. (The revised version, not the angst-ridden nightmare that had me in a funk for three days.)

Does anyone have any spoilers to share? Speculation? Camping trip stories? Recipes? *pokes LoveFest* I never knew how much I was addicted till a holiday rolled around.

ETA: SuhWEET! Page 73!!! I'm so getting the Page 100 Award! I hope it's an automatic bread maker. Or a cell phone! Squee!

ETA: Added a new section of screen caps to The Divine Ms. Q. Luke is Too Nice.

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*whispers* Wow. It's quiet in here. :o

*waves to everyone* especially DevotedtoAMC. It's always a treat when someone joins in on the Tracy Lurve.

MinervaFan, simple video (you already know that, LOL) but also neat. Thanks for sharing. Will read the fanfic later. Speaking of...Yes, I'm promoting mine again. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of "Second Chances" (the title of the Trapped fanfic) is up. Thanks for the feedback on the banner, by the way.

angel, thanks for the spoiler. I have to wait until THURSDAY? *sigh* I hope she's on at least once before that. *begs TPTB* Please oh please. Giving us 5 days of JE/Tracy this month is not nice. I bet Epiphany got more than that. <_<

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I've already read and reviewed, but I just have to tell the folks here that if you haven't already started reading this fic, drop what you're doing and GO THERE! It's the best thing you've done so far, imho, and just amazingly well written. I love the combination of characters, the situation, the interaction between them. Your interpretation of these characters is great--really, really good stuff. Squeeing, because I didn't expect to get any fic from you at all this weekend!

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Hey guys!! I'm BBBBAAAAAACCCCKKKKK!!! I missed this place, i have been sooo busy this weekend and I'm glad to be back. I am about to read all the fics, see as how i too thought that it was going to be a quiet, fic-less weekend. Was there any Tracy today? I really hope so. We're having a bbq at my aunts and i need something to look forward to tonight. Great to see you here DevotedToAMC :D. It's great here, the people are so nice and you can be sure to have some interesting conversations and some GREAT fics and vids and fanart! well, will check back later!

ETA: has anyone seen this?

Robert turns on the charm with Tracy over dinner. Luke interrupts with his antics

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Long post ahead...:o

Yay! tracyluver is back! No Tracy Q. today. Why am I not surprised? *sigh* Hope the barbecue went well. I was in Wisconsin on Saturday and Sunday. Spent a lot time in the sun (with SPF 30 sunscreen on, so I wouldn't burn, LOL). Of course, when I get back to work tomorrow, no one is going to be able to tell I went on vacation. Oh well, not like I went to Hawaii or anything right? LOL.

MinervaFan, thanks so much for the kind words. I hope as I get the rest of the chapters up, your opinion of the story doesn't change. I don't "know" Jason as well as I know Tracy (I guess I just don't care enough about him to "know" him, LOL), so writing for him, outside the blinking and staring, LOL, has been a bit difficult. And if interested, I don't think I've uploaded this banner/fanart yet: Mother's Day.

Don't ask me how I recalled this, but I remembered another fake spoiler. Yeah, the April Challenge is over (and I totally exceeded the deadline seeing as "Oh, Baby" has ways to go...), but I just had to share the spoiler anyway. Apparently, it was supposed to be Tracy, and not Lois, who advised Dillon about his, ahem, impotency problem during July 2004 (she was supposed to advise him against taking the medication). It was at SZ in Scoops & Spoilers, as well in one of the newspapers here that provides sneak peaks for soap operas. Right around the time of Lila's death too...I thought GH might be going somewhere with a "Tracy lost her mother, and as a result, is going to try and be a better mother to Dillon..."

kind of thing, but guess not. Anyway...

Edit: When discussing the SPF of sunscreen, I probably shouldn't forget to include the number.






tracyluver, think we'll get to see a bit of that dinner before Luke messes it up? I hope so. :) I just wish I knew why Tracy is letting Robert to do all of this when she's perfectly aware that Robert doesn't have real feelings for her. Or does he? *winks* I just thought that Tracy figured this was part of Edward's plan...So why go along with it? *thinks* Well, she does deserve a romantic dinner, and if Luke isn't going to give her one...why not allow Robert to?

From Delia of SoapDish: Look for more fun from Tracy, Luke, Robert and bring Anna in the mix...let the games begin. Robert and Anna will also be dealing with Robin and her no commitment with Patrick. Woo yeah. [/sarcasm] More fun and games. And when Robert/Anna are dealing with Robin, I'm assuming Luke is going to be offscreen (with TG on vacation). What does Tracy get to do? Also...Helena's back and she is going to cause havoc where ever she goes. She will cause problems for just about everyone in Port Charles [including Luke]. Hmm, what about his wife? Can she cause problems for her? I liked Super!Tracy when she grabbed the gun from Helena, who was about to shoot him in the head. Has Luke ever thanked Tracy for saving his life?

From Anonymous of SoapDish: Anna comes to visit with her daughter but when she spies Robert wining and dining Tracy Q she becomes curious. Luke realizes that everyone has their price including Anna after he realizes she absconded with the jewels. He decides to cut her on a little deal if she helps thwart Robert's plan by seducing him away from Tracy. Whoa, what kind of deal is Luke talking about here? And if Robert is still wining and dining with Tracy upon Anna's return (June 30th is her first air date), I guess Luke's antics don't work. Ha! Take that, Luke.

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*hugs LoveFest* You're back, you're back! I don't have to obsess in isolation anymore. Wrote a little more on my next Tracy Gets Trapped story--nothing on the AU--before my stomach decided it wanted sleep more than creativity. MsQ? Your Jason is fine. I want to see more of him, and I really think you're getting the admixture of dialogue, plot and description perfect in this one. It's not that the others were bad, it's just that this one is really going great! :) Deb




I think Tracy's fully aware that Robert's flirting is connected to Edward's employment--I mean he almost came out and said it that first day. I can also see her enjoying the hell out of it, knowing she's safe because, well, it's not serious. Of course, she thought she was safe with Luke, because, well, it wasn't serious. It was all about the money, right? And I can see her playing this game with Robert, one, because she knows she can, two, because it gets to Luke, and three, to defy Daddy by saying she's not afraid of his manipulation. Of course, this is Tracy, and her best-laid plans do tend to blow up in her face. I can see her falling for Robert, AND still loving Luke, and having Daddy win out in the end. Because everybody knows, Tracy Quartermaine cannot be happy. *grrrrrr....***

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. We have to wait until THURSDAY!! DUDE! that sucks! :angry: I hope we don't have to wait til thursday either cause this is supposed to be my happy-get-out-of school week and that would just screw it up! But i guess having no tracy at all would be worse so i'm cool now.

just, word to everything you said in you post, minerva ( including what you said about Ms. Q's fic :D:D:D Great work, girl!). ITA about Tracy's motivations (and the nearly inevitable outcome). I hate to see Tracy hurt but it seems it will be that way in the end ( with robert not caring and all) althugh Robert could grow to have feelings for her as well, wchich would be TOTALLY cool with me. I just come from the old school ( well, as much old school as my seventeen year old butt can get :) ) where the woman is pursued by the man. i'm all for women's lib (i'm thinking of minoring in women's studies :) ) but i'm tired of Tracy opening her heart ( which she rarely does anymore neway because she's been so jaded in the past) and being hurt and let down when they don't want a relationship and just want her money or something. At least if she's chased, she decides "yes" or "no". am i making sense? i dunno. i'm just tired of Tracy being the ass of everyone's jokes. that is all.

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*waves to Ms.Q who is lurking.

Any more scoops?

And I also read chapters 4-5 of your new fic.

I like it !

I read "Oh Baby" too...

and coolkid's update,and "Homelands."

It's all good.

I'm so spoiled with the TQ fics.

ETA MinervaFan I liked your fic,too.

I haven't had a chance to watch your vid although I'm sure it's spectacular. :)

spoiler talk

About the Helena/Luke thing...is that a sure thing?

I can't see her NOT being around him.

Hope this means some Tracy/Helena too. :)

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This is going to be another kind of long post...

*waves to ILoveTracyQ* I also mention the fanfic updates in my post, LOL. I was going to edit it all out, but I figured I'd just leave it.

Thanks for the feedback on the fanfic everybody! Here are the links to the most recent updates if you haven't read them and want to...

"Second Chances"

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

"Oh, Baby"

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

4XCrazy's "Homelands"

Chapter 23 I swear; some of that dialogue had me laughing out loud for a good 5 minutes. It's a wonderful, wonderful read.

coolkid's "The Half Haven't Been Told"

Chapter 38 I love it.

Great post, tracyluver. In fact, one of my biggest problems with the Lacy pairing is that Tracy almost always ends up being the butt of Luke's stupid jokes. Well, that and JE apparently has some "all screentime much pertain to the character of Luke Spencer" clause in her contract now (the notable exception being Feb. Sweeps with Dillon). It's not that I don't enjoy them together; I just think Tracy could use a life outside of Luke Spencer and friends. But of course, I won't be picky. I'm just glad I get to see Tracy every now and then. :)

Anyone hear from nex4evr recently? I think I remember her lurking not too long ago. Come on it and post even if it's just to bump up the thread (as if it needs bumping, LOL)

I've added a clip to the end of Accidentally in Love. MinervaFan graciously advised me on transitions and such, but unfortunately, I don't have the patience (at least not at the moment) to go back and revise each one. Had much fun playing around though. Bottom line...New clip is added, but transitions remain the same.

Not to sound stalker-ish...(probably not a good way to start off a sentence, LOL), but there was a poster lurking last night named IHateTracysJackets. You can still hate her jackets and love her, LOL. So...if you come around again and want to join in on the Tracy luuuurve, feel free. We're nice people here, honest. :)






ILoveTracyQ, is anything from SoapDish a sure thing? ;) I'm still waiting for Tracy to tell Luke she loves him and blame it on the alcohol, LOL. Oh yeah, and for her to break down and admit her faults to Luke after Edward rips into her. And that HUGE Nov. Sweeps adventure. *pauses* Wait, that wasn't SoapDish. That was GaP lying...again. *glares at TIIC*

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Up to seven pages on my second Tracy Gets Trapped story. Laying off the AU story until I'm done with this, as there's only one day left on this challenge. I will post the June challenge on Thursday.

No Tracy today. Feel like pulling a Susan Ivanova--No boom today. Boom tomorrow--there's always a boom tomorrow. Tracy = Boom! :)

Oh, and MsQ, I'm still loving the heck out of your banner, especially (for reasons I cannot begin to fathom) the Tracy image nearest Luke. There's something about her expression in that image that just cracks me up.

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*waves to everybody*

Well Memorial Day is over and it is back to business as usual, :( I hope everybody out there had a good holiday weekend, even if it was working.......but getting that extra pay $$$ :) I myself was gone all weekend and I just finished watching Friday and yesterday's episodes.

As I was watching Fridays show I couldn't help but wonder, Nik was telling Emily that Helena was back and to watch out and she was telling him that since they were no longer married she had no reason to be afraid. Then Nik said he had nobody in his life that Helena could as leverage against him............um HELLO there is Lulu. Not only could she use her but she would be killing 2 birds with 1 stone because she would also be sticking it to Luke. Now since I am no writer how good of a story line would it be if while Helena was trying to kidnap Lulu at the Q's, Tracy walks in and gets in between them stopping her and ends up taking a bullet meant for Lulu. That would get Tracy/Luke and Tracy/Lulu bonding and then Luke could do his disappearing act.....looking for Helena as vengence for nearling killing his wife. :D That's a story that would make me happy!!!

Ms. Quartermaine I read all your new chapters at work today and I loved them all :lol:

MinervaFan I saw your mvid Accidentially in Love and really enjoyed it! That song is perfect for them! :D I used that same song on my mvid, but don't worry nobody but me is ever going to see it!

I was reading all the spoilers of TQ/LuNacy and it does not seem like she is going to be getting much air time, but I guess some is better than none at all. Does anybody know when Tony goes on his vacation and for how long? I thought I read somewhere that he was going to be gone for 10 weeks but that seems like too much time to me.

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One, "Accidentally in Love" is MsQ's video, and yeah, I love it too! The song is wonderful, and the clips work perfectly. My latest is "History Repeating." (Getting that funky bass riff in my head just thinking about it.)

Also, I reeeeaaaallllyyy like your idea for a Helena-Tracy-Luke-Lulu storyline. If you don't mind, can I put that in the hopper for a future fanfic? (If nobody else wants it?) I think I could have some real fun with that idea....

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