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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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What's good people?

Great update of Oh Baby, Ms Q, I read and reviewed it over at ff.net.

Spoiler talk...














I really hope the writers do the whole Robert/Tracy/Luke triangle of justice. I really want Luke and Tracy to have more adult moments, like the one that had after New Years and when Tracy about to step down from Lila's position at GH. I know this storyline's going to be filled to the brim with sillyness, but I'm crossing my fingers for some serious LuNacy moments.

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...still not here...

It does that because the person who made the mp3 screwed up the timestamp on the file. If it's a three minute song followed by two minutes of silence, just trim it like you would a video clip. Click on the audio clip once you've put it on your timeline, then click on the handle at the right side of the song, and drag it back towards the middle to the point where the song ends.


*sigh* still no time to watch GH...

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Hi, it's me with my daily 7 am post--funny, I can barely focus at this hour, and I still manage to read this board before going to work.

Thanks to all for the Tracy comments--I loved "So many geezers, so little time." Is that actually from an episode? ROFLMFAO.

Loved the updates on Oh, Baby and Homlands. Read and reviewed, ladies.

And just a quick note to my fellow fanfic writers--do you ever let a plot bunny sorta mess with you? I was totally obsessing with this "What if" plot I wanted to write--I mean, there were 35 chapters in my head about what would have happened to Tracy if "A" had occurred instead of "B." Grand tragedy, massive angst, mental institutions, loss of Mother Love, sweeping life changes--the whole nine yards, right? So, here I am, obsessing about the great American fanfic novel that I'm gonna write, and Fey's like, "What is WITH you? You've been a b*tch all day!" I told her about the plot bunny, and she's like--I'm not living with that Tracy for weeks. Give me my Tracy back. So I changed "Plot Device A" to "Plot Device B" in my head, lost the ficcish drama, and have been a much nicer person ever since. My friend Renee used to sum it up well--writers are wierd.

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*waves to everyone*

Glad you are liking the story, 4XCrazy. Can we expect an update on yours soon? ;)

smirks, I'm not getting 2 minutes of silence; I'm getting 5 minutes of song, LOL, but I'll try again later. Thanks for the response.

MinervaFan, that line is supposedly a spoiler except I'm expecting some more rewrites in the near future because...






Finola Hughes is returning late June through August. Can TPTB please not give her all of JE/Tracy's material? *sigh* I just can't see TPTB putting Robert/Tracy together in much capacity with Anna on canvas.

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spoiler talk

I keep hearing rumblings about a BIG story with Luke/Robert (and I guess Sam and Nik too,)taking Helena down during the summer.

Maybe if it happens Anna will be a part of this.

I don't know about Jane's airtime.

I'm afraid to spec,honestly....but surely with Robert around it'll be better than last year?

Does anyone else get the feeling that Luke is going to fake his death,or be presumed dead,this time when he takes his vacation?

Something just gives me that feeling,especially with the Spencer/Cassadine thing being rumored.

I don't know. Just a feeling.

spoiler talk over

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Oh, that would be just too horrible to imagine..... I mean, it's bad enough she loves him and he ignores her. To think she lost him, without ever having really....oh, that is angst of fanfic proportions. I mean, 13-year-old Harry Potter Hurt/Comfort proportions..... Of course, with Finola coming back in July (YAY!), this triangle is taking on mass geometric complexities. (I'd pay money to see Anna sit Tracy down and say something like, "Tracy, I don't know you all that well, but you seem a decent sort. Listen--a move from Luke to Robert is not an upgrade. It's a lateral at best. Believe me. You will have no less grief with him--the only difference is the acccent. If that's enough for you, go for it. But don't expect the moon....."

/End Spoiler Talk

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I'm in a good mood! (yes I know. me? scary isn't it) Summer vacation has begun, I'm going up to NJ for my "job" (yeah okay its babysitting my 8 yr old cousin Kaitlyn aka mini-me, its a lot of work lol), and I'm finally able to watch all my soap operas! :D:D

I also am luvin the updates on 'Homelands' and 'Oh, Baby'!!

Spoiler talk







Anna returning in June? I too hopeit doesn't mess with the amount of Tracy! Hmmm... Maybe she cold be a friend to Tracy!?!? Well whatever happens I'm glad she's coming back.

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Just wanted you guys to know the Masterlist has been updated at the ficathon. We have about a week left on the current challenges (Tracy Gets Trapped, An Anniversary to Remember). I know Ms.Q is still inching Tracy towards late-life maternity, but if anybody is working on a story, would they please post a progress report to the list? We've only got three stories so far this month (granted, one had six chapters....)

I've already got a great idea for the June challenge. And since my 40th birthday is on the 4th of June, I expect all of you to post something gloriously Tracy ficcish to the community. :) Yeah. Okay, I'll post something gloriously Tracy ficcish to the community.......

*hoping for TQ today....*

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I don't get GH. Luke owes Tracy. Something about those jewels, stealing $$$ from her account, and jail time. Yeah, right over my head. I need to pay more attention to the scene next time instead of the hair and wardrobe (new outfit, by the way). And 4 teeny scenes are not enough, but YAY for Tracy previews! (along with Edward, Robert, Luke, and Lulu)

MinervaFan, I'm having that problem (plot bunnies and such) right now. I started something for the "Tracy gets trapped" challenge and going all "Well, what if I do this instead of this?" And "Wait. Can I do that and still have it make sense?" Or "Ooh...what if I do that??" (No, not that...For those with wandering minds. ;)) That's sort of what you mean, right?

Still having that problem with WMM. It's weird. Trimming the audio messes it all up. The song, which ended at 3 minutes before I trimmed it, no longer ends at that time; instead, it's gets cut off. I can't explain it. I guess we'll see what happens, LOL. Edit: Yay! I went to Plan B, and I no longer have the problem.

ILoveTracyQ, I never even thought of that. Whatever happens, JE better be onscreen.






Since Anna is returning, can I get that ladies night out with her/Tracy/Bobbie/Monica? Please? :)

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So basically same old same old today?

How does Luke owe Tracy BIG now?

Isn't fifteen million big enough?

Now you're going to tell me a little skimming of her accounts,which Luke apparently does quite often,is suddenly big?


Today doesn't even sound worth watching.

Is it?

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It's one thing to steal from Helena. It's another thing to steal from Tracy. Helena would be kind and kill him outright. Tracy, otoh, will make her man squirm.

Squirm, Luke. Squirm like the leetle worm that you are. :)

Oh, and Edward, if you're going to start dropping comments about astological events, you really ought to figure out what you're talking about. Nobody in their right mind is happy when Mercury goes in retrograde. *big stoopid mean Daddy Q*

Love Tracy in Charge. She just *glows* when she's in power. LeSigh.

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True, MinervaFan, it's always good to see Tracy in charge. And I loved the beginning...Edward's "Nothing is going to ruin this day for me." Enter Tracy, screaming at the top of her lungs, "Helloooooooo! I'm home!" :lol: Gosh, I love that woman.

ILoveTracyQ, you have to watch just for her entrance. I loved it. Of course, it doesn't take much to amuse me, LOL. And thanks for sharing that tid-bit.

MarlandRulez, love is a little extreme, don't you think? ;) But...if Skye is ever in a life or death situation, I'm sure Tracy wouldn't just sit there and laugh.

Anyone catch Robert's line as he explained to Robin and all them how the adventure ended? He mentioned having to jump from the second floor of a jeep..."That was a bit of problem for Luke and Tracy. They're not very good with heights." LOL. That would have been a hilarious scene.

And finally....because I had no life outside of work today, I present to you all my Luke/Tracy video: Accidentally in Love. Feedback would be wonderful. :D [whisper] I ended the video with the same clip that MinervaFan ended one of her videos with [/whisper] If it's a problem, I'll go change it.

Edit: *waves to MinervaFan, kenna, and angel* It's like a party in here. Anyone bring popcorn? Heh.

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