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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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To Marland: Let me just say it has come up, time and again, you bash someone or the other in this thread over their 'desperate' whatever. The fact is, this is a Tracy Q love thread and that is what should be shown here. You obviously love her; we don't need to know anything else about your opinions in this thread. That's what the discussion forums are for, no? None of us mean this as an attack on you, but this is the best way to avoid little tiffs like this, too. It's a Tracy lov ethread; stick to the Tracy love...and the occasional TPTB bashing.

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tracyluver, ILoveTracyQ, Keith, and anyone else who pointed out that this is a JE/Tracy LOVE Thread...Thanks!!!

angel, good luck on the finals!

Re: Today's show. Anyone else think when Tracy was screaming off the top of her lungs that she was going to break down? She sounded really upset and sad (as she should be), and even though breaking down isn't something Tracy does regularly, I thought that she might this time. Would've been good dramatic material for JE and TG. Oh well...

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Chapter 27






Hmm, angel, good speculation. Luke definitely owes Tracy for forgetting their anniversary. Way to go, Luke. [/sarcasm] And ILoveTracyQ, good point about the "feelings spoiler." We'll just have to wait and see. *crosses fingers*

Re: The possible triangle...I'm not sure I want Tracy falling for Robert if she's still married. Or I guess...I don't want Tracy messing around behind his back. She'd have to divorce him first, which I, despite everything, still don't want, LOL. I'd be interested in seeing Robert take a liking into Tracy though especially after his comments today.

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What's good y'all?

Tracyluver I feel you about those AP exams. I made the mistake of taking four AP classes so I had to cram for what felt like decades. Big hugs to you girl!

Oh and big hugs to everybody that's been showing love for my story. I don't check here as often so I didn't get a chance to thank everybody right after they praise. So much love to all y'all. Oh, Ms. Quartermaine, I got kicked out of tech before I could review your story so I'm going to review it tomorrow.

About the Holly and Tracy thing. My grandma and I have this same argument only she thinks Holly is prettier in broken English and I think Tracy is beautiful in broken Hungarian. I think Holly is still in that pretty stage while Tracy is a handsome woman. I could be wrong, but isn't Ms. Samms a little younger than Ms. Elliot? I think the age difference kind of plays out. Holly as a character works my one fatal nerve. She uses her sex appeal to get over most of the time and it kind of gets old. My girl Tracy uses logic rather than hormonal game play. Not to say Tracy doesn't have sex appeal, but it's not her only weapon. Holly was cool for a minute, she kinda mixed things up, but I'm not in tears because she's gone.

Just had to put my nickel in the time, because my nickel makes the dime shiney (just playing)

School's almost done so I can watch more GH and write more! Huzzah!

TTFN y'all! Good luck with the fics for those you that are writing! Good luck with those websites. I can't wait to see them!

ETA: Love the banner Ms. Q

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Hello everyone!

At the beginning of yesterday I was kinda dissapointed but I guess they made up for it at the end. I agree with you Ms.Q I really thought she was gonna break down as well. Luke kinda made it up to her at the end. The kiss was cute, I wasn't really expecting it though.

Ms.Q, I loved the update. Keep up the good work!

And just so ya'll know JE's movie Some Kind of Wonderful is going to be on today on the Oxygen channel. I think the time is 12 central, so I dunno what that would be for you guys, but anyways, I thought ya'll would like to know that. *prays for TQ on Monday*

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Don't have time to catch up on all the posts, but I have three quick requests.

1. Can someone (*coughMs.Qcough*) post clips of Tracy's Maarkam Island adventures if they have them? I have The Grand Entrance, but I'd like to have all the scenes if possible. That would make me squee.

2. Can you guys let me know if you'd be interested in having a place to send GH E-Cards? Fey is thinking of adding that option to the fansite she's building, but wants to know if there's an interest before she goes to the trouble of doing it.

3. Guys, can we please stop the snarling and fighting? I know everybody here is entitled to their opinions, but this is such a nice, friendly place to visit, and I hate seeing the fussing going on. Just a request--if it's going to get personal or mean-spirited, could you please take it to PM? Just a request from somebody who deals with too much drama in her life as it is. Thank you very much.

Remember--TRACY = LURVE! *humming Kumbaya as she heads off to find lunch*

Edit: Since I have more time than I thought, here's my 2 sheckels on the subject of Holly. Holly is victim to the same writers who are turning Luke and Robert into bumbling fools and Tracy into a man-hungry, desperate fool.

Holly is a viable character in her own right, and from everything I've read, has much more depth and character than the Mata Hari they've reduced her to. She's beautiful, smart, clever, and self-sufficient. Guza pitting her as Tracy's competition put her in a bad place for me, because well--I love Tracy.

But I'm trying to look at the character in a different context, and frankly, if she wasn't the person Luke was hurting Tracy with, I wouldn't have a problem with her at all. So I've decided to focus my annoyance on the character (Luke) who deserves it and the people (the writers) who are actually causing the problem. It's not Holly who's the problem, it's Luke. It's not Holly fans who are the problem, it's the writers.

Nuff said?

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4XCrazy, good to see you posting again. And you're right, ES is younger. According to IMDB.com, there is a 14 (more like 13 and a half if I'm going to be technical, LOL) age difference. Thanks for the compliment on the banner, by the way. :)

kenna, thanks for the feedback on the fanfiction! And thanks for the info. about Some Kind of Wonderful. I've seen it before, and JE's role is minimal, but some JE is better than none, right?

MinervaFan, clips for Thursday, May 18, 2006 can be found here. Credit to Geena of Hella Good. I've edited the clips to TQ only (for the most part). Sorry if it takes extra long to download. I've increased the file size to ensure better quality (and yet the quality still isn't perfect). *sigh* I'll try and post the rest of the island clips later. Re: The GH E-Cards...I could take/leave the idea, although that could be because I'm not too sure what it entails, LOL.






According to Time and Date of SoapDish (sometimes accurate), on Tuesday, June 6, Edward ups the ante for Robert, and on Wednesday, June 7, Robert sets up a romantic dinner for Tracy, but Luke intercepts Robert's note to her. Luke then proceeds to offer him a partnership on the Haunted Star. And on Monday, June 12, Robert turns the tables on Edward. No other Luke/Tracy/Robert/Edward spoilers were posted for that week. Any thoughts? Between the "romantic dinner" and "turning the tables," these spoilers almost sound just like last year's at this time. Or is it just me? LOL.

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A little late, but here are the clips I mentioned: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Clips came from SlkyCaramel from SZ. Not sure of the original poster though.

And yes, I am quoting myself again, LOL. Snippet can be found here. (About 1:30 into it) Clip is in Real Format. Thanks to coolkid for bringing it over in one of the old SON's. Also...Here is a clip featuring JE's nomination clip from DAYS. Credit to the same person from above.

*takes deep breath* Whew. I've uploaded the rest of the fanart to MegaUpload (links valid for 1 month) and SendSpace. I had some issues with the quality of the text, but it should be fine now. Let me know if there's a problem. :)

In no particular order...

Tracy/Ned: "I love you."

Tracy/Dillon: "We're supposed to be a team."

Tracy/Luke/Skye: "I hope it's a big room. I get very athletic."

Jane Elliot and Scott Clifton on Family Feud

Luke/Tracy: Happy New Year

Kick some butt, Tracy Q.

Tracy Q. Swirl Collage

Luke/Tracy: Christmas Weave

Proud to be a Tracy Fan

Luke/Tracy: Christmas Tree

"There are certain women..."

Murder is not supposed to be a game.

Luke/Tracy: What If?

Luke/Tracy: Happy Easter

Luke/Tracy Filmstrip

Some more stuff... (I found a lot of stuff saved on my old computer. :o)

1991: Q's near Christmas time Credit to NeverQuiet.

Includes snippet of Tracy/Larry (it's different than the one in the church) Credit to ?.

Anna/Robert Wedding #2; you'll see Tracy. Credit to Cheap (?). I used to have the clip of Lucy/Tracy fighting over the bouquet. I've searched and searched and unfortunately, can't find it. :(

Cast Photos from GL (1982)

JE photo from the no-longer running The Gate (A Nexis Fansite)

Ross and Carrie on GL

JE holding her Emmy

Small photo of JE on AMC

Tracy and Paul Scan

More Tracy/Paul...

And more Tracy/Paul...

Tracy/Larry dressed for Alan/Lucy's wedding

Tracy/Paul marry

1993ish: JE and WK

JE headshot

Another JE headshot (very young)

JE is SOD's performer of the week for her work during the Lacy wedding.

JE at GH's 40th Anniversary Party

JE and Lynn Herring at GH's 40th

"JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

Another "JE returns" scan; photo from GH's 40th

GH File Folder with autographs

Tracy and a Baby Dillon

Eva La Rue and JE photos and autographs

SID 11/25/03 "Next Issue"

SID 5/13/03 40th Anniversary Scan

JE and Amy Van Horne/Carla at Ted King's birthday

SOW 6/14/03 She's baaaaaack.

JE black/white photo

JE on Baby Boom

SOW Cover 7/30/90: JE/single motherhood

Anna Lee receives award; JE is pictured.

And another JE headshot

And another...

JE on cover of SOD (Carrie/Ross)

Carrie and Ross's Wedding Screencap

Carrie/Ross: "You may kiss the bride..."

Lucy/Tracy at Alan/Lucy's wedding

Neil and Anjelica on DAYS get married.

TG talks about Luke/Tracy's "great combative 'who's on top' sex" (No, I'm not kidding, LOL).

Edited several times to fix the fanart, to add photos, and to add clips. Enjoy. :D

Edited once more to correct TK Birthday and Lynn Herring/Jane Elliot links.

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Quickly...I don't have much time for an indepth reply,that might have to wait until Monday.

Bumping for the Tracy love,and I'll talk more about spoilers later.

They sound good to me,I don't really want Lacy messed with either,but maybe it's the jolt in the arm Luke needs.


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Ugh! These message boards will be the death of me. Can anybody invent one that is easy to navigate? :)

Re: yesterday's episode. Somebody (MsQ?) mentioned Tracy almost breaking down when she was yelling at Luke. I noticed that, too. In fact, I really adored that scene on so many levels. One, Tracy showed true emotion--this was nothing like the scene with Coleman. Back then, it was all about anger and power. This time, it felt more like a wife whose husband had pissed her off. I don't know if I'm explaining it right, but there was more emotion there, or maybe just more levels of emotion. Luke, who in my opinion is just getting worse and worse (but we'll come back to him later), just stood there looking clueless. Holly laughed, which was totally appropriate for her character (because, if you don't absolutely love Tracy and empathize with her on an abnormal level like most of us do), it was funny. Of course, my favorite reaction had to be Robert's. Was his comeback something like, damn you tried to steal the girl, or damn you tried to run off with the jewels, or damn you betrayed your partner? No, it was "the old Luke Spencer never would have repeated himself." I don't know why, but that just had me LMAO.

As for Mr. Luke. I'm just sitting here wondering when he's going to figure out that he's clutching at straws here. It's obvious (to me, at least) that this whole thing was part adventure and more fear of getting old. The writers were none too subtle about this--every one of the "young" adventurers made a comment or twelve about how old the Three Muscatels were, and how they should be slowing down.

Here's Luke, in his bedroom in a tux, waiting to say his imaginary vows to Tracy. He's finding that he's actually liking being married to Tracy; in his own wierd way, he loves her. He's getting off on the Dad thing a little, too--Lulu is his female MiniMe, and that just tickles him. He lives a luxurious life, and can still chase skirts with aplomb. And then he looks in a mirror, and sees an old man looking back.

Enter Holly, and her phone call asking for help. We all know Luke and Holly were very much in love at one point. We also know that Holly represents Luke's youthful adventures. He's out the window and out chasing his glory days.

The problem is, Luke is never going to be 30 again. He's a man in his 50s (?), and he needs to grow up. He has a wife who could give him the greatest adventure of his life, if he'd just let her; instead, he's chasing adolescent fantasies and trying to be 25 again.

If it weren't so painful to my Tracy, I'd just laugh at him. Just my thoughts.

ETA: Page 69!!!!!

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Wonderful analysis, MinervaFan. You got that out of a Guza written show? Wow. I can't say I'm surprised. I think that fear of his is integral to the Luke/Tracy relationship. His relationship with Laura ended abrubtly when she succumbed to the depths of her own mind. Luke wenbt off the deep end and then came Skye. He was chasing skirts. There was nothing equal in that relationship, whch is the way he "liked" it. Tracy, however, took him by surprise. He knew she'd be a challenge, but I don't tihnk he could have anticiapted what he has now. And he's afriad. He likes it. But he's afraid of getting old. Enter Holly, Robert, the old gang, as it were. It's as if his glory days are sucking him back in a hell of a lot more than him going looking for them. This angle of the story is one I would love to see played out--under a competent writing team. Sigh.

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