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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Chapter 22 has been posted. :)

MinervaFan, here are some addresses...Thanks to LorenzoandSkyelover of SZ.

General Hospital

Re: Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

c/o ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, CA 90027

Robert Guza Jr. OR Charles Pratt, Jr.

Head Writer

Re: Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

c/o ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, California 90027

Brian Frons

President of ABC Daytime

ABC, Inc.

2100 Riverside Drive

Burbank CA 91506


Jill F. Phelps

Executive Producer

"General Hospital" ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Ave.

Hollywood, CA 90027


Jane Elliot

"General Hospital"

c/o ABC-TV

4151 Prospect Avenue

Hollywood, California 90027

Soap Opera Digest

Sound Off

Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

261 Madison Avenue

NY NY 10016

Soap Opera Weekly

Public Opinion

Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

261 Madison Ave

NY NY 10016

Soaps In Depth

Speak Out

Re: General Hospital-Tracy Quartermaine (or Tracy/Luke)

270 Sylvan Ave.

Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632


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Ms.Q, I'm loving the fic!!! I can't wait to see what Tracy will say next!! :o I have a question though: Is Luke letting tracy believe hat she is letting him believe that the baby is his? Does he know it's not but is letting her think he does, or does he think it is and we have to wait until the (HIGHLY dramatic) moment until he finds out it's not? ( I hope I'm makin sense here :) ) If so, that would make for a totally great scene between Tracy/Luke/Coleman and if he does, (know that it isn't his) that could make for a really sweet scene between Tracy and Luke ( you can soooo tell i have nothing better to do but to sit and hypothosize about fictional character's fictional lives! lol :P

Anyway, lovin the fic!!!!!

I hope (most likely in futility) that our gurl is on today.

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*waves to BellaSorcerer who is also lurking*

tracyluver, you have it figured out somewhere in there, LOL. Basically, Tracy knows that Luke's not the father, and Luke knows that he's not the father. However, Tracy is letting Luke believe that he's the father, and Luke is letting Tracy believe that he thinks is the father. Does that make sense? :lol: This is all going to be revealed very soon.

Oh, and I'm assuming no Tracy today? I'm boycotting GH 'til she shows up on that darn island, LOL.

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Fey and I watched the episode in defiance. Loved the Alexis stuff--she's the only other person on the show I would have watched for had I not fallen madly in ... erm ... like* with Tracy.

Agreeing with you 200% about the island storyline - sad, stupid, pathetic. Although I did love Lulu telling off Luke. Robert and Luke are totally sad--two old geezers trying to relive their glory days instead of growing up and becoming men.

We need Tracy. Now.


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Thanks for the compliments on the fic!

MinervaFan, Alexis is also one of my favorites. (ILoveTracyQ, watch out...Alexis fans are taking over this thread, LOL.) But I just can't get into this SL with Sam. Love NLG. Love Alexis. I suppose my Sam hate (it's not even hate...it's just indifference) is greater than my Alexis love or something.

Anyway...TRACY! TRACY! TRACY! Where is she? This is just getting ridiculous. Hmm...We should bombard Frons with emails. Why not, right? RC/Skye fans did it with the whole AMC rumor, BH/Liz fans did it with the Cameron being killed off rumor, NLG/Alexis fans did it with Alexis losing custody rumor, and so on. We can demand that we know TracyQ's location. Or not. :P It's a bit of a different scenario here, and well, I guess it is kind of childish; at least in our case, it would be. *sigh*

Ooh! We could do little DYK facts. I mean, most us know that WK/JE played lovers on DAYS, but surely, there are other things not all of us know such as...

On the morning of the 2004 Emmy nominations announcements, JE congratulated SC with a "Was Mama right, or was Mama right?" This is just too cute.

3 days into Lesli Kay's (Lois #2) new job, TPTB decided to give her dressing room (the one next to JE's) away to a day player and move LK elsewhere. JE found out, went to TPTB to get the move reversed, and got the job done. (Also included within the link a mention of the baby shower JE and Leslie Charleson threw for Robin Christopher.)

Rick Hearst would like to work with Jane Elliot. Could we call them Tric? I remember the one scene where Ric was questioning Tracy on the stand, and he called her "dear," LOL.

I don't have a link for this (can't find it), but a few years ago (2000 maybe) Becky Herbst and Amber Tamblyn were on a mission to replace the photos of GH stars that were hung up in the hallway (not sure if the photos were of Emmy winners, or just more experienced actors, or what). In any case, the girls successfully removed JE's photo and intended on blaming it on Michael Saucedo (Ex-Juan) if JE ever returned. Wonder what happened with this? LOL.

WK and JE are (or used to be) real life neighbors. His daughter and her daughter used to play together, despite the 6 year age difference. They go on beach days and everything, and WK/JE used to carpool to work. She also went to his wedding (his second one, I believe). Aww. *sniff* I miss Ned.

Deidre Hall and Jane Elliot keynoted the "Wise Women, Well Women" seminar at the Swedish Covenant Hospital in Chicago, IL last April.

Natalia has nothing but praise for Jane Elliot. Now, if she could only take lessons...

What did Jane Elliot do when she found Rick Hearst and Steve Burton wrestling in the dressing room hallways? :lol:

If it's not 100% cotton, she don't buy it. Also included: Why she loves playing Tracy. (This goes along with the SOD article...The one thing JE hates about Tracy is her wardrobe, LOL. The nylons especially. She would like to wear sweats, LOL.)

JE didn't rehearse the scenes surrounding the Anna Lee Tribute/Lila Memorial. This excerpt is really sad. :(

From an SOD article...JE's daughter hates that has mother plays evil. She used to go to work with her, and JE would have the monitor on in the dressing room to keep up with what is happening, but as soon as JE went to film, her daughter turned that monitor off. JE's mother hated it also.

Don't have the link, but when JE's daughter was younger, she used to tell everyone that "Mom" worked in a beauty parlor due to the endless amount of time she spent in Hair/Make-Up. That's so adorable.

JE wore slippers for the Liz/Lucky wedding...It might've been in the one of the mags. I remember reading it on another board. Not sure of the source.

JE took her shoes off and tried to find shade during the filming of Anna/Robert's wedding, according to Kimberly McCollough. Pointless fact, I know. I still thought it was cute, LOL.

JE is one of the people that KMc would've liked to work with but never got the chance. Maybe that'll change since KMc is back now?

And well, I think that's enough. Enjoy. :)

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Hey, MsQ! Great facts....wonderful stuff...and WITH LINKS? I've gotten my girlfriend hooked on vids, which can mean doom for my online time now that the semester is over. But I'm thinking my project this summer is going to have to be the same type of project I did two summers ago when I created Ballyhoo and Beyond. Not only did I get to spend a summer working on a project about one of my favorite actresses (Dana Ivey), but I actually got to meet her (online) and correspond with her. Not that I'm wishing something like that would happen with Jane..... ;)

Tracy/Jane needs a freaking website, and you guys are totally inspiring me. Between the fanfic, the trivia links, the mvids, etal--I really think I have enough content to do this. (And my girlfriend also happens to be a kicka$$ web designer, who adores TracyQ.....*NOTE: I did the design on Ballyhoo and Beyond. Fey can do much neater stuff.)

So, what I need to do is start gathering this stuff, as well as links to the permanent homes of mvids, clip collections, articles, etc. I'm thinking I'm going to do this. Can we start a brainstorming list for a site name?

Edit: Even the Spoiler Folk are mentioning Tracy's absense from the show. I'm liking this person, especially the SamIAm poem.

Also, it's pouring down raining--thunderstorms, hail, lightening strikes and 45 mph winds. Um, guess who's probably going to have GH pre-empted today by weather bulletins? Be on the lookout for me, my lovelies, in case our girl is on. I have a coworker who is a fan and has SoapNet, so I may be able to get the show (i'm going to ask her to tape it tonight, JIC). I "outed" myself by showing her my Tracy icons and the vids. She thinks they're cute. *shivers at the thought of RL and FanLife merging on any level.*

ACK! Ms. Q, I keep forgetting to tell you how much I enjoyed "Bad Day!" Your vids are so fluid and beautiful--very smooth transitions, wonderful clarity, and an excellent choice of music and clips. I wish you'd make more. Fey is creating a vid page on her domain for me, and I should have them FTP'd over soon. I'd like to do a rec page for the vids I like--do you have a permanent online link for them?

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Yeccch. Alexis bores me.

There are two kinds of actors IMO: those that fit the character like putting on a glove,and those that you catch "acting", because they never really convince you they're the character...just an actor playing a part.

JE is the first kind.

NLG is the second.

And I'll stop with that. :)

Thank you so so much for putting up all those links Ms.Q.

Some I've read,some I haven't. I will read those later that I haven't already.

So far that's Kelly M,Rick H,Kim Mc, and Tyler C who have said they don't get a chance to work with Jane and would like to.

Isn't that cool?

Too bad TIIC can't pay attention to that.

MinervaFan,that's Sage...he's pretty funny sometimes.

He LURVES Tracy.....and I don't know,I thought it was kind of sad,when he mentioned the goings on,and said he could only think of Tracy in all that.

Probably because she's the only one emotionally invested in what's going on.

Robert and Luke are in the chase for the jollies,Holly's around for the money and to get laid....only Tracy is looking out for love. I just hope she doesn't get hurt. :(

I'm all for a TQ site.

She needs one,and if I had the means,I would have already done one.

As far as a name....hmm. Let me think on that.

Maybe she will be on before 05/22/06...but I doubt it'll be today. I wish it were,though.

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ILoveTracyQ, per the spoilers I read today, FH and ES will end their limited run on the show 5/19. Since Tracy had scenes with Anna, she will have to be on before the 22nd.

Working on vids and fanfic. And dishes, although that's besides the point.

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Ooh, a Jane Elliot/Tracy Quartermaine site sounds like a wonderful idea. I'm not that creative, so I'll leave the name of it up to all of you. And MinervaFan, my videos do not have a permanent link. I'm not sure how to go about that either. :o

May 19th, ILoveTracyQ, May 19th. You brought that good news to this thread, remember? :P About NLG...I remember reading upon her return that JE wanted to work with her (read it off a message board, not the original article). Any comments on that? You wouldn't FF Tracy, right? LOL.






Luke/Robert and Tracy "for kicks" (and Lulu/Dillon as well) will all be involved in the upcoming Cassadine/source of the virus SL. If true, I guess this leads into TG's annual summer vacation. Anything with TQ is fine by me, but can't it be serious for once? Tracy for kicks? *sigh*

Also...Dillon moves back into the mansion (without his wife).

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This is fascinating. Not the article, because eyew. But the one paragraph, wwaaaaaayyyyy down at the end, which reveals a surprising (if potentially libelous) little comment from the movie's director about Jane's time on the set of Change of Habit. (Although, technically, it's only libel if it can be proven untrue--oh, my college Communication Law course is coming in handy.) I don't know if I'm horrified or secretly gleeful over the thought of scandal.....

I was looking online to find out what kind of nuns were in CoH. Of course, when I was wading through talk of Elvis's hair to get to something about Jane Elliot, I didn't expect this.... (Oh, and Jane flat out denied the rumor in the online chat she did last year. My guess is that one of these people is either lying, exaggerating, or clearly senile.)

BTW, does anybody know what Order the nuns in CoH were? It's driving me nuts, because I seem to remember them mentioning it, and my internal Catholic database has been purged for the most part..... Ya know, to outsiders, a nun is a nun is a nun. But when you're writing fanfic from a nun's point of view, a Dominican is not a Franciscan is not a Carmelite....

ETA: Page 63!!!!!!!!

Edit2: Chapter two of the Tracy-Monica story is done. Hint: Disco is involved.

Edit3: Chapter three will probably get me put in a mental institution. Oh, Tracy. Oh, Monica..... You are *such* bad girls.

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*waves to BellaSorcerer who I see lurking*

It has been forever since TQ has been on and I for one am keeping my fingers crossed that she will be on soon. While obsessing on the fact that Tracy hasen't been on in over a week, I was thanking god that I am not as huge a fan of lets say Bobbie, Noah, Alan, Monica, Mac, Maxie, and lets not forget Mike. These are, for the most part, well liked/loved characters who haven't had a story line in YEARS so I really can't complain too much that TQ hasen't been on. *sigh* :unsure:

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MinervaFan, I've read that before, and I also read the online chat in which she denied it, and then I figured it didn't matter since nothing came out of it. Well, that, and it's not really my business. ;) Oh, I cannot wait for the Tracy/Monica fanfic, LOL. :D

nex4evr, well, Maxie is kind of in a SL, and Mike is recurring, so he doesn't count, but I agree about the rest of them. Still missing our girl though...I just want an explanation. Would that be so hard?

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I thought of something. The FH and ES storylines end on May 19. Luke and Tracy will be reunited before then, right?

Luke and Tracy got together on the 18th of May, 2005. If things went like I suspected, it was probably well after midnight when they went to the chapel to get married.

That means, the last day of the FH & ES storylines...will be on Luke and Tracy's first anniversary.

Speculation? Dare we hope? Oh, MsQ, you will either love or hate the Monica-Tracy story. I go there, although in a tongue-in-cheek manner. Fear me, and my mother wit. ;)

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Yes MinervaFan I have calculated that same date but I don't give TIIC enough credit to remember it.

If anything is said,it'll be TG/JE's doing,not TIIC.

I think it's a coincidence.

Ms.Q I know JE/NLG are friends IRL.

But yeah if it were a Tracy/Alexis story?

I'd be tempted to FFwd.

I dislike Alexis that much,and NLG has NEVER impressed me acting wise.


Nothing on TQ in SOW.

Maybe SON will have something when those spoilers come out.

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