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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I don't have time to respond to everything right now, but I had to pop because...Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (I am such a fangirl, sometimes, LOL)






From Finola Hughes's Blog:

Anyway, I had SO much fun at GH this week, there was one morning I literally laughed for three hours (very professional), but I was working with Tony and Jane (Luke and Tracy) and they are ridiculous, in a very good way!

I don't care if we have to wait until the week of May 15th to see Tracy; we still get to see her! ILoveTracyQ, your optimism paid off! :D

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Me so happy. :D

Where did you find her blog,Ms.Q ??

I can't wait to see the scenes. :)

And MinervaFan, I have that eppy on tape,but have no clue about clips.

Ms.Q do you know if one of the sites you frequent might have a clip of the HS scene from (I guess it was November or December,2003?)


OUr girl's gonna be on.

And I wish I WAS still a Ms.Teenage America.

Well,sometimes I wish it. :)

ETA waves to MinervaFan

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First up...Some clips!

Credit to Shazzer; I've edited to the clips to JE/Tracy scenes (so you won't get the rest of the episode). Unfortunately, some quality was lost. :(

April 12th and 13th: Luke asks Tracy to renew their vows; Robert returns to town; Luke plans to rescue Holly.

April 13th and 14th: Lulu finds Tracy looking at a photo of Lila; Robert gives "Sparky Butt" and Luke some time alone; Luke leaves Tracy at the altar.

Clip came from Skye of GHVT, but she told me not to credit her, since she got them from someone else (who she can't remember). In any case....

November 2003: Luke, Skye, Scott, Tracy, Sam talk on the Haunted Star. (Check out that look Luke gives his future wife ;), and LOL @ Tracy pushing Skye aside.)

ILoveTracyQ, keep that "rumor" away from SoapDish. :P And here is Finola's blog.

nex4evr, if you know the date, you can check out the archives at GQ Daily. If Georgie/Dillon were both featured in the scene, the clips might be there. I wish I could find the clip of Dillon in a South American jail where he pretended to be crazy, and then Tracy showed up and said, "Sweetheart, are we off our meds again?" LOL. If I run across it, I'll be sure to share.

As for the video, nex4evr, MinervaFan (loved "Army of Me" by the way, but I think "I'm Not That Girl" is my favorite so far) and smirks might be better at explaining it. I'm convinced Windows Movie Maker is a basic program, when it apparently isn't, LOL. I just don't know how to do anything more advanced.






From Anonymous of SD: Luke and Tracy: Is true love in the air? Don't laugh.

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Thanks Ms.Q for the blog,except FH says she was working with them "this week",and since GH tapes about three weeks ahead,it may be more like the week of the 22nd before we see her,unless she pops up before then *crossing fingers that she does !*



Thanks also for the clips,I'll watch when I get a chance.

Check out the HS one especially MinervaFan,that's the one I was talking about.

Yeah I'll keep the rumor away from SD,LOL....but how fun would it be to spread it? No one would believe it,though. :)

Speaking of SD,the anonymous rumor/spoiler...could be true,ya never know. :)

Hope so.

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Hello all! :) Am in the process of downloading some stuff and wanted to drop by and say hello. I just wanted to say how much i love and look forward to coming to this thread everyday. you guys are so awesomely optimistic ( well, most of the time :D ) even in the worst of times for Tracy fans. you guys rock!

Oh, just watched the Tracy leaves dillon clip and the Tracy/luke/everybody else on the HS clip and i wanted to know if anyone had any old Tracy/Scotty clips. I heard they used to be a couple. Were they hot? Were they not? Were they even a couple? also, does anyone have any clips of a supposed kiss between tracy and jax and any other semi-romantic clips between them? I'm thinking of TRYING to do a tracy-and-her-harem-of-men vid and i wanted to know if you guys had that stuff! (puts puss n' boots eyes on Ms.Q, official clip queen and Trax officianado :D )

ETA: page 59!!!!!

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MsQ, you are awesome! I especially look forward to the clip on the Haunted Star. I'm thinking it might be fun to explore an alternative universe fanfic where Luke/Tracy had a torrid affair years ago they kept hidden, and now they are struggling not to reinstigate it. Either way, I have to start getting my head back into fanfic mode, because the May challenge is getting older by the minute....

nex4evr, adding it to my list of things to view. BTW, does anybody know how to download vids from YouTube? It's really frustrating, because dial-up makes it almost impossible to watch in their viewer.

MsQ, I agree with you--I'm Not That Girl is my favorite yet, although I think my skill level is getting better with each vid. (I went back and watched "Never Mind" again, and just cringed my butt off.)

tracyluvr, from what I know, Tracy blackmailed Jax into getting engageed to her, probably to piss off Skye or Carly--I can't remember which. Either way, they apparently kissed once (vid anybody?), but it never got passed that.

ILoveTracyQ, don't you dare spread that rumor, young lady! Ms. Elliot is a lady and a professional. And Tony Geary is gay. :lol: *grinning. ducking. running like hell.*

Edit: Oh, LAWD. I have way too much honor to leave that last joke un-modified. Dudes, it's a joke. I have no information one way or another on Tony Geary's sexual orientation. *rolls eyes at own self*

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I'm tempted to go far beyond that,MinervaFan.

I'm tempted to spread the rumor that the reason Jane wasn't at the Emmys,was that she couldn't get dressed fast enough after she and TG....well,anyway. :mellow:

Oh,people always say that about Geary. All I know is,he's a private man,and he "voluntarily" told SOW in an article last year that his live in girlfriend took care of the Amsterdam house when he wasn't there.

I can't see him volunteering that much info,especially that much specific info,unless it were true.

Especially not something that could so easily be proved false.

Jax and Tracy kissed,but not while engaged. They kissed at Tracy's hotel door when she came back to PC in 96,she and Jax were in partnership to take over ELQ.

Jax was blackmailed <_< into the engagement by Tracy,using photos of Skye with DeadCop Ross Duncan,making it look like Skye was the culprit.

JAx agreed to the marriage to keep Skye out of jail,only it never got that far.

I have no idea how to download from there,MinervaFan. But I like you admit to being somewhat computer illiterate.

Excited question about the Luke/Holly scenes today.

From recaps,did Holly say something about the woman Luke loves,or the wife he loves?

Details,those who watched. Please. :)

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Hey don't exactly have much time to post (gotta get my lil bro off the bus) but...

MinervaFan I also have dial-up and I've found that less than a second after it starts you can click 'pause' and then wait a little while for it to completely shadow in the gray it will play and not stop or screw up! Hope it works for you!

Be back in a few to post more lol!!

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*waves to everyone*

Ready. Set. Go! It's the super huge mega clip post! :D

tracyluver, these are the Trax clips I have (also, see below):

1996: Tracy pulls Jax into a kiss (end of the montage). (Credit to Shazzer)

November 2003 Part 1: Tracy/Jax talk in the park; Skye interrupts. (Credit to Skye; once again, she asked that I not credit her since she didn't clip them, but rather got them from someone else)

November 2003 Part 2: Tracy/Jax/Skye talk in the park. (Credit to Skye; see above)

November/December 2003: Tracy/Jax discuss the Dead Man's Hand. (Credit to Skye; see above)

December 2005: Tracy is the only person that can help Jax. (Credit to Shazzer)

nex4evr, I found one of the "hair" clips (Credit to GQ Daily):

July 2004 Part 1: Sage slaps Dillon; Tracy enters.

July 2004 Part 2: Tracy doesn't want Dillon working for Ned (includes "hair" clips).

MinervaFan! Eeeeeeeee! I just found some engagement clips!!!! (credit to GQ Daily, so there are only clips of Tracy/Jax if Dillon is also in the scene)

April 2004 Part 1: Tracy has an extraordinary announcement; she's getting married!

April 2004 Part 2: No Tracy in this clip, but the family reacts.

April 2004 Part 3: No Tracy in this clip, but Dillon wants to stop the marriage.

April 2004 Part 4: Tracy and Jax are moving in together.

Engagement Party Clips (credit to GQ Daily)

May 2004 Part 1: Tracy is happy that Dillon arrived.

May 2004 Part 2: Tracy proposes a toast to Lorenzo; Lorenzo has some hurtful words for Tracy; Dillon approaches his mother.


ILoveTracyQ, don't get too excited. Holly said that Luke had a good life in Port Charles: a beautiful daughter who loves him, a woman he's love with, and a wife. BTW, more Holly/Robert/Luke in the previews (still dressed in their costumes). I wish I knew if Tracy's plane landed yet. ;)

ETA: kenna, thanks so much for the clips! I didn't remember that Tracy/Jax kiss.






I might have to wait until the week of May 22nd? Are you kidding me?!? Oh well...It'll be worth it in the end, right?

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That kiss between Jax and Tracy--even without dialogue, it was...

Um, wow. That was disturbing and hot and intense.

Yeah, I could see Trax being a big part of my life, if they had gone that way. OTOH, Racy and LuNacy are also good. Tralice, though--oohlala! *wink*

Am downloading more stuff. My tape screwed up again today and I missed the first half of the show. I'm assuming no Tracy, right? Personally, my Sleeping Inner Catholic was pretty stunned that no bolts of lightning came down and smacked that skanky Holly upside her head. But, that's just me....

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LMAO! I know right. When I saw Luke and Holly dressed up like that I almost died laughing!

I *so* wish I could've seen Trax now lol.

Oh and MinervaFan I love love love all your music videos!! :D

Don't worry I won't. Honestly I wouldn't doubt that for a second. Here's to hoping it happens!

Well I'm off to write and get my lil brat of a brother to bed! Much Luv!!

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