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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Since April of last year,Jane has had as much,if not more,screentime with AG as RC has.

TG winning it and not thanking JE,honestly I really don't care because I doubt Jane is lying around moaning about it.

But yeah,TG winning and not thanking Jane,would be like TK winning and thanking Tamara Braun and NOT RC.

Think about it.


ETA that publicity shot is from last year I believe.

Great update Ms.Q I love your story. :)

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Good morning. *waves to everyone*

coolkid, she goes when she's nominated, doesn't she? Too bad the pre-noms go to the younger ladies (Natalia Livingston? Seriously.) The virus SL stuff would at least get JE a nomination.

MinervaFan, why are you making us wait? ;)

Keith, I'm pretty sure the photo came from the "Beauty Secrets" section of Soaps In Depth (circa July/August 2005); it consisted of an article about Tracy's wardrobe (the long jackets).

ILoveTracyQ, glad you're enjoying the story.

Interesting tidbit from SD: The subject of a young Steve Burton and his past crushes came up, and someone said he admitted to having a crush on JE. Anyone know anything about this? :lol: SD added her name to SB's other crushes...Lynn Herring, Kristina Wagner, Emma Samms, Charlotte Ross (from Days), and Kimberly McCullough.






Today, the Q's believe Lorenzo is responsible for the hit on Jason. I'm going to assume that Tracy's not in attendance since she's too busy tracking down her husband. If she is at this Q meeting, then I guess that's all the proof we need that her part in the adventure has been cut. :o Sorry for being so negative. I do realize that SOW had an article, but things get rewritten all the time. If she never ends up on that island, SOW is going to be deadtome. First, we get fun Vegas wedding photos, but NO wedding, and then we get fun Tracy island adventure article, but NO Tracy. <_<

From Anonymous at SD: (after Sweeps) Robert is going to be drawn to Tracy and the best triangle yet to come will probably be Robert/Tracy/Luke. (This person also said that Sarah Webber was returning, but the other stuff sounded plausible.) I'm being negative again, but I highly doubt JE/Tracy is going to be the center of a love triangle...unless it's all about the humilation or something.

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*waves to all*

I am trying to get my optimism back. LOL

Or else, refrain from posting. I hate being negative about anything,especially my girl.

I'll post below the spoiler breakdown from SOC for the next few weeks,don't know where they got it.

No Tracy mentions at ALL.

LALALALA I am in denial.

I still have hopes our girl is going to swoop down and save them all. :) :) :)

Ms.Q I cannot emphasize exactly how much I AM enjoying your little story.

I half expected Jax to ask her to move in with him.


Do I smell a triangle of sorts coming up?

I know how much you love him,and loved him with Tracy.

Tracy/Jax flirting was ten times hotter than Carly/Jax.

JMHO. :)

About Steve Burton,they were on DOOL at the same time years ago,I don't remember reading anything about a crush but I do remember when she had the short cut when she first came back in 89,SBu used to tease her and call her Linda Dano.


I have heard that Tyler wants to work more with her,and Kelly Monaco also said she'd love to work more with her and TG.


That co-star support almost makes the lack of airtime worth it all

I do think the younger crowd consider TG/JE to be the best of the best at GH.

Going on published comments only.

BTW on Friday's show,which I watched due to the Tracy mentions:

there was a brief reference to Luke "living it up" by Robert,then a quick flash to a hotel room where it sounded like a man and woman having sex. Luke and HOlly? :angry:

spoiler talk

I'm copying and pasting the posted spoilers at SOC:

Breakdown spoilers from T&D

Week of May 1st

Its the end of John Durant as he finally does right by his daughter

Robert catches up to Luke and Holly

May 2nd

Monica realizes that Emily knew about the hit

Emily turns to Sonny for comfort

May 3rd

Monica and Jason fear that Sam is having a miscarriage

May 4th

Jason is arrested again

May 5th

Robin storms out on Patrick . . . and into a dangerous situation

Week of May 8th

Jason, Alexis, Nik, and Edward close ranks

Lulu has some advice for Diego

Holly gives Luke and Robert the slip

Sonny is served with three legal documents ~ there goes the barware

Patrick goes to Robin's rescue

Alexis pleads with Sam to reverse her decision

Georgie comes to the wrong conclusion about Dillion and turns to a friend

Lucky catches Liz in a lie

Robin and Lulu are kidnapped and used for bait. . .Two unlikely rescuers fall into the same trap

Robert, Luke and Holly get the upper hand on a bounty hunter

May 9th

Hospital administration stops Jason from making decisions on Sam's behalf.

Liz changes Lucky's chart, while Epiphany covers for her.

May 11th

Patrick is called back to Port Charles

Alexis agrees to let Noah operate on Sam

Sam gets a miracle for her birthday

May 12th

Robert gets smacked.

Patrick contemplates and then accepts Robin's challenge Week of May 15th

Sam and Manny have a little chat

Epiphany to the rescue!

Emily offers to testify on Sonny's behalf

Skye is next on Manny's list

Luke, Robert, and Holly want to know who Anna is working for, while Robin demands they lay off her mom

Jason guilts Alexis. Later, Alexis returns the favor.

Nikolas confronts Carly

Anna and Holly go at it over Robin and Robert, but later they are forced to work together.

Alexis learns a truth about Ric.

Alexis and Jason take action against Sonny and Ric.

Uh-oh...Edward has a plan

Carly and Jax bond while discussing their fathers

Liz worries that she is losing Lucky

Week of May 22nd

Diego comes to Skye's and Georgie's rescue

Helena returns with a secret agenda

Nikolas becomes suspicious of Alfred

Carly revisits her old stomping grounds

Emily asks Lainey for advice about Sonny

Jason asks Monica and Alan for a favor regarding Sam

Sam is confused and hurt by Jason's actions

Ric is forced to choose sides...his brother or his wife and daughter

Alan and Jason share a close moment

Emily is dreaming again, but its not about Sonny

Nik learns the truth...while another secret is covered up

Lorenzo chooses Skye

Manny is murdered

May 26th

Sonny finds himself completely alone with his demons


Last edited by Paulette : Yesterday at 10:56 AM.

So...I guess the two unlikely rescuers are Dillon and Patrick,but Patrick's part doesn't last long since he's called back to PC on 5/11/06. Does Dillon stay?

What about Robin,it seems she stays also.

No Tracy mention.


I am remaining optimistic.

See?? :rolleyes:

spoiler talk over

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You do realise that Robin getting her kudos is long overdue? Tony didnt acknowledge her previously and by just naming her in his thanks, he is thanking her for the 3 years they have been screen partners.

I'm sure if Tony wins again, it will be Jane's name mentioned but I'm holding out hope that JANE will get nominated and win herself next time.

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*sigh* Looking at all those spoilers...I just can't be optimistic. I can't. I guess I shouldn't post at all then. :( Well, I guess I will post this...






I just HATE that the original plan seemed to include our girl (based on the article). WTH happened? Is Dillon going to wonder where his mother is? Are we supposed to pretend that the plane never landed? Are we supposed to pretend that she ended up on the wrong island? Is she on the right island but LOST? I need explanations. Surely, I'm not asking for much. *sigh* Tracy on an adventure would be so much fun too.

Edited: That's it. I'm done being pessimistic. *thinks happy thoughts* :D

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I forgot to say I love you guys,too...and I love this place.

It's usually a safe haven to talk about Tracy.


S'anyway.....again Ms.Q,where ARE you going with this story?

It's so well written,so plausible,and who was that spying on them?






I'm lovin' it.


Unless we get a scene with Tracy coming back to PC and staying there,she will pop up.

TG said so. :)

How and when...eh,MinervaFan thinks I'm being pessimistic,but I think it will be towards the end,sweeps ends the Wednesday before Memorial Day weekend, 052406.

Tracy didn't get a mention in breakdowns,but me thinks she will have a bigger part than we're expecting.

Either she's part of the rescue,or needs rescuing herself.

We'll see.

I know it's hard to be optimistic,but.....well,let's TRY. LOL

I don't think her not being in the breakdowns is a bad thing.

Look at it this way,that means when she is on,whatever she is up to will be a surprise.

There,how about that?

And I'm sure Dillon will be worried that his mom is not there when he gets there.

I want to know if Luke/Holly had sex. :angry:

Luke is on my LIST.

spoiler talk over

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These days, Luke is always on my list. ;)

The May challenge is up on the TQ Ficathon. It's going to run the whole month of May, so we have lots of time for people to post lots of stories. *waggles eyebrows* Ms.Q, this does not give you carte blanche to abandon "Oh, Baby," because I so want to see how this turns out. (Of course, if Skye pushes her down a flight of stairs, I'm suing.)

Re: Lack of Tracy in spoilers--I don't know what to think. I will just...bide my time...think fanficcy thoughts, and hope for the best.

Re: the ever-elusive Bjork Meets Tracy vid. I learned something important today. Even though SendSpace lists the "Mail To:" field as optional, it really isn't. Not if you actually want to know what the URL is.....

Re: this group. It's my crack. I check it more than LiveJournal, and I didn't think ANYTHING would drag me away from LiveJournal. You people make me happy.

Oh, and I just filled my first CD (520 megs) full of Tracy vids, and had to start on a second. Still looking for anything you guys want to share. Oh, Ms.Q....I managed to not download the Robert comes to town/Tracy & Luke renew their vows episodes before the link expired. Would you consider reposting the links? Also, there was that...um...(feeling pushy) 2003 clip where Tracy dumps Dillon at the Quartermaine mansion you mentioned...... *bats eyes plaintively*

Spoiler Talk:




From Anonymous at SD: (after Sweeps) Robert is going to be drawn to Tracy and the best triangle yet to come will probably be Robert/Tracy/Luke.

Dudes, I still don't see any sexual chemistry there. Yeah, they play well off each other, but there's about as much spark between them as there is between her and Alan. (Oh, don't go there, you pervs...) The teasing I see as a big brother tormenting his bratty kid sister, not a potential lover trying to throw his prey off balance with jealousy.

But maybe I'm wrong. And if they played a triangle correctly, it could be really fun. I loved the Luke/Tracy/Coleman triangle, until Coleman ruined it all by coming on to Skye. (C'mon, she's pretty, but she's no Tracy Quartermaine. I mean, dudes--the painting on the wall says it all.)


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*waves to MinervaFan* I'll upload the others a bit later, but the Tracy/Dillon one has been edited into one of my previous posts. And the "mail-to" part is optional. Click the link it gives you (the link that's titled whatever you saved the file as), and then copy the URL from the address bar. :)

Here is is again:

LIVE Update

Luke/Robert in tacky hotel: Offscreen, Holly ties Luke to the bed, steals his pants, and leaves. Robert calls the authorities. He says "Sparky Butt" won't be posting his bail since she's angry about the Holly situation. He leaves. A hooker frees Luke. She wants to spend some with him. Luke wants to, but he can't: He's meeting an old flame.

The Quartermaines: Skye comes inside from the terrace. Edward believes there is a prowler. Skye says it's a dog. Alice comes running in with a baseball bat. She's going to take care of the trespasser. Edward believes Lorenzo made Skye a target. Later, Dillon, Lulu, Georgie, Monica, and Alan join. The teens tell the adults about the shooting. Edward blames Lorenzo. (Tracy's not with the rest of them, so I guess this means she'll still heading to the islands. Darn. That's a long flight for soap opera time. ;))

Luke/Robert/Holly in fancy hotel: Holly is relaxing in a nice hotel. Luke enters. She wants to know how she found him. Luke is interested in the money he stole from her. Robert comes in with a gun. He wants them to put their hands up. Luke is still going on about the money. He/Holly banter. Robert just looks at them oddly. (I swear, it's the Luke/Tracy/$15 million conversation all over again).

Back at the Q's... Edward wants Dillon and Georgie spending the night with the Q's. It's all right because Tracy isn't there to give them a hard time. (Yes, I get that, but where is she?) Monica/Alan decide to go to the hospital to be with Jason. Lorenzo enters. Alan doesn't want him there. Lorenzo hopes that Skye believes he's not responsible for the hit.

Previews: The Q's are not worthy of the previews, but Robert yells at Luke/Holly to shut up. Luke wants Robert to shoot Holly. Robert wants Holly to shoot Luke, so they can run off together. *sings* Oh, where oh where is Tracy? I wonder if JE is on vacation.

ILoveTracyQ, I love your optimism. It makes me smile. :) But didn't SC say Dillon "dies" and then "dies" again? I know. I know. Can't compare to SC to TG, but things do get changed. I just wouldn't put it past TPTB to have Tracy return to the mansion near the end of May and mutter something about not being able to find Luke. (*throws hands in the air* So much for my "no more pessimism" idea, LOL) About the story...Thanks so much for the compliment. I could give a hint as to who was watching them, but it'll be revealed soon enough. As for Tracy/Jax, my ultimate goal is to keep Tracy/Luke (obviously, Coleman gets involved too), so we'll see what happens.

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Ms. Q, thank you for the link and the recap of today's episode. Somebody turned off my timer AGAIN, so they're reallllly lucky there was no Tracy on today's episode. Oh, my kingdom for my own place.

Am uploading "Army of Me" again. And yeah, I know SendSpace gives you the URL in the link, but that doesn't help in my situation. I set it to upload at home, go to work, and nab the URL on my break. And since my pookie-ookie accidentally closed down the window containing the URL, I'm forced to do it again. :)

I love the technological age.

Edit: Army of Me URL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/degc1s

Edit2: Okay, ya'll can just shoot me DED. Got this image from www.facesgh.com of the LuNacy Nuptuals. I'm telling you, there's no way they could have shown this circus on the air. But I would have paid GOOD money to be a fly on the wall when Jane and Tony were taking these photos. (I love the minister with the cowboy hat in the background.)


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MinervaFan I just saw your Mvid and I thought it was great....oh BTW LOVE the new banner :)

For all you JE fans I was just watching Soapnet's Unzipped and Linda Dano, Lisa Rinna, and Michael Bruno were all talking about Tony's acceptance speech and Linda Dano asked why he didn't thank JE when we thanked RC <_< ........good question

Also as I was watching the clip of Tracy leaving Dillion, (thank you Aire)I got to wondering why she came back? Was it because of Dillion or money can anybody answer that for me? :D

*waves to MinervaFan*

BTW does anybody remember when Tracy and Dillion were having an arguement and Tracy slapped Dillions hair? I don't remember when it happened or why but if anybody has that clip it would be greatly appreciated. pulpulpulease!!!!!

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*waves back to nex4evr*

I was under the impression Tracy came back because Dillon was in jail during the whole Diego stalking situation.

Just finished downloading and watching the Tracy Leaves Dillon (all 32 megs of it, on dial-up....), and whoa. Just freakin' whoa. Why don't we get more of these scenes, she asks? OTOH, Ms.Q, you've given me the basis for the next vid I want to do.

BTW, (note the subtle transition) does anybody have an decent clips of Tracy and Ned? I've got the hug after the fire, but just anything where they're interacting in a more or less positive manner? A fight between them would also be useful.

Just curious. (I have much with the Dillon and Tracy; not so much with the Ned and Tracy.)

And dudes, what's this about Ned being raised by the Qmaines? I thought he went to expensive boarding schools in Europe.... Did I totally get that wrong?

Oh, and nex4evr, thanks for the kudos on the banner and vid. Vids are my new crack, but I still love playing in PhotoImpact. Oh, and that fanfic thing. That's fun, too.

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MinervaFan I think nex is asking about JE's return to town after leaving Dillon in 2003.

She came back briefly in the summer of 2003 when Dillon was in jail for wrecking AJ's car I believe.

Then she came back in November, mainly because Dillon had been shot by Lucky(accidentally) when Dillon was trying to stop Sage from shooting Alexis.

She also was looking for the cards to the Dead Man's Hand( a story that if it had included more Tracy/Luke from the beginning,would have had so much more potential). I still remember the first scene of them together on the HS,with Skye,Sam,and Scott.

TG/JE even then,had that spark,and there was that moment when Luke was talking about the reason he wanted to re-open the Star wasn't about money,it was about passion.

JE's look was priceless,and IMO she would've jumped Luke's bones right then if they'd been alone and she thought for a moment he'd go for it.

It was THAT kind of moment.

Another wasted opportunity,because TG/JE have ALWAYS had ten times the chemistry of TG/RC.

Anyway, she came back for Dillon/the Dead Man's Hand story.

And she stayed.

MinervaFan to show you what idiots we have running this show,as I said before,Tracy was never told onscreen of what was going on. She was in "Europe",and the next time we saw her,was not rushing to her son's defense as it should have been,but kidnapped by Vinnie in Florida.

And Dillon/Tracy to this day have not had one. single. discussion about it onscreen.


I smell another missing scene.


BTW I'm loving everyone's vids and fics and all.

It takes me a while to read/watch but I'm lovin' it all.


MinervaFan I think that's one of the best Tracy/Dillon scenes ever.

But if you're going to do a vid based their relationship,can I make a creative suggestion that you can keep or toss,whichever you decide:

Tracy/Dillon when they first came back,Dillon was very naive I think,very trusting of his mother and distrustful of others.

In the beginning he was also a darker character,more of a loner,more of a social misfit,more like his mom,actually.

More like you'd expect a kid to be who has a mom like Tracy and spends a lot of time in hotel rooms watching old movies as his main source of company.But as he spent more time in PC he began to see his mother more like the rest of the family did,which is both sad and smart.

Sad because I liked the "close" vibe they had,and smart because well,he was very naive when it came to Tracy until he began seeing for himself what she was capable of.

I wish we'd get past the "my mom is rotten' business,she's no more rotten than any other person in that town,and better than a lot of them IMO.

BUT I don't ever want him to go back to the "will you stop dissing my mom" attitude either,at least not without very good cause.

Anyway,I think their relationship is one that you can almost see(and landmark) the changes in,and I'd love to see the changes and different facets of their relationship.


I think Ned/Tracy/Dillon is the most complex,interesting parent/children relationship on that show,and it's my all time fave,too.

Sorry for the babbling.


nex there's been several times when they were arguing and Tracy slapped his hair. LOL

I think the time you're thinking about was when she caught Georgie in his bedroom and after Georgie left,Tracy threatened him with military school and a crew cut. LOL

I have no idea about a clip out there,though.

ABout Tony not thanking Jane.

I heard a rumor that all TG's talk about how he'd love for Luke/Tracy to have a love scene,is that TG has been after JE to date him.

She refused,and this last time,right before the Emmys.

He got mad and dissed her.

Okay,so that entire thing I just made up.

But it was fun making it up,anyway. :)

Yeah I'm really bored.

About sweeps.

Our girl WILL pop up,and I'm crossing my fingers it's going to be GOOD. :)

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Any chance we could get a clip of that scene? (Actually, I believe I read the transcript somewhere and thought--whoa, foreshadowing?)

I agree wholeheartedly. I've got to see more Ned & Tracy interaction (besides his snarky one-liners from the last few episodes) before I can get a handle on their relationship, but I do see the evoloution of Dillon's feelings for his mom pretty well. Not sure how 'd document that in a vid, but I see it.

You know, this is how ugly rumors get started. You totally had me going there for a moment, which just horrified me no end. I'd like to think they're both much more professional than that.

That's the ticket, Miss Teenage America! (Note the sneaky Change of Habit reference....) Keep up that plucky optimism we love so much.....

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