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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I guess we can't complain about the current hair too much. At least JE doesn't have braids pinned to her head anymore, LOL. Thanks for bringing over the prettiness, MinervaFan.

Some more goodies...

Look what I found today: JE as Cleopatra and Cleopatra and The Pharaoh. The latter one amuses me because if you look really quickly, it almost looks like Ingo Rademacher is the Pharaoh (which he of course isn't...IR was what? 6 at the time? LOL), but if you forget that for a second, it's like Tracy and Jax are dressed in ridiculous costumes. Or maybe it's just me. :lol: There are several other photos at this site and 2 video clips as well. JE appeared in "The Pharaoh" and "Return of the Pharaoh" (that'll help when searching). Oh, and there used to be a lot of sounds clips at DH's Official Site, but I couldn't find them. :(

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You have amused me to the edge of hysteria--is there ANY way to download that clip? It is beyond hilarious. (And I used to watch that show religiously when I was a kid--what was I thinking?)

Speaking of sound clips, a fanfic or custom TQ graphic to anybody who can get me a .wav of Alan saying Damn You, Luke Spencer! after Luke stole the Bentley. I want to use it as the sound file for my error message in Windows. (He sounds like Mayor Quimby!)

Edit: Could not help myself. Made a couple of icons. Two LuNacy, one Princess Cleopatra!


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Hideli-ho neighbourinos!

Ms Q, Thank you for the Electra Woman webiste...my god that was spectacularly bad. MinervaFan, I don't think you can save the video unless you have QuickTime Pro installed on your computer. Granted, it's not all that hard to find a pirated version (but that would be illegal! *cough*).

I am still looking for that clip from October...(why oh why is everything so disorganized?!?). Was it October 11th after Tracy got back from kidnapping and Luke and Tracy were having breakfast together? What color was the jacket really? Tracy's jacket was green in those scenes, and I'm thinking they're a match because Luke is wearing his black dress shirt...although I am missing one clip from that date, which is probably the kiss. I will look for the first kiss as well from June.

In the meantime, to hold you over, I present you with...

Lunacy talk about sex (Just ignore Skye's faces and focus on the Lunacy goodness)

and Damn you, Luke Spencer! in .wav format (ahhh...so bad and yet so funny. I love SD! *giggles* I think we should try to make that take off as a very popular catch phrase...)

Oh, and MinervaFan, I can't believe I haven't told you already, at least about the first one you made, but I LOVE the icons. Very nice. Make more. Now. Please?

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Hi all. *waves*

Um. I still haven't written my spoiler fic yet,and truthfully nothing is just jumping out at me and I don't feel inspired.

Maybe I really am just too enamored of the character to write about her.

Plus you have all spoiled me with all the great fics,love them,all of them,haven't read a bad one yet.

And let me tell you,I've seen some baaaddd fan fics with Tracy as a character in any capacity.

So,I'll try to come up with something.

But if I don't *please* don't hate me. :)

It's not that I don't want to,I just....*shrug*

Well it's late,I already should be in bed.

Cheers everyone !

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Why would anyone hate you? Fanfic is something you do for fun--if a story hits you, write it. If not, don't sweat it. :) I had a hard time finding spoilers I wanted to use. Maybe you'll be more inspired by the next challenge in May.

Smirks, you asked for some icons? I made a few this morning. I wanted to go episode-specific and have a theme for each one, just to see what I could do. I did Edward Fakes a Heart Attack (very much an Elphaba and the Wizard thing happening there) and After the Fire (just lots of smoke). Hope you like them.

After the Fire


Edward Fakes a Heart Attack


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smirks, I'm thinking the kiss was October 13th. It was 2 days after the breakfast episode, I believe. The jacket is still green in those scenes. Question: I'm assuming all your clips are saved to discs. How do you get them like that? Is it easy to do? LOL. I ask because all the clips I have are taking up so much space on my hard drive.

MinervaFan, your story has been read and reviewed, and of course, LOVE the icons. That "Peel me a freakin' grape" had me laughing out loud for some reason. :lol:

ILoveTracyQ, don't worry about it. We won't hate you. :)

Part 5 of angel's "Ghost of You" has been posted.











SoapDish has Tracy/Dillon/Lulu/Robin all going after Luke/Holly/Robert/Anna. Someone speculated Robin would be leading them (Tracy/Dillon/Lulu) since she has the most experience as far as the adventures go. And later, all 8 characters end up on the run. :lol: I could go for that. Doubt it's true, but it sounds fun.

About tomorrow's episode: I really hope Tracy is on for more than the last 5 seconds. We know she knocks Robert out, and that has to happen and the end. I just hope it's not her only role tomorrow.

ETA: coolkid is on! *waves*

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Hi Ms.Q I love the new banner :) it sucks that when ever Im on I only have about 5 mins to spend here I guess im just working too hard ;):P

I wonder why the wardrobe department is Now giving Jane new clothing when she is on for like 5 sec. Which is hardly enough time to really look at the outfit. I got the feeling that some of the people that work for Gh and reads what the fans are saying might be taking note to what we are saying. ;) Maybe im hopeing for too much

MinervaFan im loving the new icons :)

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Yeah, I loved that one, too.

Um, I'm really nervous here, folks, because I found a tutorial online and just made...*gulp*...my first music video. :) It's Tracy, of course, since that's all the clips I have. I'm still saving it, but I'll post a link here when it's done. Remember, this is the first time I've ever tried to do something like this, so be gentle. *quakes in boots*

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I'm sure it will be good, can't wait!! And I *love* the icons!!

coolkid I know what you mean about the wardrobe! I love the fact that they are giving her different things but can't they make it so we can see it and not be able to miss it if we blink!?

Little side-note, I've been in a writing kick today! Part 5 and 6 of 'Ghost of You' and chapter 17 of 'Beautiful Disaster'! I had my friend over today and she's like, "Are you ever going to stop writing?" That's a really dumb question to ask me of all people lol!

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The last part of THE CITY's Fake Quartermaine Party. There are a lot of good lines in this one too.


Carla threatened to expose Tracy's fake Edward, Lila, and Ned to her father, Gino, during the middle of the engagement party.

Tracy threatened to expose Carla's fake pregnancy to Carla's hubby, Tony, and Tracy's fiancee, Gino.

These clips are Quicktime, iTunes, and iPod Video friendly. You will need to download either one or both programs to see the material. The file is the entire episode, so it will take 30-45 minutes to download on a high-speed connection. But well worth it.

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Be kind, boys and girls. Here it is--Never Mind, my first mvid. I focused mainly on the important male figures in her life--her father, her sons, and Luke. (Didn't have any Lila clips, so I stayed with her men.) I tried to give it some structure, not just throw clips in willy-nilly, but I'm not sure how successful I was. It was better once I had a handle on using Windows Movie Maker.

The music is by Jeff and Maya Bohnhoff, two filkers extraordinaire who also do magnificent original music (hence, the song). Their website is Mystic Fig Productions, and the album is "Manhattan Sleeps." They are amazing artists and marvelous people. I had the pleasure of working with Jeff and Maya on Nancy Freeman's Blues for Dumuzi (click the link for the title song, and you can hear me sing--I do lead vocals on the second verse), and I am one of their biggest fans.

Massive thanks to everybody who helped out with clips--I've wanted to try this for a long time, but I never could have done it without you. If you put clips up on here and I didn't mention you in the credits, please forgive me. I was going from memory as to who posted them to this board.

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Just watched the video. I really liked it. The music was great, the lead vocalist has an interesting voice. I really liked that you used a combo of stills and clips. Diversity always gets me. All and all, it was a really good first vid and vid in general

You should make more so I can watch them in class when my teachers make me want to toss skittles at them. Think of it like this, you'd be keeping me out of detention. Yah! But seriously, I loved-loved this!

So, what's good with everybody? I haven't checked LJ or FF.net yet, anybody got some fics for me to squee about?

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LOL. You guys keep me supplied with clips, and I'll do my best. My first exposure to Maya's voice was in a filk circle in California. I remember thinking, what does she think she is, a rock singer or something? Well, uh, yeah, she was a professional rock singer for a while.... I have one more song on that CD that I think would fit Tracy well, and a couple from the Wicked soundtrack... (Face it, dye her skin green and Tracy and Elphaba could be twins, right down to the disapproving father.)

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:angry: Geez...do you people EVER stop posting?!?! :D:P

MinervaFan, Love the icons. Saw them at lj first (2 or 3 times in a row on my friends page, *lol*) but lj for some reason wouldn't let me reply to any of them, so I'll tell you here, I love them, especially the "You can still be with the Wizard" one. I like the glow you put on it. The quotes are from Wicked, yes? Not a lot of musical theatre for me to see in Korea, but I gave the soundtrack a good listen once, and the book is on my reading list. I definitely see where the storyline applies. Also, I saw Never Mind, very nice vid. Especially good for a first vid. You have a good natural sense of timing clips with music and I think a pretty good sense that motion and emotion are the key to a video. At least, that's what I always say is important, that and clip to lyric. You have nothing to quake about.

Ms Q, Thanks for the date, I'll go looking for it...it's not on my harddrive, but I'll check my backup cds. I do save them to cd. It's SUPER easy, assuming you have a cd burner attached to your computer. Just open the cd burning program of your choice, and make a data cd, add all the clips that you want to burn, and then burn. Now, granted, this won't work in your dvd player, but it will at least get them off of your harddrive so that your computer will go faster than a snail in molasses. Actually, in December, I just gave up and bought another external harddrive because I download so freakin' much tv. And I consider the icons and mvid a present for my three seconds of mouse clicks that made the Alan .wav file.

bellcurve, thanks so much for the fake Quartermaine Party clip. I still haven't watched, mostly because I think it would give me very sad images of what the Q's would be like if they were recast and I don't put it past TIIC, but I am slowly working up the courage. How many parts were there in all? I got the first one...and this is the last one, but all seems to imply that I've missed some clips somewhere along the way. Little help?

ILoveTracyQ, I hate you (just kidding). I have yet to write anything either...well, that's not true...I have lots of half-started, half-finished things, but my imagination and my vocabulary don't seem to mesh well these days , so I'm in the same boat as you...although if I could project my thoughts directly into the computer, I'm sure everyone would be impressed. I want to at least attempt to finish something this week, or possibly...I don't know...read some of the fanfics I have missed and review them, but the next challenge seems really interesting, so I'll definitely have something ready for that.

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