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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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kenna this is one of TG's short breaks and he should be back on screen around the end of April or first week in May.

He won't be back in PC however until probably the third week in May I think.

About the spoiler and what Dillon sees...I concur,I hope something like that happens too.

smirks I'll fight you for that harem.

And no,I don't share. :P

I haven't watched today's show yet either. Reserving judgement,will post tomorrow about today.

Ms.Q, thank you,thank you,for all the clips. You're a doll. :)

MinervaFan I'm all for Luke having to woo Tracy,but I don't want it to happen just yet. I think what should happen is that Luke may or may not think something's going on between Tracy and Robert,and Tracy is gathering up the courage to tell Luke how she feels(after making him grovel,of course) when Luke and/or Robert find out Edward was involved in Cryllium and the virus,and they tell Tracy and Tracy must decide whether to believe Luke or Edward,who denies it.

I think she'll choose Edward,maybe out of spite or family loyalty more than real trust and belief,and then Luke should make it his mission to not only get Tracy to see the truth,but to open herself up to him and let him back in her heart.

Just my spec. No spoiler.

*waves to everyone I'm leaving out,LOL*

It's late.


About Luke finding out Tracy loves him....I could actually go for Lulu and Robert(okay maybe Edward will be able to tell,too)being the only ones who know. I could go for Luke not realizing it,or not realizing he loves Tracy too...until July sweeps at least.

I like it slow,and so far they've been going slow,and I soooo don't want TIIC to ruin this,and I'm afraid for some reason after almost a year,now they're trying to rush it.

My advice is,that's the worst thing they can do.

Oh,and the JE transcript from her SoapNet chat:

Goodness. :)I forget when that chat actually took place,but she's due for another one I think.


Scott Clifton has one tomorrow 04/20/06.(Or today,depending on where you are.)

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Downloading clips like crazy. LOVED the 2004 Xmas scenes--funny how the two hard-a$$ non-emotional types (Tracy, Edward) were the only ones who were openly emotional about Lila's absence. (I love that gal, I really do.) And the fire scene--omigosh, I just got all teary. Really, watched it three times.

Also, nabbed several pics from GHH2 for the April 13 episode. I'm planning on making icons, but only got one done so far. If you're interested, check out my LJ default icon. I was sort of proud of how it came out. (I'd link it here, but LJ is wonky about using extensions on its pictures.) My LJ is http://www.livejournal.com/users/minerva_fan.

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Robert laughed at my girl yesterday.


If next week's scenes are more "charming"(for lack of a better word),I might forgive him.

Otherwise,he's on my LIST.

And yeah MinervaFan wasn't 2004 Christmas great?

Last year the show was good too, on Christmas.

Tracy giving Monica a gift and Monica going to hug her and Tracy backing away. :)

And the hotel fire. We haven't gotten a good Ned/Tracy/Dillon scene anywhere in comparison to that one since.


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MinervaFan Wouldn't that be marvelous, Luke wooing Tracy, ::evil laugh::

smirks You took all the good ones lol. Fine then that leaves me with Nikolas and Diego (and I pray a mute button)!!

As for that Robert laughing at Tracy thing... I can't find myself to get mad at him because my dad pointed out something really stupid to me the other day (i made him watch) When Robert was talking my dad said something like, "He sounds like he should be saying... 'Its pie with chips for free'!" From that stupid Geico commercial. So now everytime I see Robert I think that. But yeah I wanted Tracy to smack him one!

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I love Mr. Geary. The writers can go suck on an egg, but I love Mr. Geary.

So, basically, LuNacy's ALL Jane and Tony, and the writers are only there to screw it up for us.


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I love that TG confirmed for me what I've sorta suspected since day one of Lacy,LuNacy,or whatever we call them:that Jane and Tony bring the nuance and the feelings and the subtext to the scenes to let us know what is going on between them because it sure as crap isn't included in the writing,and TG pretty much said so,didn't he say something about them projecting things that weren't being written?


I adore him,too. He seems like such a doll.

I am a little scared,really though,because they are not a typical couple,and I don't trust GaP to do it right.

But this is JE/TG we're talking about. They can take pure crap and make it pure gold.


BTW SID is also supposed to have a short Lacy article,but the details of it weren't posted on SZ.

When I buy the mag I'll let ya'll know about it,though. :)

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Christmas 2005 Montage. LC and JE don't need dialogue. ;)

More clips...Credit to Arie.

Feb. 9 and 10, 2004: Includes Monica warning Tracy/Helena; Emily/Monica/Tracy screaming for the helicopters; Tracy refusing to pray with Justus/Edward.

Feb. 11, 2004: Includes Edward/Justus/Tracy talking about the treasure; Helena warning Tracy/Edward.

Feb. 12, 2004: Includes Edward wanting to take responsibility for the hotel fire; Edward/Tracy arguing about parenting.

Tracy misses being part of Dillon's life.

Tracy and Dillon at Kelly's (part 1)

Tracy and Dillon at Kelly's (part 2) LOL @ "Do not gesticulate with your cutlery!" :lol:

Regarding the article: Must. Not. Get. Too. Excited. It almost sounds as though JE will have a substantial role. *crosses fingers* Question: Is Tracy going to be heading to the Markam Islands too?

ETA: *waves to ILoveTracyQ*

ETA (again): More clips! (from the hotel fire)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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*waves to Ms.Q, you little clippy Queen,you.

Much appreciation for those,I know I have those scenes on tape but it's nice to get a chance to watch them again.

As far as Tracy going to the Islands,I don't know. The write up certainly makes it sound that way,but who knows?

I don't know if they'll have room for her,with Robert/Holly/Luke/**** there.(guess I should still spoil that return guest).

It just made me happy,had to share. :)

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Squee squee squee squee squeeeeeee! The article, the article, the article. I'm liking this.

And Ms. Q, you are my clip crack dealer. I'm just sooo loving all this stuff you're posting. It'll take me forever to download, but it's worth the efort.

Oh, and more stormy weather. Don't be surprised if I come around beggggggging for clips from today's episode. (Some days I really miss Arizona's lack of interesting weather.)

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Ok I ws just over at Soapzone's message boards and somebody asked what are some of the more funny moments of GH and someone mentioned Luke and Tracy fighting over the mail. I was wondering if anybody had a clip of that?? (sorry to be a pain)

Also, I was wondering with all this talk of Tracy actually loving Luke (which by the way I love) have they ever even kissed each other?? :unsure:

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MinervaFan I hear ya about the stormy weather.

I love it though.

Ms.Q, *applause* *flowers* *all the TracyQ fans do the wave*

You are awesome. Merci beaucoup !

nex4evr if you're asking if Luke/Tracy's lips have ever touched,yes.

If you're asking if they've yet had a "real" kiss,where both were willing participants and neither one was playing a game on the other,no.

They got close to one during the show where they were talking about what it would have been like had they met as teens.

But an honest to goodness "real" kiss that we've seen?


Not yet,and I can't wait until the moment they do. :)

Luke/Tracy fighting over the mail must be the scenes with the rat poison. LOL that's the only one I can think of. LOL hated that "Luke wants Tracy to think he's out to kill her" story, but that scene was funny.

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Could also be thinking of Lulu and Tracy fighting over the package he sent Lulu from the Maarkam Islands. That was hilarious, and let's just say the pervy lesbo fangirl vote was captured by a landslide during that scene. Now, if we could just get Tracy to show off those "gams" of hers that Luke was talking about... You don't want to know. B)

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Aww, thanks guys. I'm glad I can help. :)

nex4evr, here are the scenes from the "Let's make Tracy think Luke wants to kill her" SL. My comments are in blue.

~Clips from Shazzer of NQ.net (except 1/11/06: Part 2 which is from GQ Daily)~

1/11/06: Part 1: Here is how things are going to be from now on. I love seeing Tracy in charge! Look how happy she is. :)

1/11/06: Part 2: The rich wife believes that the husband is trying to kill her... JE/Tracy is not in this scene, but it's part of the SL.

1/11/06: Part 3: Someone should have killed you a long time ago. Disturbing scene, or at least I thought so.

1/12/06: Part 1: Oh my God! You could have killed me! Love Jane Elliot, but she went a bit over-the-top in this scene IMO. Oh, and Dillon? Your mom IS capable of fear? Remember Helena?

1/12/06: Part 2: Dillon! Call the cops! Luke is planning to murder me. This includes the "fighting over the mail" scene; and again, more OTT acting going on, by everyone involved. Not even these talented actors could overcome the horrific writing. JMO of course.

1/12/06: Part 3: I'm on to you, you snake. Poor Tracy.

1/12/06: Part 4: You didn't really poison [Tracy], did you? Nice one, Luke. [/sarcasm]

~Clip 1/13/06: Part 1 is from Shazzer; the rest are from one of the ladies of NQ.net (Geena? Misty? Lori Jo?)~

1/13/06: Part 1: I didn't mean for my mom to get hurt. A little late for that, Dillon.

Note: The remaining clips do not feature JE/Tracy but might be important in understanding the entire SL.

1/13/06: Part 2: My mom cannot swim at the beach on a good day with the sun shining. You tell me how she's going to survive in that lake! Actually, Tracy can swim, but continuity? Who needs it? ;)

1/13/06: Part 3: I knew she loved me. I loved her too. Dillon gives his "My mom's a b-tch, but I loved her and never wished for her to die" speech.

1/13/06: Part 4: There was an accident, Alan. Mom's car went off the road. Nice to see Alan get involved.

More coming later...

And whew! That took forever, LOL. One more thing...Lulu/Robert are in the previews for tomorrow. Can Tracy please be on?

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Well ya'll I was going to post the SID article on Lacy because I thought there was supposed to be one in this issue,but when I checked the mag,flipping through it at the checkout stand, I didn't see one.

I did see a short snippet on them,where TG was discussing his eye injury,(you know the one everyone was speculating about).

Anyway TG said he got it while rollerblading,that he tripped and fell or something,and ended up with five stitches in his head,and that he and Jane came up with the idea to have it happen onscreen to explain it.

But that was all I found on them in the mag...so maybe that snippet was the article?


Anyway,the SOW stuff with them,they share part of the cover,and the person who posted the article info on SZ that I posted the link too,pretty much said it word for word. Cute article though,and I though it was nice they got part of the cover again,they haven't had that since they got married.

spoiler talk

The article does lead me to believe Tracy might end up on the island. We'll see. It says she tracks him down,so who knows.

The Robert/Tracy trapped together thing...it might start today,not Monday. But either way,Robert is already on the island by Wednesday,so it'll be a very short plot point.

Kinda weird though isn't it,that it's been almost one year ago exactly,that Tracy was tied up on the HS with Luke,and now she'll be tied up in the Q freezer with Robert?

I wonder if TIIC realize it.


The things that pass for entertainment on GH these days.

*double sigh*

spoiler talk over.

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