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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ok I have been busted again by Ms. Quartermaine for "lurking" I never know what to say or write so I just read what everybody else writes :P I will say that I hope the spoilers for next week sound like fun, I just hope they all there and not edited out :(

As for the comments about JE's look thanks to the wardrobe/makeup people, I have got to say that I agree with Smirks that her look was best during the whole hotel fire, but I also liked it during the Dead Mans Hand storyline her hair was a bit longer and was put in a soft pony tail I think she looks great with her hair pulled back. Also I saw the montages on You Tube by I believe Smirks and they were great especially the one about The Quartermaines :D

Thats all for now!


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Wow what I can say....its all been said lol! Man I don't come on for one two days and leave me with so much to catch up on! But that's okay cuz I love doing stuff like that (yeah i know, i have major issues)!!

OMG Those spoilers sound... what's the right word... enjoyable? yeah that sounds good.

I sooo did not know that about Deidre and Jane, how kool!!

And personally I think JE looks good no matter what her hair style but I do like the Trax engagement and hotel fire "do's". And omg that dress, yeah she must've pissed someone off but daaannngggg what deserved that?

I don't know what else I can or should comment on but.....yeah.

Oh and.... all hail the Queen Ms. Q :D

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I HAVE to comment on the April 13 scenes... Luke and Tracy are SO cute. Man, Tracy's better than normal (which is darn good already) when she's doing something nice for someone she pretends to loathe but actually likes... a lot. Lunacy... Could they want each other more? Man, I can't wait to see the renuptials.

Hahaha, surreal? Yeah, they've been best friends since 1976. DH's said that her friendship with Jane is the best (and only good) thing to come out of her stint on 'Electra Woman & Dyna Girl'. I first found out about JE through my DH fandom (which is kinda sad, because she should be EVERYWHERE, she's awesome).

I have some clips where JE talks about a hair disaster they had, I could post it. Really cute, and she's a hoot!

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Oh, please do. That would be wonderful. Oh, and guess what, folks? Remember all those clips I've been downloading? I decided to save them on a CD-W disk to free up space on my girlfriend's hard drive. A person on my flist sent me a program to convert wmv files to mpegs (and DVD) and it corrupted my disk! Argh! I lost ALL the stupid clips I downloaded, except for the first two Tracy in the Chapel scenes.

I'm beginning to think that somebody doesn't want me downloading clips.

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Linn I agree thats kinda how I found out about jane, Through some fans of Dee's. I kinda knew of her when I was a kid, when I was forced to watch EW & DG by my sibings, and GH / Days by my babysitter who was the most Fanantic Marlena Fan, It took her years to figure out that Marlena wasnt a real person.


I know the feeling I had tons of JE clips and one day my computer crashed. I hope that you can get it repaired :(


Thanks Linn for posting those clips.

Ms. Q I just download the clips and I agree Scott was funny.

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Thank you MinervaFan for the compliment...BTW I have already read and reviewed your story at FanFic.net. I like it,well done !

I am still harboring a mad at Luke too,but I can't help but give him the benefit of the doubt that he would not have done exactly what he did the way he did it,had he known about Tracy's feelings.

Alan and Tracy...back when they bothered to write for him,he had many moments where he was a protective big brother. With David Ican'trememberhislastname,the guy Tracy dated and was accused of murdering,back in 89...with Scott Baldwin later,and with Paul especially. I think the majority of these writers just don't know or understand the Quartermaines,which is a shame.

They paint them as not caring,even privately,about what happens to the other.

The Q's are a lot of things,but apathetic about one another is not one of them.

They hate each other fiercely at times,and love each other,and defend each other against outsiders,just as fiercely. Too bad we aren't seeing it.

For instance,all the times Dillon has sided with Luke over his mother....*shakes head* never would have happened if we still had the writers for the Q's that we had fifteen years ago. Same goes for Alan just standing by and spouting off one liners while his sister gets left at the altar,supposed sham marriage or not.

Monica and Tracy have had a rocky relationship due to all those years ago,Tracy trying to prove Monica's son AJ was really Rick Webber's child and not Alan's(of course he was Alan's after all.)

But they have had awesome moments. One of the best being when Edward banished Tracy for the second time after the Jenny Eckert debacle. Monica comforted Tracy on the couch of the Q living room as Tracy cried,and said one of the best Tracy Q lines ever: "sometimes I just hate being me." Oh yes,and the infamous "Daddy banished me from the castle." Perfection. Just perfection.

I didn't think the Luke/Tracy stuff on Friday was all that bad either smirks,I just hated seeing my girl get dissed again. I was not furious the way some Tracy fans were. I think Luke was and is clueless to Tracy's feelings,and Luke may even think Tracy is like the rest of the Q's,glad to get rid of him for a while.

He has no idea how she feels......

BTW smirks, question, have you posted the clip(s) to the third part of the fake engagement from The City? I have someone on SoapZone who watched the first two parts and was interested in seeing the third part,or was it already posted on here and I missed it?

About Lulu...I still don't like her. *shrug*

I just don't. I might be able to tolerate her better if she and Tracy get along,but she just annoys me and gets under my skin and not in a good way.

smirks I agree,I think Ned,and the rest of the Q's for that matter,do dislike Luke to the point where they won't even consider it might be more for Tracy. They don't want it to be,and therefore it isn't.

That factor by itself could be great angst for Lacy,if done right.

The plots Edward could think of to stir up trouble could provide the writers with years of story for Lacy,if they bothered to write it.

Hmm....about the spoilers.....

First off I thought the medianet pics stated they are for the week of 041706,but no I looked again and they are for the week of 042406...so what happens this week,I wonder?

Why is Edward disappointed? Because he wants Robert to take Luke to get a supposed flogging? LOL

Pray tell Edward couldn't possibly be getting upset because Dillon is treating his mother like that?

Say it ain't so......

Tracy/Robert. I wonder if they know what Dillon thinks when he goes to check on them,and if they set him straight.

What is the point of him thinking that?

Will there be a point?

LOL Anyone care to spec about that?

It could be funny if Dillon tells Luke what he saw,and maybe that will give Luke some food for thought about Tracy. :)

Doubt it,though.

Does it make any sense that Tracy knocks Robert out to stop him from leaving,then pays him $100,000 later to bring Luke back?

Unless it's only because he does make her uneasy about Holly.

spoiler talk over

nex4evr,don't worry about always feeling like you have to post or say anything.

Not a problem. A lot of times,believe it or not, ;) , I don't always have anything to say either and just bump or wave and run out.

It's just that lately I have had much to say in reference to Lacy,but sometimes I really don't say much and just read other's comments.

angel I agree, Jane does look good no matter what but I have to say again the extreme short hair just doesn't work on her anymore,back in the eighties it worked somewhat but that was the look then,a lot of women had that haircut. But now?

I prefer the chin length hair,or longer. It softens her face and makes her look younger.

Linn thanks for the SoapTalk clips,I had seen the one with Jane but not Deidre,funny you posted that because I was just wondering the other day if DH had ever had a solo ST appearance(I know she was on with part of the DOOL cast last year).

I also agree LuNacy are cute.

ILTQ *waves* to coolkid, who isn't around here nearly as much as she should be.

LOL about your babysitter comment,but true that some people can't distinguish that the soap characters are NOT real people.

Sorry about the loss of your clips, MinervaFan. :(

Also LOL did you see I'd already joined the fanlisting? I guess we found it about the same time...I agree with you,I really don't see the point of a fanlisting,because there's no message board where you can talk to members or anything. But you're right,it's fun to join and I'm kinda interested to see how many join.

Those things are hard to get the word out about though I guess.

nex4evr Jane's actually been on ST twice since coming back to GH,both times were a hoot,the story about Deidre/the hair debacle was the most recent one.

Wow I'm so glad to see so many people posting in here. *sniff* does my Tracy Q luvin' heart good. :)

*Hands on hips* Except Keith......where IS he?

And did he see any of last week's eppys?

I'd love to hear his POV about it all.

:) Ohhhh Keith come out and play.......

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I would like to compile a comprehensive list of resources for caps, spoilers, etc., and link it on the TQ Ficathon. Since I don't want to clutter up this board, I'd like to ask you guys a favor. Would you email me your favorite links for the following items:






My email address is minerva_fan AT livejournal DOT com. Once I've gotten a good list together, I'll post it to the TQ ficathon and post a link here. Thanks in advance for your help.

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MsQ...I have some bad news.

After going through all of my backup cds...(omgsomanybackupcds!!!) I finally found July '05 disc 1...somehow, though I'm not sure exactly how, I lost July 4th to a burning miscalculation. I'm truly sorry. I have from July 5th on...just the board meeting. So that's the bad news. But...I started thinking...duuuuhh...Lorenzo...Carly...these clips will be up on carlyandlorenzo.com. Well, I went there, and they're not readily downloadable now, but I made a request, so you will get your charitable endowment request soon. Also, it makes me sad that the Q's had to be subject to CarLo of all people on their 4th of July Picnic day.

Any other requests forthcoming?

I think MinervaFan wanted some Coleman/Tracy scenes before, but I was...okay, I am a bad selfish fan. I can upload some Coleman Tracy, as well as whatever was destroyed in the great burning accident.

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Lalalala....uploading Tracy scenes lalalalala...on sendspace because yousendit expires to quickly...

All clips courtesy of Misty and GH Video Theater.

05-31-05: The set-up...

Not a Coleman/Tracy scene, but sort of the lead-in, and one of my absolute favorite LuNacy scenes of all time. Tracy wants a night she can remember.

06-02-05: Coleman and Tracy get busy

Tracy and Skye trade barbs...well, more Tracy gives Skye the best verbal lashing ever. It was wonderful. Tracy brags about her sexual prowess. Tracy and Coleman make sweet love...not onscreen, but we hear the sweet music. Skuke make really stupid faces and listen in like perverts. A must download if you've ever wanted to hear what it would sound like if Jane faked an orgasm onscreen.

06-03-05: Tracy and Coleman, the morning after, part 1. , part 2

Wardrobe hates Tracy...or really likes the Flintstones....

06-08-05: Adorably Lovey-dovey Colacy, part 1, part 2

Okay, that's all the Colacy fun for tonight out of me. Hope sendspace works fine for you all. If not, I have a list of upload sites a mile long.

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