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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Just a reminder to everyone that the TQ Ficathon Fake Spoilers Challenge will end on April 30. I'm thrilled by all the participation, and am hoping to start a new challenge on May 1. In light of that, I want to start brainstorming for challenge ideas. Themes, characters, situations are all welcome.

Here are just a few thoughts I had:

  • Tracy gets trapped with _______. You could take any random character, preferably one she doesn't normally interact with, and force her and Tracy to intermingle. Sonny and Tracy are trapped in an elevator. Reginald and Tracy are stranded on the side of the road. Tracy and Robin are forced to work on a project toether for the hospital.
  • Life and Death Challenge. Tracy must deal with an issue of life and/or death. An accident, an impending birth, an impending death.
  • Holiday Challenge. How does Tracy celebrate various holidays? What was her most memorable holiday? How did she try (if she tried) to make the holidays special for her kids?
  • Letter Challenge. Someone writes a letter to Tracy. Or Tracy writes a letter to somebody. What is revealed? What is hidden? Is the letter delivered, or does it sit in a drawer forever, leaving something important unsaid?
Obviously, these are just a few ideas, but I'm hoping to generate a choice of challenges so we can get started on the 1st of May. Please comment here with ideas, and I'll go ahead and compile them so we can poll which idea is the most popular. I look forward to seeing what you guys come up with.
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MinervaFan, here's part of the transcript (from the first episode):

Tracy: (at top of stairwell, comes down) Looks just about ready.

Maid: Oh! Ms. Quartermaine.

Tracy: (laughs) Don't be so surprised. I live here.

Maid: (smiles) Well, I just wanted to know if there were any last minute instructions.

Tracy: No.

Maid: (begins to walk away)

Tracy: (holds up her index fingers) Yes, there is, on second thought. There is a Dr. Marino coming.

Maid: Dr. Marino.

Tracy: (nods) Yes. When he arrives, I'd like you to show him upstairs and ask him if he wouldn't mind waiting. He's a surprise for one of my guests.

Maid: Yes, ma'am. Is that all?

Tracy: That's all--

Maid: (starts to leaves)

Tracy: --folks. (goes to pour herself some wine) Poor Carla. Her little charade is going to be over as of tonight. (holds up her wine glass) To me--I was kicked out of Port Charles without a dime, but starting tonight, I'm back on top. (sips wine)

Tracy: (answers door) Oh! You're right on time!

Fake Edward: I've never missed an entrance in my life.

Tracy: You look wonderful. Come in! Come in!

Fake Lila: (looking at the house) Is this real? Oh...Oh, You don't mind, do you? I didn't get a chance to catch dinner. (helping herself to some food)

Tracy: Oh please, be my guest.

Fake Edward: Don't mind if I do.

Fake Ned: (looking in a mirror, fiddling with his hair)

Tracy: You look very handsome.

Fake Ned: What about my, my hair? Is it too--

Tracy: Is it a wig?

Fake Ned: (looks at her strangely)

Tracy: I have to get something. Excuse me. (leaves)

Fake Edward: (to Fake Ned) I must tell you. I cannot stop wondering if you appeared in the production of Richard the Third...

Fake Ned: Actually, I did.

Fake Edward: ...I managed to catch a performance. You were magnificent!

Fake Ned: I played the monk. I had 4 lines.

Fake Edward: Ah, yes, but those 4 lines were absolutely mesmerizing.

Tracy: (reenters with a wheelchair) All right! I hate to break up this little reunion, but there's a few things we need to get clear.

Fake Lila: I thought this was supposed to be a backer's audition.

Tracy: Well, it is in a way.

Fake Lila: But where will the audience sit?

Fake Edward: Not to mention that not one of us have even seen a script yet.

Tracy: (somewhat awkwardly) Uh, well, I guess I neglected to mention this is an eh...It's an usual audition. (more confident) It's an experiment in interactive theater. You are NEVER to forget that you are Edward and Lila Quartermaine, my parents. And you are Ned Ashton, my son.

Fake Ned: No problem, Mom.

Tracy: My son Ned would never call me Mom.

Fake Ned: Sorry, Mother?

Tracy: (to Fake Lila) Now, if you'll allow me to help you into your chair--

Fake Lila: Do I have to?

Tracy: Do you want to get paid?

Fake Lila: (laughs) How do I get in?

Tracy: (while helping her) Careful. That's it. Okay.

Fake Lila: This is the weirdest backer's audition I've ever seen.

Fake Edward: (goes off on some Shakespeare tangent)

Tracy: Could you lose the Shakespeare? My father would never make literary allusions.

Fake Edward: What a poor, misguided man.

Tracy: (seems nervous) Did you all read and memorize the background material I gave you?

Fake Ned: Yeah. There's just one thing though. What if someone recognizes us?

Tracy: (walks up to him) Oh my God. You're not on a television series, are you?

Fake Ned: No, but what I mean it, we're playing your family, right? So there must be a family--

Tracy: Oh! Well, the only person in New York that would recognize my real family is a man named Alex Masters.

Fake Lila: Should I know who that is?

Tracy: (in sing-song voice) Absolutely not. (normal voice) Because he's not coming tonight. You see--I've thought of everything.

That's the end of the first half of the episode. I'll try to get the rest up later. :)

ETA: ______ (?) has been changed to "backer's." Thanks to bellcurve for the help!

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Can't wait for the update, angel. Speaking of, Chapter 14 of 4XCrazy's Homelands is up.

I like the icon too, MinervaFan. Interesting ideas for May.

Did you know???

In 1982, the role of Felicia Gallant (on Another World) was created especially for Jane Elliot. (posted by ILoveTracyQ at SoapZone) It went to Linda Dano after JE turned it down.

In 1984, Santa Barbara offered Jane Elliot the role of Augusta Lockridge, but she turned them down because she didn't want to leave New York for California. Louise Sorel got the role, and JE went to play Cynthia Preston on AMC. (posted by CesarFaison of SZ; it was in the "The Soap Opera Book of Lists")

Some comments: On the old, old SON, someone posted magazine scans, and I remember that SOD had a mention about this. It was inaccurately printed that JE had the role, and in the next issue, which was the one that I saw, SOD had to do the whole "Contrary to what was reported in last issue..." I don't know why I didn't save it. Anyway, just thought it was interesting. :) Oh, and had JE accepted, she and NLG would have played sisters (mentioned by MollyDavisLansingRlz of SZ). JE/WK were paired on DAYS. NLG/WK were paired on GH. JE plays WK's mother on GH. LOL.

Moving along...In 1993, after JE left GH, it was rumored that she was up for the role of Alexandra Spaulding #2 on GL. (posted by CesarFaison) Guess who Executive Producer of GL? Jill Farren Phelps. <_< The role went to Marj Dusay.

Also in 1993, Douglas Marland had a role created for Jane Elliot on ATWT, but before she could meet with him about it, he died. :( (posted by CesarFaison; also in an SOD interview with JE that I read)

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***** Waves to Everyone!!!!*****

Hello, all!! First of all i just posted this EXTREMELY long post that got deleted :( But, i am reposting neway because i was on Spring Break and haven't poseted in a while. Did ya miss me :P lol

Neway, there are so many things I MUST comment on:

1. Tracy's birthday surprise: I can't say enough about how much I LOVED this surprise, for one because it actually happened, and for two because it had nothing to do (well, not until the end there) with the article that Alice was refusing to show her in the foryer that they showed in the previews. I was a little nervous there for a second. I didn't even mind Luke taking Lulu away since Tracy had basically just told him to do something with lulu before she became Sonny's next conquest or something like that. And "39"? LOVED it!!!

2. Alice gettin more lines that Tracy: uhhhhh, yeah, i'm not gonna lie that's kinda messed up. On a much lighter note, however, The whole time Alice was talking and ordering HER EMPLOYERS about i was just staring at the TV in awe of the amazing physical transformation that has taken place in Alice in the past year or so. She looks sooooo different now and it just kinda took my mind of off the fiasco that is Soily.

3. Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!Tracy!!!!

whewww, glad that's over and i got that off my chest :D Live long and prosper Tracy fans!!!

Oh, yeah and LOVE the fic updates/ new fics! Simply Amazing!

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Ms.Q how is it you always know me no matter how many times I change my sign on name on SZ?

:) Guess I'm pretty distinct. LOL

spoiler talk:

BTW something funny,but I was just thinking about how I had "ILoveTracyQ" as a sign on name for so long last year,never changing it,then when I finally did change it,frustrated at the lack of TQ/JE on my screen,lo and behold we had the best spoiler ever: T/L getting married.

So I was about a month ago again disallusioned at the TQ airtime,and started changing my name again.

And then...and then,we got the T/L renew their vows spoiler,or he asks her to,and the Lulu realizes Tracy has real feelings spoiler.

I mean really. I need to change my name once a week if this is going to happen.

also, SD is saying Tracy DOES get left at the altar. But I'm wondering,does she know about it beforehand?

Spoilers seem to indicate yes,since she's in on the plot to help Luke escape.

BUT he falls out the window,which makes me think he gets caught by Robert and Tracy thinks he ran off.


SD is also saying Tracy pays Robert to make sure Luke gets home. I can see Tracy doing this but not sure about Robert agreeing. RMT posted it,and I don't think he/she's too reliable.

spoiler talk over

ABout the challenges MinervaFan,they all sound good,and I think the one I like best so far(although I think we could do them all at some point) is the

Tracy gets trapped with _______

and the life/death one.

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LOL ILoveTracyQ. :lol:

Fanfiction Update: Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 of Oh, Baby have been posted.

About the spoilers, RMT is reliable. Here are just some of the spoilers he/she has spilled...

Georgie/Dillon get help from Robin regarding Luke's whereabouts.

Alcazar puts Lulu's life in danger by saving Skye.

Tracy makes a promise to God.

Nikolas saves Maxie's life in an elevator.

Sam's new career plans consist of going to law school.

Diego gets out a prison by ratting out another inmate.

Robin warns Jax about Carly.

Lorenzo confesses his Manny connection to Jason.

Nik becomes Luke's new partner.

Liz asks Jason to protect Lucky.

Noah slips into a coma.

Skye sees Lorenzo attacking Manny.












He LEAVES her at the altar? For real? This better be part of the plan. And aww...Tracy wants her husband home. :)

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In 1982, the role of Felicia Gallant (on Another World) was created especially for Jane Elliot. (posted by ILoveTracyQ at SoapZone) It went to Linda Dano after JE turned it down.

In 1984, Santa Barbara offered Jane Elliot the role of Augusta Lockridge, but she turned them down because she didn't want to leave New York for California. Louise Sorel got the role, and JE went to play Cynthia Preston on AMC. (posted by CesarFaison of SZ; it was in the "The Soap Opera Book of Lists")

Oh. My. God! In the history of soap operas, after Tracy, these are my two favorite characters of all time. I swear, Felicia and Augusta were two of my girlcrushes AGES before I recognized them as girlcrushes! Oh, Linda Dano and Louise Sorel rocked my little adolescent world.

I can't imagine JE in either role, but knowing they were originally intended for her? All is right with the world.

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*waves to nex4evr whom I see lurking.*

Don't be shy,come on in and post. :)

If you want to.

And post all your clip/tape requests here,too...whatever I can't help you with,surely someone else can.

About the JE as Felicia thing...I actually got that from MarlandRulez,I'd never heard it before that.

I could see JE playing Felicia,although LD as Felicia was a bit more flamboyant that JE would've been.

Ms.Q can't wait to read the updates. :)

Luke's home ! :)

spoiler talk:

I can't remember the wayRMT phrased it,but it sounds like there may be more to it than her just getting left there.

If he just leaves her standing there...my poor baby girl.

Oopss...wait a minute. I can't remember if it was RMT that posted that or not.

Maybe she/he just posted the "Tracy pays Robert to bring Luke Home," one.

*sigh* so many rumors,so much crap to wade through,so little time........

No Tracy today. :(

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Ooh, a lurker? Come in, come in. We don't bite. :)

And ILoveTracyQ, I was watching The City clips that bellcurve posted earlier, and I just LOVE Tracy/Alex together. *sigh* I want edit tapes now. And, it's so weird to see TK as Danny (I keep thinking "What is Lorenzo doing there?"), but that's sort of OT. Just thought I'd mention it, LOL.













From SoapDish:

RMT: Skye turns down Lo's proposal...But they still grow closer.

Anonymous: So much for leaving at the altar, lol. Thanks, RMT

RMT: That would be Luke and Tracy.

Hmm...This means we get a tiny bit of a ceremony. Maybe Robert interrupts? And then when Luke tries to escape, he falls out of a window. These spoilers amuse me, LOL. And I should have mentioned this before, but since Tracy pays Robert to bring Luke home, does this mean an actual JE and TR scene? Can there please be more than one?

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Aaahhh.....Tracy and Alex.

*le sigh*

Now THAT was a couple I always wanted to get (back) together.

Randy Mantooth and JE kind of sizzled,didnt't they?I loved how frustrated he was with her,but at the same time,he usually had her back.

I also loved Jacob/Tracy,although theirs was a friendship and nothing more.

Jacob would be a cool addition to the HS.

But ya know....I think JE could have chemistry with a brick wall.

About the spoilers....JE/TR,JE/TG....our girl MIGHT have a very good sweeps. :)

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I'm totally off topic, but I have a question for all you seasoned viewers. I don't know if this post all right--I'll delete it if it's not--but I've got some old school Tracy questions. Y'all all know that I'm Homelands and y'all know that plot line. So I got this review...

“I'm sorry, but I can't get behind any story that shows Tracy as the poor victim. That little psycho (in tv canon) did in fact kidnap Dillon and went on the run for his complete childhood to keep him away from Paul because she was so spiteful. She blackmailed him into marriage and then did try to kill Jenny. It was NO accident. To re-write history to make

her a victim with Jenny as the bad guy is offensive and I'm truly sorry I bothered to read this. Don't worry, it's not a mistake I'll make again.”

Here's my response:

While I appreciate your critique and am truly sorry that you found it “offensive”, I also find in interesting that you choose to be disrespectful instead of offering constructive criticism. For one, I just turned 17 not too long ago. When the whole Jenny/Paul/Tracy Triangle aired I was barley three years old. So I had to do some research. The “history” I did dig up was from this web site http://www.soapcentral.com/gh/whoswho/tracy.php, which in fact is a appears to be pretty objective. The writers wrote, “In 1993, Tracy accidentally hit Jenny with her car! Tracy thought that Jenny was dead and fled the scene after phoning the police with a hit and run. Jenny didn't die though and told the police that she didn't know who hit her. Jenny secretly knew though and told Tracy to leave Paul alone and give him a divorce or else she would tell the police. Edward learned the truth of Tracy's hit and run and kicked her out of the house! Tracy divorced Paul and left Port Charles with baby Dillon in tow. “ Summaries are the only available sources I have to go on.

And, yes, I sure did re-write “history” to fit my plot. I needed a plausible way to introduce Shannon into the story. I added one notch to Jenny’s terms when she black mailed Tracy. Also if Dillon was “kidnapped”, why didn’t Paul come after him? Why didn’t he alert the authorities? Also Tracy didn’t blackmail Paul into marriage according to my source this it what happened, “In 1991, the Quartermaine boat, the SS Tracy, exploded in the harbor while carrying unsafe chemicals. Harlan Barrett came to town to salvage the sunken chemicals and became very taken with Tracy, who had just ended her relationship with Scotty. Harlan though loved Tracy's money more than Tracy herself. With the help of Leopold Taub, Cesar Faison and Larry Ashton, the 4 formed a cartel bent on controlling global business using a chemical called carbon disulfide. To achieve their goal however, the cartel needed to take control of ELQ, the Quartermaine business. The cartel ordered Paul Hornsby to get control of Tracy's stock by marrying her. Paul had also recently become CEO of ELQ and would cause its downfall with Tracy's stock. Paul however didn't love Tracy, he loved Jenny Eckert. The cartel threatened the life of his daughter Susan so Paul complied and married Tracy.”

Rather or not you choose to read my story is a personal choice, which I completely respect. I want to acknowledge you because you have now prompted me to ask those older or seasoned viewers for their take on the story line.

Thank you again for your response.

My source could be totally off and maybe the reviewer is totally in the know. I was into cartoons and fruity cereal when this aired, so I can only go on what others tell me. So, if I have no idea what I'm talking about, feel free to set me straight.

Thanks in advance guys :)

btw: why does this post feel like a super essay?

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About those spoilers:

If Luke leaves my girl hanging like that, I just might have to jump through the screen and cause him intense bodily harm. He'll be the only man in heaven with a wheelchair. I really hope Tracy's realizes before she gets hurt.

So, yes, if you're watching and you see a tall yellow girl choking Luke: wave to me! I just be might the newest member of MinervaFan's Bring Back Coleman Camp.

/end spoiler talk.

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4XCrazy, I'm not a seasoned viewer, probably being only 1 or 2 when the sl happened, but from what I've read in your post you haven't rewrote history the way the reviewer accused you off. You looked up the history from what I think would be a reliable source and worked it in a way that it could have actually happened. Whoever wrote that was probably a very biased fan and clearly not a fan of Tracy. And was down right rude and has no right or reason to be so malicious. Just forget about that person and continue writing your wonderful story!






Hmmm.. Tracy left at the altar huh... all I can say is she better know beforehand or watch out GH lol.

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Thanks for the vote of confidence. I was checking it out with you guys because some times those summary pages get things kind of twisted and/or leave things out. They actually inspired me to go on a Tracy GOOGLE expedition! Yah! Tracy facts!







I'm telling you man, if he dogs her out, I'll be making my debut on ABC as the girl that caused the massacre at GH. Hopefully it won't come to that!

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