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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Le huh? Apropos of nothing? Not that I'm at all opposed to making something for Jane. Jane should know she is loved by us.

PS - Does it bother anyone else that Tracy's name is spelled wrong in the title of this thread? It drives me slightly bonkers (moreso than usual).

Re: Casting news:







NEDLEY!!!! He can finally congratulate his brother on getting married (and maybe give him some advice about Tracy as a mother-in-law as Tracy had a hand in what? 60% of Ned's failed marriages? That's a lot!) Oh, and Ned Edward scenes with John Ingle! And, a Ned/Tracy scene or two wouldn't hurt...or Ned/Tracy/Luke. I like when Ned calls him pops. *prays for non-token Quartermaine scenes*

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Does the "e" in the name bother me? Only each and every time I see it. Not only here, but anywhere I see it.... But then, I'm hyper about that sort of thing, so I thought it was just me.

Sooo annoyed with yesterday's episode. How can something that had that much Tracy/Luke tick me off so much? Oh, yeah, because Luke was being a total and complete BUTT-FACE, that's why. First of all, Tracy is not stupid. You've been living at the Haunted Star ever since (DUH) you found out about Skye's pregnancy. You get drunk and then pass out and don't even come home. Ya THINK she'd be happy about it? Of course she's going for your jugular. She's TRACY, you moron. She's Tracy and she deserves better than to be ignored while you moon over your knocked-up ex-girlfriend.


There'd better be another kiss. Or a dance. Or Tracy in a pretty outfit smiling a lot and SOON, or I'm going to....I don't know....but I'm seriously thinking about pulling a Corky St. Clair.....

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Okay,I just lost my whole post and now I'm mad.


Who's Corky St.Clair?

Yes,when it comes to popular culture,I'm clueless..happily so,usually.

Spoilers discussed below:

I agree with MinervaFan about the show yesterday.

I was wondering myself,has he been sleeping there since he re-opened the HS?

Guess so,or at least,he did that night.

I don't know if I want my girl so attached to a man who would threaten to(and probably would have) fired a gun at her.

I mean,what's up with that?

And I still hate Lulu...and I know it's wrong,but I was rooting for her to shoot herself accidentally when the gun went off.

Hate her smug little self righteous trash reading butt.

I still say the "spoiler" for Tracy's birthday might be a divorce,or divorce papers,or separation papers,and I still say that was the legal matter Luke was talking to Alexis about,and NOT the money.

Because why would Luke go to the trouble of hiring a lawyer over the $60 thousand?

That first of all is so not Luke.

And secondly, if he were going to do that,why ask Nik to "lose" the money instead,so he could pay Tracy off?

Why not just do that in the first place,instead of consulting Alexis over it,which makes me think the "embezzlement" was about Helena's money,being put into Tracy's account last year.

OF course I only watched the last fifteen minutes of Monday,so if I'd seen the Alexis/Luke and later A/L/Tracy conversation later,I might have a different opinion.

I hope the spoiler isn't what I think it is,but seriously...what else could it possibly be?

A "surprise" from LUke to Tracy CAN'T be good.

spoiler discussion over

About sending JE something,I'm not opposed to it,but I'll ask Tracey what she thinks,and how we might be able to do it.

The fic I will read shortly,I'm sure it's good. :)

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About the incorrect spelling...I'm sure one of the moderators could change it.

Add me to those who aren't enjoying Luke's attitude lately. :angry:












Aww, ILoveTracyQ, you're supposed to the optimist here. ;) Hmm, just because Luke hands her divorce papers doesn't mean Tracy has to go through with it, right? And we don't even know if the surprise is a divorce. Maybe it's breakfast in bed, LOL.

How about some positive spumors? From SoapDish: After Edward lets Tracy have it, she breaks down and admits her flaws to Luke. I like this spumor, so hopefully, it doesn't join the rest of them that NEVER happened. <_< (Just a note, but other spumors included with the Tracy/Luke one were...Jason/Nik make a pact to do anything in their power to protect Emily, Carly comes across shocking news--Baby John's paternity, Monica is at the end of her rope in regards to Emily/Sonny, Liz is hurt by the fact that Lucky forgot Cameron's birthday, and Dillon confides in Lulu his insecurites about Georgie/Diego.) They ALL sound plausible, don't they?

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Well Ms.Q

I do try to be optimistic.

But IMO yesterday was kinda awful.

I mean,I realize Luke is a pretty mean spirited man(which is why they bounce off each other so well),but it went a little too far.

And if he really isn't staying at the Q's...that's not good.

Maybe if we woud've seen his reasons for disappearing....but anyways.

About the surprise...Wizard is pretty accurate,and isn't it about three weeks from the time of the spoiler to the airdate?

Which means we'll know in about two and a half weeks.

Which is actually about the time TG will be scheduled to leave on his break,right?

I'm confused.


Anyway I don't think TQ will be on today.

Maybe the spoiler/surprise is nothing more than JI coming back.


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Luke and the gun--he shot it straight up in the air. There was no doubt in my mind at all that he had no intention at all of hitting anyone, just shutting them up (and maybe scaring them).

I tend to think this is ALL Luke's reaction to Skye's pregnancy. I think his feelings for Tracy are, to say the least, conflicted. He enjoys her, he hates her, he lusts after her, he loathes her.... Unlike Skye, who pretty much had one thing to offer Luke (pretty--face, body, personality--all pretty), Tracy is a much more complicated commodity. I don't think he knows what to do with her, and when he's hungover and worried, he tends to go with the basic plan--shoot, shout, and shut her out.





I'd love to see more Ned on the show, and I hope the return of JI as Edward will facilitate that. I'd love to see a scene where he advises Dillon on surviving Mom's Matrimonial Assistance.

Also, the birthday surprise--I don't think it will be a divorce. No way is Luke going to hand her $15 million for her birthday, even if she hands him the Haunted Star on a silver platter. Of course, I can see him getting her something nice from Hedy Hoffstedder's House of Exotic Lingerie..... :rolleyes:

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I pretty much agree with your assessment about Luke.

But it wasn't the shooting the gun in the air that ticked me off.

It was when he pointed it at her and ordered her to leave or he'd add lead to her inventory,basically saying he'd shoot her.

I don't know...I don't doubt for a minute that he would've at least fired in their direction if she hadn't moved.

Even if he wouldn't have,the fact that he threatened to is enough to make me not so happy with him right now.

And I guess I'm just tired of their little merry go round.

See you've been watching since early this year,we've been dealing with Lacy issues since last April...almost a year,and while I think they have grown closer...there's not nearly enough bonding to warrant the story continuing IMO.

They should set boundaries,and show the audience the boundaries,so that Tracy fans know what to expect.

With Lacy I never know what to expect.

I mean yes their relationship is sick and twisted..which a lot of people don't mind.

But I'd like a little more normalcy,at least in the sense,where we don't have to wonder if a birthday surprise is a divorce.

I don't think that's too much to ask,but maybe it is......

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Editing to add: I don't believe Luke pointed the gun at her, but still...

Regarding Wizard's Timeline...

According my "calculations," LOL, the spoiler should air April 7th (earliest possible date) or sometime the following week (week of April 10th).












As for TG's vacation...I bet he's on it and has been pre-taping. Tristan Rogers returns April 13th. A little too close for comfort in regards to the "surprise." I could see Luke handing her the divorce papers and then taking off with Robert to find Holly. :( But I also could also see what MinervaFan posted happening, and then Luke takes off, just because. Or maybe in the event that Tracy does break down, he senses things are getting too cozy, which of course scares him, so he runs off. I just want Lacy to make it to their one year wedding anniversary. :)

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TG pre-taping some scenes may be why his eye is messed up in some and not in others.

Last year he came back the last week in April. That's all I remember.

I don't remember when he left or how long he was gone,because until he was in Tracy's story,I didn't pay much attention to him,really.

I'd like Lacy to make it past their one year. As long as what I stated up above that I wanted,happens.

If it's going to continue like this,blech. :lol:

And that's about all the optimism you're going to get out of me today.

*waves to everyone*

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Yo!!!! Bumping cuz ILoveTracyQ is on. Yea, surprisingly enough, i didn't like Lukes actions toward Tracy either. And they HAVE to make it to their year-long anniversary!!!!! If they don't, I would be so royally pissed like, you seriously don't even know. It would feel like we've been through all this for nothing.

And i so totally missed that line about tracy wanting him to come home. So pissed at him right now tho. And Lulu :huh: what's been up with her lately? i've never really cared about her one way or the other but doesn't it seem like lately she's been a bit more !@#$%^&*]y? I dunno..

ETA: Page 39!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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*waves to tracyluver*

I missed the line too,that I think Ms.Q posted...all I heard was Luke's line that she was doing it so he'd crawl back with his tail between his legs to her doghouse...that,together with the "dogging his heels" the day before... <_<

Anyway...Lulu's just not one of my favorite people.

Can you tell?

I wanted a little bonding at first,but now I just...LOL DON'T.

Let her bond with Skye,or Dillon,or anybody else.

Cause I don't want my girl gettin Lulu cooties.

Yeah so fifth grade I know but I don't like her,can't help it.

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*waves to ILoveTracyQ and tracyluver*

Thanks for commenting on Oh, Baby over at FF.net, tracyluver. I always get so excited when I have a new review, LOL.

Regarding the "home" line: I just checked the transcripts. It seems as I shouldn't watch live, do my own recaps, and consult other recaps at the same time, LOL, seeing as the word "home" was never mentioned. :unsure:

Regarding Lulu: Girl's got a mouth on her, and I personally can take or leave her. But there was so much potential in the beginning. Hmm, could there still be some potential? Look at 'em...


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I apologize to everyone that writes fanfics....I was so good at first at writing reviews....and have slacked off miserably in the past month or so.

I need to catch up. LOL

Ms.Q you know I love your work.

Hmm...the TraLu potential..yes in the beginning it was there.

Maybe you can work her into your fanfic somehow?

Maybe for a change have them on the same side?


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