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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Hey, guys! Found this place thanks to Smirks and am reveling in the TracyLurve! She is, of course, a gawdess and TIIC are not worthy of licking the heels of her fabulous Italian pumps! :rolleyes:

I'm going back and reading through the posts--love the "favorite moments" thread, mainly because I just started watching the show in January of this year, and these are just golden to me.

I would kill to get more insight on the Tracy/Marco Dane thing--my girlfriend watched back in The Day and said he would be the sexiest lover Tracy ever had, if only they would have gone there. Did they go there?

Oh, and btw, THANK YOU for all the amazing comments on my fanfic (DebbieB)! LiveJournal is a wasteland as far as feedback on my GH stories is concerned, so getting the comments on FF.net is just wonderful to me. Ms. Q, I'd abandoned the story we discussed via email, but now I sort of feel compelled to write it. B) Oh, and Ms. Q. and ILoveTracyQ, thanks for the comments on The Taming. I knew it would be hard on lots of people to read, and that it was going out on a limb. I prefer negative feedback to no feedback at all, and I'm glad to see at least people read the thing. I don't normally go the NC-17 route, because it's very difficult for me to write, but this story just wanted to come out. I think Tracy has a very hidden submissive streak in her--you see it quite often in her dealings with Daddy--and it was just something I wanted to explore. Please, please, please send feedback on my stories, even if you don't like the stories, because that's just crack to me....

But enough about me--what about Tracy! Where the HELL has she been? Off making plans to destroy Georgie and Dillon's little marriage? Oh, I'm so sick to death of all this--if Baby Emily had gone off and married at 17, Alan and Monica would be ALL OVER THAT and nobody would think twice about it. But Tracy? No, she's a bad mother because she doesn't want her son ruining his life with a young marriage. And Luke, that bleep-ing hypocrite! Lucky and Elizabeth were adults and established when they were getting married, and he practically begged them not to go through with it. Now he's like, "It's a done deal, Spanky. Let it go." ??????? Mister Commitment Phobe, thy Middle Name is HYPOCRITE.

Okay, I feel better now. Oh, and also happy to hear that John Ingle is returning as Edward. (Yeah, where was this on LJ? Where, I ask?) I love Jed Allen, but (1) he's too young for the part, (2) every time I look at him, I wonder when Gloria Loring is going to show up--he'll always be my Don...., and (3) he has sexual chemistry with Jane Elliot, and you REALLY don't want to go there, do you?

BTW, Ms. Q--your vid was spectacular. My gf and I have it saved on our hard drive and watch it when we want a Tracy fix. Oh, we also watch the other one you recommended--the Won't U Please B Nice video. That is the funniest thing I've seen in quite a long time, so thanks muchly for the reccomendation.

Okay, I've posted enough now. Just wanted to check in and let you know I'm on board. (Now, if only I can find this place again.....


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You're right, ILoveTracyQ; it doesn't look good at all. :( I'm just going to hope for the best. And while I can't speak for JE, she did say she would stick around for as long as GH would have her, so that kind of works in our favor...only kind of because I doubt GH wants her anymore and well, she did say this awhile ago when things were looking good for Luke/Tracy. *sigh*












So...Still waiting on the Luke/Tracy "what could have been" spoiler. I'm not doubting Wizard's reliability; I just think it might have been cut. :angry: Also...Tracy kicks Dillon/Georgie out of the mansion this Friday. Can she do that? I thought it was Monica's house, LOL. Just trying to lighten the mood. ;) I say she has every right though. If GQ wants to be a married couple, then they deserve to be treated like a married couple. No more living with Mommy.

ETA: Welcome MinervaFan! It's good to have another Tracy fan on board! :D Did you mean to type ILoveTracyQ in regards to the abandoned story? Excellent points about Monica/Alan/Emily and Luke, by the way. And thanks again for the compliment on the video! I'm glad you enjoyed the one I recommended too. And I would be happy to continue to provide feedback on your stories. I :wub: reading them.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Oh, and one more thing.....











Re: Who is Skye Babby Daddy? There is only one time when it appeared Skye might have let Luke in her pants after he said, "I do," and that was after the scene in the Police Department where Lulu is being held for Grand Theft. (One of the sexiest LuNacy scenes, imho.) That happened in November, I think, which would make Skye, like, um, five months pregnant. Nope, I don't think anybody could make that work....if they were living in the real world. In the Soapiverse, however, *shrugs*. OTOH, I could see Skye telling Lorenzo the baby is Luke's once she finds out about him switching hers and Lulu's charts in the hospital. That would mean, of course, the end of Tracy and Luke's marriage.

Which would break my heart, but might actually open the way for them to admit the marriage is more to them than just inconvenience...... Wishes??? My words to TIIC's ears???


What do you think? Am I on crack, too?

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Welcome Debbie aka MinervaFan !

So glad you could join us.

Yes I think you meant to address me when talking about the abandoned story...but now you say you feel compelled to write it??

OH,please do ! :)

Cause you know GH these days is giving us precious little Lacy satifaction.

I know you'll do great.

Have you seriously only been watching since January?


You have such great insight into Tracy.

Did you not watch back in the day at all?

No Paul,no Lord Larry,no Marco,no Scott Baldwin,no Harlan Barrett,no Gino Soleito,no Tracy/Ned/Jenny angst?


You just write and sound like a long time viewer.

And yes, Marco would have been Tracy's almost perfect match... I think Luke is a better one,though.

Marco was sexy for a balding,aging ex-boxer.

Here's one for ya...you think Spanky Buns is a fun nickname?

Marco had the best one:

He called Tracy "Rocky"...after Sylvester Stallone's character.

With good reason. :)

Yeah I know Luke tells Tracy to butt out of the way he raises Lulu...he needs to keep his mouth shut re: GQ.

Ms.Q my theory is,Guza will tire eventually of the Luke/Robert thing...and I won't go so far yet as to say GH no longer wants Tracy/Jane.

I don't think we're there yet...and I hope she sticks around for another few years if they'll have her.

MinervaFan I think Skye's baby's daddy is Lorenzo,but yes I too can see her lying and saying it's Luke's,when Skye finds out about Manny,and the chart switching thing.

I think Luke's next "exit" will come when he decides to leave town to get over Skye.

My guess only.

Here's hoping TQ is on today !

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ILoveTracyQ, well, all right, I suppose I shouldn't have said GH is no longer interested in her. But I do get this whole Hey look! We got Jane Elliot! We're not going to write for her, but we still got her, and you don't! vibe from them. Does that sort of sound right?

As for "Who's the Daddy," Frons said there'd be no doubt. Yeah, yeah, he lies, LOL, but someone received an email from him, and he said the conflict will come from how Skye perceives Lorenzo's dangerous lifestyle. I guess we'll find sooner or later. I can't wait to see Tracy's reaction to the pregnancy though. :)

Before I forget...Lola has a Tracy video up at NeverQuiet. Also...Tracy/Lila are briefly featured in Soapbubbles's "In My Daughter's Eyes" video.

And more thing, LOL, I still wish the "Tracy tells Luke she loves him, blames in on the alcohol, which Luke later finds out was water" spumor came true. And while I'm that, I guess I'll throw in the "Mac comforts Tracy" and "Luke/Tracy discuss what could have been," and "Tracy breaks down" spoilers/spumors. Did I miss anything? LOL.

ETA: Spring Previews are going up at SZ. *please let Tracy be included, please let Tracy be included*

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Ms.Q I totally know what you mean...I think TIIC had the same "respect" for Adrienne Leon,whom they weren't writing for,but re-signed her...for what?? LOL

Because they didn't want to be humiliated if someone else snapped her up?

Well someone else DID,and if it weren't for the potential of "Lacy" keeping me interested,I'd beg JE on my hands and knees to leave this crapfest show.

I vaguely checked SID...no mention of Tracy,but none of LUke either....so who knows?

I'm with ya on the spumors/spoilers...which sound ten times better than what GH is dishing out.

I'll have to check those videos out when I have the time.

New fanfics up including yours Ms.,go check them out.

And with that I'll say goodnight and see ya'll tomorrow.

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MinervaFan Hello! Im loving your new fan fics like ILoveTracyQ said they way your write tracy It seems like youve been watching since day 1.

Ms Q I cant wait for your next video. :)

GH does have that HEY NBC, CBS LOOK WHO WE GOT AND GUESS WHAT YOU CANT HAVE THEM thing. Look at AMC susan lucci who is famous even outside of the soap world didnt really get much of a story last year. Her fans fougth for her to get married. That happened and then she faded into the background. But Jill Farren-Phelps is known for her DIVA antics she was the main reason Robin strasser left OLTL, among countless others. If your a "hot" guy JFP most likely will have you on everyday but if your a woman that's either over 50 or pushin that age you will be in the background. I will never forget the day that JFP caused Robin strasser's dorian change character so much that Robin left. ;) I hope that That doesnt happen with Jane but time will tell. :(<_<B)

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Actually, I was totally inspired to finish it and will be posting it to LJ and FF.net tonight. I didn't like what I had, and decided just to scrap what I'd already written and start from scratch. Once I changed the focus, it flowed like wine and I finished in about an hour.

Really. Honestly. My sister watched the show in the Luke/Laura days, so I have a vague familiarity with the names. (Straight girl that she is, I was overly aware of how hawt Luke, Robert Scorpio, Scotty Baldwin, Alan Quartermaine, and Frisco Jones were. I think she mentioned Tracy once or twice, but as a hormonal, straight teenaged girl, she wasn't too interested in snarky sexy !@#$%^&*]es.... ) And I've done a lot of research on Tracy's past, because I'm that kind of person--when I get obsessed, I get obsessed. And at the risk of scaring people, I know Tracy. I grew up with Tracy--my mom was the black sheep outcast of a very tight-knit wealthy family, and was very often used and abused by the men she dated after her divorce. So, fwiw, I have a lot of sympathy for Ned and Dillon, and a lot of compassion for Tracy. (No, my mom was not nearly as manipulative as Tracy, but boy, she was just as scary.)

That is priceless. Just freakin' priceless.

Thanks for the kind words and the welcome.

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*takes a big breath*

A more complete version of Sweeps Previews has been posted. (You do NOT want to read them; trust me.)












Luke and Robert vie for Holly.

Guza says there's going to be a Luke/Robert/Holly triangle. How will Lulu and Robin react?

:angry::angry::angry: How about...How will TRACY react? Is Guza forgetting she's his WIFE? :angry::angry::angry:

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ABout the spoilers...........




I got upset when I read that too...and Guza's a big fat idiot.

People on SZ are spitting nails,some of them.

I think I'm more frustrated and upset than mad.

The only bright spot in all this...is that ES has already said her home,with her husband and children,is in England,and that any return she might make would be temp/short term only.

Of course,she's coming back for a second time already...LOL,and I've watched enough to know that if they wave enough money under her nose...I mean,look at Billy Warlock,who swore he'd bag groceries before he came back to GH.

He came back,and he admitted it was for the money.

Now ES's situation is a little different...she has other people to consider.

But if she changed her mind,if they offered her a contract,I could see her giving in.

But ultimately I think HOlly loves Robert only.


I do think it's really CRAPPY that Guza just disses Jane/Tracy like she's dirt...like she isn't even worth a mention.

I wonder,if anything...what Tony Geary is thinking about this.


I really am mad. LOL And upset. Not just for Jane,but because DANG. Tracy finally got a man in her orbit that might WORK.

And now this.....

What makes me maddest is Guza's attitude,as if Tracy/Jane don't even matter.

I am SO MAD.

And frustrated.

But maybe,looking to the bright side....it WILL be only temporary.


Wow MinervaFan....your mom sounds interesting.

You know,I think actually that all of us know someone like Tracy,maybe like you said,not as manipulative,but that "black sheep" wanting to be loved,wanting to "fit in" thing,who can't identify with that?

I know I do. :)

And it's also JE....I've been watching her off and on since day one as Tracy...even though I was just a little kid the first time around.

She grabbed me by the throat that first time,and I've been hooked ever since.

I wish I could send you copies of old tapes,but I've lost most of them over the years.

Which I could kick myself for now.

JE is just awesome.

*waves to everyone*

*goes in corner to cry about spoilers*

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Couple of questions and comments:

Re: Spoilers-GUZA needs to be hit with a stick. Period. This has got to be the person who thinks SOILY is heating up the screen. No, SOILY is scorching our retinas like sulphuric acid. Can you please give us more LuNacy?

Re: my Mom. Yeah, she's like that, but she's mellowed. I think Tracy appeals to all of us; just some of us are more honest about it. My girlfriend's mom loathes Tracy; I really think it's because Tracy does "bad" things. Everybody does "bad" things; Tracy just doesn't cover them up or rationalize them or apologize (well, there was that time in the hospital...) for them. I think people who dislike her are afraid of her honesty, or jealous. JE has said that Tracy is someone who never grew up, who still has that child in her who wants her way now. Fact is, everybody still has that child in them who wants their way now, and I think a lot of them resent Tracy because, unlike them, she hasn't bothered to sublimate it in deference to the Gods of Polite Society.

Re: fanfic. I got an idea last night thinking about all the cool spoilers I've read here that have never come to pass. I know there are a few fanfic writers out there--what if we did a Fake Spoilers Ficathon? Everybody who participates would take the spoiler they wish would have come to pass and write a short fic showing that/those scenes. It would help to while away the time while we wait for TIIC to get off their butts and give us some Tracy. Not trying to be pushy on my second day, but I'm just really excited to finally find other Tracy fans online....


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*waves to everyone*

I think some people who hate Tracy aren't jealous. They're just full of hate and Tracy is an outlet for that hate.

The reason I say that, is a lot of Tracy haters online seem to just plain be full of venom themselves.

Just an observation.

I do think the Luke/Holly/Robert triangle will be brief. I don't think ES will be back for more than three weeks.

However,ES or no ES,I can see Guza finding ways to keep Luke busy that have nothing to do with Tracy.

Which is just sad,and I hope I'm wrong.

Hmm. A fake spoilers ficathon.

I would have to go back and look at all the fake spoilers and see if there's anything that sparks my interest enough to write about it.

If there is,sure I'll do it.

I have never posted any Tracy/Luke fics. I don't know if I can be objective about TRacy. I tend to see her in the most positive light,even when she's being horrible.

But since it's fic,who says I have to be objective? :)

I would have to find one that really inspires me,though.

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