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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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OOh,almost forgot.

New SOW.....JE got Performer of the Week for the week of GQ's wedding,2/13.

I don't have a way to scan the column,but basically it mentions that Tracy has tried to be a good mother.

It says JE is subtle at showing it,but Tracy's maternal side is there. :)

It talks about the chapel scenes,and Tracy's prayer...and promises.

Says that actors like JE are a blessing.


Yes,I loved it. How corny am I?? :rolleyes:

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I'm okay, watching the Oscars! You?

I read both fanfics of Debbie's and all I can say is Wow! I don't think I can love them more (but I'm sure I will when another comes)!

I *really* hope Tracy is on more this week (but I'm probably going to just be disappointed)! :rolleyes:

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im watching the oscars too.... i havent seen any of the movies that gotd nods so it's not that enjoyable.

Debbie is one of the best Fanfic writers I have ever seen.

Ms.Q I dont hardly go to SOC because I dont want to offend any Sonny Lovers because I wouldnt like it if some one was talking about My Tracy. :P I know that there is alot of Tracy fans over there but there are just too many Sonny lovers for me to deal with. ;)

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I guess I'm the only one not watching the Oscars, LOL.

angel, I'm hoping she's on too. I'm still waiting for that Luke/Tracy spoiler to play out. *crosses fingers*

LOL coolkid. Although...There was a poll not too long ago, and 90-something posters voted that Sonny had too much focus. I was like "Woo hoo!" :lol:

I miss Tracy. In fact, I even re-watched the first episode when Luke held her hostage on the Haunted Star. I loved those scenes (excluding the ones with Dillon/Georgie/Skye...Ugh. Dillon, she's your mother! Untie her! <--Those were my thoughts, LOL).

ETA: kenna and Keith are on too! Party in the TQ thread! :lol:

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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I am just SO frustrated.


Okay,so we know TG takes a short vacation around the end of March,then comes back at the end of April.

My guess is that when he finds out Skye is pregnant,he leaves town to try and get over this.

SD,according to SZ, says that Luke and Robert head out an an adventure to bring Holly back to justice because she's on the lam.

Sooo...where does that leave our girl? A few scenes before Luke leaves, a few scenes when he comes back,and then if SD is right,they won't even have interaction during May sweeps?


I'm starting to get really PO'd.


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I'd be fine with it too,if it meant she'd get airtime/story.

These hacks would rather show Nik scattering Courtney's ashes,and Sam getting yet ANOTHER story...rather than giving JE even a few crumbs outside propping Luke.

Hmm....wow if this is truly the case and this is all we're going to get,they aren't really learning anything from RS and TR coming back. They still haven't learned the viewers LOVE TQ.

Okay so all of them don't.

But I think most enjoy watching her,anyway.


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WEll Ms.Q.


It doesn't look too good.

The writers seemed to have definitely back burnered JE,and by association,Luke/Tracy.

JE was promised a big story with Gerald Anthony back in the day,and when that didn't come to fruition,it was part of the reason she decided not to re-sign back in 93.

I can see her becoming very unhappy if things continue on this way...and choosing not to re-sign in November,that is,if they even offer it to her.

Skye's baby will be born around November sweeps....which concidentally,is when JE's contract runs out.

Just sayin.'

I don't know....I'd love to be optimistic,if I had something to be optimistic about.

And,we don't know if TR HAS been offered a contract,or if he signed. At least,not for sure yet.


But here's the facts:

TG still has to take his second break,and he'll leave around the third or fourth week this month.

By the time he comes back,TR will be back,and they are supposed to go looking for Holly.

No Tracy mentioned.

This is supposed to last until May sweeps.

Then I guess TR leaves again,so maybe from May sweeps until the end of June,when TR is rumored to come back again,Tracy and Luke might have something.

Then my guess would be,once TR is back,they'll be off on another adventure and Tracy will be left doing what...trading insults with Skye and snarking at the teens?


Then,IF TG comes back to PC before his vacation,we may get a few Tracy/Luke scenes...and then he'll be gone again,until the first of October...and JE/TG will have about five weeks of interactions,before November sweeps.....and if JE doesn't re-sign,that's it.

And truthfully no one hates a wet blanket more than me....but it doesn't look good at all. I'm trying to appreciate the TG/JE stuff we're getting.

Only problem is,we're barely getting any. :(

All I can do is PRAY Tracy/JE doesn't get screwed. :(

SPOILERS OVER.....................

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