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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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:mellow: I can't believe I forgot to log out last time I left.



*waves to everyone*

and coolkid I'm glad you're okay.

Ms.Q the vid was awesome, (perfect song,BTW) and I read your fan fic update.

Loved the scene.

"Beautiful Disaster" was good,too.

I agree...a whole week with no Tracy is like plain vanilla ice cream. Nothing special. :)

I agree about the chapel scenes too. It also would not only have been more in character for her to only promise to TRY,it just would have made the scene better....here's this woman who,even in the face of her son's possible death,won't deny who she is. Which considering who she was talking to,there wouldn't be much point in denying who she is,since He already knows.


An alternate universe sequence with Lacy.....unless it's a Dillon fantasy/dream,doubt we'd get it on GH.

Although funny....just the other day,I was thinking I'd love to see a show that was one "stand alone" episode,in which the couples all traded personalities.

You know,Georgie would be the film buff and Dillon would be the straight A geek.

And Luke/Tracy...well I don't think they're that different,personality wise.

They did grow up very differently though,which would change some things,that'd be cool to watch.

In the "banishing clip" with no dialogue,with Original Edward,David Lewis...he tells her "pack your bags".

Even if I hadn't watched the scene and remembered it,I read his lips. LOL

Great scene.

Original Edward...ah,no one else can touch him in terms of jerkiness/nastiness.

He was a pistol.

Um.....has anyone seen the comments from Guza about Emma Samms deciding to come back for a few more episodes?

It kinda makes me nervous:


He basically says that ES has resigned for a few more shows,there are other things in the article posted on SZ but basically Guza says he has planned for May sweeps for Luke/Holly/Robert to all be on a mountain during I guess what is supposed to be some kind of flood....(although he doesn't confirm the flood part,that I got elsewhere).

Anyway....no mention of Tracy in that.


I don't think ES would stay on too long,she's already said she wouldn't want to do it long term.

BUT it's just the fact that if you think about it, maybe the writers are bored with Luke/Tracy,or are running out of ideas,but they just don't seem to be too invested in them lately.

And even though I like "Lacy",that doesn't bother so much as the fact that if Tracy isn't in Luke's sphere...we may never see her.

I don't think Geary has as much influence as some people say,and even if he did,who knows what he would choose to do,or whom he'd choose to work with?


I am going to write a letter supporting Tracy.

If anyone is interested,I'll take comments and add them to my letter from you all,and/or post the addresses if anyone wants to write their own.

Public support can only help.

I would advise,that you only mention in your letters,the things you like.

I have heard that TIIC count any letter,negative or positive,as a letter FOR that actor/character.

So,I'm keeping mine Tracy based and positive.

If anyone has anything to add,let me know.

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Thanks ILoveTracyQ! Public support is good, but the whole "let's organize my thoughts and incorporate them into a letter" thing is too high school for me, LOL, but I'll still consider it. I just want JE/Tracy on my screen, and if the letter writing will accomplish that, then so be it. :)












Oh ILoveTracyQ, I've been thinking the SAME THING! LOL. I'm not anti-TR's return or anti-ES's for that matter per se; I'm just against TIIC giving JE's screentime to them. And it wouldn't be a big deal if in the meantime, Tracy was allowed to interact with OTHER characters (say...her FAMILY), but she's not. :angry: So...It's Tracy/Luke or Tracy/backburner. *sigh*












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Ms.Q I like the little story too.

It could go all kinds of ways....it could be a dream of Tracy's.

It could be Dillon wishing for a "more normal" family,or a different family,kind of like "Freaky Friday",only something went wrong and this is what happened.

It could also be something more sinister....like Helena has been holding Tracy prisoner and this is all just virtual reality,kind of a brain washing,to make Tracy forget who she is.

Here's hoping TQ will be on more than one day this week !


As for the spoiler you posted that Wizard posted on SD,Ms.Q....what exactly has Wizard been accurate on in the past,if anything?

You know after all those scenes(and even apparently the one with Dillon "dying") getting cut,I don't trust spoilers anymore at all. LOL

Show me the money,that's all I've got to say. Cause until it happens,BAH ! Humbug !


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Interesting ideas, ILoveTracyQ. I wish I could put them into writing, LOL. As for the spoilers...Wizard was the first to spill that Dillon would fall ill, dream of being on the Titanic, and propose to Georgie. I did a search, and here are other spoilers that Wizard spilled before other sites...

Noah returns and needs a liver transplant; Patrick offers a portion of his liver.

Lucky collapses with fever while secluded in a cabin in the woods; Jesse goes searching for him.

Noah/Bobbie save Luke's life.

Lorenzo feels guilty for helping Skye because what he does puts another life at risk.

Luke/Lulu share a tearful good-bye as she fears she's going to die.

Luke risks his life to save Lulu.

Luke, armed with a gun, demands Lulu receive the serum first.

Lucky wakes up in a lab and learns that he is the chosen one to test out a potential cure of the virus.

Carly/Jason's adventure during Feb. Sweeps involves finding Lucky.

A delusional Ric dreams about Adella.

Courtney risks everything against Jax wishes.

Michael and Georgie break quarantine to be Sonny and Dillon, respectively.

Alexis has a shocking confession; she reveals her past to Ric.

Robert asks Jason for his cooperation with the efforts that are going on; Jason has reservations but reluctantly agrees.

Sonny is pushed away by Mike after he learns of Courtney's death.

Carly donates blood.

Robin becomes sick; Patrick is concerned about her.

Jason and Luke team up.

Wizard and RMT are among SD's most accurate...at least according to me and SD. ;)












From Anonymous Poster: Regarding Luke/Tracy: Sometimes the last person on earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without. Aww...I hope this one is accurate!

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SPOILER TALK.................

I saw that poster's predictions/spoilers....and one(the one about Georgie playing matchmaker) has already come true,or will the week of 03/06,see SON's previews....also the post on SD mentioned Ric helping Alexis and that's on 03/06...hmm,I wonder if the SD poster is an insider at SON. Maybe the "can't live without" spoiler,if it's really Luke/Tracy related, will come true as well.


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If I come up w/ any good ideas for the fic, i'll tell you. I like the idea of maybe having Helena have drugged Tracy...it would make sense...hmmmmm..






OMG!! I so hope its true! I mean I *love* Jed Allen, he's awesome but its good to know that John Ingle isn't going to waste away at DAYS, and hey maybe Edward will be on more, and then have scenes w/ Tracy so she will be on more! (I know I'm strangely optimistic right now lol)

I too hope they don't kill him off!

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I see coolkid and angel are online right now. *joins the party*











CASTING: It has to be true! It's in the lastest issue of SOD; it even made the cover! I'm SO happy! Can you tell, LOL? *tries to calm down* Can't you just imagine his scenes with Luke/Tracy now that Luke/Tracy are MARRIED! I hope this means lots and lots of good Q scenes. Now we just need a recast Emily, Wally Kurth on contract, and AJ to come back from the dead!

GRAPEVINE: Upon Robert's return, he just might be paired with a female who is already on canvas. Is there hope for a Tracy/Robert/Luke triange? Can Robert try to steal Luke's wife? LOL. All right. TIIC don't care enough about JE/Tracy to pair her with TR, but maybe...just maybe...with TG's "creative control" and all. ;)











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Join right in Ms.Q!! :D






Cast- Oh god can you imagine if it would've been John Ingle's Edward when they found out about the Vegas wedding! That would've been hilarious! Oh well, what's done is done. Now if they'll just give us more Q scenes, we can watch some awesome scenes!

Vine- Oh how interesting would that be! Refresh my memory.. does Robert even know Tracy and or that Luke is married to her?? But that would be something else if TG used his 'creative control' to pull that off! I could probably learn to like a Luke/Tracy/Robert triangle.

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Ahoy-hoy! Okay, I've been avoiding reading until I catch up on watching GH (so much monkey virus, so little time), but I figured since there were 8 billion SON emails in my inbox that something good happened...I am so weak.





OMG! John Ingle!!! YES!!! Jed Allen was doing the best he could, but he never quite found his niche in the Q bickering. It always felt like "obligatory Edward curmudgen line" to me. And yes, Mrs. Q, all we need now is Wally back the hell on contract...Wait...did John get a contract, or is he on recurring? And AJ (Sean or Billy, either is fine) coming back from the dead, and, well, Natalia's grown on me, but the way they write Emily, I don't think anyone would be likeable in the role... *prays for the return of the Q 4th of July picnic* Anyway, best news in a long time.




End Grapevine/Casting.

Sad to hear about the lack of Tracy though. I'd even be up for a rousing round of Georgie vs. "the mother-in-law from hell" (love Tracy, but REALLY crappy track record in that department...see: Jenny, Lois), you know, if they wrote Georgie a bit more clever, because I really like Lindze, and I think they could work up an enjoyable rivalry, like with RS's Lois back in the day. I'm a little afraid that with Holly back, Tracy will be inexplicably back-burnered for a while, or as we say in the Q household "away on business". Either that or be on once a week, or once every two, in the sort of "I'm just here to remind you that I'm mean to Georgie, but this plot won't go anywhere" scene, where Dillon/Georgie/Alice/Skye/etc gang up on her and then GQ whine about it for the rest of the episode. (Love GQ, but let's give them something new to do, shall we?) Let's face it, they'll never let us have Adventure!Tracy, although, how kickass would that be?

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Thanks you guys I really missed you all, and Im soo glad that the Tracy Love is spreading.

I had a feeling that JI was really coming back. The ratings are going down on gh and TIIC arnt that dumb, and they need the extra ratings from JI.

MS. Q Recast Em ;) cant we just kill her and maybe replace her with Quentin Q, Alexandria Q, or Celia Q.

Trobert? :lol:

angel2devil I donno i guess that luke may have told her "off screen" ? I donno I would love to see how he takes Lacy.

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