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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Sounds like fanfiction, LOL. But an interesting read nonetheless. Thanks for sharing. :)

From TK's event...Lorenzo would sleep with Tracy in an alternate reality. :lol:

ILoveTracyQ, if you haven't already, you should check out the Skye/Baby thread at SOC. Last night, someone thought of a challenge and several posters were masquerading as the show's characters. Skye Blue made a real good Tracy. Tracy/Carly were going at it for what could have been over an hour. It was very entertaining, LOL.

Also...DebbieB has another fanfic up (at her site). This might be unpopular, but I just couldn't get into it. It was extremely well-written (no doubt about that), but it was "too much" for me. If interested, you can access it here. Rated NC-17; contains dubious content.

ETA: For those interested, you can view the last episode of The City here. :)

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Thanks for the links Ms.Q

I read your missing scene updates.

Well done. :)

I read Debbie's from FF.net which I liked a whole lot better than the one you linked.

That kind of story is not normally my thing,either...I don't normally read them.

I do have to say,Debbie is a good writer and has a great grasp on Tracy(and actually,Luke's also)voice.

BUT some of the stuff,like the one you linked,is so DARK.

It's not that I don't see something like that possibly happening between them,especially after some of TG's comments in the mags.

But I just like lighter happier stuff I guess.

I think the one on FF was more my speed...really kind of sweet and what I believed probably really happened that night.

I think we didn't see it for a reason,and I'm waiting actually for him to tell her so.

It would make him look better,although many people argue TG likes DarkLuke,so...*shrug*,who knows?

Spoilers except for Friday are kinda empty for our girl. :(


I stopped by SD and saw the one that says Skye defends Diego to Tracy.

Just another case of Tracy making some rude comments and Skye stepping in again.

*RME* on this one,I think I'll skip it. If it's true. And it might be,it's not farfetched.

I am anticipating seeing what comes of Skye being pregnant.

What are everyone's thoughts...will Skye tell Lo right away,will she find out about Manny first and lie and tell Luke the child is his,or will the baby REALLY be Luke's?

I hope we get good Tracy/Luke out of it...the Skye/Lo angle I don't care about.

This Friday,I hope Jane's scenes don't get cut..............


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From what I gather...No Tracy today? <_<

No problem, ILoveTracyQ. And thanks for the reviews at FF.net! I liked the "What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas" one better too. I always get so excited when I find out Debbie has a new fic posted, LOL. BTW, where is everyone hiding? angel? tracyluver? smirks? kenna? I wonder how coolkid is doing.












Not looking foward to Tracy/Skye/Diego. I hope Tracy brings up what he did to her granddaughter, but I'm sure there won't be a mention. Actually...Didn't Diego also slip Georgie drugs? And Georgie is also part of the family now. Could be neat if Tracy could defend Georgie, or vice-versa. Although...Georgie will end up attracted to Diego, so there goes that idea.

About Friday...Spoilers sound good, but can we trust them? As for the pregnancy, I think ILoveTracyQ's initial speculation (Baby is Lorenzo's; Skye passes it off as Luke's due to Lorenzo's lies and lifestyle) makes sense, but it might make too much sense for GH. :P In the end, I don't care so as long as JE gets decent material out of it. Does that make me selfish, LOL?

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I'm still here Ms. Q, don't worry, you're not gonna get rid of me that easily lol.

I *love* all of DebbieB's fanfictions!!

Maybe its just me but daaaang has georgie been just a tad (and I use that lightly) annoying lately. I mean, yeah sure he's your husband we get it, but they've only been married for like what 2 seconds and she's acting like they've been married for like ever. Oh well, whatever.

~~Spoilers Talk~~








Tracy/Deigo/Skye thing doesn't thrill me much, but what do you expect, GH seems to love having Tracy be the bad guy(girl) and imho its gettin kinda old, but I'm sure JE will rock regardless!

I really really hope the Tracy breaking down scene isn't cut!! If it is and we don't have any other Tracy scenes I'm gonna be so majorly ticked (then again I think these writers like that). Here's to hoping we get these would be, should be awesome scenes!

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Ah, just wondering, psychofan. I liked her hair in last Monday/Tuesday's episode, but not Wednesday's. It was styled differently or something, LOL.

Note to TPTB: See what happens when JE/Tracy is NOT on my screen? I end up talking about her hair, LOL.

ILoveTracyQ, TG's spring vacations aren't that long, right? And it's possible JE/Tracy will be mixing it up with the teens during that time. Better that than nothing, I suppose. *sigh* Anyone else want some Tracy/Jax interaction?

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Well I really didn't expect her to be on every day this week,but I was hoping (and still am)that she'll be on more than Friday.

The show SUCKS without her.

I know I don't have a reason to watch if she's not on.

Yes we end up talking about trivial things when she's not around,don't we?

I read in recaps that Luke overheard Skye tell Lulu their "romance" was done.

Anyone want to spec about what this means,"Lacy"-wise,if anything?

Also,according to SID, it doesn't seem as though Luke is following Robert out of town after all...so I wonder what makes Luke leave THIS time.

Ms.Q I do believe TG's two short vacations are three weeks long...and the summer one being ten weeks.

Last year he came back the last week in April, so my guess is he'll leave the end of March?

I heard rumors Robert will be back...maybe Luke leaves town after Robert to join him on another adventure.

I hope Tracy/Jax do get a moment together this week.

That'd be good. :)

Honestly I was and still am on the fence about Trax( I hated the way Jax dissed Tracy when he was first interested in Courtney),...but any Tracy is better than none.

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