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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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So I have no idea if this is actually true since I've yet to see today's episode, but I read that Luke talked to Tracy over the phone with her off screen. Like I said I haven't watched yet and probably won't be able to watch till Monday but that is what I read.

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I haven't watched in ages, but apparently he did call her on yesterday's show (25th) in the last scene, telling her they needed to talk, and there's also a preview for either today or tomorrow where the two are on together and Tracy confronts him about really dumping her so he could be with Anna.

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Tracy is on today but that is the last day JE has taped. She hasn't worked in THREE full weeks. Tony worked M with lante and today with Todd I think

He is even back and JE still isn't taping. At this rate she has taped five scenes in four weeks. I doubt she will be on in August. business as usual for us tracy fans. sucks

Oh and there is one more week and TG is around I believe and then they go dark til August 20th. If she doesn't work next week she won't be on the whole month and into sept

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That's what I figured. For all of their "We love JE", they really don't know what to do with her. So much potential wasted because they won't get their heads out of their collective asses. Glad she's content to be doing what she's doing. I'm content not having to watch her absence.

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I didn't watch today but it sounds like tracy is going to have a front row seat to watch luke/anna crash and burn but made it sound like she would be waiting to pick up the pieces or something

BTW finally JE is working Monday! With Tony and the guy who plays Joe Scully.

Also, here is an article with some stories from the TCA panel Jane and Tony were at yesterday among others:


FV mentions that John INgle will be back soon. I hope that is true cause nancy told me it is not good and prayers are really needed now

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Luke/Anna was going to crash'n'burn anyway. There was nothing there to build on, and a whole lot of 'wrong' to destroy the lust. I just don't like that they are setting Tracy up for seconds….. again. Luke loves/loved her free and clear, regardless. The thought that she's only rebound material is horrendous. I realize that is the "type" she's traditionally played, but why does it have to be panned to? Why can't she be a character who gets her "finally, I'm first"?

These writers are more stuck on stereotypes and traditional interactions than Guza ever was.

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We'll the "love triangle" she happily spoiled was one sided, as suspected. I find it interesting that all this 'tip off' stuff happened the night of media attention - obviously they know using JE would be good for the show, so WTF can't they put their ego where their pens are and just get it done!

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So with Jane back to work tomorrow we could see her in two weeks again. like in may with the scenes with NLG at the lake house. Those scenes aired around two weeks after Jane was back taping.

i hope Jane tapes quite a few episodes next week.

i really hope JI is fine and back soon.

hooke, do you know how long heather is airing and when RM will be back taping. i really enjoyed all things heather!:)

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