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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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No problem, ILoveTracyQ. As for today? The Tony scenes/scenes related to him were good, but that's about all IMO. It bothers me that the writers can do family (quite well actually :o), but won't on a continual basis.

Thanks, bellcurve! The name Nolan North sounds familiar, but I've never seen him onscreen. Heard good things though. I'm sure he/JE would be great together. :)












That's an interesting point, kenna, although ILoveTracyQ's speculation also sounds right. I have no clue, LOL. I'm just hoping that when Tracy finds out about the pregnancy, we don't have to sit through weeks of blackmail (provided the baby is Lorenzo's). And if it's Luke's? Oh, Tracy is gonna flip out.

About next week...I'm trying not to get too excited. JE hasn't had good dramatic material in a long, long time. I'm sure she'll do great; it's the writers I'm worried about. <_<

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I know whatever Jane has to do,she'll do VERY well. LOL

But yeah the writers...eh.

Call me paranoid,but I was just thinking today,they are very crafty in the way they write this show.

If they don't want you feeling too much sympathy for a character,like Tracy for instance,then they'll make sure we don't get those bedside scenes...or at least,not more than a blink and you miss it scene.

I mean,didn't Luke and Lulu have not ONE but TWO bedside scenes where they said their goodbyes?

Luke's been heavily featured this week....almost dying to save his kid.

And where has Tracy been?

Except for the (by my count)less than two minutes she spent at Dillon's bedside,and her brief scenes with Luke...she was in the coffee shop. :blink:

Yeah it's hard not to be bitter.

I hope they'll do the Dillon/Tracy relationship justice next week,as well as the Tracy/Luke one.

I hope.

About Nolan NOrth,I know who he is...and Tracy with Chris Ramsey from PC would have been interesting.

But I am for the moment stuck on Luke and Tracy...and don' t want her even thinking about anyone else.

I think she's found her match in Luke.


About the baby.....here's one scenario:

Skye finds out she's pregnant.

Due to how far along she is,she knows it's Lorenzo's.

She prepares to tell him...and overhears him talking to Manny and knows Lorenzo lied to her.

She begins rethinking her relationship with him,and when she also finds out Lo switched Lulu's chart,she decides to pretend it's Luke's baby.

Now,whether she seduces Luke or just tells him it's his,and that's she's further along than she is,or (and here's an interesting one)she tries to seduce him and fails....prompting her to drug him and get into bed with him and tell him the morning after that they did the deed.

Now I really can't see THIS Skye doing that,but I can see the old Skye doing it.

And the rumors about the old manipulative Skye returning...makes me think that option is a possibility.

As far as how Tracy's going to feel.....if Skye tells Luke it's his and she got pregnant before he left...Tracy won't like it but I don't think that would make her kick Luke out.

If Skye succeeds in seducing Luke after Luke and Tracy are supposed to bond...and Skye says she's pregnant,I can see Tracy kicking him out.

Ditto if Skye has to drug him,and Tracy believes they did the deed.

Of course this is all just spec since we don't know yet what will happen...however I do think Skye will take measures to protect herself and the baby from Lo either due to his lifestyle, and/or because of the lies.

Spoiler spec over

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I hear ya, ILoveTracyQ. It's either that, or the fact TIIC realize JE will do well no matter what and don't want her upstaging their favorites. TG gets to upstage them because well...he's TG and he is one of the favorites, LOL. I'm hoping for at least one bedside scene. No Georgie standing to the side. Just Dillon and his mother.











Wow, ILoveTracyQ, that is a lot of speculation, LOL.

From the ABC Boards (from someone who receives spoilers as part of emails): Tracy lets it slip that she loves Luke, but blames it on the alcohol, which Luke later finds out was water. (Rumor? Spoiler? Who knows? But I like it. And if true, Tracy picked the wrong time to have a glass of water, LOL.)

There are spoilers that Luke/Jason team up. I hope that doesn't last long. Where's Tracy going to be in the meantime? Probably making EVIL plans to end her son's marriage. :rolleyes:

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Its gotten to the point where I just want her to be onscreen with *anyone* (not saying that I don't want her to have great scenes and with my other favs but...you know.) :rolleyes:;)

~Spoiler Talk~






Woah ILoveTracyQ, good to know I'm not the only one who's mind has been working overtime about them spoilers/speculations, lol (not that that's bad).

Ms. Q, I *really* like that spoiler too! See what happens when you drink water, lol. Maybe that can be her excuse, she hadn't had her drink that day that keeps her sane, lol. But I can't wait to see his reaction (that is if it happens, oh how I hope it does)!

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bellcurve, I never saw THE CITY, so I can't wait for you to post those clips. It will be weird to see Tracy interact with other characters.

I am finally caught up on all the excellent fan fiction, keep it coming everyone! (Why do I feel like the only one on this board who hasn't written one?)

I am going to get caught up on GH today (olymp-what?) and hopefully won't be too disappointed at the lack of Tracy. I know it's tempting to compare her screentime with Luke's, but there are far more non-favorites on this cast than favorites, so everyone gets slighted a wee bit, and Luke really IS a more integral part of the storyline. Not that that's an excuse for lack of Tracy...there are no good excuses for Tracy being gone.











Is it so wrong to hope with every fibre of my being that Skye's baby isn't Luke's? I don't think my mind could take the implied sex between those two. See, I've been living in a nice bubble of denial, and I don't like when that breaks. I could maaaaaaaaaybe handle it if she somehow drugs Luke up afterwards and tries to pin him as the father, but it's kind of a a stale soap plot, and ensures us another 6 months of Tracy and Skye fighting over Luke and I'm ready to move past that. Also, I'm a teensy bit afraid of what Tracy might do to ensure the child doesn't make it into the world...especially with these writers.

I am looking forward to this spoiler about Tracy admitting her feelings to Luke and surprisingly not under the influence of alcohol. I just hope it's done in the right way, and they let Luke express that there might be something on his end as well. I am just so sick of the women always panting after the men on this show. It's a soap opera for pete's sake...don't they know we want it the other way?

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Ms.Q I have thought that many times...that the reason Jane(and for that matter Stuart and Leslie) don't get used a lot is because TIIC know they have fans and Emmy noms,etc,etc,...in other words they know these three are capable of outshining certain others every single time.

So they make their airtime minimal. And we grit our teeth and smile.


smirks I haven't written any fan fic either. Don't feel bad. Although I bet you could do it.

I don't think I could write a Tracy fan fic. I don't think I could be objective enough.

If I finally decide to chuck objectivity out the window,then I'll probably write one. And The City? Awesome Tracy stuff there. I'd love like anything for Zoey to come to PC and pick up her friendship with Tracy,or Jacob...they were two people Tracy could actually have a friendship with...as close as Tracy gets to friendship. Ally too...although LW plays Carly so Ally's out.

For those who don't already know...."Beautiful Disaster" is updated. I thought at first the mystery man might be Gino(also from the City),but now I'm wondering just who he is.

Hmm.....anybody other than me have a theory on that one.

It can't be one of Luke's enemies...because in the dream the man tells Tracy he knows Luke has done nothing to him. And when Tracy sees his face she screams. So my guess is the guy wanting to kill Luke has something to do with Tracy.


Sorry to be a bubble burster.. <_< , but I think the "Tracy letting it slip she loves Luke....." has got FAKE written all over it. Of course I thought the same when I heard about Tracy and Luke getting married,so...

Besides that isn't that labeled as a "spumor",the person on SOC who posted it called it that.

Which means it could be spoiler OR rumor.

Oh don't get me wrong I'd LOVE for it to happen.

It just sounds funny to me.

But if it does happen,I'd pay to see Luke's reaction both at her admission,but even more upon finding out it was water.

I hope it's true,but..... :unsure:

angel I also am at the point where I just want her onscreen. The upcoming scenes with Mac are intriguing. Are they doing something there? Either way I think I'll enjoy them. Tracy and Mac.....interesting.

Ms.Q with the upcoming Dillon/Tracy stuff....I hope also we might get at least one good meaty scene with just the two of them in the room.

Is it too much to ask it might just be given as much attention as Luke/Lulu?

BUT after they're married....I'm afraid the days when Tracy/Dillon have a conversation and Georgie isn't in the room...might be over. I hope not,but...again,the odds aren't good.

I had read the spoiler that said after the wedding Dillon takes a turn for the worst...but wakes up. Does he get better when he wakes up? Because I read the spoiler that says Dillon wants to risk his life to help others.

Now,my take on that is that the vials coming back to PC,well they need to be tested.

Of course IRL there should be a scientific way to do it that didn't risk lives,but my guess is that Dillon volunteers to be injected with one of the vials to find out if it's the virus or not.

He might think that there's no risk because he should have built up an immunity to the virus since he was cured.

Unfortunately,he isn't Luke...and he gets sick again.

That's my spec,based on the spoiler that says (on 02/24/06) that Tracy breaks down. Why else would she break down,unless they bring in Ned or Edward or Alan falls ill?

I think they are cable guide spoilers,posted on SZ:


I also think this is why Luke/Jason team up....Luke is trying to save Lucky and Dillon. Tracy will apparently be left behind,wringing her hands.

Not that I mind it as long as I get to see her......but I want HER to be a part of an adventure.


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I agree, angel. Just put her on my screen. I think she needs to get stuck in an elevator with someone, LOL. That'd be fun.

ILoveTracyQ, I don't have any theories on "Beautiful Disaster," but I can't wait 'til the next update.












I hear ya, smirks. I'm not interested in watching Tracy/Skye fight over Luke. Been there. Done that. It's time to move on. As for what Tracy might do...I'm also afraid. As I posted before, Skye might want to watch herself around the stairs. :o

ILoveTracyQ, I checked the original post at the ABC Boards, and it was labeled as Spumors/Spoilers, so it might be true. Sounds true, right? Especially with what smirks posted. I bet Luke will never admit his feelings for Tracy. At least not until Tracy does so first. *sigh* The Mac/Tracy spoiler does sound intriguing, doesn't it? I would have never guessed he would be the "surprising shoulder." Although...I sometimes forget Mac exists, LOL. I hope there is more than one scene.

About Dillon/Tracy...Oh, ILoveTracyQ, you are crazy, j/k. :P I would love if the same attention were given to them as Lulu/Luke, but I doubt it. I bet this is more about GQ than anything. The days that Tracy/Dillon have a conversation alone have been over for a long time...err...close to over. Except for the "It was a test, Mom, and you failed" scene, what was the last one they had? GQ seem to be connected, marriage or no marriage.

Hmm...Tracy breaks down? I'm so confused. That is some complex speculation, ILoveTracyQ, LOL. You might be onto something. What else would cause her to break down? I'm not too sure about those CGS though. We get them for next week, but not this week? Something is fishy, LOL. All I know is Tracy breaking down sounds like good material for Jane Elliot, so I'll welcome it. :)

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*anxiously awaits today's episode*

When was the last time that happened? LOL.

Psst...There is a little something at FF.net. ;)












In Scott Clifton's SON Emmy Reaction, he said that Dillon dies, come backs to life, and then dies again. That has to be what the "breakdown" spoiler refers to. Looks like ILoveTracyQ might be onto something. :)

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Oh my gosh! I am tracyluver and i am FINALLY de-lurking!! I am so desperate to post here that i am on my teachers computer right now ( my own computer is on the fritz- i have been trying to post for three days!! ) anyway, back to the tracy luvin'! I am sooo happy to see that other people on this planet feel the same way that i do- that both JE and tracy are treated very unfairly on this show and not given one oz. of the respect that they deserve. Uh oh, my teacher is coming! One more quick thing, can any of you link some of the famous and fabulous fics that i have heard about? I have been trying to find them and i can't, I have especially been looking for yours, coolkid! I ahev always been intrigued by tracy/paul, even though i wasn't watching the show then. Anyway, if you could, that would be awesome! Thanx!!!

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Wow. Tracy showed...vulnerability. I think I'm in love with today's script writer (even if her scene was too short). The way she went from vulnerable to needing to get back into bitch Tracy mode with her quick 'I'll be right back' was so classic Tracy! She couldn't show her vulnerability for too long, especially given how Dillon's taken advatange of her in the past. We've missed you, girl!

Okay. Back to the crapfest, I guess.

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