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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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It's not about the beloved veterans not driving story - of course they can and haven't been allowed to for years.

The problem comes from vets not being around for ages and then suddenly in the mix with characters who are supposed to be their relatives played by actors who have never even met before. There is a false integrity to it that ruins things. Or the other extreme is what Days has done by basically bringing back specific vets and handing them 2/3 of the show. Either way vets do not bring viewers and that's been proven time and again on GH as well as other shows. It's a myth that obviously dies hard, but still a myth.

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Speaking of other soaps (and OLTL in particular), I don't even watch OLTL, but Monday's show is the most hilarious love letter to the fans I have ever seen on a soap. It's awesome.

If this is the kind of stuff we can expect from RC (re: a good balance of lightness where people actually laugh and enjoy things and hold up candles of hope against the doom and gloom), then I'm all about this writing team coming on.

In case anyone is interested:

Part 1

Part 2

The backstory is that one of the characters is heartbroken that her favorite soap, Fraternity Row, is being taken off the air after years and years. She goes to the set to see them film their last episode and has an accident. She passes out and "wakes up" as a character in her favorite soap. There is every single soap cliche in the book here, and I'm LMAO watching it.

Edited by stargazercmc
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Star I agree! These last few weeks of OLTL are great and I only would tune in for dorian and david and she is not even on the show now

Tracy AZ is happening in terms of wedding

Tracy is gonna show up in black--mark my words

I think this was to be the segway to Gina coming as it gets written up in Page 6 which is the NY gossip column the ex mayor has

I hope they make Tracy move into the penthouse with crazy AZ/Johnny. Love BB/JE chemistry

And truthfully at this point, they have written luke as such as ass that I'm ready for something else.

I'm ready to watch Jane and her facial expressions and comedic timing have stuff with Bruce

I'm sure Luke is gonna swoop in

But I don't care because I"m a Tracy fan first, and if Luke/Tony might leave in March, I selfishly want Jane there til the end of the show.

That supercedes Luke/Tracy to me

And I have to disagree about DOOL. I am really liking Days now. I'm not impressed at all by John/Marlena, but I get the connections to the show.

I am happy Lucas and Bille are coming back to the show

Kate/Sami frenemies/working together in a female driven business storyline...love it

And no matter what, I feel like the end of GH evne if it goes online will be in good hands with RC/FV. OLTL features vets and integratres them with mutli-generations storylines an strong females. and female frienships.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing what they come up with

And JE is gonna have a killer month in January in terms of actually seeing her on screen!

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Daytime Confidential named Tracy/Anthony one of the worst couples of 2011. I didn't even know they were a couple in the first place. It comes across to me as them making a non-choice because they didn't want to put a big sacred cow on the list.


There are a few fun bits in here for Tracy/Jane.


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I didn't know Tracy/Anthony were considered a couple either???

Thanks for the 1979 clip, Carl.

And hooked, thanks for the info. I am excited about Tracy screentime, and I am guessing this means Luke and Tracy actually did divorce somewhere along the line??? Do we know when? I don't think that was ever made clear.

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Hey guys, there were some nice scenes today with Edward, Monica, Tracy and Alice. Tracy tried to be Santa and it didn't quite work out the way she expected, but she did get a rather intriguing gift and note.

May want to check out clips of today. All in all, it was a nice, heartfelt holiday episode.

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I think it was supposd to be santa magic or something...haven't watche4d yet but I have finally caught up until today's show. I've been behind forever.

I thought it didn't say it was from az from what I read. Some people thought tracy assumed it was from luke. But others said no.

I think that is the diamond that she goes to show ethan from the pics...mayber to see if it is real.

Heading out of town tomorrow but wanted to wish my old Tracy pals a merry xmas and a happy new year!

And the good news is Jane has been working a lot I hear!

Edited by hookedongh
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So, she is maybe thinking that Luke wants to win her back (again?).

Luke knows she's still into him, right? 'Cause he overheard the whole Anthony/Tracy conversation a couple months ago while they were on a terrace/on a patio, I think?

When did this apparent divorce go through?

I do not like not knowing my LuNacy facts. LOL.

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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it has never been said that the divorce went thru

The last day luke was on he told liz that he and tracy were divorcing (as she was telling him he was selfish)

Tracy is still wearing her wedding ring and last I saw so was Luke

This was all Luke wanting the divorce to "free her" in his pity party mode

They were pretty sweet in their last scenes...it is obvious tracy still loves and cares about him.

HE did overhear the blackmail at the spa too with az wanting the night of passion and that is how he showed up at the hotel

He keeps ribbing her about it

I think he is gonna freak when he sees she is going to marry az and either try to stop the wedding or show up to crash it

but I think it does happen

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