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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Julie had a recent interview...she mentioned Tony and Jane

Back when you first came to "General Hospital," did anyone take you under their wing?

Not really. I was pretty comfortable, right out of the gate. I didn't need a lot of hands on guidance. Some of [the newer cast members] get it and it almost screws them up, so I'm happy I didn't have that. Over time… I do have those kinds of people at my disposal now. I can go to Tony (Geary), Jane (Elliot) and Laura Wright. They have worked in this medium for a long time, and I value their opinions. They're people I love and value a lot in my life.

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Sweet. The love between Jane and Julie has never been a secret. And I love her attitude - sometimes being "taken under their wing" is incredibly harmful. In a cut throat business you have to have the goods up front. If you don't and are almost protected from reality, it will really bite you when you least expect it. I'm wondering if that wasn't part of the issue with Lexi.

Still not caught up on GH, though I read the Halloween episode yesterday was good.

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Hmm if you like ethan talking to pumpkins and paintings I guess....seriously it was really bizarre....this obsession with the laura painting. It is like they are a couple and ethan is in love with the painting and obsessed. Yesterday he was talking to the pumpkin introducing it to Laura and giving a dissertation on the history of jack o lanterns and halloween.

I think this writing and wyndemere stuff is not Dark shadows, it is scooby doo and the mystery machine esque

I think the pacing is terrible now and while I do think there are more in depth scenes, the conversations are on endless loop. I seriously do not need to hear jasam talk about having a baby anymore. Do it already.

These dropped stories are bugging me too. For example, what was the symbol shown on purpose on Asher's shoes? And seems like AZ has no more interest in ELQ. I bet we don't ever see those sets again. I also don't believe Gina is coming anytime soon either. I'm starting to think that the casting call was just a ruse to recast Kristina like some have suggested. Although they bothered to have Skye come and set that whole story up and mention Gina and Gino Jr. Not a word has been mentioned about Tracy and Gino again. AZ is moved on to this lisa stuff. They may come back to it, but it is still....frustrating.

What happened to the stolen drug story that was set up too....seems to have vanished. I think getting a 1.5 rating last week is causing them to re-evaluate some stories.

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Ethan is talking to pumpkins? *SIGH*

Poor Nathan.

Eh, what this Tracy fan wanted wasn't Guza fired so much, as it was that I wanted the Q's to be used and good stories for them, and I knew Guza wouldn't give it.

Guza is still a crap, hack writer, regardless of whether he got people talking or not.

But GW sounds boring, and that's worse.

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I really hope so. GW has the respect for the history, but his pacing is terrible.

We also just lost one of the strongest writers GH has had over the last 18 years, Michele Val Jean, to B&B. I know it won't win any awards here to mention she was a heavy LnL writer, but I honestly think that Liz's rape and the re-visitation of Laura's rape through Lucky was one of the strongest pieces of writing I've seen on GH in the past 15 years and that was hers. Hands-down, that storyline had to have been one of TG's best performances on GH and he couldn't have done it without strong writing like that.

Painthan is quickly becoming a solid couple. Yesterday was an obvious attempt to set up a triangle between Ethan, Painting and Jack-O-Lantern.

Yeah. As Serial Drama would say, "This effing show."

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<p>I'm finally caught up (though missed the boat stuff) and I didn't see anything extremely strange about Ethan, the picture and the pumpkin. I thought it rather well explained when he said he's been curious about Laura and the connection Lulu/Lucky have. Poor boy lost his adoptive parents young and Holly isn't exactly &quot;Mother of the Year&quot;. I didn't seem obsession.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The Halloween stuff wasn't OTT - and Emma was adorable.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I also don't think anything has been dropped surrounding the story of Tracy. AZ is obviously occupied right now, and it does make sense that a megalomaniac be involved with more than one nefarious plot, but if the conversation still carries the story then it's still on the table. If there had been no reference then it might be a different story.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>I'm curious to see what they are doing with Spinelli. (The basket ball was more disturbing than the jack'o'lantern IMO.)</p>

<p> </p>

<p>And poor Maxie - she's getting it from all sides. Arguably most of it is her own doing, but she is really quite heartbroken at the moment and yet can't see the joy that is right in front of her.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Krissy looks so good - it pisses me off they are getting rid of Lexi. The next actress will have some huge boots to fill, but it was clear that she's going to cume back from Yale spitting bullets that Sonny did what he did. Great set up even if I don't like part of where it's leading.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Even as boring as I find Lucky on a good day (oh… how I miss Greg Vaughn) this Celtic adventure has me curious. Siobhan was one of the best things to happen to the character after the return/recast and I hope they can give us something that is considerably more interesting than Ronan. The inn keeper was right - things on the Isle are quite different then from the US. The Diva has been quite intrigued as the Isle is her desired travel destination. A beaconing to the diaspora, I'm thinking.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>All in all it's mildly entertaining. Not sure it's worth giving up my time for regularly, but it certainly hasn't disgusted me by its lack of balance.</p>

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Mmmm…. intriguing. Whatever it is, I love the fact that "his girls" drive Luke into whatever it is he will struggle with (I'm guessing the bottle). Both Lulu and Tracy are struggling with what to do in their lives and where to look for support, playing it close to the vest and generally making themselves miserable with their lack of truth telling.

BTW, I'm up to date and what was that foolishness I read awhile back that Carly is another Spencer who turns her back on Luke? That didn't happen. There was the usual honesty and Spencer respect between them. I really liked their scenes.

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So there are spoilers for week of the 14th now. Firs tracy tells luke about aiden being his grandson on the 10th. Then Luke pays aiden a visit and takes him and there is some show on the 16th that supposedly has luke having memories of his 30th anniversary or something with LnL (not legit spoiled anywhere though on that but I do know TG worked a bunch of stuff with the baby one day alone)

Then Luke and aiden get in a car accident. Tracy and lulu are frantically searching for him on the 16th and on the 17th their world is rocked. Then on 18th luke hits a rough patch. There is also spoiler that monica, steve nd nu pediatrician notice brusing on aiden (I'm thinking aplastic anemia like lulu had that rquires bone marrow transplant and luke is probably the donor)

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Hey guys,

GF did an interview in which she implicitly states she is not going back to GH. She talks quite a bit about the situation with GH and how she won't consider going back now because they can't make any sort of commitment to her because of not knowing if they'll even be on the air past a year. She says that CBS embraced her, was willing to write for her and has made a longterm commitment to her character.

She also says in the interview that Peter Bergman is "possibly the best leading man I have ever had," which I think will probably raise a few eyebrows.

Anyway, it's worth a read if you like GF (which I do - just over the whole LnL thing). And I guess that'll settle the LnL off in the sunset thing (with GF on canvas, anyway).

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