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CBS soaps - a day back in 1965

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You are right about TGL. The show mentions Los Angeles regularly in the scripts I have. I don’t know when Springfield will become the show’s city.

From what I read, I really think TGL is the most interesting from the era. The melodrama with Neil on ATWT is a bit too much for my state (divorcing Penny for nearly no reason, very convulted).

SFT is very natural. People even seem happy compared to GL/ATWT. Maybe conflict will be coming.

LOL only has one story around vilain Wannberg. It is overdramatic but I think this is the tone of the show. I don’t mind the Porters though. 

Always likes TSS. Very psychological stuff but I only have a few scripts. 

Wish I could find EON somewhere but couldn’t locate scripts

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@FrenchFan Who was the headwriter on ¨Edge of Night" at the time? Was it Vendig?

I mistakenly assumed you were using the James Elward scripts for ¨Secret Storm," but then I realized you were looking at Arthur Heinemann´s. Mel Arrighi´s scripts out of Boston University pick up 56 episodes (ep # 3021) after Heinemann´s end (Heinemann last is ep # 2965 June 18, 1965) and ends a little over 300 episodes later with ep #3329. This would mean the Arrighi scripts cover approximately September, 1965 to probably November, 1966. With John Hess' collection picking up in March, 1967, that´s not a huge gap. 

I think Elward wrote some ¨Secret Storm¨ scripts when he left ¨The Young Marrieds" in early 1965 so there may be some more episodes that will cover some of the gaps from that period. I am not sure what´s in Elward´s collection, but maybe you have a better idea. 


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Oh very interesting ! I will try to get the Arrighi scripts ! I had totally forgotten about them.

It’s a mess to get the John Hess collection. Dartmouth asked me to hire a student to get copies of the scripts. I had found one but he vanished

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 I will try again this fall. 

For EON, yes it is Vendig. Couldn’t find anything. I only have some scripts from 67. Same for LOL, except these breakdowns from Packard/Provo era, nothing before 1972.

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Yes, they only have a bunch from 67 and from 69. I think summaries of these episodes were already online on the defunct EON homepage, but I can't check anymore now

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Some more from April 1965 !

FRIDAY, APRIL 9th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE - #3534

Bruce said goodbye to Van and Tammy who were off to get Lynn and go to New York. Bruce hadn’t told Van about his scraps with Vivian and Barbara.

Henry arrived with Hank and Scheff at the Bannings. Bruce was relieved. Henry and Scheff were amazed that Van wasn’t there : maybe Vivian and Wannberg were wrong after all. Rick joined and was open-mouthed to see his son. The three men talked about Wannberg and his apparent double act leaving the men puzzled. Bruce made Henry tell about the CIA. Barbara had gone downhill, Vivian plainly nuts, Van villified and Rick frustrated. Was it contrived ?

At the Wannbergs’, Elizabeth had opened some mail. She was absorbed in a page from an old German newspaper containing faded pictures of a Hans Richter, a Major Sterling… She was fascinated by the account of a war trial but Wannberg stopped her and was furious she opened it. Wannberg tried to explain that Hans Richter was a « friend » but had to admit that Major Sterling was Bruce Sterling. Wannberg ordered Elizabeth to forget it and never mention it again. There was menace in her father’s voice and Elizabeth felt it.


Fred came back home when Alison was signing some papers Sam sent. She thought he sent the papers through a messenger to avoid their curiosity about his private life. They knew from Sam’s answers he was married but there was no Mrs. Reynolds and that’s all. Alison assured she still trusted Sam and she was concerned about her own situation : she still couldn’t get pregnant. Alison told Fred she was thinking more and more about adoption.

Dr. Rogers visited Sam in his hotel room. Sam was preparing for a trip to Tulsa for business. They talked about Len’s experiments with the donation Sam gave and Dr. Rogers had to force Len into accepting. Rogers admitted he came for a reason : he asked Sam if he would accept a position on the Board of Trustees of the Hospital. Sam said he would think about it.

In the Tates’ kitchen, Arthur told Jo he loved working outside in his latest job. Patti appeared with a lovely dress she bought while shopping with Alison. She intended to wear it when Len came to dinner. Patti went to change. Jo was happy she bought a new dress as she didn’t have one since breaking up with Ed Moore. Arthur wondered about the motivations.


In Neil’s quarters, Neil told Doug that their lives were different : Doug always knew he was an orphan, he wasn’t lied about his true identity all his life. Doug said he promised Judith he would never tell Neil the truth but he did it because he wanted Neil to realize it was Doug who wanted his son to be a doctor, it wasn’t Penny’s fault. Doug would like to see Judith first to explain to her.

In her room, Penny remembered Chris’s words before leaving and her promise to wait. The phone rang. It was Neil. He told her he had to leave town to settle some things but admitted he had midjudged her. He swore he would call her back.

Later, Neil was on the plane to New York. A female passenger told him it was sunny but Neil didn’t know what to think. He arrived at his mothers’. Judith was surprised to see him and noticed he was upset. She first thought it was she and Jerry invited Penny to spend time with them but Neil said Doug Cassen told him he was his biological father. Judith nearly fainted. She assured Frank Wade knew she was pregnant when he married her and he loved Neil as his own son. Judith admitted she was wrong telling Doug about Neil after so many years. Neil made a point calling Judith « Mrs. Stevens » and he left, making Judith realize she no longer had a son.

Back in his bookstop, Neil had a visit from Lisa. She didn’t know how to make Bob realize she wanted to remarry him. Neil apologized for not being very helpful.

At the Hughes’, Tom told Bob he would like to stay more with his father. Bob questioned Tom about Ken Bryant and Tom admitted he thought his mother would marry Ken. Ken tried to be friendly with Tom but Tom remembered him he had a father.


At the Fletchers’, Paul had to tell Robin about Julie’s suicide attempt. Robin noted how ironic it was that Julie didn’t want a child at first and was so desperate about this new pregnancy. Paul assured Robin they would have a child too. Robin was worried she wasn’t pregnant yet and wondered if she was punished for marrying Paul knowing Johnny was opposed to the wedding. Paul told her it was ridiculous and they didn’t have to wait for a child’s permission and Paul assured Jane was the only one to blame. Robin thought Johnny was not ready to accept her as a step-mother so soon after Anne’s death but for Paul, it was Jane who planted ideas into his son’s head. Paul assured Johnny would come in the summer : he wouldn’t let his son live far from him for a long time.

Jane arrived. She said she felt she couldn’t stay alone after what happened to Julie. Robin offered Jane stay in Johnny’s room for the night. Jane admitted she was more troubled about losing George. She knew she did the right thing telling George the truth but she had developed feelings for him. Jane said distance could help and she was thinking of leaving.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available


MONDAY, APRIL 12th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE - #3534

Bruce and Alan, for his first day of vacation, had breakfast together while Scheff was attending Hank upstairs. Alan worried what Barbara would do about Hank’s « abduction ». Bruce said he would be glad when the matter was settled. He didn’t like having the baby here behind Vanessa’s back. Hank suddenly cried and Alan said he would help with his nephew.

Henry arrived and told Alan he had to respect the law regarding Hank. He was glad Vivian and Barbara were in New York. Henry knew Bruce would get legal action about transferring custody to Barbara.

Van and Tammy were in a motel near Murdock prison. Tammy had been told that even though Lynn was to be releases, the doctors wanted to keep her for a few more days. Tammy was worried that Lynn hadn’t recovered from the loss of her baby. Van tried to reassure her and Tammy wanted to go straight to New York and find an apartment for herself and Lynn, then she would come back and get Lynn. Van agreed and called Bruce to tell her of her plans but Scheff answered the phone.

In Henry’s office, Bruce asked how quickly the custody change could be done. Henry said there would be quite a delay and the talk turned to Wannberg. Henry didn’t see him as a threat, simply a friendly meddler. Henry had put through a call to Washington : Wannberg was a brillant German chemist, sent to a Russian prison camp by an allied court martial but Washington had cleared him. Bruce wondered why he came to Rosehill.

In the evening, Alan was babysitting while Scheff was out and when Bruce arrived, Alan told him the day with Hank was fine. A white-faced Vanessa came in, demanded to know what happened. Bruce explained but Vanessa was appalled : no matter the law, taking Hank temporarily could mean a break between Barbara and them, forever.


It was breakfast at the Tates’. Patti reminded her father of Len coming to dinner but asked her mother not to do anything special. Arthur mentionned Patti bought a very special dress for the occasion. Patti assured Len was just fed up with hospital cafeteria food.

Later, in the hospital, Brad noticed Patti seemed cheered up. She learned from Brad that Len was not at the hospital. He took a morning plane for Anniston to attend a lecture. Patti tried to hide her disbelief.

At the Tates’, Jo had finished cooking when Patti called, saying she was still at the hospital and would be a little late. Jo noticed Patti seemed discouraged. Arthur wondered if something went wrong. Jo said she hoped Patti wasn’t interested in Len because he was very unpredictable and it was not good for Patti.


In her room, Penny flashbacked to her phone conversation with Neil, saying he misdjuged her. Nancy wished Penny would leave her room and noticed her daughter did no longer seem dispressed. Penny admitted she was waiting for Neil.

In Doug’s office, Judith was confronting Doug to know why he told Neil about his parentage. He tried to explain he did it to stop Neil from blaming Penny about his career and made him realize it was Doug who pushed him into being a doctor.

Nancy told Pa she was worried about Penny. She couldn’t really understand what was going on with her daughter and conversation turned to Donald. Nancy wished Donald and Ellen had married but Pa reminded Nancy of Don’s love for Janice. Nancy worried that as Janice was dead, Don was alone but Pa said he might come back to Oakdale at a point.

In his bookshop, Neil was thinking about the phone call he had to make to Penny when he noticed Judith’s presence. She tried to justify herself, saying marrying Frank Wade gave her son a family and that her one-night-stand with Doug Cassen was a mistake. Neil assured he didn’t have a mother anymore and Judith left.

Neil finally called Penny. She was relieved but insisted on coming to the bookshop to talk with him. Neil said it was too early for him to talk about them. He explained to Penny that Frank Wade wasn’t his father. He told her about how Doug encouraged him to pursue medicine again after he saved Pa’s life. Penny also wanted him to be a doctor but she didn’t push him. It was Doug who did, his biological father. Penny said she would only want to hear if he still loved her but there was no love for Neil at the time.


Papa was at the Bannings’ to explain Meta what happened with Julie. Bruce had already talked with Dr. Walters at Cedars. He said Dr. Hansen who would take care of Julie was an excellent doctor. There was still a chance Julie would try again to commit suicide and Papa said Bill was very worried about Michael.

It was 3 A.M. and Bert was worried that Michael hadn’t come home. Bill thought she should give him some space as he was going through a hard time.

Walking in the park, Mike remembered Dr. Hansen telling him his wife had to be institutionalized. Mike felt guilty for everything that happened in her marriage to Julie. He flashbacked to their wedding night on May 1963. He said he didn’t give Julie the kind of marriage she wanted, that’s why she left him but he kept on hurting her. He remembered when he accused her of wanting Alex since the beginning, that she had planned on being with Alex before leaving him. Julie had denied. Back to real time, Mike burst into tears and wondered what he had done to Julie.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available



LOVE OF LIFE - #3535

Wannberg tried to apologize for scolding Elizabeth about the newspaper clips. She just had to understand past was difficult for him. When Elizabeth explained she stopped off at Barbara’s house, Wannberg was severe again : Elizabeth should not make a nuisance or herself neither get involved with other : her duthy was to her home and studies but Elizabeth said she wanted to see little Hank but he was not there. His nurse had gone to the Sterlings with him. Wannberg was pleased.

At the Sterlings’, Van had sent Scheff home. She was worried about Bruce’s decision to take the baby at their house. Bruce finally burst out that she should enjoy the baby. Van was furous as Bruce knew she broke down over losing Hank and didn’t want him back this way. The doorbell rang. It was Wannberg.

Wannberg said he had come to ask Bruce advice about Elizabeth’s schooling. Bruce assured he would be glad to talk to Elizabeth. Wannberg pretended surprise to learn Hank was there but he said it would be nice when Barbara and her son were back home together. Van said she was sure he told Barbara something different. Wannberg enjoyed seeing the choas he put in the Sterlings’ home.

Elizabeth received a phone call from a man pretending to be her father’s old friend and questioning her. Elizabeth was confused. Wannberg arrived and sent his daughter upstairs. He took the phone. The caller was Wendt. He said he knew where Wannberg had been. His job was at the Milton Facility : he was not sent to mingle with the neighbours. Wannberg said he wanted to get revenge for twenty years. Wendt warned Wannberg to stay away from the residents in Rosehill.


Marge told Stu she sent back the drapery stamples to the shop. She decided she would run up some nice breezy curtains before she gave birth. Stu would like to invite the Tates for dinner but Marge told him the Tates had Dr. Whiting as a guest. Stu wondered if there was something between Patti and Len but Marge said it was the last thing on the girl’s mind.

Arthur noticed that Jo didn’t seem very committed to the dinner since Patti’s phone call and Jo admitted she sensed something might be wrong. She remembered the last time when Len called and cancelled at last minute. Patti arrived and asked her parents if they had word from Len. She told her parents Len had left Henderson on the morning to attend a lecture without telling her. Jo told Patti to get dressed for her parents and maybe Len would show up. Arthur said Jo he didn’t understand why Len would do that again and he couldn’t understand why Patti didn’t seem angrier. Jo thought Patti was so interested in Len she refused to admit how hurt she was. Arthur would rather thinking she was not interested in Len. Patti came back and assured she didn’t really care. She knew Len was socially awkward but she realized there was a reason he was lonely. The phone suddenly rang. Arthur picked it up : it was Len.


Nancy was baking a cake for Bob’s birthday. She told Pa she wished Chris was there for the celebration. Nancy wondered if Lisa remembered it was Bob’s birthday but Pa said he told Tom to remind his mother to help the little boy pick up a gift for his father.

Tom wasn’t happy when Lisa told him she had a dinner planned with her friend Linda. Tom wished she come with him for Bob’s birthday but Lisa assured she was not invited. Lisa said that if Bob asked her to come when he picked up Tom, she would cancel her date with Linda.

In his office, Bob told Sylvia he was ready to pick up Tom, have dinner with him and the Hughes then he would call her. He said he wanted to spend the evening with her.

Penny arrived home and realized she had forgotten her brother’s birthday. She told Nancy she had seen Neil and that he wouldn’t proceed with a divorce. She cryptically added that Neil needed to start over.

Bob arrived at Lisa’s to pick up Tom. Tom said her mother baked a little cake for Bob. Once they were out, Tom asked Bob why he didn’t invite Lisa but Bob said he had an appointment after dinner and he would bring Tom to his mother’s before.

After dinner, Bob was drinking champagne with Sylvia. Sylvia tried to know more about Lisa and Ken’s upcoming wedding as Bob told her it would happen someday and Bob assured that Tom was very fond of Ken and he added Sylvia would be someday Mrs. Robert Hughes.

At Lisa’s, Tom had trouble finding sleep. He asked Lisa if she really had to work at Mercy Hospital. She said she enjoyed her job and hoped Tom didn’t tell Bob about it. Tom assured he did not. After Tom went back to bed, Lisa said she hoped the divorce could be fixed.


In the early morning at the Bauers’, Bert didn’t have sleep as she was worried about Michael. She told Bill he said very hurtful things to her these last few days but Bill thought they should forget it for the time being, for Michael’s sake. Bert insisted and Bill had to tell her again he thought she was wrong from planting suspicions about Julie’s pregnancy into Mike’s mind. She should just admit she made a mistake.

Mike finally arrived. Bert told her son how sorry she was for what happened with Julie. Michael said it was his fault and Bill sent Bert to bed to avoid more drama.

After Bert left, Mike told his father he spent the night thinking about Dr. Hansen’s words. Bill tried to make his son realize there were other reasons to Julie’s nervous breakdown. Mike said he only married Julie because of Hope and Julie clearly knew that. He used to want Julie to give up the baby for adoption. Bill said that all this guilt couldn’t do anything good at the moment and Hope needed her father. Bill assured his son that Julie might get better someday and Mike needed to act like a man for Hope. Mike said he would try.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available



LOVE OF LIFE - #3535

At the Sterlings’, Van told Alan how spoiled little Hank had been at the Carlsons’. It was hard to handle him these days. Alan was worried as Barbara and Vivian were expected back from New York. He decided to go over to the Carlsons.

Henry was alone when Alan arrived. Henry told his grandson that if he had told Vivian and Barbara on the phone, they would have come back in a minute. Vivian arrived and told Henry and Alan that Barbara stopped off at Wannberg’s to leave Elizabeth a present. Alan decided to leave.

In the library, Henry explained Vivian all the legal aspects and what he had to do. Vivian was appalled and furious. She said it was Van’s doing. Henry said Van wasn’t home but Vivian wouldn’t listen to her husband.

Barbara had stopped for a minute at Wannberg’s. She gave Elizabeth her present and showed her what she had got for Hank – a new Easter suit and coat. Barbara didn’t notice Elizabeth was troubled. After Barbara left, Elizabeth said to herself she should have told Barbara she wouldn’t find Hank at her grandparents’. Meanwhile, Barbara was back at the Carlsons’. She climbed up to the nursery and found the room empty.

Later, Barbara burst out into the Sterlings’ asking Alan where her son was. Alan tried to explain but his sister didn’t hear. Van entered and Barbara ranted that Van didn’t know what love was, she thought only of herself, she never made Bruce happy and wanted Barbara and Hank unhappy. Barbara went upstairs. Vanessa couldn’t handle this alone and decided to call Bruce, even if he was attending a meeting.


At the Metcalfs’, Alison told Fred she was sorry she was late for dinner. She spent the day at the child day center Jo had told her about. They desesperately needed for volunteers. Alison explained the kids in the center are 12yo at the most. Their parents worked or could be in trouble and needed help to take care of the kids during the day. Alison was really happy to help while she was trying to have a baby on her own.

On the phone, Len told Patti he was at the Henderson airport and was sorry he was a bit delayed but assured he would be at the Tates’ in 20 minutes. After she hung up, Patti tried to tell her parents she always believed Len would arrive. Patti went upstairs to arrange herself.

During dinner, Jo asked Len about the lecture he attended and Len was pretty excited about the day. After dinner, Patti offered to drive Len back to the hospital. Len thanked Jo and Arthur and they left. Arthur told Jo that Len was an interesting young man and maybe he was more interested in Patti than they thought.


At the bookstop, Lisa told Neil she lied to Tom about having a friend over for dinner because she knew she wouldn’t be invited for Bob’s birthday. Neil made Lisa realize it was time she say Bob she wanted to remarry him because she loved him. Lisa didn’t know if Bob still thought being married for their son was a good idea. She added she was so blind about Bruce Elliott and the dream world he could offer her. She had been so wrong in divorcing Bob. Neil said Lisa was afraid of rejection.

In Doug’s office, David told Doug that when he went to Mercy Hospital for a patient, he noticed Lisa Hughes was working there. He noticed Doug wasn’t listening, he realized Doug must have told Neil he was his biological father. Doug admitted he didn’t know if he did the right thing : he didn’t know if Neil had reconcilied with Penny but he knew he had spoiled his relationship with Neil. David made Doug realize he still had a family : Claire, Ellen, Judge Lowell but Doug knew how Claire could react if she learned he told Neil he was his biological father.

Later, Penny went to David’s office. She said she was surprised when Mrs. Lake phoned and said David wanted to see her. David noticed Penny seemed much better and she said she and Neil wouldn’t divorce. Penny said she and Neil wouln’t be David’s neighbours again though as Neil seemed to want a fresh start.

In his quarters, Neil phoned to cancel his appointment with Doug but Doug was already there. Doug wanted to know where Neil’s relationship with Penny was. Neil admitted he would not get a divorce but he didn’t know much more about their upcoming future. Doug assured he wouldn’t bother Neil again but he sincerely hoped he would get his life back on track for him but also for Penny.


Paul and Robin were having breakfast. Robin said Jane was still sleeping and she didn’t feel like disturbing her. She would like to ask Jane to stay at their home for a few days but Paul thought they shouldn’t interfere : if Jane wanted to leave Los Angeles, that was her life. He added that as George knew how much he despised Jane before his accident for what she did to Paul and Robin, Jane couldn’t expect much more. Jane finally got up and Paul had to go the hospital.

Jane told Robin how guilty she felt about saying Johnny about Paul and Robin’s secret wedding. Robin assured Jane wasn’t responsible for Johnny’s alienation : he was not ready to accept Robin as a step-mother. Robin added she and Paul decided to go to Benedicts’ for Easter and they planned to have Johnny definitely home for summer, no matter what he thought. She also said they wanted to have a child and maybe a little brother or sister could create a unit. That’s why Jane shouldn’t be leaving town.

The phone rang. It was George. Jane shook her head to make Robin understand she didn’t want to talk to him so Robin lied to George that she didn’t know where Jane was. George said he wanted to see Jane. After he hung up, Jane told Robin she didn’t want to feel George’s pity. She would go back at her place to pack her things. She wanted to leave the sooner she could.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available


Alan visited Grace. She noticed he seems preoccupied. Alan admitted situation was tense with Susan and he had found someone he could talk to more easily than to his wife. It’s a professional relation but he realized he could talk to her. Grace guessed he was talking about Ann Wicker as she saw Alan on her show. Alan was sure that had Susan known about his meetings with Ann, she would have thought he’d have an affair with her. He added he was unfaithful to Susan once but he would not let that happen again. In the meantime, Susan would like another child and Alan didn’t know how to reason her.

Later, Alan visited Ann’s office. He apologized for calling her the other night. Even if he and Susan had marital issues, he shouldn’t involve Ann. Ann was pretty clear she didn’t want any emotional involvement even if he and Susan would end up separating. Ann was ready to accept a friendly relation but Alan said he was too proud to settle for a crust.

At Kelly’s, Kip arrived and found an upset Alan at the bar. Alan asked Kip if he was still thinking about studying medicine. Kip said he was and he would see Dr. Brownell to ask a few questions.

In Dr. Brownell’s office, Brownell told Kip it seemed he had already decided he wanted to pursue medicine but something was keeping it. Kip admitted Janet was opposed. Brownell said that being a doctor’s wife could be a lot of burden. Kip wondered if that meant he shouldn’t marry Janet. Brownell admitted Janet was afraid of marriage and it left Kip confused about what he should do.

Ann visited Brownell and thanked him for agreeing to see her while it was not scheduled. She told the doctor about Alan’s call last week late at night after he had a fight with his wife. She enjoyed the friendship with Alan but she then realized he had fallen in love with her. She said she liked him but didn’t know if she was in love too. Her life was messy and she didn’t want to get involved. She had fought against every entanglement and Brownell should, of all people, know why.


LOVE OF LIFE - #3536

Bruce had arrived hurriedly from Trustee dinner. He told Van he had asked Henry to keep Barbara and Vivian home. Barbara was upstairs, near Hank, just sitting icey and cold. When she finally came downstairs, Bruce quietly told Van to leave them together.

Bruce tried to talk to Barbara to make her understand how it happened. Surprisingly, she seemed to accept the situation. She wished Scheff had stayed but Barbara showed no emotion, no feeling. She left. Bruce called Henry to tell him Barbara was on her way home and seemed to understand.

Henry and Vivian were waiting for Barbara. Vivian was furious and thought this whole mess could send Barbara back to the sanitarium. Henry told his wife that Bruce on the phone seemed to say Barbara was understanding. Bruce phoned again to know if Barbara was home but she wasn’t yet.

Bruce and Van were very worried. Bruce said that leaving his Trustee meeting didn’t help his career but it was not what was the most important. Henry called and said Barbara wasn’t home. Van thought they should call the police but Bruce said it would make things worse, they had to wait.

Barbara had gone to Wannberg. She begged Wannberg to let her stay at his place because everybody was against her. She said they took her baby. She was hysteriucal, near the breakdown she had just « recovered » from. Wannberg was very sympathetic but there was triumph on his face. Barbara collapsed sobbing on the couch. Wannberg called for Elizabeth.


Sam was back in his hotel room after his trip. He wondered why he was even in Henderson as his son, Len Whiting, had even changed his name and totally erased him from his life. Bob Rogers arrived and asked Sam if he thought of his offer. Sam admitted he had no time to think about it. Sam agreed to unofficially attend the board meeting the following day.

Jo asked Patti if Len enjoyed his evening at the Tates’. Patti assured he did but he was more excited about some new equipment being brought in for his work. Arthur arrived after his last day of work. The phone rang. He was offered to pursue the job he had came to like a lot. Arthur was very happy.

In the hospital cafeteria, Len told Brad he had lot of work with his new stuff. Brad offered to help if Len needed. Brad asked Len if his lecture was great as Patti seemed very unhappy he was not in Henderson for the day. Len told Brad he was indeed invited to dinner at the Tates’ that night. Len added it didn’t mean anything between him and Patty. Brad didn’t seem very much convinced.


In David’s study, David discusses with Dan the possibility the boy would return to school soon. Dan left when Doug arrived to see David. Doug said he had news from Judge Lowell in Florida and confirmed to David that Don Hughes was still there. Doug thought the Judge tried to smooth things between Don and his family. They talked about Neil and David said he was sure someday Neil would find his way back to Doug and would be happy he was his father. David said he saw Penny and she confirmed divorce was no more on the talks. Doug wondered if Neil told Penny about him being Neil’s father.

The following morning, at the Hughes’, Nancy told Pa that Chris would be back on Saturday and would spend Easter with his family but he would only tell them about John once he was back. They talked about Penny who went shopping for an Easter outfit as she would attend Sunday service with Neil. Nancy also mentionned she would like to invite Lisa over for Easter but she didn’t know how Bob would react.

In Doug’s office, David told him he would like to have him over for Easter but Doug told him he made reservations to go to Florida for the weekend. Doug didn’t know if he should tell Claire he admitted to Neil he was his father. Doug left to meet Penny.

At a restaurant, Penny told Doug she would go to the church with Neil. She admitted she nearly got a divorce lawyer a few days ago but Chris convinced her otherwise. She was glad she listened to her father as Neil finally told her he had midjuged her. Doug questioned Penny who admitted she knew about Doug being Neil’s father. She added she wished someday Neil would be able to accept Doug as his father.


At his office, Bill was reading some work Maggie did for Globe Airlines. Bill approved and was sure Jason was happy with Maggie’s work. He knew that Carson Associates got the Globe campaign because Jason insisted he follow Maggie when she came to work there. Mike arrived and Bill introduced him to Maggie. Mike wanted to pick Julie’s apartment key Bill had. Bill wanted to have lunch with his son but Mike said he told George he would be back to work that day.

After Mike left, Maggie asked Bill how Julie was. He said she would be transfered to Oceanview soon because she tried to kill herself. Bill was very worried about how guilty Mike felt. Maggie tried to assure Bill that Julie would be better. He had to keep faith.

While Mike was at Julie’s, Jane entered and was frightened to find Mike here. He told Jane he wanted to pick up Hope’s belongings as she would live with the Bauers. Mike offered to pay Julie’s part of the rent until Jane found some other roomate but Jane said it wouldn’t be necessary as she was to leave Los Angeles. Mike asked about George but Jane answered it was a past thing.

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available


FRIDAY, APRIL 16th 1965

LOVE OF LIFE - #3537

Wannberg and Elizabeth were discussing Barbara who was asleep upstairs. Wannberg told his daughter he called Bruce Sterling to tell him his daughter was there and kept him from coming in the night. Wannberg said he wasn’t happy with the situation but he had to help poor Barbara. Elizabeth didn’t know if she really could trust her father.

Barbara woke up and Elizabeth was in her bedroom, comforting her. She insisted Elizabeth had to have breakfast. Barbara apologized for imposing herself on them but she didn’t know where she could go : from her point of view, everybody betrayed her in her family.

At the Sterlings, things were tense between Bruce and Van. Van wanted to go to Wannberg’s with Bruce to tell the doctor what she thought of him. Bruce wasn’t convinced : they had no facts Wannberg was really involved and Hank needed Vanessa home. Bruce left for Wannberg’s.

At Wannberg’s, Barbara was dressed and seemed better. Wannberg told her she had a traumatic shock and violent hysteria. She had to build back her confidence. Barbara asked if she would have to go back to the sanatorium. Wannberg didn’t think, he said he believed in her. He advised her to let her baby with Vanessa for the moment and it would prove her step-mother that Barbara wasn’t a bad mother.

Bruce arrived and embraced her daughter who was polite but coll and distance. Barbara said she had found friends she could trust when her whole family had turned against her. Wannberg assured she could stay as long as needed. When Barbara went upstairs, Wannberg told Bruce he condmned him unjustly. Bruce stared at Wannberg because he knew he had heard these words somewhere. Wannberg realized his mistake but said Barbara needed him if she was not to return to the mental hospital.


Sam arrived in Dr. Rogers’ office. He said he would attend the Board meeting but it was not a promise to become a part of it. Before the meeting, Rogers suggested he visit the hospital. Sam agreed but didn’t want to see Dr. Whiting’s laboratory. Rogers was puzzled as Sam paid a large contribution for Len’s researches. As chairman of the Board, Rogers explained to Sam why an executive like him would be an asset to the Board.

At the nurses’ station, Patti noticed how tired Brad looked. He said he had helped Len with his project all night long. Brad said he noticed how interested Patti looked when Len’s name was mentioned. He felt jealous because he was still in love with Patti but she said it was all in the past. She wanted time off relationship but Brad again said she seemed very interested in Len. Len arrived. Patti told Len she had two tickets for a Hootenanny in Sommerville for Monday night and asked Len to go with her but he said it was impossible.

Len apologized to Patti and suggested she bring Brad but she said she and Brad used to be engaged and it was too painful for him. Len changed his mind and decided to join her. Dr. Rogers appeared with Sam. Rogers told Len he wanted Sam to become a member of the Board of Trustees. After Sam and Rogers left, Len told Patti he didn’t feel like singing finally and he wouldn’t go to Sommerville.


In Florida, Judge Lowell was reading a mystery novel when Claire appeared. He asked her why she didn’t go to town with Ellen and Don. Claire said she didn’t know much about Don’s breach with his family but Judge Lowell added he became close to Don since that. Claire had noticed Judge Lowell wished Ellen and Don would become an item but she reminded her father-in-law that Don’s wife had passed away only a bit more than 6 months ago. She wasn’t sure Don noticed Judge Lowell would like him as a lawyer and an husband to Ellen. Judge Lowell noticed Claire seemed happier since she learned Doug would spend the weekend with them. Don arrived and said he would have dinner with Ellen in Miami. Claire excused herself to see her daughter.

Judge Lowell told Don that Ellen would be unhappy when he left on Monday but Don assured he had a job interview. Judge Lowell would like to have Don working for him but Don said he had to prove himself. Don reminded the Judge that his firm was also his father’s and even if it was his mother he was angry at, he didn’t want to get involved with his family again. Don would like to do criminal law again. Judge Lowell said his offer still stood until early June.

In Lisa’s apartment, Tom talked to his mother about his upcoming vacation. Lisa thought he should go to Rockford to her parents’ but Tom would like to spend time with his father. Later, Neil visited Lisa. She told Neil that Nancy asked her to spend Easter with the family. Lisa was convinced Bob gave his okay so that could only mean he was not seeing someone else. Neil said he would spend Easter with Penny. Lisa was really happy Neil and Penny seemed to find their way back together.           


At the Bannings’, Meta was on the phone with Bert when Papa entered. Papa thought Bert should join them to watch Good Friday service on TV but Bert wanted to settle with Hope. Papa wondered if Jane would stay alone in her apartment without Julie. He wished her friendship with George Hayes would blossom to something more because Jane needed love.

At Jane and Julie’s, Mike tried to convince Jane she should stay. He assured her George would miss her but Jane said George was fond of her but it was before he knew what she did to Paul and Robin. Mike couldn’t convince her so he picked up Hope’s things and left.

In George’s office, George called Jane again but she didn’t pick up the phone. George told Alex he wondered where Jane could be. Alex tried to reassure George he would see Jane later. They turned on the TV for Good Friday service.

On TV, the minister made his Good Friday speech ending with : « May it be a memorable, may it be a vital time in which the lessons of that first Good Friday lead you to the peace and security of a true Easter morning. To the guiding light of Love and Hope. »

THE EDGE OF NIGHT – Not available

THE SECRET STORM – Not available





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Oceanview was actually called "Lakeview" in a few scripts. Agnes seemed undecided on the name so perhaps they were wrestling with whether to change the location at this time in 1965. The history books say the location changed to Springfield in 1966 but there is no mention of Springfield in 1966. Nor is there mention of Los Angeles or Selby Flats. The characters always just refer to where they live as "the city". 

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Some suggestions for Ken Bryant (if he appeared):

Nicholas Pryor    Unidentified role 1965

John Randolph   Unidentified role 1965 - 66 (not written in stone)

Lester Rawlins    3 episodes in 1965

unlikely, both  in 1966:

Dolph Sweet

Jerry Dodge  

just speculating   

@Paul Raven @jam6242 @FrenchFan

Lester Rawlins works if he only appeared a few times, but Nick Pryor bhad been appearing on soaps at the time, so he is more likely to be dating our Lisa.


Miss Saunders was Helen Saunders, portrayed by Lisa Howard. I only have her there until 1962

Edited by slick jones
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Nicholas Pryor seems the best fit for the role. 

He was killed of AW in Nov 64 so would be available to play Ken at that time.

Sometime in early 65 Ken told Lisa that because she wouldn't commit to him(she still hoped to snag Bob) he was marrying someone else.

So it was a short term role. Maybe that's why he agreed to do it. Irna may have liked him on AW and this was some recompense for killing him off?


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