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B&B June 2024 Discussion Thread

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The problem is that plotting should not mean laughing in the corner the first chance she gets. She could be plotting in a way that we don't even see it in the beginning or just suspect it. Why can't they just write her in a way that is similar to the early years Sheila - we see that she is doing something sinister, but she is also fighting with herself not to do it in that constant good vs evil battle inside her. And in the end you always ended up somehow rooting for her. I know Bradley can't think in multi-dimensional way, but I think it's too early for the evil laughing in the corner. Why did we have to endure all this sh-t with the toes, the dungeon and watching Steffy tell Finn how she is better dead for weeks... if we're back to basics so soon? Was all of this only so that Finn and Hope grow closer? Did we really need to dig Sugar up from her grave for this? Bradley does not want to wait or build anything slowly and meaningfully. It would have been better if Sheila really looked reformed now. I mean - really changed for months and months and THEN - reveal to someone - it could be a friend or even Deacon, but I would prefer someone else - that she orchestrated months and months of things happening. It would have made a deeper impact. Now we all know what she is doing and it's boring. Bradley should watch more Alfred Hitchcock movies. He should learn something about suspense. What you don't see is scarier than what you see. Sheila was always scarier when you were not sure what she was about to do. That's my two cents. Now they will repeat the Brooke and Deacon kiss - changed wine bottled scenario, with Hope and Finn. I don't know what she will do this time, but it will be cartoonish.  

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OK. SO. Once in a blue moon, things like this happen. I LOVED today's episode. Well, maybe not exactly loved, but I was very excited watching it.

I like how Bradley is making a turn to a more classic, chemistry-driven, history-driven, family feud that's been long overdue - Brooke and Steffy need to be in war. And not like in the early 2010s. This time it should be life and death, or more precise - life and family.  

I adored watching Steffy get pissed and triggered to a point she was fuming. She looked like a spoiled child whose father just told them she would have to go to summer school. I also adored seeing Brooke act like she is this innocent little thing in white that doesn't want an argument - we all know she does this in front of Ridge, but as soon as Brooke feels that media spotlight coming back - she will snap back into the Slut From The Valley we all love to hate and adore.

I understand both sides and that's when feuds and fights WORK. I get that Brooke's been this sex-goddess controversial icon that the fashion world may miss, and I get that it's time for her to step up and be the lioness that she once were -  show the whole world she's got that legendary valley FIRE. And I also get how this makes Steffy feel like she is living in a nightmare. I get how this makes her angry and want to say - NO. Brooke did destroy her mother's life. As much as I love KKL and Brooke, I remember the nightmares Taylor went through in her marriages to Ridge, always knowing that Brooke is lurking in the corner in her bra and panties. And this paranoia of Brooke followed Taylor's daughter - Steffy. In a way... Brooke's shadow has been following Steffy her whole life. 

So I am all for going back to classic family stuff that have history behind it (not the strange Hope is now a slut and Steffy is now a prude experiment) and organic venom. Yes it may be cliche, or not that original, but GOD I prefer this than Bradley experimenting with disgusting mint and toes storylines. I think he should stick to writing what he CAN - and that is sex, taboo, cheap scandals and etc.

I am not saying that Hope and Steffy's feud doesn't work, but compared to what I think... a potential Brooke and Steffy WAR could bring to the table - it does pale in comparison. Why - because Annika exudes this incredibly nice good girl energy and when in confrontations with Steffy, it always feels like something is missing for me.  Brooke on the other hand is like a snake when she is triggered - these green eyes can stare with such hatred and sinister - You don't know what I am capable of - look, that she works so much better paired with the bossy, vamp-energy that Steffy brings to the table. It's always more interesting when two very similar people clash. Because they know what the other person will hate - they know it in themselves. I am all for the clash of the Bold vamps. 

I am not saying that this is some great revolution in storytelling. Just one better episode and Hell yeah, I am excited, since I've been used to being bored to sleep!

I am rooting for both parties, believe if you want - I want Steffy to get rid of Brooke's shadow in her life and I also want Brooke to get back to the top.

Bring it on - forget about the mints and the toes, bring back the classic old-school bitchy drama we all need and crave. 



Edited by Maxim
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Good episode.

Brooke said Yes to being co-Ceo, so this marks History. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the first time The Whore of Beverly Hills has been CEO since 21 years to be exact!

We'll see what the future holds.

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Decent week. Though I guess going forward whenever Hope starts having steamy fantasy about a guy, we the audience should just assume that she is going to try to hook up with the guy. RME.


I would rather Li be where Katie currently is in the Bill/Luna storyline. Though it sounds like I might just get my wish.


Hehe at the idea of BROOKE'S BEDROOM coming back if only to see Steffy's head explode like Stephanie's used to. I agree with Carter. Brooke ain't at all like any Grandma I know. She still brings the sexy. And I even giggled at the humor from Ridge over the montage.



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Hehe. Exactly!


I have been hot and cold to Brooke over the years, but one thing I can say is that she always dresses fiercely. She's not in story much at the moment, but she stays looking good when I see her. And she tends to always look sexy. Before Carter made his comment in fact, I had forgotten she was a grandma. Could have fooled me. 

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