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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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It's just frustrating seeing a lot of great building blocks and setup about to go to waste, and not just the Drew/Nina/Willow, etc. stuff. Jake stumbling upon Finn while he and his little dumbass friends trying to drink underage is classic soap to me, and Hudson should still be on a contract (and the presence of an Asian pal reminds me they really should add young characters or another doctor - or both - from the Asian Quarter). And Carly sticking her nose in on Drew and Nina for no real reason is classic Carly, though I won't be surprised at all if EK and co. use Carly to bust up this entire storyline and end it ASAP so Nina can go back to her role as the show's all-purpose punishment goat.

I did think the early June confrontation scenes with Sonny v. Carly, Brennan and Valentin, Anna and Jason re: his loyalty to Sonny and her past with Valentin, even Carly and Kristina as well as Ava/Natalia and Kristina v. Natalia were very good, as was the amazing stuff from Tracy and co. at Gregory's funeral (minus Violet's damn poem). But it's a definite mix of interests on the show. You can tell they're trying to reset Sonny now back to a softer place and have him all grief-stricken about Jason suddenly. Ava seems to just be randomly scheming at this point. And they even had Brennan call out the stall in the show by complaining that Valentin has been stringing out his schemes with Pikeman for months. Why is Brennan still on this show? What is his purpose and what is the purpose of his flirtation with Carly? Just a few random women on FB down bad for this dayplayer? Who cares? Move this along. And yet half the show still really works for me, but I'm still catching up so we'll see how downward it trends.

And don't get me started on how someone - Korte, Van Etten, whoever - just will not prioritize Trina. Gio is a beautiful kid but seems just very nice and there atm - what is the conflict if Trina gets a random nice guy, unless he is a deliberate contrast to Spencer (who was arrogant, cocky, rich, damaged) and then has other layers? What is the purpose of highlighting the physical similarity to Spencer unless they're going to a weird psychological place? I think it's good to add more non-core people, but he looks so similar to Spencer it makes me wonder if they should've just bitten the bullet, pulled the band-aid off and recast the role with Giovanni Mazza then and there months ago.

It's frustrating too because I can see how you could wrap up half the current mess (starting with Pikeman) in a week or two tops and then just reset and leave in place what works, which for my money is still a fair amount. But it's not going to happen. I could even get behind bringing back Budig for a few weeks (and I hate Hayden) to get rid of Violet - Liz thinks she'll keep her, then thinks her sister will stay, then watches Hayden vanish with Violet again to parts unknown after a mysterious and foreboding conversation with a scheming older woman with dirt on her: Liz's mother Carolyn, recast of course, a brilliant surgeon who is real bad news. (Colleen Zenk is the too obvious choice plus she's busy, so I'm open to suggestions)

Edited by Vee
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Snipping a shi*load of terribly interesting content just to say one thing, which I admittedly am bad at, that being fantasy casting but, here goes: Anna Stuart! As an "interesting" mother she was to Vicky & Marley & then she was again, to Greenlee of all people, so I figure she could do Liz in a New York minute. 

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GH 6-20-24

Carly: So Drew gets to live this great life while you're exiled to this warehouse & living in a room above a diner & Sonny is all over town telling everyone that you're a traitor, It's Not Fair! (They discuss Drew's relative happiness.)

Carly: It's not about what Drew has. It's about what you don't. You lost 2 years of your life being forced to work for the FBI. TWO YEARS! We spent two years grieving you. And why? WHY? What was so important that it was worth losing all THAT TIME?

Carly to Jason, GH, 6-20-24

Well, darling, you see, it was you, Carly, it was you that was worth it.

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I feel like you just bring Hayden/RB back for a month or so she can take Violet and Finn.  I don't even need much of a story just take them and leave us be.  Finn gets sober, they get back together, and go live a nice life in Florida or something.

@VeeI've been puzzled for awhile about Brennen still being on the show.   I keep thinking the show is leading to something with him, but they aren't.   I do find the Pikeman story to be one of the weakest on the show though.  Any momentum the story had is gone and I frankly don't even care what Valentin's goal is anymore.  

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Spin: That won't be an issue. I've found our prize. But now we have a new problem. It's an audio file & we can play it but we can't delete it or alter it. 
Sam: Well, let's just play it. Maybe hearing it will help us find a way to neutralize it.
Spin: This explains so much. I would have sworn on my life that Jason would rather go to prison than turn informant but he was acting out of love to protect someone that's always been dear to him. 
(Sam has begun looking at Spinelli instead of the computer screen & she is looking at him as if he is an exotic bug.)
Sam: He did it for Carly. That son of a bitch. Jason lied to me. He said he didn't have a choice but everything Jason did, leaving Port Charles, abandoning his kids, letting everyone think he was dead, it was all because of Carly because Cates had evidence against Carly? Because she was running Sonny's organization. Jason put Carly's welfare above everyone else, including his own children because of Carly. But of course because Carly always comes first with him. 
Spin: I'm sure this was a most difficult decision for him. Perhaps the hardest he's ever had to make. There is some nobility in sacrifice. 

Well to me the thing about Pikeman is that they were stalled. They had to take care of the wedding & of Greg dying & of Finn & they realized that they couldn't make May Sweeps so they knew they'd have to do it for July sweeps. (I know we forget July sweeps exists.) So, then, they had to stall Pikeman so they could make use of it, basically beginning next week. So, i have not judged Pikeman as lacking, just sorta On Hold. 

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They really wasted that actor on Brennan. He and Finola have an interesting dynamic, and his reaction to Jagger suspecting her as part of Pikeman was great. I see no reason to keep Brennan because this story needs to have a strong culmination and some dead weight taken care of. But as another character, even a shady one, I think he could have lasted and fit in well.

Sam laying into Spinelli and coming unglued at Jason protecting Carly being what the FBI has on him was excellent. I have never enjoyed Sam more. Much like Nina, this writing team has given some life to neglected characters by giving them specificity and even the littlest depth.

It would be interesting to see actual growth from Carly, and she takes that information Sam is obviously going to spill to her and turns herself in. Let Diane/Alexis take the case. And acknowledging that once again their toxic relationship is actually ruining Jason’s relationships in order to protect her. He is making those choices, and she loves always being his person.

I keep coming back to this but the show wasting people like Rebecca Herbst and Nancy Lee Grahn is very apparent when they actually give them something to do. Both of them are still compelling. NLG has really been connecting with her scene partners and the emotion of the various stories she is part of. Her scenes with Finn were so good. I have always liked her, but seeing her get to actually play something with depth has made her incredibly watchable again.

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And, I feel like Laura & KeMo are having the time of their lives!!! 

That is exactly what some of us think is going to happen. Carly is gonna get a copy of that tape & take it, do not pass go, directly to DIANE! And, Diane is exactly who we need added into this roue to make gumbo before you know it! And, of course, some of do see growth in Carly often, but most people do not acknowledge it, which is fine, who cares.

NLG & Hennessey, together, this week, was amazing! Also, NLG with Kate Mansi, yes, lord yes, give us more.

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Possibly it was because he was quite literally in the custody of the FBI. If you recall, they took him, bodily, from Greece directly to a "room with no windows" at Quantico & Cates came in & said, "Hello, Mr. Morgan, I am John Cates & I have something I want you to listen to." And, that was the tape they had on Carly at the meeting of the 5 families, which some of us think Cyrus made the secret tape. So, how was he supposed to get away from them, to go to Port Charles & meet with Diane?

But, if Diane gets involved now she's going to have just a huge list of items, starting with the fact, at least I think it's a fact, that none of this "deal" is on paper! 

Oh, yeah, Cates also said, right away, "These are RICO violations & each of them carries a 20-year Federal prison term." That's fairly important. 

Oh, yeah, also, today, I give you ... Trio! 

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Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I was so shocked how hooked I was on the show. I had to get through like 10 episodes and I was totally all in. You guys gave me worried this won’t last which sucks. There’s a lot of good things that are working for me on the show right now. I haven’t watched this much GH in I dunno how many years at this point. I genuinely didn’t think the show could draw me back in but here I am! 

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I'm out probably at the end of the month, since Mulcahey quit and his work is already being affected/barely even got onscreen. The wedding/death stuff with Gregory, etc. was well done, as were a number of other things but that was in April and May. It's clear the show is a mix of creative/executive directions right now but it has been even since the beginning in March, and the focus on the town turning on Sonny, the refocus of the moral center has gotten a bit muddled again in the last month or so. There's still some intelligent dialogue and good scenes, but what upsets me is that with the exception of Drew/Nina/Willow, etc. it's clear almost none of PM's stories really made it to the screen and he was allegedly prevented from trimming the cast as well. (I'm still not convinced ME or JPS/Valentin are going anywhere with Mulcahey now gone.)

GH could still be great, but keeps just fumbling at the gate. I have little faith in the remaining creatives continuing any lasting quality.

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