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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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Listen, I have no qualms about Violet being killed off.  I just don't understand why Chase, Alexis, Liz, etc are being so gentle with him.  I would tell Finn to do whatever he wanted, but if you are driving around drunk I am calling the cops and calling CPS.  Don't just let him take Violet to the pool lol.

I know addiction is very difficult especially if it's your loved one, but I have little tolerance for Finn being a bigger, more selfish, destructive a-hole than usual.

It would possibly be the greatest character moment of Luke's entire run if he succeeded. 

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About what Frank has teased, former cast member, a male, we will be excited, .... what if ii's Greg Vaughn? Of course, people are thinking maybe it is GV mostly because he has just become available. And, he checks off 3 boxes, out of 3 possible. 

I know some people say that Greg got screwed once before by GH but apparently it wasn't Frank who did whatever it was. 

Obviously this is just speculation. 

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To me Greg was the only good Lucky since JJ's first run, and I don't think JJ's first run was all that fantastic anyway. He brought a lot of heart to a degrading role. I doubt they will ever bring him back though.

Must be nice for Eva to just be cast with no muss or fuss. Not that this trash part would work even if a better actor was in the part.

Beyond miscarriages and stillbirths, was Jake the only child character Guza killed off? I always took that as being about Guza wanting to give Jason angst and give Geary and JJ a chance to mug, rather than just wanting to kill off a kid.

Edited by DRW50
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A Kraze fan on twiX posted that she is playing the part beautifully & I replied that it's hard for me to say because the part is written so .... oddly!!! I never know what the heck is gonna come out of her mouth from one minute to the next!!!! 

And, of course, her interviews have just been CRAZY. ELR said flatly with no sense of irony that Natalia was not homophobic. I want someone to say to her, "Pot, meet kettle!" 

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It's nice to confirm what some of us had suspected: That Frank simply wanted to put yet another soap name on the show as another feather in his cap with no other major interest or real plan for the character.

I do think GV has improved mightily since his GH days (where he tried hard), particularly on Queen Sugar and DAYS. We're not going to agree about Jonathan who I think instantly re-owned the role when he returned and did very well with material he openly disliked and criticized. But if they're in a pinch and need Lucky I wouldn't squawk about Vaughan coming back again.

I think a big part of killing Jake was about undoing the 'mistake' of Jason and Elizabeth having his first child (as Sam and Jason began trying for Danny immediately after his death, despite vowing previously not to have kids given their lives) - Frons and to a lesser extent Guza seemed very wedded to Jason/Sam as the destined ride or die action couple, and treated the brief Liason era in the mid-2000s as an anomaly to escape from and erase as soon as possible. When in fact it's the most I've been interested in Jason since the '90s. I thought killing Jake was horribly wasteful so I'm thrilled he's alive, and Hudson West is very good.

Edited by Vee
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