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GH: June 2024 Discussion Thread

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From what I saw Finn did a cheers with Lois's dad? and drank a sip by accident.  Then the bottle appeared to be at most half empty.  I didn't notice the bottle ever being empty and Finn never even tried to hide it or put it away before answering the door multiple times lol.  Anyhow, if this is leading somewhere it's fine, but at this point everyone is making a huge deal and dedicating several scenes to something that appears to be done.  


I actually want to just meet Spinelli's parents to know who raised that man child.

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And the Finn apologists are mad at her! I thought her reaction was perfectly in character, and appropriate. She started by asking the question, he got defensive, so did she. Then it got nasty. I have been in a relationship with an addict. You have to be tough about protecting yourself, but fair and still feel compassion once it gets to a certain place. No kids were involved in my situation thankfully.

But Laugh Don’t Cry, I KNOW She’d Want it That Way!

The healing power of easy listening!

Seemed to me yesterday it was leading to a breakup. Praise He who walks behind the rows!

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I hope you are in a better place now.  Addiction is a hell of a disease.

Anyhow, I wish Elizabeth was given the chance to explain her POV to Finn and why she feels this way.  Her history works well with the story and could really give her more to do.  Liz should be weary of going down this road again.

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Much better. Unfortunately the person I was with still battles their addiction, and has a relapse every couple years. I am lucky, I got therapy and came out of it much better at spotting the signs earlier and not ending up almost being consumed by someone else’s addictions again. They have to save themselves. We can help, support, etc, but only if the partner has gotten healthy enough to handle it too.

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YMMV! I just think JK is very charming and witty and has made the most of a terrible introduction early on and is pretty fun in his role. But I also know he can easily lift out.

I wanted to believe that was just Spin's office space, but people keep showing up there acting like it's his house!

In other news the Congressman Drew Q/Willow/Nina/Maxie stuff from last week is still quite good and I am going to be depressed to presumably lose all this and the weird love triangle undercurrent with mother-daughter. It may or may not be a lift from PM's GL work but I think it is inspired.

Edited by Vee
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Agree about JK. He honestly does seem to be flirty with Tracy unintentionally or not.

I think Spin just spends all his time in his office because he has no life so people go there with the assumption that's where he will be.

I mean, Drew got Carly's vote so he will obviously win.  If the show is smart they will keep the Willow/Nina/Drew thing going but.......GH is not smart lol.

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That's easier said than done. My mom was a Natalie (well, still is). She exploited my talents while tried to control them; lived vicariously through me. Like, I had what she didn't have but wanted and so I was a  puppet.

Regarding being a homo, yeah, she would act like she was okay with. She'd say it. But then she'd say, "When it comes to vaginal sex, don't knock it until you try it." Or "I don't care if you are sleeping around with kangaroos. I just want you to be safe and know what you are getting into". I had her watch the movie "For the bible tells me so" and she was so mad at me after watching it she started crying and then slept for 14 hours. An Uncle was vistiting from Jacksonville, Florida. I wanted to meet him for the first time. He's a minister. Mom said, "You can go to your Aunt Debby's to meet up but don't bring up being a gay" I told her I wouldn't just blurt it out but I asked why "It's disrespectful".


I had to move from Texas to Chicago, never moving out of their place until I moved here, to get away from her. It was an impulse move. After 6 years, only visiting twice, she STILL knows how to push my buttons (it's not as bad anymore after befriending dad's ex-wife; Her and I are more like mother and son. Same personalities).

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It doesn't matter how much he drank. It matters that he did. He's going to AA, that's clear. He also knows NA rehotric. That's clear. The basic text (NA) and big book (AA) says: 1 is too many and 1000 is never enough. If he's following the program it means he clicks with it and takes it seriously. It means  he believes it; it's his belief system. So, he went AGAINST his belief system. And NA makes it clear in the clarity statement that alcohol is a drug.

A sip by accident isn't a relapse. But, it sure as hell can lead into one in times like grief.

As far as if something is full-on relapse or not -- it either is or isn't. When I relapsed on April 16 it was half a can of beer. But I had relapses before hand where I smoked 2g of meth and took 3ml of GHB. I was so gone that when the guy I was with couldn't find his turnacit, we agreed it would be a good idea for me to use my hands as a substitute. It was a 12 hour binge.

And that was NOTHING compared to my 48 hour binges when I thought I could do it 'one last time'.

It's hard to explain why that half a can of beer was as impactful as those other examples. Emotionally, it was. But now I have 48 days.

As far as how Curtis can drink but Finn can't that's because some addicts have been able to do that. But it's rare.

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Congratulations!!! Today makes 48, hard won, battled for, you did it though. 

Today's show! OMG! Natalia is even worse than I ever imagined! Whatever you do in the privacy of your room, don't tell yourself that it is love! Not only a bigot but an idiot, a moron, I have no words for the level of her stupidity! Plus, she actually thought that Kristina is a fan who got carried away with Blaze. 

I have never been as glad to see anyone as I was Kristina when she walked into the control booth. 

But, then, Finn knocking back shots. He is in a world of trouble. 

And, I liked Blaze's song. 


Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I genuinely wish you continued success in your sobriety journey!  I know it's a very difficult and fluid process.  I am not trying to minimize anyone's thoughts or experiences.

But what you said in a few paragraphs was real and gritty.  GH isn't even trying to touch that.  Finn had some outbursts and regrets, but neither Liz or Finn got to express true nuances or psychological factors.   It's a disservice to those who struggle with addiction, know someone who struggle with addiction, and/or lost someone to addiction.  It's a mild PSA IMO that drugs and alcohol are bad.


Edited by carolineg
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