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B&B May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Thursday and Friday


The wedding looked very cheap and very low budget. They should have done it in that dungeon where Sheila was left to die by Sugar. It would have been more thematic. And there should have been pictures on the walls with slogans like - I saved you CHILD. And... I sacrificed myself for you and Steffy.  Sheila should have worn a crown of thorns on her head, since she is a SAINT.

And the BIIIIG twist - Finn came... looking for pizzas... LOL... Bradley couldn't have thought of a better way to do it? And Hope was looking at him like she is a cat in heat. Steffy, prep the divorce attorney, b-tch - your AI sex doll is starting to deprogram himself and doing things you have not approved or given green light to.

Overall - I was bored from head to TOE.



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Haha nope.  And yes the sh!t is going to hit the fan when Mademoiselle Steffy finds out.

This was the perfect time for Hollis to make an appearance?  I mean really, he would make more sense as Deacon's best man.  But this is plot-driven.

And the Nine Toes hor d'oeuvres didn't bother me.  I appreciate the humor or parody whatever you want to call it.

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And so it begins. RME.


I guess Ivy is done and gone so Liam is back to sniffing around Steffy.


And those scenes with Finn and Hope. RME RME RME.


I think it's intriguing the pot stirring that Sheila is doing to get them to get to the wedding. But God, no coupling please. 



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Not a good look for any of the characters.

Bill, Poppy and Katie - CRINGE. Why do Katie always have to come for scenes like these... Poppy is acting like she is 18 years old... "Oh, are you that Katie?"... Jesus Christ... wasn't Bill this famous rich man... I'm sure since Poppy is sooo in love, she had the time to google him or even look around and see the pictures around the house. The plot holes in this drivel! Bradley really has no use for Katie anymore and it's a shame. Katie should have been Forrester CEO or something like that. That woman got her whole world destroyed multiple times, she should have turned into a proper antagonist. Heather Tom has NEVER gotten a real quality good storyline, other than dying and fainting and crying. And even with the crap material she got, she made it work. I still love her and think she is a FORCE. 

Moving on... Hope is pathetic at this point - it's so obvious what you are doing, honey. Your mother did it better. Finn is acting like a school boy that was invited to a pizza party and ate too much and now is scared to tell mommy he ate that pepperoni pizza, since mommy doesn't allow food after 18-00. Even though I am on Steffy's side on this fiasco, I still don't understand how it's normal and OK for a grown man to act like this in front of his wife. Actually it's not Steffy bullying him... which looked that way for a loooong time... it's Finn being too weak and too stupid to stand up and talk to his OWN wife. I am not digging the way they will spin this Hinn affair, being Steffy's fault. She survived a murder attempt - it's quite normal to NOT want to have anything to do with the monster that wanted to kill you. She is right in this situation, but they are making her seem so bitter and one-tone angry all the time. No tone and no nuance in the writing. But now as I think of it... if I was married to Finn - I would be bitter and angry all the time too. 

And PLEASE - is Finn really that low IQ... Oh, he was passing by and ended up standing up at the wedding... and then he was... just there... when the photo was taken. Finn - are you 12?  I think that's how he will end up sleeping with Hope. Oooops, Steffy, I was just passing by... waiting for pizzas and Hope just wanted to f-ck me. Sorry, Steffy. What a loon. Finn is now officially broken Liam's record for being Bold's most idiotic male character. And speaking of Liam - the cringe of him agaaaain snooping under Steffy's dress today. Leave the woman alone, you jackal. And then leave the show - we are done with you.

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The episode was very boring.

The Poppi, Bill and Katie scenes were pointless.

The wedding from hell was dull. It couldn't have been more duller.

Finn is just an idiot with no brain cells. He really is looking mighty stupid.

Edited by Soapsuds
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