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DAYS: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Nancy Lee Grahn's event is not a GH event.
It's a "Daytime Unites" charity event with cast from all the soaps. Mostly GH, but also some from Y&R and B&B
From DAYS, only Stephen Nichols was there.

Edited by janea4old
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Today was a long one. 46 minutes.

That being said, I sort of have mixed feelings about today. I liked it, but I was hoping for a little more. 

The EJ/Sloan scenes should have lasted for the entire episode. They seemed a little rushed. I’m still glad that he’s probably gonna keep the secret though but I hope that he’s written as the villain, not as the sad sack who’s just trying to keep Nicole in his life, sort of like how Sloan is for Eric. 

I also liked the Johnny/Chanel scenes. I actually do like their part of this storyline but at the same time, I think they’re still too young to be saddled with a baby. They should still be a messy young couple, and so should Tripp and Wendy lol maybe this story should have gone to other characters. 

As for Bobby/Everett, his storyline is still so convoluted. Idk how just seeing the name could trigger the change in him and I kinda this storyline ends soon… or he just becomes a full on villain. 

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Still no writers credits. Today's theme was "Loving Couples". Sex being the sub-plot. I do not understand Stephanie being an employee of the newspaper & also having her own professional PR business. That is a total conflict of interest! I guess they have decided to go with something strange to explain Everett/Bobby! Possibly diabolical also. Or maybe just a homegrown DID story. What is pickle ball? Sloan is crazy. She's told EJ that Nicole is Jude's mother & Eric is his father yet she's telling Eric "No more secrets - ever again"!! I guess I was on a break from the show when Clyde's daughter Jordan was on.

To me Janel still boring. Paulina & Abe now also boring. I don't care about Everett/Bobby or Stephanie or Jada & Rafe. That leaves Nicole, Eric, and with them EJ & Sloan. I really want Nicole & Eric to find out the total truth about Jude. 

I still wish the show would settle Ari's lawsuit. And I'm still mad she's not up for an Emmy. 

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To me, it seems like a very curable form of DID.  We know Everett's father was horrible.  He is probably taking on that personality.  And Marlena will cure that up, quick as 1-2-3.

Why has it taken Jada a month to move into Rafe's place?

My biggest quibble is that I hate when DAYS ends on a Friday cliffhanger (eg EJ and Sloan), and then doesn't pick it up immediately on Monday.  It throws off the pacing.  Also, I thought the red herring about EJ writing on the DNA results in the safe would lead to more stories.  I mean, at some point isn't anyone at the hospital going to question why Jude has been genetically tested three times already?

Post Note: Jessica Serfaty went to the Met Gala with her billionaire husband - pics in the DAYS BTS thread

Edited by j swift
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I knew Doc was gonna be able to snap John out of those trances. This isn’t her first rodeo

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There were a lot of smart people in today’s episode and some dumb ones too. John and Marlena were totally the MVPs today. And I’m glad that the story is being written like this. I love that they conned the Kon

And I’m glad that Maggie was smart too. I still think she knows Konstantin is full of crap. And it’s nice that she plans to share her inheritance with everyone that Victor cut out of his will lol it really is crazy how many people got cut out. 

As for the dumb ones, poor Alex is gonna be in for a rude awakening when all the secrets come out. And he’s gonna deserve it in someways too lol I’m glad he’s being written as the villain though. Honestly, that’s the way the story should be. Plus he’s a much better villain than Konstantin. I just hope he and Kristen don’t just become one of those obnoxious, annoying villain couples that Ron loves to write for. This could be such a good mess that involves so many characters and that would just mess it up.

Speaking of Alex, where the hell is Justin? He should still be a part of this storyline. And not to go off topic, but where’s Ned too lol

And I guess we finally got an explanation as to why Theresa did what she did. Still doesn’t make that much sense though. 

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I'm pleased John and Steve got back together.  Once again, I overcomplicated my expectation.  I assumed that John switched out the card when Thomas stole it from Konstantin.  I wasn't expecting that an entire plan occurred off-screen. 

I guess that's how we know Ron C is back, he hates to fill the audience in on the plan.  Which is my theory about why there is so much animosity between the writer and the fans.  Besides his questionable attitude on social media, he always wants to shock us, rather than allow us to feel as if we are clued into the action. 

Any hoo, it is surprising that Alex prefers sleeping with Kristen over Theresa.  I wonder what tricks she's got up her sleeve?

Finally, I guess nobody on DAYS bothered to Google probate.  Because once the money in an estate is disbursed, it is virtually impossible to gather it back and give it to someone else.  Even in the case of fraud, if the issue was not considered during probate, it is difficult to demand that people give the money back to the estate.  Especially in a case like this where the heir was not a part of the fraud.  Others can civilly sue after the fact, but they are rarely successful. 

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