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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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My only point to him was that Michael Easton is not in any of the 5 group shots nor is he in either of the 2 banners. This suggests to me that in fact as some of us have heard, he is outta there, and not just on recurring status. 

As far as fan art goes, yes, he did the Eric Braeden treatment with his. Mostly I just am like, okay you did this. I really don't tend to like them. 

I do agree that we need a new opener. I do not myself know what would be best. I am partial to seeing the building. 

One thing I've been thinking about. I think yesterday was originally intended to be last Friday's show & they got off a day because of the eclipse. Just seems to me like Friday in Sweeps, not a  Monday. 

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I think LA's Kristina would have played it much differently.  More resigned and nuanced as she knows the characters history better.

That's not a knock at Mansi.  I think she's doing wonderful and probably played the scene as written.  I just got the sense that KM really thought Kristina had no idea what her father does and this is the first time she's ever seen him do anything like that.  The hysterics were extreme for a 30 year old woman who's known her father was a mobster basically her entire life lol.

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I may regret this, but here goes. I am aware that Kate does not "follow" or "friend" her co-star. All that means is that they are not personal friends. It means they are just colleagues, which is often the case with scene partners. It does not imply hatred. So, if you truly believe there is hatred, where is your proof? Do you have the receipts? Can you in any sense back this up? 

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Oh see, I interpret it differently. I saw it played as a loss of innocence. The idealized innocence of how Kristina saw her father. Knowing how she stood up against Josslyn and then to be proven wrong. Yes, it's a retcon... but it's a retcon I'm actually okay with at this point in time.

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I guess different stroke for different folks. I love the Kraze love song, "It Might Be Love" & I loved this one from the wedding. That's only 2 but that's all I got. 

Oops. I thought the music selection for Gregory's death montage was excellent. I understand it was used for AJ but I was not watching then. But, this makes 3, not 2. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
one more thing
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Yeah, I definitely see it as a bit naive and overdramatic.  Kristina leaned in to being a mob princess with the recast between LA's stints.  She made a reality show about it lol.  I could see Kristina being disappointed and feeling stupid for defending Sonny, but not entirely hysterical and shell-shocked like she was.  It's not an awful story nor do I hate the idea, it's just hard to wrap my head around such a retcon.   It makes Kristina look a little dumb.

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I found it interesting they re-used AJ's death song for Gregory's montage. Very, very interesting.

I'm okay with the retcon because I'm okay with erasing Mob Princess from our memories. And to think, once upon a [very long] time [ago], I liked Lindsey Morgan's work as Kristina.

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I am fine with erasing the Mob Princess era too I guess.  I just am of the mind that Kristina is smarter than all this although I know some disagree with that.   I don't remember LM being as bad as everyone makes her out to be now, but I didn't like her much.  I do have a soft spot for LA though.

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See, I disliked Lexi Ainsworth during her first-run. It was not until her return in 2015 that I began to mind her, so recasting with Morgan was a win for me. But, looking back... woof. Choices were made, between casting AND storyline. The standout? Morgan's Kristina stating she was the "product of a sleazy one-night stand," and Nancy Lee Grahn's Alexis being both offended and shocked by this revelation.

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Proof that Chase and BLQ are as bored with each other as we are with them.

I love "old Hollywood" as much as the next TCM freak, but reinstating the Hays Code?  Hell no, lol.

I can't wait to hear what happens when someone explains to Chase and BLQ how babies are made.

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I loved LA's Kristina from the start.  I loved the implied slow burn with her and Ethan as a couple, I thought she did great with the Kiefer story, and I just thought she had good chemistry interacting with her family.  Morgan as a recast felt like a slap in the face to LA.  LA is the youngest looking adult woman in the world.  I get that.  It was a clear choice to go sexy and mature with LM.  Saddling Kristina with Konnie's rape baby Trey was a really bad choice, but I do think LM's Kristina and Trey were given a bit of a raw deal and both had more potential than they were allowed to show.

The coupling is such a bore.  Chase/Brook Lynn seem more like good buddies than in love.  They've never had a ton of chemistry, but in the very beginning they had a bit of a spark. 

The problem isn't actually the love scenes.  Plenty of couples can smolder without any love scenes on screen.  They don't.  There isn't even any implied sexiness or heat in this pairing.

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