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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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The way I describe Korte is priorities: 1-Jason, 2-angst, 3-Carly, 4-whatever Frank says. I believe it to be a sound analysis. 

It's really hard to say about things like that with them. When they got back from the strike, they wandered around talking to everyone, because they had no idea at all what they wanted to do with anyone, at all. Just totally blank. They decided, hey why not, by default, let's have Chase propose to Brook Lynn. This is an actual example of the way they think, or don't think, as the case may be. 

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It honestly looks like LW and others have been wearing shít from home more and more. It looks like civilian clothes. It has not been flattering on Laura onscreen, as she is still a beautiful woman. And don't get me started on Setton's standard wardrobe or her Women Talking bridal party.

And anyone who knows OLTL as well as I did knows that Diane, Laura, occasional Guest Star Nora/Hillary B. Smith and now apparently Nina and Ava are sometimes swapping out old jackets that Viki used to wear. Viki!!

Edited by Vee
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Funny. LW & the GH Costume Designer are literally best friends. He dresses everyone with special love & attention but especially Laura. He dressed her for the Stephen A. Smith event 2 weeks ago. Me, I thought the wedding was very special with the florals & the pastels & a very pleasing palette. Just last week on TwiX Alan Locher invoked the memory of the wedding of Cassie to Prince Richard & I pulled a 50 second clip of just the "I Do's". LW totally looked like a princess right out of a fairy tale. 

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Setton on GH vs her time on OLTL and Gossip Girl is like night and day. I dunno what happened but she wears the least flattering clothes on Daytime. They’re distractingly frumpy and ugly.

Laura’s soccer mom dressing Carly comes off so asexual.

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Yup, lol.

On the one hand, I totally respect Setton's religious convictions.  But, on the other hand, if she's not comfortable anymore playing love scenes or wearing clothes that show off more than her wrists and ankles, then maybe a job on a daytime soap opera is not for her.  And I say that as someone who is a devout Christian.

(Same goes for Steve Burton, by the way!  Steve?  If you're reading this?  God is not going to send you to Hell if you parade around on camera in a Speedo or make out on screen with someone who is not your wife.  He gets that you're just acting, okay?  Besides, that tattoo sleeve you're sporting these days has Him a lot more concerned than flashing that six-pack.)

Edited by Khan
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Personally, I think that if you aren't comfortable doing love scenes, then your character (if you have a job) should not be eligible in any way for a romantic pairing. The modesty issues having to do with clothes do not bother me. Not being able to simulate love making is an issue. 

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It’s wild, I’ve seen Steve shirtless more on DAYS than I ever have on GH for like the last 20 years.

This truly is the wrong genre for an actress that wants to not do Daytime duties.

Lol Ava really tried to defend killing Connie to Sonny as it was a long time ago. These Ava relationships are crazy since I stopped watching years ago.

Edited by Antoyne
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I definitely think that it's possible that Patrick Mulcahey was spearheading the whole Drew going into politics thing but I also think that Elizabeth Korte was also mainly driving the whole Drew/Nina affair because she seems like the type of person that would relish at the chance to humiliate and belittle Nina whenever possible. For Nina to just immediately jump into bed with Drew when she was so desperate to try to save her marriage to Sonny never really made sense to me; I think it would've been a lot better if Nina had actually walked in on Ava and Sonny kissing or otherwise being in a compromising position and she was so shocked and taken aback by the horrific betrayal that she decided to go running to Drew for comfort and that's when they ended up having sex. It was basically missing one or two steps. Then later Nina could confront her suspicions to Ava about her true relationship with Sonny and then that's when they would have that big blowout fight that ends their friendship. 

If Patrick really was intending to write an actual romance for Drew/Nina somewhere down the line, I would really like it if at some point Drew actually took the time to apologize to Nina for what he said about wanting to beat the living daylights out of her if she were a man and acknowledged that he basically went too far. That would go a very long way for me to eventually get around to accepting the relationship as legitimate, (begrudgingly). 

However, with Patrick now being gone, I suspect that now Elizabeth Korte is going to deviate back to her original storyline of Drew pursuing a sexual affair with Nina as part of an elaborate revenge scheme in order to bring her down once and for all, which would eventually lead to Nina's official departure from the show. And if my theory about what that Casey person on Twitter was alluding to is actually correct, then I'll bet my money that Nina is going to be gone by the very end of the summer and perhaps Willow might also play a role in her mother's eventual and final downfall. Just my two cents. 

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