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GH: May 2024 Discussion Thread

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Well to be fair...there were some cliffhangers when they started out. And now they just fell away. I'm shocked that now that we are digging into May, there has not been much of anything...especially on Fridays. 



Yeah, I do question some of the connecting...not that it is wrong per se, but I hope with some of the connecting, it is leading to some of the dead weight characters leaving. 

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It’s a very weird time for sure - why did this show go through the trouble of a regime change just to be so damn reserved and stagnant? That, to me, is the most interesting thing about GH right now - what the hell is going on behind the scenes there to lead to what’s on screen? Is there a power struggle? Is it Valentini? Is it Varni? Are PM/EK just executing a vision they’ve been given or is this indeed their own vision? So many questions. 

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People were concerned about The Heather story especially with Laura getting roped in. However Wednesday & today we had a total of three people that getting Heather released is not a good idea. They talked about not only the victims, but their families and  PC as a whole's reaction to this. 

I was glad it was addressed and hopefully Laura thinks long & hard about this. 

They have a vison but they were told to write the Jason return. Given that PM does not like the mob and he also only likes to use action when it benefits characters I bet this Jason/Pikeman story may not be his bag but they gave us some surprises like Valentin being the head of the snake. Anna is smarter in this story too. 

Edited by John
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But I really loved Heather self-reflecting and not justifying her actions any more but instead questioning them! Also that Heather is showing actual remorse. 

But, Alexis said 3 things. 1-anti-Heather 2-all defendants deserve a something or other defense then swing back again to 3-No judge is going to want to vacate because of the high body count. 

I thoroughly appreciate ALL of this patter as they hit points on both sides of the issue. 

Kevin was being a listen to but then he did a summing up which moved the needle back to staying incarcerated, no matter what. 

I think they will keep Heather locked up but maybe in a ?? nicer place? 

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Exactly. I'm still enjoying it...some parts more than others...but even I've noticed for all of the enriching dialogue and talking...there's been a decrease in action. When PM/EK started, there was the talking that was character building, but there was at least some form of action (in the form of Jason's return for the most part) going on that gave the overall momentum. And somehow...that momentum has been lost. 


Outside of Jason's return, the only other major thing going on that has momentum behind it has been Chase and BLQ's wedding. It has beats. And it definitely has enough parts to it to be called a potential umbrella story for not just the wedding, but several of the guests that have been invited who have had their own stories slowly building since the start of (and some even before) Jason's return. 


I'm trying to wait and see if it all comes together with the wedding. And with the coming together at the wedding, that momentum kicking back in. Because right now, while I like that we are getting character building conversation, lately it's been mostly all talk. 


And I can't help given previous history under FV, if it's a case of interference again. 


Until then, like you, I have a lot of questions like what you have as well. Though I do feel as has been mentioned on the thread before that PM and EK's full vision won't be seen until the fall. Though I said as early as late summer. lol.



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Well, that's good to hear. Because outside of Jordan dragging her (and to a lesser extent Ryan at the start), I don't think anyone is opposing Laura supporting Heather really. 


I agree. I like the twist with Valentin because that story has been an uneven mess and I suspect that it spells the end of him. That it might be Anna who does it...AND she is being played smart and fierce like Anna should be is just a bonus. 



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Yeah re: the wedding. It seem like PM and EK was hinting at things going down at the wedding (besides the wedding) for a while. But it really occurred to me when BLQ sent Lois to get Sonny to go. Sonny who is currently off his meds. And at least with his storyline getting heat (from first the audience finding out, then ava, and now Carly suspecting), it would be a prime time to come out with everyone there. And that's just one story.


Then there's Gregory and his health. And that's been increasing in story over time as well. And that immediately connects to Tracy given her feelings for him. Tracy connects to the Qs where we have Drew/Nina, the growing relationship with Sasha/Cody who now live there, her friendship to Finn who is already having issues with his dad. 


And those are just small parts of the whole canvas and not everyone who will be at the wedding. I mean...wasn't Sonny worried that Jason and Carly would be there? And they are just now suspecting he's off his meds. So...


...if I can see that, I do hope that the writers take that ball and run with it. Because it does seem like they were really setting up for a climax with the wedding BESIDES just the wedding.


Meanwhile...Alexis out of town (the only person NOT at the wedding really) arguing to get her license restored would be a great B story.



Hahahaha!!!! Honestly with Jason and Carly possibly there and Sonny definitely there and Pikeman maybe climaxing...that could happen.  



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Under the old writers, whatever conflicts there were were very poorly done, so contrived and artificial. I appreciate the new writers trying to set up conflicts that feel more organic and real. The thing is, they are taking too much time setting things up; things need to start hitting the fan already. The writing has gotten more intelligent, but the overall show is still boring.

If there are trying to bring back the intelligent dialogue of Santa Barbara, maybe they can bring back a little of that show's fast pace too.

I really do hope the new writers have stories of their own to tell, or are allowed to tell stories of their own, and are not just there to flesh out the stale vision of the producers who just want to do more of the same.

Edited by Jdee43
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