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GH: April 2024 Spoilers

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According to SOD (Link)

On Tuesday April 16, 2024, this happened:
USA got the Tues April 16 episode on ABC,
but Canada got the Wed. April 17 episode on CityTV.

On Wed. April 17, USA on ABC will get the correct Wed April 17 episode,
and Canada on CityTV will get the Tuesday April 16 episode they missed.

That means by Thursday April 18, everyone will be watching the same scheduled episode of GH.


  • USA: Tuesday, April 16
  • Canada:  Wednesday, April 17

Episode #15448 (Season 61, Episode 154)

Laura and Anna come to a mutual realization.
Trina questions Josslyn and Dex about their relationship.
Alexis and Finn support each other.
Brook Lynn and Chase have an honest discussion about money.
Elizabeth opens up to Gregory.


  • USA: Wednesday, April 17
  • Canada:  Tuesday, April 16

Episode #15449 (Season 61, Episode 155)
Carly and John get closer.
Cyrus goes on-the-record to Anna.
Lois asks Sonny if he will attend the wedding.
Dex takes another step towards his new career.
Ava keeps something from Sonny.


*** Edit the episode numbers/descriptions have changed since I posted this, due to an insert episode.

Meanwhile, Canadian recappers have already recapped that episode

For those who want to know:

Recap of episode 15449


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What is up with these spoilers?

Laura and Anna come to a mutual realization.
Trina questions Josslyn and Dex about their relationship.
Alexis and Finn support each other.
Brook Lynn and Chase have an honest discussion about money.
Elizabeth opens up to Gregory.

I just watched Tuesday 4/16 on Hulu and the only thing in the daily spoiler I have seen that was actually used was the Trina, Joss, Dex stuff.

No Anna and Laura, instead it was Jordan and Laura. No Gregory and Liz- Gregory and TJ. No Alexis and Finn at all, or Brook Lynn and Chase.

Edited by titan1978
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I read other comments online elsewhere, that similar to yours, so I finally did some digging.
You are right, they split one episode into two episodes, and then added some scenes to one of them.

Analyzing the spoilers for Episode 15448:
* Laura and Anna come to a mutual realization.
* Trina questions Josslyn and Dex about their relationship.
* Alexis and Finn support each other.
* Brook Lynn and Chase have an honest discussion about money.
* Elizabeth opens up to Gregory.

The Trina/Josslyn/Dex scenes...
aired Tues. 4/16  in US,
and will air Wed. 4/17 in Canada.

That episode also included these unspoiled scenes:
-- Maxie/Felicia
-- Laura/Jordan
-- Sonny/Brick
-- Jordan/Brick
-- Sonny/Ava
-- TJ/Gregory

These scenes: Laura/Anna, Alexis/Finn,
Brook Lynn /Chase/money, and Elizabeth/Gregory...
all aired in Canada Tues. 4/16,
and will Air Wed. 4/17 in U.S.

This is verified by the recaps:

This is a *recap* of what aired in US on Tues. April 16,
and will air in Canada on Wed. April 17 to correct the mix-up:

This is a *recap* of
what accidentally aired on Canada on Tues. April 16,
and will correctly air in U.S. on Wed. April 17:

Suspicions that the episode may have been edited after filming and split into pieces?
so maybe there was an "15448" and an "15448A"
or something like that?
(This has happened in the past occasionally).

If there are 15448s, that might explain how Canada broadcast the two episodes in the wrong order ? ? ?)

As I write this (Wed. morning April 17)

  • Both  episodes are up on Hulu already, 
    listed as airdates 4/16 and 4/17
    but likely with the original scene descriptions from the original daily spoilers.
  • One of the eppys is up on abc.com, listed as 4/16,
    with the description originally spoiled for 4/16, which includes scenes that haven't aired.
  • Neither is up on CityTV.com (Canada's network for GH)

It's only theory/speculation at this point, but that would mean that the rest of the daily spoilers already posted would be moved a day, due to the insert?
which that would mean that 15449 would air Thurs 4/18?
This would also explain why Shannon Peace wondered if her final breakdown episode is moved to Thursday 4/18 -- if that's what happens.
Who knows?


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So did the inserts include Laura/Jordan and the scenes with TJ?  Because his scenes with Hat Dad also felt very tacked on to me, which makes me wonder if they are acutely aware of their lack of using the Black cast and all of a sudden decided to drop some scenes in? We had all that conversation and then no follow through with Molly and TJ themselves.

They didn’t drop any plot movement stuff that I could see unless it is Cyrus vs Sonny, which does not make sense because Finola teased those scenes with Laura a few weeks ago so we knew that was coming. Unless the idea of Cyrus pressing charges is new and they dropped that in with Jordan to help set it up?

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@janea4old Looking at Monday. 

#GH April 15 2024
Carly updates Jason.
Tracy receives welcome news.
Sonny meets with Drew. <--- didn't happen yet
John shares his suspicions with Anna.
Ava continues to snow Nina

Not even considering what happened when but Sonny & Drew haven't met this week yet. The rest has happened just not necessarily on Monday. IOW, you may not want to know this 

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but Monday's spoilers were also "wrong". 

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Thanks! I was thinking of checking it. 

I remember GH did lots of rearranging that created five insert episodes in April/May 2020, and it took a bit of research to figure it all out.
Judiciously comparing the spoilers (same as the abc.com episode descriptions) with what actually aired.

In 2020, they were trying to stretch out the already-filmed episodes to air over the COVID break so they broke up episodes and inserted flashbacks and random things to fill the time.

In 2024 it's probably a writing pivot.  Interesting to see what's changed.

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Agree that is what's going on. New team, sweeps approaching, etc. 

Example: Were going to recast Spencer. Changed: They are not going to recast Spencer. So, just like that, a legacy character, a direct relative of Laura's, went from being temporarily dead to really dead. (At least under current mgmt.) They will be casting a guy for Trina. 

Crazy time but also exciting time. 

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UPDATE:  The dgepress site photos confirmed:
Thursday April 18 is episode 15449.

Everything spoiled for 15449 (Wed April 17)
aired on Thursday April 18,
plus one thing from the following episode:
(Sonny learns that Dex is becoming a cop).

Not confirmed but obvious conclusion:
 Tuesday and Wed April 16&17
are 15448 and 15448A. EDIT - wrong

To sum up:
Mon April 15:  15447
Tues April 16:  15448  Error, sorry 
Wed April 17:    15448A  Error, sorry
Thurs April 18:  15449

***** Ooops , will edit in post below

All of the previously-posted descriptions for upcoming episodes...
... now shifted to the next airdate.


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The press site has pix up for today & they are coded 172171, so totally different. (2 of Finn & Dante) (5 of Sexy Dexy cop tryout) I have them if anyone wants them, although people can get them themselves, of course. The previous day was 4-12 and coded 172174, so their system eludes me. Wait a minute. Where did you get 15448, etc. off of the same site I got these?

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I've been keeping a spreadsheet of the episode numbers for the past 4 years, verifying by JPI photography and/or Disney numbers assigned to photos or what Errol posts.   I started doing this in 2020 which is how I discovered the split episodes that year. Soapoperanews.net usually posts epi numbers, too; but I still verify that they're correct.

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On the dgepress site, if you click on the individual photos (don't try to open in a new tab, just click within the page) -- the picture enlarges itself (in the middle of the page) with a caption beneath it.  And that's where the episode number (usually but not always) displays. 

I made a screengrab: You can see that this is 15449 from the caption.

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Okay so.... CORRECTION to what I posted abovethread.

We know Thursday April 11 was episode 15445 per the photo captions on the dgepress site for the photos of TJ and Marshall.

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15445 is Thurs. April 11, per TJ/Marshall photos.
15449 is Thurs. April 18, per Dex police training photos.

So then how to fill in the numbers between?

There's a extra insert episode between those but I needed more verification.
My theory of 15448A was WRONG.
(oops, I said that was unconfirmed but an obvious conclusion, but - I was wrong.)

The true verification is how abc.com posts the episodes on their website.
The site only shows (season 61, episode #....)
But the *sourcecode* of the site shows the actual episode number for Tuesday April 16:

That sourcecode contains this:  
which shows me that the insert number was actually 15447A. 
(which makes more sense anyhow).

Updated numbers:

Friday, April 12, 2024
Episode #15446 (Season 61, Episode 152)

Monday, April 15, 2024
Episode #15447 (Season 61, Episode 153)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 – Insert episode!
Episode #15447A (Season 61, Episode 154)
(the spoiled Josslyn/Trina/Dex scene,
plus a bunch of unspoiled scenes)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Episode #15448 (Season 61, Episode 155)

Thursday, April 18, 2024
Episode #15449 (Season 61, Episode 156)

Friday, April 19, 2024
Episode #15450 (Season 61, Episode 157)

Monday, April 22, 2024
Episode #15451 (Season 61, Episode 158)


This should hold -- unless there are more insert episodes or rearranged scenes, which is still a possibility.

Attempting to post corrected episode descriptions
in the next post:

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