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GH: O’Connor/Van Etten OUT! Mulcahey/Korte IN!

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Oh, that's so debatable. Firstly, though, to sell to the viewers the viewers need to be committed. What makes them committed? Compelling story; weather it be a train wreck like Ron's work or a masterpiece like Clair's work. Ron sucked but he knew how to keep viewers glued.

The counter debate of your statement is that the creative team wants to express their creativity. They view the advertising model as a necessary evil.

But let's also remember that Charles Dickens, along with the other writers during the Victorian Era, were serial writers. Dickens is considered to be a brilliant writer, yet, the purpose of serials then was also to sell to the masses.

Further, early on, much of radio was self-funded. The original purpose of the FCC was to 'serve the public interest'.

Finally, let's be honest, all forms of entertainment that one pays for is a commodity. From the Broadway theater, to the movies, to streaming. Books, magazines, newspapers. They all exist to put money in someone else's pocket (again, the creative forces generally don't look at it that way but their managers do).

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@Spoon was responding to a post by @vetsoapfan, which brought up Paul Holroyd as an example of someone who played a character who was later recast with someone else they felt didn't fit the mold of said character, which is based on the topic of GH, which recently recast Jagger with an actor who some feel does not fit the mold of said character. I know you like to respond to nearly every post made on the forum, but you have to understand that people are not responding to just your posts and they don't have to agree with your opinions, like your thinking Holroyd is "wonderful" while someone else says he was "stiff and wooden." Each opinion is valid and shouldn't necessitate a response to counter another opinion with your own just for countering opinion's sake.

Right now, Chris and Dan are gone as head writers, and Patrick and Elizabeth are in. People are using this thread not only to voice their opinion of the change in writers but also to share their hopes and wishes for the new writers. This is a broad topic thread in that sense. All comments are welcome.

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I'm just trying to be and remain cognizant of what we are all guilty of, and that is topic drift. I do not believe my reply was in any way out of line. I am not the only person to mention this & to try to come up with a way to achieve topicality. I believe that it is in fact trying to have a sense of humor about this.

But, listen, if you are going to start posting in this way in threads to call people out, I look forward to what you are going to be hitting an elite group with! It should be very entertaining. 

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Right. I went with what I saw. I totally meant to say, Scott Holroyd.

It might be hard to believe, but @Toups and I do know how to do our job, and we handle things quickly and effectively, publicly and privately. Everyone "is called out and held accountable" equally.

My response to you was in no way me calling anyone out. I was merely pointing out how the previous poster's response was ON topic. As for an "elite group," I believe that title and honor only holds true for myself and @Toups since we've been running the place without interruption for more than 20 years. We can't be replaced. That's as "elite" as one can get, IMO.

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So, ultra-theatrical, hamming it up and broad Bette Davis-like impersonations is what you admire most in soap acting?

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I'll take Meryl Streep over Phyllis Diller (or Paul Holroyd over Hammy Howarth) any day, but...that's just me.

No doubt there will be newer fans who never saw Jagger Cates in his original incarnation. They will more easily accept this new performer since they do not have knowledge of the original characterization to compare with Adam Harrington's, and can't understand what a jarring and bad fit this recast is.

To each his own.


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I agree with you about soap acting. The acting style of someone like Meryl Streep has no place on a soap opera.

I like the acting style of Susan Seaforth-Hayes, Brenda Dickson, Deidre Hall, Lindsay Korman, Robin Strasser, Judith Chapman, Ronn Moss, Eric Braeden, etc. 

Ham it up, ladies and gents! I demand to be entertained!

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I agree: I've always stated Scott Holroyd is someone I would have preferred seeing as Austin over Roger Howarth. It, at least, would've made the role more palpable to me.

I'm just... still wondering how Patrick Mulcahey will introduce new characters, especially given his interview with Alan Locher. I wonder if he still has the same mindset of that. We kind of saw that with the Avant family on Bold, and that was a semi-small bubble (though still bumpy for me).

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I do hope Mulcahey will introduce new characters carefully and judiciously (or even better yet, reintroduce beloved, legacy characters from the past). God knows, I'd loathe seeing a Buzz Cooper 2.0 coming aboard and eating the show. Some folks may have loved Justin Deas' loud-mouthed and belligerent hamminess in the role, but many did not. UGH.

Now, people do have the right to champion hammy theatrics if it's their preference, and yes, Howarth's nostril flaring was appealing to both of his fans (LOL! I jest, I jest! Sort of.

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). I know people who reveled in glee watching Divine with doggy doo in Pink Flamingos (seriously; they were wildly entertained at the outrageousness and wanted to see more pushing of the envelope like it.) I would counter that such material can be sought out in John Waters-type films. Soaps, a medium that has gifted us with performances by the likes of Beverlee McKinsey, Susan Flannery, Maureen Garrett, Charita Bauer, Judith Light, Jane Elliot, Frances Reid, Judith Light, Kate Mulgrew, etc, have long proven that stellar performers are celebrated within the genre.

Not everyone is happy to settle for the work of Ronn Moss and his ilk. There are those of us who clamor to see superb thespian work on display, and we have been fortunate in that regard on many daytime dramas over the decades.

Long live the Meryl Streeps of daytime! I'll take Beverlee McKinsey, Susan Flannery and actresses of their caliber over Brenda Dickson (God love her) or Charity Rahmer any day.

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