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General Hospital: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Olivia, I screamed. And I LOVED the dream Ned had foreshadowing her. If there anyone who can do creepy camp after B&B and other genre tv shows, it's RS. The directing was great in that moment.


I awwww at BLQ being there for Chase as he dealt with his feelings for his dad dying.


Good to see Laura back at last.


I admit...I giggled at the warden paying Cyrus dust and leaving.


So...it occurred to me that we are getting more hospital stories again. And it has been surprisingly well balanced with the mob stories. Who would have thought? 


I actually think RS toned DOWN her accent. Because I really remember Lois's accent being muuuuuch more out there. But I was young. lol. 



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Yabbut that was the scabs! That is about to go POOF. IDK will Dan & Chris take advantage of the positioning of any of the stories? I would hope they do. 

Loving Tracy, Lois, BLQ, ... 

I'm guessing we will see Sasha not sure what to do & then eventually be persuaded to stay. Dante's "now we are family" speech & his relating his reaction after his PTSD was very affecting & effective, I thought. 

I was thinking that if I won a contest where you could spend a day with an actor that I would take Michael Easton somewhere & get him a real decent hairstyle! However, even if someone did something with those lank locks I'd still be against FIZzle! 

I wonder who will end up being the FoD. Maxie was hilarious trying to be a buffer between Tracy & Lucy. Also Maxie looked GOOD!

Oh, yeah, I love Lois's accent. Also I too think Rena has toned it down. 

Also I wanted to say that I have no patience with Curtis & whatever their goal was with this story, I figure it is falling short. PLUS, his hands & his mouth work fine & the only thing keeping him from making love to his wife is his brain! 

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
just had a thought
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I dislike it too.  I keep thinking it's because I have strong nostalgia for the old days, but a lot of GH sets look flashy and nice at first and then I start to realize they actually look a bit cheap.  Days looks cheap cheap.  GH seems like they are trying to distract you from the fact they are cheap.  Frank's got to do what he's got to do I suppose.  I don't think I dislike a set more on soaps than Sonny's new/old penthouse though.  I'd rather see the cardboard boxes Days characters live in over that awful decor Sonny is displaying.

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The weird art and the door logistically on the wrong side gets me every time!!  Just say Sonny got a new place and not act like it's the same one we saw for YEARS.  It's the laziness on that for me plus it's super ugly.  Can't Ava help him with some decent art?  Sonny did have an entire apartment made of chrome with a fish print couch above Luke's, but I was hoping he at least figured out interior design a bit in thirty years.

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I can't figure out any element that make's Sonny's house look like the OG one.  Even if we are looking at it at some different angle-nothing is the same.  None of these places even look like sprawling penthouses.  Not like, say, Marlena's penthouse looked.  I really get budget is a thing, but I don't think every house needs to be described as anything other than a house/condo/apartment.  I don't even get the concept that you can have multiple penthouses on the same floor.  I know it's a thing but I thought it meant that one apartment took up the entire top floor.  

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I think they want us to think the color scheme and the bust or whatever are supposed to evoke elements of the original, lol.

Did they really burn Anna's Chandler mansion down? I know her having a house was allegedly one of Finola's contract conditions back in the period where Frank and Ron had everyone living in the damn Metro Court for awhile like GL.

Me too, but weren't Sonny and later Jason's penthouses on the same floor, across the hall? The one Sam and Dante are now in? Did Alexis not live in it back in the day too? Am I imagining this?

Edited by Vee
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Sonny the art collector all of a sudden. Ridiculous.

The shape of the windows? I think that has stayed the sam from Sean/Tiffany through the current version.

And yes, Jason (now Sam and Dante) lived across the hall. Except now Sonny’s door is reoriented in such a way that it doesn’t seem possible.

Does anyone remember when they shrunk down the original set and repainted it, and Mo (jokingly?) complained in an interview about it? Was a fire the story reason, I can’t recall.

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Sonny and Jason lived across the hall from one another and you'd see them walk across the hall to each other a lot, which makes the door situation even more puzzling.  It actually was always curious to me how two penthouses on the same floor in the same building could be laid out so differently.  Before Jason I think Katherine Bell lived there.  I don't think Alexis ever did. I honestly don't remember Alexis's earliest days that well though so I don't know where she lived.  Wyndemere?

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I agree that I didn't like the Qs mansion being redone, but it continues to be the gift that keeps giving. Just when one gets used to it...and the spacious-ness of it...they introduce a new part I feel. Or a new camera angle. 


If anything, aren't we due another outdoor party so we can see the grounds again. I don't feel we have since the Hook storyline started. 

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