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YR Promo: Summer/Kyle/Audra

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I really wasn’t watching (I take numerous and lengthy breaks from watching this show, I’m shocked that I’m even watching consistently now, lol) when the character of Imani was on the canvas but I have read people’s positive reactions to her on this board.

Those flashbacks of Devon and Hilary on yesterday’s episode was a bittersweet reminder of how engaging their chemistry was. Just as I had been reflecting on the fact that Hilary should have really had the story that Sally had, considering how Black women are 3X more likely than white women who have (pre) eclampsia resulting in mortality. All last week, I kept thinking that, if anyone had bothered to do research, they would known the better exit story for Hilary. I guess they also wanted to create story for Lily with the vehicular manslaughter case, I guess…shrugs.

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I was watching when Imani first appeared...it was right before I stopped for a bit...and from SCENE 1 that actress had strong presence and fire in her. And it stood out. And then when she and MM's Amanda got into it...it was something else and Amanda came to light in a way that favored Hilary. You could tell they were going to be great scene partners. But alas JG dropped the ball I heard on the whole Amanda wanted to learn about her parents storyline. And During the time I was not watching they turned Imani into some like a giggly Pollyanna. Now THAT threw me off when I started back viewing. 


So it was great to see she was lusting after Nate. And slowly she not only got her fire back, but started to give 'Vixen' which Y&R was really needing at the time. Even Jill met her and saw something she liked about her...I would have killed to see Jill mentor her. But alas. Ball dropped again.

So much potential. Just smh.

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Wow, that sounds like such a different show than the one on now! 
Ihave come to the conclusion that in recent years, Y&R just doesn’t write vixen well. Hilary was the last genuine multidimensional vixen and that was more down to her ability to work the material, which was just interesting enough to hold our attention. But the unceremonious exits of Juliet Helton and Mia Rosales proves that Y&R just doesn’t seem to know how to make vixens work on the canvas.

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i'm not as big up on Imani as everyone on here is - I thought she was a very basic ABC character played by a very ABC actress. Audra isn't any better or worse to me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

but the Hilary flashback was weird... it made me wonder if they're gonna bring her back from the dead, or something? Like, Tucker has had her away in long-term care facility somewhere and she's gonna wake up from a coma? IDK but it was strange to remind the audience that she existed. I thought it was supposed to be Amanda, tbh. LOL 

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Maybe. From what I understand though, Amanda is no vixen. There could be room, though to reconstruct Amanda to be more Hilary-like, especially considering what Devon did to Amanda during her last stint in Genoa City—that could be a basis for turning her into a vixen-ish character.

With JG at the helm, I don’t think he’s capable of writing the type of imaginative, detailed and elaborately written story required to bring Hilary back without it descending into the type of stereotypical back-from-the-dead storyline that garners so much mockery of soaps in mainstream culture.

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I missed most of the show’s time with Amanda but from what I heard, the character wasn’t befitting of MM’s natural charisma. Even when Hilary was alive I used to want her and Jill to mix things up, after seeing even one seen of their scenes where they are being subtly combative with each other. Could you imagine if tptb would’ve found a way to move Devon and Hilary into that mansion (instead of isolating them in that penthouse) with Jill living there? That would’ve been gold. Add Nina and Chance into the mix.
These days there’s an interesting dynamic going on in the Abbott house with Jack, Ashley, Diane and Tucker mixing it up and I find myself enjoying the messiness of those scenes because at least there are signs of life there. 

I would like to see them find a way to bring Hilary back, preferably a way that doesn’t insult our intelligence. There are ways but I don’t see JG coming up with any.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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Mmmmm....Juliet. Another one with potential.


But yeah...and we never at all got what Imani meant when she first met Amanda and mentioned that people had tried to claim to be part of the family before and how she put a stop to it, hinting at her being a powerful woman. And that was back up when she got that restraining order on Amanda with the quickness. I really wished they had diven into it more. And she wasn't an ABC actress IMHO during that time. Now maybe when she was running around being a Pollyanna lol. And most definitely not when she was being Lady MacBeth to Nate's MacBeth during the takeover that never was. 


I agree. I don't think the writers can write a vixen now either. Just look at Elena. She looked ready for a dark turn and now...BAMF!!!



I agree. I wasn't around for when Mia was around, but from clips she seem like a force, too, and goodness knows Abby needed something to do. 

Mmmmm definitely a waste of her talent. But like I said above, Amanda also showed fire in her first scenes with her mother when she mentioned Hilary and when she met Imani and that fire just leaped out. 

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She definitely had fire in those moments but it was just so rare for us to get that fire out of Amanda.

The dynamic you’re describing now in the Abbott house truly would’ve been great in the Chancellor home with Jill and Hillary. Add in the fact that Jack was one of Hillary’s best friends, so much potential. That’s actually a relationship I truly missed as well when Amanda came on. They tried with making Amanda Phyllis’ best friend, but it wasn’t the same because GT and MM had amazing chemistry as besties that just wasn’t there with Stanford.

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I sooo blame that on the writing. 

I really wish that they had really dug into what Imani meant when she was talking about people coming after the family money before so that was why she was antagonistic to Amanda. And maybe Amanda having to prove that she was who she said she was...and developing that prickly sister relationship between the two. Then maybe have someone try to disprove Amanda was who she said she was...given Amanda DID appear out of the blue. Enough wiggle room to make a good mystery AND develop that whole family better than the story I heard about how it went down...I stopped regularly watching after Imani served the restraining order to Amanda to stay about from their mother.



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