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ARTICLE: Nominations Announced for ‘The 49th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards’


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Michael Fairman did Zoom-style interviews with many of the nominees right after they were announced. I'm going to listen to as many as I can manage & take notes & share that. By their very nature they may not seem like polished copy, instead being more informal, etc. I plan to do a few at a time.

LAURA WRIGHT, up for Best Lead Actress, GH, Carly Corinthos. First off, she was in a moving car while she talked to MF & that was kind of hilarious. They were going to Chelsea Handler. Now to it, she knew when she was taping these scenes that she would put them on as her reels.

A scene where she is experiencing & then expressing about it that coffee is just not the same anymore, that Sonny always made the first coffee of the day & that he made it better than anyone else could or ever did & it wasn't that she couldn't make a good cup of coffee, but it was that it was never AS good & that was somehow emblematic of the loss of Sonny in her life.

The scene where she found out that Nina had known!

A scene she had with Epiphany about losing Jason where she actually made the actress who plays Epiphany cry.

She expressed a lot of gratitude & excitement at going to the Ladies' Dinner, the awards ceremony itself & GO CBS for having it back again live, etc, and of course being honored to be nominated & great feelings about the other nominees. She was effervescent!

Kimberlin Brown, up for Best Supporting Actress, B&B, Sheila. She didn't actually get around to describing the reels she submitted a'tall. She said that the writers continue to amaze her at what they come up with for Sheila. When she gets her scripts & immediately reads into them, she quickly finds that she is surprised by what they've put out. She is HONORED to be nominated with the other people. She's excited with her job as well as being excited about the Daytime Emmys. She loves that this is such a collaborative medium & feels thankful & blessed.

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One person has pointed out to me that all 3 are anger & angry. And, that seemed right to me given what cards life has dealt her! But, I get the point that it would be better to see something else for variety. Same thing is gonna be true for Laura Wright, who wanted to submit a funny scene & tried to sell the idea that acting as mob boss & having a little old lady kidnapped & secreted away had funny parts to it but they told her she was crazy. LOL

JORDI VILLASUSO, up for Best Supporting Actor, Y&R, Rey. Before the announcements Jordi had his last day on the show & Peter Bergman called him, now they had had no scenes together, ever, so this was very special, and he wanted to say farewell & he also made a point to tell Jordi that he'd seen his reel & that it was very good. This excited him. 20 yrs ago he had his first nomination & 19 yrs ago he had won for his role on GL. He was aware that the nominations were going to be announced but he didn't tell his wife & he didn't do anything to watch. I think he was nervous. So, he got a call from someone & that was how he found out. Very excited.

It sounded like all his scenes related to the triangle between him & Sharon & Adam, Mark's character.

First he brought her flowers & confronted her.

Then, with Raelynn at the hospital.

Last, when he unleashed all of the anger he had been sitting on.

KELLY THIEBAUD, up for Best Supporting Actress, GH, Britt. She submitted:

The break-up scene with Jason.
Britt tells Carly that Jason died.
When she & Jason were on the run & he told her he was going to take her to Sonny's island.
And, one scene about finding out that she had the gene marker for Huntington's Disease.
Now that's too many scenes so two of those have to be merged into one.

She was in a real good mood & reflecting on the 11 yrs since she's been acting & being nominated at this point & being so happy about it.

JOHN McCOOK, up for Best Actor, B&B, Eric Forrester. All of his reels were with Thorsten & he feels that B&B gives them such good father/son  stuff. He explained that most of his story had been from the problem that he could not fulfill his wife sexually & his making the terrible decision to let her go outside the marriage to have her needs met. He talked about a primary motivation for Eric is not to be left alone in that house. And, everyone has left him. Stephanie left. Felicia left. others left & there he was alone in that house & feeling bad about everything.

He also talked about Brad approaching him about the storyline & that they would not do it if he felt the least bit squirrelly about it. (I think that was the word he used.) But he said they should go ahead with it, just the only thing he didn't want to leave it that Eric was pitiful. He wanted to get somewhere with it.

Oops! I thought I was done with John McCook & sat down to begin with someone new & they were still on & talking. More JOHN McCOOK. The last time they were together afterward they went to this big party & he was with Peter Bergman & there's this picture of them, loosened tuxes, kicking back, relaxing, etc. It sounds appealing. MF congratulates him on his reel & says that it was so good & that it broke his heart. To which McCook kinda thundered, "Good! Good!" MF said he could give some of those kudos to Thorsten if he just has to. McCook always seems to be so composed, so ebullient & to be speaking in MidWest Broadcast voice all the time.

Edited by Tonksadora
Typo; The rest of the story.
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She's driving me crazy. I honestly thought at first that she was gonna pull it off but she is no way a Kristen & also no way a Susan Banks but she is marginally better at Susan. That said, if ED doesn't want to do the part, even short range, then, they should not do the story, not her part anyway.

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NICHOLAS CHAVEZ, up for Best Younger Performer, GH, Spencer Cassadine. They tell them it's a 15 minute reel & when Nicholas timed what he had put together he had over 15 minutes, so he trimmed, re-edited, and got it down to 10+ min. Like most people he got help from Producers & Actors, etc.

Nicholas had a scene the night of the party at Wyndemere when his father Nikolas was in a black robe & scary mask & pretended to stab Spencer to teach him a lesson because he had been Ava's stalker. Spencer was nothing but angry & he retorted, "Don't call me your son."

Adding: NICHOLAS CHAVEZ when he first timed out his real it was over 15 min. (The goal is 3 scenes, not over 15 min.) So he re-cut & re-edited & came up with just over 10 min. & was pleased to leave it there. Like everyone he had lots of help with his reel, from producers & from other actors. His new movie came up & its out now, streaming, CRUSHED & he plays a guy he says is gross, slimy & dirty.


Nicholas had many scenes to choose from with himself & with his father and also with himself & his stepmother, Ava.

He chose a scene on the pier, at the docks, where he confronted his father with his killing of Hayden & of his disappearance by faking his own death.

He chose a confrontation between him & his stepmother Ava.

He's very excited & said he had never been to a Prom so has never worn a tuxdeo. He is looking forward to the whole experience. When he is tempted to feel sorry for himself because he has so much dialog to learn, he thinks of his compadres, the other Young Adults at GH, some of whom are going to college and appearing on GH full-time!

Edited by Tonksadora
Add in part of his chat that ended up in Wm Lipton's as they shared a Zoom session.
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AARON D. SPEARS, up for Supporting Actor, B&B, Justin Barber. Submitted: Well, he decided to tell a story with the scenes he used, so:
Knocking Thomas out.
Why he did what he did.
How Bill makes him feel at work.
Went into the office with everyone there.
Confronts it & admits what he has done.
    He cried. Bill cried.
    How he found out. He had forgotten that they were being announced that day & his mother called him & she was all breathless & excited & it alarmed him, till she finally got the words out, etc. Told his wife who called the kids. Called 2 mgrs & an agent! Brad called him from a tropical island. Don Diamont called him, so excited. He said I told you to "Bring It" If you would just "Bring It" for this scene that we would nail it. Been at this for 11 yrs & getting the nomination is great vindication.

These interviews with Michael Fairman are over now. I still have to type up 2 nominees - Marci Miller & Eric Martsoff. Everybody be on the look out for any place else that is breaking down these, 2022 Daytime Emmy Nominations!

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WILLIAM LIPTON, up for Best Young Performer, Cameron, GH.
A scene about him losing Franco & that would be grief & anger.
Talking with someone at the grave of his biological father.
He & Nicholas Chavez were zooming with Michael Fairman at the same time, so 3 windows on screen. He & Wm. talked about their scenes together not because they were reels. The big night of Spencer's not approved party at Wyndmere Spencer & Cameron had good confrontation scenes. Being in jail in cells right across from each other was good. The best was when Cam accused him of being Ava's stalker.
He's glad people like his scenes with Liz because he has a lot of them. Likes playing with Liz. One of his scenes on his reel was a convo between him & Liz, so son & mother where he has to tell her about the sex tape that someone secretly made of him & Joss on their first time. There's going to be trouble. Marcus got in touch with him & congratulated him. Good friend.
NICHOLAS CHAVEZ didn't get to go to his prom, so this, the Emmy Awards, will be his first time to wear a tux & he is excited. WILLIAM LIPTON didn't get to go to his prom either & he has worn a tux once before at a previous Emmy awards. He made a mistake & bought a tux & he'd outgrown it in no time flat! Wm. is working full-time on GH while taking exams,
What about working with Avery? Avery is so great & nothing like Esme.


Edited by Tonksadora
Esme not
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CYNTHIA WATROS, up for Best Actress, GH, Nina Reeves. She was walking her dog when Frank called. She, like so many others, had forgotten Nominations were being announced so this data reached her brain like this, OH NO my boss is calling me. What's wrong? Naturally, she was quite pleased that the call was nothing about any trouble. But, she was surprised. She submitted:

The first time Nina & Sonny said "I love you." to each other.

Jax & Nina when Jax had just learned that Sonny was alive & in Nixon Falls thinking he was this guy named Mike & Nina was acting like he was just Mike & she & Jax had this confrontational convo & she tried to explain what in the heck it was that she thought she was doing.

A confrontation with Carly when Nina has learned that Nell was her daughter already & then she learns (somehow) that Carly knew about this stuff & did not tell her. Carly's connection to Nell's death, if so. Etc.

Included was one tidbit she just thought of & she dropped a line on Jax & just walked away from him, shutting him down.

She's thinking that she wants to wear her Annie/Emmy winning dress! But, she doesn't know whether this body will fit into that dress. She's delighted to  be nominated with LW & AZ & others, all Great Ladies. The thing about the Awards night is you can go & have a great time & see people & just have fun as long as you're not worried about whether you're going to win, so that is the way to go, not even thinking about winning. So great to be around everyone from daytime with no egos, whatever is best for the show, etc. However, if she does win, she knows she will cry. She is just a crier. She hopes it won't be bad. Oh, yeah, she's especially glad to be having this in person event since it's been so long because of the pandemic!

She is bad at picking reels & gets all the help she can from people who offer or who she asks. When she did the actual scenes, one with Carly & one with Jax, she just knew they would be reel-worthy. She just wishes she had something funny.

He asked her where her Annie Emmy is & it turns out it has a broken wing & it's at her mother's house.

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I hope I haven't posted this already.

NANCY LEE GRAHN, up for Best Actress, Alexis Davis, GH.

NLG sent a tweet that makes it sound like her entire reel is Alexis/Kevin therapy scenes from her 25th anniversary episode. She joked that that’s all she had.

Now, my own thoughts. I think Ari will probably have submitted the crisis, confrontation & break up with Eric, and then one or more scenes where her life was literally falling apart after the break-up. I have no knowledge & no clue about the woman from Y&R except that it was conflict & confrontation betw her & Adam & Rey. I say this to point out that people have fantastic reels! Marci & LW & CW all have great confrontational stuff. MM & LW may suffer because of no variety & they all wish they had something comedic. Show writers should think about the need for some comedy when they're trying to write for Emmy reel. At least CW has the one different tone scene of "I love yous". And, now I have left NLG off! I have no clue what is on her reel. What she tweeted was that it was all therapy sessions with Kevin & my mind is a blank. I think that Ari & Marci & LW may cancel each other out, which probably will leave Cynthia with her second take home. I hate to make predictions.

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ERIC MARTSOFF, up for Best Actor, Brady Black, DOOL. Brady has to wear glasses now & he had them on & it is of course a very different look for him. He kidded around about getting old & not being able to see & if you could stand not being able to see well & just not wear the darn things. What he submitted was scenes from the breakup of Kristen & Brady. He loved her. She loves him. Yet they can't get it to work. He doesn't want to be loved in the way that she loves him. She is all about crazy things, revenge, big acts, with no regard to their legality, etc. Just no thought for consequences. And, he has a daughter now to think about & wanting to live so that he can be an example to her. Stacy Haiduk plays Kristen now & she is up for Best Actress and they talked and no surprise here, they each submitted the same scenes the other one was. Eric says it tells the story of their relationship end & he's come to think less is more & he kept that in mind while he picked scenes & saw to editing, etc.

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