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Dead in Her Tracks | General Hospital promo (week of November 1, 2021)

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Nikolas/Spencer's relationship has really deteriorated and I mainly blame that on Nikolas. Now the animosity between them has gotten physical. I believe that Nikolas tries to explain himself/reaches out to try and touch Spencer after Spencer confronts him about Hayden's shooting/realizes his role in it.  But Spencer will want nothing to do with him and will shove him away. I think he might end up possibly disowning Nikolas/cutting ties with him for a bit.

I think that keeping some distance from his father may be best for Spencer right now Nikolas really is acting terribly. I think that Spencer could be headed towards getting his life in order with him having a new job and growing close to Trina again. He seems to be acting a bit better since he's been a bit more independent. 

Edited by xtr
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It's unfortunate that things have gotten physical between them, but at the same time I mainly lay the blame at Nikolas's feet. Nikolas has brought this upon himself. With his terrible behavior in general and neglect/mistreatment of his son. And now his treatment of Alexis who has constantly supported him through thick and thin. It's time for some comeuppance for Nikolas.

Spencer for whatever his faults has loved his father and wanted to protect him. Even as late as Friday's episode he wanted to protect Nikolas and expressed he didn't want to see him go to prison. Even when Nikolas didn't really have a problem with Spencer getting arrested for lesser stuff and let him sit in a jail cell without even visiting him. And would have let him sit there, until his trial began had Laura/Kevin not bailed him out. And kept right on living his life. Nikolas has kept trying to claim having the higher moral ground with Spencer, even knowing he and Ava have both done stuff that is way worse than anything Spencer has done. And now the chickens are coming home to roost for him, lol.

I do think that Spencer may disown him or at least cut ties with him a bit. I am in favor of him doing along those lines. Spencer has actually been faring better as a person since he started working, he's showing some growth. (Though I still would like him to keep an edge as well). He has people like Laura and Sonny that actually care about him. And I liked his interaction with Shawn as well, maybe they can develop a friendship/bond. He can survive with some distance between himself and Nikolas right now. 

Edited by xtr
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Just because it looks like Nikolas hired Hayden's shooter ( I wouldnt be shocked if that gets changed), lets not minimize what Spencer has done to Ava. And he is also partly responsible for what Esme did to Ava as well. He didnt reel it back in, he kept doing more. Just because Nikolas did bad things doesnt mean Spencer shouldnt be held accountable for his actions. 

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Spencer is being held accountable for his actions, more so than Nikolas has been.   He's awaiting trial and has gotten the ire of several people in town including Sonny. (Though Sonny still cares for him).(And nothing he's done is worse than Nikolas having a woman shot or any of the countless crimes Ava has committed that have resulted/contributed to the death of multiple people. I think it's very hypocritical for them to be so adamant about him having consequences considering all they've done especially Ava.) I also think that if Nik/Ava were that serious about people being held accountable they would have filed charges against Esme who did worse than Spencer by setting Ava's car on fire. Esme is a danger but they are letting that slide and I believe that could also come back to bite them especially Ava.

It's time for Nikolas to be held accountable and I believe that is what is going to happen. I think that Nik is due for a fall, maybe it will start today after Spencer pushes him. I believe even if Spencer hadn't gotten involved, Shawn/Alexis would have found a way to try and take him down. Especially after the way he behaved towards Alexis in the prison.

Edited by xtr
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This promo actually looks pretty good (not so much the Sonny/Carly stuff). I agree that Nikolas having done something awful doesn’t negate what Spencer did, but I can also understand why Spencer feels his dad is being a hypocrite. The truth is, Nikolas isn’t acting like he’s upset Spencer did something wrong…he’s acting like he only cares because of Ava. And his method of dealing with it so far has been very bad. I really do hope we get more Trina and Spencer together…he is at his most vulnerable and decent around her. 

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Spencer is a moron and Nicolas needs to disown him, at this point. If he had been doing to anyone else what he did to Ava the fanbase/viewers wouldn't stand for it, but because people believe Ava "deserves" whatever comes to her, they just brush it off. And people don't care about Spencer terrorizing Trina as collateral damage to his ultimate goal, because she's black - let's be honest. 

Spencer has been a disaster ever since this recast. 

Edited by dio
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