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Y&R february sweeps

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Y&R lacks the patience or forethought to tell a story well, with all the details and beats, and rushes to unearned destinations. Other “stories,” like the Adam stuff, stay in holding patterns, yet we understand Adam no better than we did a year ago. Or ten years ago. It’s just a totally dissatisfying viewing experience.

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I saw on Twitter a post that said in the latest SOD Recaps section that Devon will offer to be the sperm donor for Abby. One of the reporters from TV source also states they've known about this storyline for two weeks. I definitely don't like that.  I don't want him involved in that storyline like that. I also don't like Mariah being used as a surrogate for Abby. It's even worse that Chance isn't on screen when Abby is going forward with this. 


Devon already has enough going on with being torn between Amanda/Elena. And it sounds like Moses may pop up soon. He doesn't need to be offering up his sperm to Abby/Mariah to create a baby for them. And this doesn't even make sense. Plus how will Amanda/Elena feel about him doing this, Amanda who had reservations about getting in a relationship with him and Elena who still has feelings for him. He has enough drama with those two, that he doesn't need to be involved with this Abby/Mariah storyline outside of being a friend they can confide in from time to time in this story.


Ash Dionne ❄ on Twitter: "Oh good, its out. I can rant now too lol" / Twitter



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 lol, Darn. It really is awful. And doesn't make a lick of sense. Devon doesn't have any business offering to father a baby with Abby/Mariah, especially given he lost a child and the pain that caused him that he has romantic feelings for two women that aren't either Abby or Mariah. And he's starting a new relationship with one of them (Amanda). It doesn't make sense given all he's been through/going through that he would choose to donate sperm to a child he wouldn't raise. And I don't see how Amanda/Elena would be cool with what he's doing. I think that Amanda in particular would be really uncomfortable with it.


This would be less strange if Devon was single and neither Elena or Amanda were around. Though, I still wouldn't like it or think it makes a bunch of sense. Or even if neither Elena/Amanda were around and Devon/Abby had gotten closer after Chance disappeared. Like say Abby was led to believe he had died, and she ended up sleeping with Devon. And then Abby discovered she really could get pregnant. Granted people still wouldn't like that either, but that would make more sense than this storyline


I also don't like Mariah being the surrogate for Abby. It's not realistic. IRL Mariah would not be a good surrogate due to her never having giving birth before.  I dislike surrogacy storylines on the soaps (and in general) and this one big reason why. They often have a young woman who's never given birth before volunteering to be one for a woman she's normally not that close to and maybe has even despised in the past. It is just not realistic.

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Thanks soapfan770.  It's nice to see you too.  I've been working a lot and haven't been around as much due to that. I am doing some catching up after falling behind on episodes and all of these latest developments seem rough, lol. Poor Devon. He shouldn't be used like this and neither should Mariah.


I do wonder where the show will end up going with this storyline. I wonder if this is all about giving Abby a child or is this some way to actually give Mariah a child and have it be fathered by a man she respects/trusts in Devon. I don't know, but I don't like to see Devon used like this. Or though I'm not a big fan of her, Mariah used like this either. Some people think this is foreshadowing that Devon will have a baby with Elena or Amanda and will rescind his offer to father Abby's baby. I hope he does rescind the offer.

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This show is so weird. They realize that both Bryton and Camryn are popular and well-liked so they keep them employed yet they don't value either at all. Every story they get feels very begrudgingly executed, "Well I guess we have to write for fcuking Devon today.".

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