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Look into the past - 1975

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Thanks so much @FrenchFan!

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Katherine is really twisted in these summaries…it does kind of make me mad that even when Jill’s vixen and bitchy qualities really start to come out, she’s always painted the villain over Katherine…though I guess if you weren’t around in the 70s you were made to believe that Katherine was always the “victim” to the “evil” Jill. 

I can’t picture Leslie in jeans…

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MAY 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Dr. David Thornton slipped a fatal dose of Digitoxin into his wife Edna's drink after insisting that they have an early dinner before Edna reported to work that evening. His small daughter, Dottie, had been put to bed early but sneaked out to sample the wine. Edna was ill in the bathroom as the phone rang and as David went to get her, Dottie scooted back to her room without an opportunity to taste the drink, hurriedly putting Edna’s glass back at David’s place setting. After Edna left, David doubled over in pain but managed to call Christina Karras. When Chris arrived, David told her that the ambulance she had called would be too late, as he knew how strong the dosage was. He confessed to Chris, saying he was getting what he deserved for trying to play God. Chris was distraught when a homicide detective questioned her, insisting that the poisoning was not a suicide attempt, but an accident. When Edna arrived home she accused Chris of killing David because she couldn’t have him.

When the facts of Chris’ former relationship with David emerged, and some of the background of her past episodes of somnambulism were brought out, she was arrested for murder. Jeff returned to town and hearing that the theft of Digitalis from the hospital drug supplies went back over a month, he reasoned that David had been administering it to Edna, accounting for the episodes of arythmic heartbeats she had been experiencing, which he pretended were due to a chronic but not serious dysfunction. On the day of David’s funeral services Jeff obtained a portable EGK machine and convinced Edna to submit to a test as a precaution as she was facing the strain of the day. Back at the hospital he showed Dr. Frank Grant the normal pattern in contrast to the one he had administered to Edna when she came to him during the period when she was having attacks. He phoned a Dr. Russell at San Francisco General after learning from Edna that she had a series of checkups with him when she and David were living there.

Kelly Cole walked out on her manager/ lover and flew to Pine Valley with the airline ticket Myrtle Fargate had given her. Linc was floored by the resemblance to his dead wife, Kitty, but when Kelly learned that Myrtle was not her mother and had no idea of the whereabouts of her natural father, she reacted bitterly saying that she had been conned again and prepared to walk out. Linc stopped her by showing her a picture of Kitty. After prevailing upon Kelly to stay a few more days in Pine Valley, they learned Kelly was told she had been born there and her birthdate was the same as Kitty’s. Myrtle and Kitty visited Kate Martin and learned that Kate once heard from Kitty’s grandmother, who raised her, that Lucy Carpenter had given birth to twins. While waiting tor access to the town birth records, Kelly, Myrtle, and Linc dined at the Château and Claudette Montgomery reluctantly and half-heartedly asked Kelly to perform. After noting Kelly’s reception by the patrons of the Chateau, Claudette offered Kelly an engagement which she quickly accepted. On the afternoon of the day when Linc and Kelly found proof of Kelly's identity, a birth certificate showing that she was Constance Carpenter, born four minutes after Kitty; Myrtle answered the door to find Eddie Dorrance, Kelly’s manager, on her doorstep.

Brooke English’s plan to tell Devon Sheppard about Brooke and Dan’s relationship misfired as Devon was rushed to the train for an out-of-town stay by her mother. By the time Devon returned, Phoebe Tyler had surprised Brooke and Dan in bed in the poolhouse at the Tyler estate. Phoebe’s outraged report to Kate Martin of the episode and Dan’s letter from the dean of the School ot Architecture, warning that Dan was about to flunk out, prompted him to call off, once and for all, his affair with Brooke. Brooke managed to keep from being sent home at the minute when she saw Phoebe out of her wheelchair, getting herself a drink, as Benny was loading up Brooke’s suitcases. Phoebe submitted but when Brooke told Dan that she would not be sent away, he insisted that nothing was changed; that he had a responsibility to his career and himself first.

Erica Kane consented to a weekend trip with Tom Cudahy at a country inn, but insisted on separate rooms. However she called the Inn later to change the reservations to a single room with a double bed so that she could appear to be overwhelmed by the circumstances and her attraction to him, against her better judgment.

Eddie Dorrance took over Kelly’s life by insisting to Claudette that Kelly would not go on, in spite of advance publicity, if she didn’t get an additional $150 for the week, and talking Kelly into cancelling a dinner with Myrtle and Linc. He moved her things out of Linc’s place. Eventually Dorrance learned from Claudette that Linc made up the difference himself but he did not tell Kelly. Linc convinced Myrtle that it would be a mistake to attend Kelly's opening as she seemed to be making if clear that her choice was Dorrance.

While visiting with Christina at the jail, Nancy Grant Blair experienced sharp pains and went immediately to Pine Valley Hospitai. As Dr. Clader was not available it was Frank Grant who admitted her. Nancy had a partially ruptured membrane and was threatened with a miscarriage or a premature birth. Caroline Grant was upset when she heard that Frank’s attention was once again taken up with Nancy, particularly since her own efforts to get pregnant had not so far been successful. She remarked that Nancy wouldn't be the only woman who had lost a baby and she might be a lot better off if she did. Frank told Caroline that remark was the most heartless thing he had ever heard, and when Caroline protested that she was just being realistic, he countered that her attitude was not even human for someone who called herself a nurse. Frank walked out leaving Caroline to speculate that if the baby died, she – Caroline - would be the only one to bear Frank’s child. Nancy eventually learned that the rupture was small and would cure itself and she had a good chance of going to term, with a lot of bed rest.

Brooke English learned from Phoebe that Nick dumped Erica and threatened to tell Tom Cudahy he was being manipulated, forcing Erica to tell Tom herself to defuse the situation. Erica also told Tom, in a maidenly “confession,” that she set up the change of reservations, saying that she had come to trust Tom's feelings for her and wanted no deception between them. Tom received Brooke’s news when she gave it as a jealous personal attack on Erica but dressed Erica down for withholding the fact that Brooke had called a number of times to speak to him.

Phil and Tara just made up another quarrel after Phil adamantly refused to consider a dinner invitation from Donna when he learned that Tara had called Chuck to accept without consulting him. Little Philip – Charlie – spent the evening at the Tyler apartment where Donna overheared his wish that he, Tara and Chuck could be together as a family. Chuck admonished Donna not to take the wishful thinking of a little boy to heart, concealing his own fantasies of reuniting with Tara. As Phil and Sgt. Jacoby came into the Brent home lugging an antique barber pole from Nick’s office as a gift for the boy’s room, Chuck was there. Tara explained that little Philip was running a fever and she couldn't call Dr. Karras. The boy had a slight case of tonsilitis and was not cheered much by the present until Mel Jacoby mentioned it was a symbol of barber-surgeons of bygone days and “Charlie” took pride in the connection with Chuck’s profession.

Brooke, stymied in her pursuit of Tom Cudahy for a time, turned back to Dan Kennicott, following him to the library where he was studying. Devon had just finished a sweater she made as a gift for Dan and looked for him among the bookstacks, stopping short as she saw Dan and Brooke in a passionate embrace.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Alice Frame Gordon had been bitter since Willis Frame told her he couldn't marry her because he still loved Angie Perrini. Alice tried to explain to adoptive daughter Sally about her breakup with Willis. She told Sally she married Ray Gordon without really being over Steven, and that was the reason for the collapse of that marriage. Alice continued that the situation with Willis was summed up in that sometimes things just didn’t work out. Liz Matthews dropoed by to ask Alice, Susan Shearer - Liz's daughter -, and Sally to dinner. Liz wanted to push Alice out socially, preferably with Dr. Cal Zimmerman. Alice firmly told Liz she would do as she pleased with her life and that all she needed or wanted was Sally and her job. Liz confided that loneliness had a way, as days became weeks and months and years, of making someone into someone he didn’t want to be. Alice realized Liz was talking about herself and looked thoughtful. Sally arranged to meet Willis in his office. She wanted to continue seeing him. Willis would like that, too, but felt Alice wouldn’t agree. He went to see Alice, who didn’t want to keep them apart, but couldn’t stand even talking to Willis. Susan offered to be intermediary. Alice agreed. Susan and Alice decided to have a barbecue. Susan suggested they have people over, saying she'd like to invite Cal. Alice agreed, provided everyone understood Cal was Susan's guest. She was very cool towards Cal, which Sally noticed. Sally liked him and Susan and told Alice she hoped Alice wouldn’t drive them away, as she had done Ray and Willis. Alice tried to explain again, but Sally was too contused to listen.

Greg Barnard, John Randolph's law partner, was in love with Pat Randolph. Pat, however, had made it clear she had no interest in Greg. Thus, Greg began to date Pat's daughter Marianne secretly. Marianne was in love with Greg. They arranged for a friend of Marianne’s on campus to provide alibis for their evenings and nights together. Greg and Marianne often met at the campus coffee shop, thinking nobody would know Greg there, but they were seen by Eileen Simpson, a girl Marianne got a job in John’s office. Eileen had been dating Marianne’s brother Mike. Unaware Marianne and Greg’s affair was a secret, Eileen told Mike, who confronted Marianne. She told Mike that if he told anyone about them, she would leave home and drop all family contact. Mike agreed to keep quiet. Meanwhile, John and Pat had been seeing each other socially. The night John received word from Brian Bancroft that his estranged wife Olive would give up her demands for a huge  financial settlement, John went to see Pat. He joyously announced that they could then make plans to remarry. Pat refused, crushing John. Liz's imminent arrival forestalled Pat’s running after John to continue the discussion. When the family learned of Pat’s decision, Marianne, at Greg’s urging, suggested John take a vacation. Mike supported her, as John never took any time off after the murder charges were dropped. He also needed time to completely get over the nervous breakdown he suffered at that time, as Susan added. John decided to take a trip to the Rockies. Marianne was delighted as she could spend more time with Greg without interference.

Dennis Carrington had been despondent since learning that Eileen and Mike had been dating, feeling Mike was too much competition. He saw them together at a party Alice gave for Sally. Dennis left immediately. Nobody seemed able to pull Dennis out of the dumps. Finally, Dennis heard from his mother, Iris Carrington Bancroft. She wrote a letter from St. Tropez, inviting him to join her for the summer at Millicent Marberry’s villa. Dennis was tempted to leave immediately, but Elena de Poulignac needed  him at the Gallery until school was out, because she had to go to New York to meet with artists and dealers. Dennis, however, was the only person who had heard directly from Iris. She was upsetting Millicent, whose live-in lover, Georgio, was attracted to Iris. Millicent urged Iris to contact friends and family in Bay City.

After learning Iris’ whereabouts when Mac Cory and Brian discussed it, Liz called Iris, saying she was needed at home. Slightly reassured about their feelings for her, Iris called her father, Mac, but was dissatisfied when he wouldn't say what she thought he should — that he loved her and wanted her home. Dennis called her to discuss his visit, but Iris put him off by immediately bringing up Eileen in a disparaging way. He hung up. Millicent suggested Iris call Elena to find out what was going on. Iris was upset that Brian sold her house to Elena so quickly, even though she left such orders. Elena tried to reassure her, but suggested Iris talk with Brian, who was there having a bon voyage drink. Iris hung up when she heard Brian’s voice. Millicent was exasperated.

Brian had been seen in the company of Olive Randolph, John’s estranged wife. Dennis, Liz, Louise, and others expressed their concern to Mac. Mac passed along the concern. Brian assured Mac he was only seeing Olive to gain her confidence so that she would give up her demands for a large divorce settlement from John. Brian was successful, playing on Olive’s need to be with rich, important people. He suggested that her apparent money-grubbing would be considered declasse by those in his set. Thus, Olive capitulated. Brian, however, was treading on dangerous ground. Olive had given up seeing Cal Zimmerman, her psychiatrist, reassured by Brian’s interest and money that she would be all right. Olive had a history of using men to get money. However, when she accidentally shut herself in a closet, she panicked, recalling childhood horrors, proof she was still in need of help.

Willis had proposed to Angie. After several days, Angie turned him down. She had discovered she didn’t love him anymore. Willis was crushed. When Willis’ brother Vince learnd the news, he proposed to Angie. She accepted. Vince tried to find Willis to tell him before anyone else can, but found Willis was in California on vacation. Vince urged Angie to marry him immediately so they could start on their new life together. They eloped to Ogden. They were married by a justice of the peace with Charlie and Clarice as witnesses. Angie hadn’t told Rose yet.

Clarice McGowen was reluctant to join husband Burt in Detroit until her father was settled down with someone - Ada McGowen -. Rachel Cory, Ada’s daughter, liked Charlie and Ada together, but realized it was too soon after Gil McGowen’s death for Ada to get interested in Charlie. However, Ada was mending Charlie’s sweaters and fixing him treats, so Rachel was hopeful. Clarice was persuaded to leave when Ada and Charlie confronted her together. They told her they could become interested in each other, but her insistent presence was a hindrance, rather than a help. Clarice joined Burt.

Russ Matthews’ engagement to Gwen Parrish had been endangered by the arrival of Gwen’s mother Leueen, who suggested Russ‘ past track record in marriages hadn't been too great. Gwen was basically insecure anyway, and when Russ refused to discuss his marriage to Sharlene or to terminate his friendship with Elena completely, Gwen began overreacting to everything. Gwen turned more and more often to Willis to sound things out, a situation Leueen found delightful, as she had chosen Willis to be Gwen's husband. However, the strain in Gwen’s relationship with Russ was having deleterious effects on Gwen’s health and work. With Russ’ help, Leueen got Gwen to accept psychiatric help from Cal.

Dan Shearer arrived in Bay City. He told Liz that it was his idea that he and Susan separated. He then wanted to talk with Susan, who avoided him. Dan moved in with Russ.

Rose was furious when she learned of Angie’s marriage to Vince because they weren't married in the Church. - Angie wanted to avoid a big Church wedding because that was what she had planned with Willis. – Angie suggested that she felt Vince would go along with a second ceremony. Vince agreed with alacrity, which bothered Angie, because Vince discussed it openly with Rose before they had a chance to discuss it privately. - The newlyweds were living at the Perrini house. -

Gwen kept her next appointment with Cal, reporting sudden, puzzling paralysis of her hands and brief fainting spells.

Iris called Louise to check whether Brian was seeing Elena. Brooks forbade Louise to discuss Brian, but Louise has inadvertently fed Iris’ fantasy by not telling her the truth. Brian was vulnerable, and feeling he had lost Iris, found Olive an enticing substitute. Iris accepted Georgio’s attentions, which infuriated Millicent, who threw her out.

Greg again pleaded his case with Pat, who told him plainly that she was notinterested and also found something untrustworthy about him. When Mike learned that Greg subtly threatened Eileen with the loss of her job if she didn’t keep her mouth shut about Marianne and hirn, he confronted Greg. Greg handled the situation. He then found Mike's final divorce papers had arrived, but didn’t process them, keeping them as a weapon against Mike.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Sandy Thompson had consented to let her husband visit her at the hospital, but she would not let him or anyone else discuss her relationship with Kevin. She needed another operation on her ankle, but would not consent. Without it she would  never walk, and even with it, there is was possibility that she couldn’t. John Dixon, who had ankle surgery himself, was the one who talked her into it. No one was able to convince Sandy that Kevin did love her. _ When the accident occurred, they were arguing about Kevin's feelings for Susan Stewart and in the heat of the argument they agreed on a divorce. –

Jay Stallings was still trying to get Carol back, but only alienated her more by his actions. The only person who still believed in him was Dee Stewart, but even she was shocked when he became intoxicated at dinner and insisted on seeing Carol. Kevin rushed across the hall when he heard the commotion and rescued them. Jay warned both Carol and Kevin that he thought there was something between them and he wouldn't stop until he had won Carol back.

Ellen Stewart argued with Dee about Jay and wanted David to reason with Dee. He said the only thing he knew personally about Jay was that he saved Annie's life not long ago. Everything else had been hearsay.

Jane Spencer was unreasonable the day she heard from her estranged husband, asking her to push ahead for the divorce because Michelle was expecting his child in October and he would like to be married by then. Jane visited her lawyer, asking to postpone her divorce until after the first of the year, because her accountant said it would be to her advantage to file a joint tax return. Ron called Beau, entreating him to speak to his mother. Jane said Ron owed her this much after all the money she had given him over the years.

Even though Beau’s first love was the law, he was trying very hard to make a career in the family hotel business for Annie's sake. Jane was trying to hold on to Beau, and Annie was making it easier with all the time her schooling was taking up. Melinda Grey was doing her best to become the other woman in Beau's life.

No one had heard from Karen Peters since she disappeared from the Spencer Hotel. Bob Hughes told Walter Vested, the D.A. for Winterbrook and Karen's fiance, that he felt Karen mentioned something to him that he should have remembered. Walter chastized "Eric" for frightening Karen after Bob left for Boston. Bob would have told her to turn over the file her father had on some criminal activities in Winterbrook, but then they had no idea where she had gone. When Bob remembered that Karen mentioned visiting Moose Lake with her parents, he has his mother call Walter. Vested arrives first and learns that Karen has always had the papers with her, but still refuses to give them up after protecting them for all this time. Karen realized that she never really loved Walter, but only thought she needed him. Vested and Eric decided that the only way to get the papers was for something to happen to Dr. Bob Hughes.

When Bob left the hospital to meet Karen, his car would not start. A van came out of the darkness, trying to run Bob down. Making sure that Bob was not injured, Karen called Walter, promising to turn over the papers.

Nancy Hughes told her husband that she thought something was going on between their daughter-in-law, Joyce, and Ralph Mitchell. Chris went to Switzerland to see if his grandson Tom could handle the case there alone so that Don could return to Oakdale to save his marriage.

Joyce did not get the response she hoped for when she told Ralph she was pregnant. He had no intention of marrying her and demanded that she see a doctor to confirm it. She told him it was a false alarm.

Thinking Ralph’s reluctance might be due to his affection for Mary Ellison, Joyce confided to Mary that she might be pregnant and wanted Mary to make an out of town doctor's appointment for her. She told Mary that she was pregnant. Ralph said he couldn't go away for the weekend because he had a real estate deal coming up, and Joyce accused Mary of taking Ralph's attentions from her. Joyce was frantic when she learned Don was returning home.

John Dixon again proposed to Mary, telling her to think it over. Laurie intervened, hoping to stop Mary. Ralph admitted that he turned to Joyce out of jealousy when John intimated that he and Mary were living together. Mary confronted John and told him to stay out of her life. John said she would be sorry, because he would be on top again. - John had been trying to recruit people favorable to his rejoining the staff at Memorial. He felt the publication of his book on cardiac surgery would help win them over. –

The world seemed to be coming down around Dr. Dan Stewart. He blamed himself for losing a patient while assisting Dr. Forest, who suffered a heart attack during the operation. Dr. Alex Keith was considerate, at first, when Dan refused to perform any surgery, but when weeks passed, he scheduled Dan for an operation with himself as first assistant, saying that if Dan didn't operate, he was useless to his service.

Betsy Stewart, suffering from hysterical deafness, would only trust her stepmother, Kim, and Dr. Keith. It was with Alex's help that Dr. Devan was able to put Betsy under hypnosis. After several sessions, Betsy was able to hear under hypnosis. When told, she had a hard time accepting this fact.

Thinking she was helping, Susan told Dan of Alex's attraction for Kim. This preyed on Dan's mind, and he looked for reasons to say Kim was keeping things from him.

Nick Conway, Valerie’s ex-husband, had come to Oakdale to fight for two hundred acres of the farm he claimed his grandparents' will stipulated he was not entitled to give her in the property settlement. Lisa Colman saw Nick as the perfect opportunity to keep Valerie and Grant from one another. She lunched with Nick and hinted that he could have the farm and Valerie, too. Grant Colman, Valerie's lawyer, was surprised when Nick said he was not going to pursue his law suit. Grant was not satisfied and, in checking, learned that his lawyer knew nothing about Nick's dropping the suit. He drew up an agreement for Nick to sign, and Nick agreed because he did not have the money to fight it out in court. If he could win Valerie back, he would have the whole farm.

Once this was settled, Grant told Valerie that he had no excuse for seeing her. Nick told Lisa that he was sharp and was sure that she didn't want him to see that Grant was the other person in Valerie's life. Nick stuck around town, saying that if he could find a suitable piece of property, he would like to stay right here. Lisa told her mother that she was not sure she wanted Grant back, but she did want them to suffer.

Ellen Stewart begged Jay to remember their friendship of the past and to do her a favor by breaking off with Dee. But when jay called to cancel their date, Dee saw through his excuses. She went to his motel room to inform him that she would stop seeing him when he no longer wanted to see her and not before.

Jane Spencer was put out when Annie said she had an exam and didn't have time to chat. She implied that Beau was upset over the time Annie spent with her books. Beau and Annie had their first major argument. They both were so miserable that it was easy to make up with a little encouragement from Dee.

Lisa’s plan to make Valerie and Grant suffer backfired. Grant had then become jealous enough of Nick Conway's attention to Valerie that he might leave Lisa. She asked him to take a vacation for several weeks as Chris and Donald Hughes would be returning, but he still claimed he had too much work.

Ralph Mitchell offered to marry Joyce Hughes for the baby's sake, but she had never seriously considered it. He said that the baby did have a legal father — Don. Joyce was waiting at the Hugheses' when everyone arrived home from the airport. She explained that she realized she had been irritable and touchy for the past few weeks, but she had been keeping a secret until she knew everything was all right. They were going to have a baby.

Karen Peters was to have lunch with Bob and Nancy before taking the papers to Winterbrook, but decided to do it immediately. Vested called Bob to ask if he recognized the driver of the white van. Bob told Dick Martin that Vested was involved because there was no mention of the color of the van. He set off for Winterbrook, but car trouble befell him. He called Karen, warning her that Vested was the enemy and to get out of the house. Vested realized that he had been found out by Karen and kept her from leaving the house. When Bob arrived, Vested pulled a gun, but the men in the white van and the police arrived. Vested was shot protecting Karen. Dick had decoded the files and assured Bob that those people involved in the rigged elections would be brought to justice. Karen agreed to stay in Winterbrook to help clear matters up, but promised to return to Bob.

Dan turned his patient over to Alex in the middle of the operation, causing Alex to request that Dan take a leave of absence. Dan thought everyone was against him when even Susan said he shouldn't fight it.

Days of our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Chris Kostichek, recently appointed head of research and development at Anderson Manufacturing, found the expectations of both the job and lover Mary Anderson aggravating. Thus, when he ran into an old friend, Suzie, at a beer bar, he ended up spending the evening drinking and reminiscing about "the good old days," forgetting, temporarily, that Mary was waiting dinner for him. Chris finally got to Mary's studio at 2:30. She was furious, but Chris calmed her by telling her he met an old friend and was reminiscing. He tried to call, but another guy monopolized the phone. Mary's calm lasted long enough for her to whiff cheap perfume on Chris' collar. She physically pushed Chris from the studio. Chris and Bob couldn't see eye to eye on what his job was as head of R&D. Bob saw it as strictly administrative, riding hard on all projects in development. Chris felt he should have time to work on pet projects, too. When they finally had a confrontation because Bob didn't want Chris to work personally on a new process, both men realized Chris had to make a choice.

Marlena Evans, fiancée of Don Craig, was very concerned about Donna Temple, a teenager an old flame of Don's tried to pass off as Don's child, costing him the election to the state senate. Since Donna's mother couldn't be found - she ran off to Houston to join a "john" -, Marlena was considering asking for temporary custody, feeling juvenile hall was a place that could turn Donna into a real juvenile delinquent. Don surprised Marlena with an engagement ring. When Marlena persisted in talking about Donna, Don became angry. Marlena admitted Donna wasn't his daughter, but she felt they had a responsibility towards her because she was all alone. Don felt Lorraine dumped Donna on them when she realized she couldn't win a paternity suit. Don finally agreed to let Marlena help Donna, provided she didn't become emotionally involved. Marlena got temporary custody of Donna, who was very suspicious of her, telling Marlena she wouldn't take any shrink stuff. After a rocky beginning, Donna accepted Marlena's rules and began to like the simple life Marlena led. Donna would like to stay on with Marlena, but recognized Don's hostility, and tried to come between them. Don caught her drinking, which caused an argument with Marlena, who took Donna's word first. But Don handed her the glass of vodka he took from Donna. He again pleaded with Marlena not to let Donna come between them. He pointed out that Marlena was already emotionally involved, then asked her to send Donna back, for the sake of their relationship. Marlena agreed, reluctantly.

Margo Anderman, believing she was well then, told Mike Horton she was very scared while in the hospital. - Margo was in remission from myloblastic anemia, a disease process in which her body manufactured too many of the wrong kind of white cells. Mike insisted his grandfather, Tom Horton, keep her true condition from Margo. - Afraid of never doing the things in life she wanted to, Margo said she saw many things for the first time. Overcome, Mike asked Margo to marry him. He never wanted to leave her again, and he loved her. Margo was stunned. She admitted she loved him so much it hurt, but had learned never to expect love back, feeling loving was something only one person did. She accepted his proposal. Mike arranged to have dinner with his parents, Bill and Laura, and told them the news. Bill and Laura gave their blessing. Margo was in great spirits when she went in for a checkup. Tom was called away. An intern found Margo and lauded her for her bravery, in view of the graveness of her illness. Margo played it cool and got the details from him. She left the office and went to her mother in West Virginia, without telling anyone. Mike and Tom figured out what happened. Mike got Chris to help him search Salem, to no avail. Mike decided to fly to West Virginia to tell Mrs. Anderman the truth, hoping she would help him file a missing person's report. He called ahead, which gave Margo enough time to leave. Mrs. Anderman was devastated by the truth Mike brought and agreed to help. Margo walked in. Reassured of Mike's love, that it wasn't pity, they returned to Salem, determined to make the most of the time they had.

Julie Williams’ trial for the murder of Larry Atwood began. DA Hazeltine made an inflammatory opening statement. Mickey waived his. Lt. Danton testified first. He told about checking Doug's alibi, questioning the Williamses, finding the murder weapon in Julie and Doug's apartment, finding a dress of Julie's with Atwood's blood. Danton continued that Amanda Peters saw Julie leave the scene. Mickey tried to bring out Atwood's underworld connections, to no avail. When the state called Dominic Sutro, Atwood's right-hand man, Mickey tried to bring up the gambling at Atwood's and the safe he kept at his place with lots of money, information supplied by Neil Curtis. The judge disallowed the testimony. It appeared Mickey couldn't bring up anything that could show Julie wasn't the only person who could have killed Atwood. He and Hazeltine had many heated exchanges. When the judge called them to the bench to admonish them, Doug sneaked out and called Don, saying Mickey was bungling the job. Later, Doug told Mickey the same thing, in so many words. But Julie refused to fire Mickey. Don agreed to help Mickey. Mickey met with Judge Reynolds and accused her of trying too hard to show she was not sympathetic to Julie because they were both women.

Don managed to ruin some of Jeri Clayton's credibility, after she testified that Julie and Atwood were having an affair. Amanda testified. Things came to a head when Laura testified as a friend. She said Julie was almost an ideal wife and mother. During cross, Hazeltine brought up Julie's past—two marriages that failed, an illegitimate child, her pre-nuptial relationship with Bob Anderson — casting the worst possible light on everything. Don and Mickey finally realized the only way to counter such testimony was to put Julie herself on the stand. They cautioned her it would be hard, that Hazeltine was tricky, and she had to avoid mentioning the rape at all costs. Julie replied that it was about time she took a hand in her own defense. Things went well, until Hazeltine demanded whether Julie ever had sexual intercourse with Atwood. After his previous badgering, Julie almost unconsciously blurt out that Atwood raped her. Hazeltine made much of the fact that Julie never reported the rape, hoping to cast doubt on her believability. Don and Mickey called Marlena, who explained that Julie's not calling the police was a common reaction. The case went to the jury, after another inflammatory speech by Hazeltine.

The jury couldn’t come up with a unanimous ballot, four jurors voting not guilty. The confrontation on the jury was between Mr. Rausch, a businessman who dwelled on the rape and other sordid details of the case, and Miss Miller, a former teacher, who insistsed she had a reasonable doubt. The jury went back twice for testimony and additional instructions from Judge Ellen Reynolds. Judge Reynolds agreed, when Mickey asked, that the jury might be hung. Mickey had requested the meeting with the judge because of possible new evidence, the discovery of Arlo Roberts.

Julie’s son David Banning had hired Ted McManis, a private detective to find his runaway wife Trish. McManis had connected Arlo and Trish and felt Arlo might be able to give them a lead. He traced Arlo to Chicago. When McManis entered Arlo's room, showing his I.D., Arlo said he didn't know any-thing about Atwood's death, before McManis said anything. When McManis revealed he was looking for Trish, Arlo panicked and assaulted him, leaving him semi-conscious on the floor. Arlo went to a club in Gary where he found Trish, singing under the name of Tracey Keaton. He warned her people from Salem were on her trail and offered to accompany her. She refused. McManis found the clipping about "Tracey" and also went to Gary, where he trapped Arlo in Trish's deserted motel room. Meanwhile, McManis had called Mickey from Chicago and Mickey had persuaded Danton to run Arlo through R&I. Thus, when McManis called to say he had Arlo, it was only a matter of hours until he was in custody in Salem, but only for 24 hours. Arlo continued to deny even knowing Atwood, even after Danton revealed they had at least two witnesses who saw them talking together. Arlo hung tough. Mickey took Julie to see Arlo. She pleaded with him to confess, if he was guilty. She promised legal help. Arlo was unmoved, but lived through his accidental shooting of Atwood in his head. Danton summoned Arlo and left him alone with Dominic. Dominic said the organization had great plans for him, when he was released. Arlo recalled their other "great" plans, a beating and a murder attempt on him. When Danton returned, Dominic denied knowing Arlo.

Danton sweated Arlo, who finally admitted knowing Atwood. Danton kept bringing up the fact that Dominic and his friends were waiting for Arlo's release. The jury returned with a verdict. Just as the judge asked Julie to stand and face the jury, Danton rushed in with Arlo's confession.

Joanne Barnes, who had seen Janice with Maggie in Brookeville, arrived in Salem and found an apartment near Janice's school. She began meeting Janice in the park, enticing the child into conversation, and even giving her a book of fairy tales. Joanne cautioned Janice that she was her fairy godmother, and if Janice told anyone, the magic would be gone. Maggie sensed something wrong, but Janice wouldn't confide in her.

Linda made an appointment for a check-up with Neil, coyly flirting with him. She next persuaded Bob to buy an estate for them, making sure he thought it was his decision. Bob had the expected confrontation with Chris. Bob insisted on Chris' acting like an executive and adhering to the chain of command. Chris refused and quit. Mary assured Chris that Bob really didn't want to lose him, but before the two men met again, Linda intervened, "on Bob's behalf." She told Chris that Bob was adamant about his stand, but offered to intercede on his behalf. Chris didn’t buy it. He was leaving. Mary sensed something strange. She found out about Linda’s interference, but knew Bob wouldn't believe her over Linda.

Marlena found a foster home for Donna, who still resented Don’s interference. Don and Marlena were to be married the following week. As a pre-wedding surprise, Don told Marlena that all charges had been dropped against her twin sister Samantha, and Sam had been released from the mental hospital. Samantha was to be their Maid of Honor.

The Doctors

Written by: Linda Grover

Produced by: Chuck Weiss

Billy Aldrich, the father of pregnant Greta Powers' baby, told friend George that Greta intended to have the baby, something he couldn't face, as he still had years of school ahead of him. Besides, Billy admitted, he didn't love Greta. George offered to talk to Greta. He found her in the soda shop the following day, but Greta was in heavy conversation with best friend Judy. Judy told Greta she thought Greta was stupid for having the baby, that she thought Greta was being a coward. Greta responded that Judy wasn't being very friendly when she talked like that. Judy, angry, pointed out that only a friend would have made the appointments for her to have an abortion and accompany her. Judy thought Greta was foolish for being afraid of the abortion. Greta drove Judy away by asking if she had ever had one. Judy joined other kids in a booth and proceeded to tell them all, loudly, that Greta was pregnant and Billy was the father. George sat down to talk to Greta as Judy was mouthing off. He tried to sympathize with Greta, telling her he understood how tough it was to go it alone, as he had a cousin who went through the same thing. George told Greta how his cousin went oft to Maine and handled the whole thing alone. Greta couldn't bear to listen to George or Judy anymore and left.

The Powers became increasingly worried about Greta after she missed babysitting for Michael Paul. When Maggie called Judy, Judy was abrupt. Greta was in the park, trying to sort out her feelings. She decided she didn't need anyone but her baby. She decided Billy was being pushed too much, that that was why he didn't see that she was right about everything, including marrying her. Mike and Sara searched teen hangouts for Greta, to no avail. Matt was very angry about Greta's behavior lately, then dissolved into strong concern and worry, saying, "She's just a child." He promised to be cool when Greta returned, but relief and concern were expressed in anger. Matt suggested to Maggie that they get professional help for Greta. Greta called back that he was the one who needed help. Matt and Maggie agreed that psychiatric help was needed, and Matt agreed to family counseling, if it would help. He met with Dr. Spears, expressing his deep concern. Spears agreed to see Greta, but he also wanted to see the whole family together. Matt reluctantly agreed. Greta called Billy, asking if he had any suggestions for names for their baby, since he was the father, but reminded him the name had to go with Powers, not Aldrich. Her gynecologist told Greta she might have an Rh factor problem. She wanted Billy to have a blood test. Greta called Billy. After this call, Billy confided to George that the baby was becoming a reality to him.

Nola Aldrich, insecure because husband Jason was investing in a restaurant with his ex-wile Doreen, told Jason she had none of the social graces Doreen had. Jason kissed her, replying she was the wife he wanted. He then showed her Mongo, a wooden Indian he was giving the restaurant. He talked about the restaurant in terms of what it would do for her father Barney and her brother Luke. Nola, however, was feeling left out. She admitted she wanted him to hack out of the restaurant. Jason refused for the sake of her family and for the investment value of the endeavor. But Jason finally realized Nola was afraid of losing him. Nola then told Jason that her sister Sara Dancy might not marry Mike Powers, that she had been seeing her former lover Colin Wakefield again, and spent the night with him. Jason, stonefaced, was upset that Nola condoned Sara's behavior. Nola retorted that Sara and Mike weren't married yet. Jason firmly called it "immoral." Finally, Nola expressed her greatest fear to Jason: "Don't leave me. I lost Mama, and I can't lose you. I don't want to be alone." Nola continued to hide her fears and insecurities in too much alcohol. Mona Croft, Jason's mother, tried to talk to Nola about her social position, etc., but Nola wouldn't listen.

After spending the night with Colin, Sara realized he still had a strong attraction for her. Thus, she determined never to be alone with him again. She met him one more time at his apartment, telling him it was really over this time, and returning the locket he gave her while they were in the Peace Corps together. But the night with Colin had Sara in a state of panic. She avoided making love with Mike, fearful she might call out Colin's name. So she suggested to Mike that they not sleep together before the large church wedding they were planning, saying it would give them a new beginning. Mike didn't like the idea, but went along out of love for Sara.

Jason received a call from the assistant D.A., Hank Carew. Carew summoned Jason to his office. The results of the investigations into the fire at Andre's, which killed Virginia Dancy, Tom Carroll, and another person, were in. - Doreen, with Luke as her partner, owned Andre's. Luke had hired an unlicensed electrician to redo the place. The man used faulty wire and bad technique. Luke had blamed himself for the tragedy ever since. - Carew felt he had enough evidence to convict Doreen and Luke of willful disregard, etc. Jason pointed out Carew would have a hard time proving his charges, as Luke lost his mother in the fire. Carew summoned Doreen and Luke and came on strong. He didn't bring charges, but warned they might face many law suits. Doreen's insurance company paid her claim to the tune of $175,000. She hoped for more. Luke said then they wouldn't need Jason's money. Doreen told Luke not to say anything about the settlement, as they could use Jason's money. Doreen, however, neglected to mention that she was still interested in Jason and found this a convenient way to stay close to him.

Much to Maggie Powers' relief, the clinic gained a new receptionist, H. Sweeney, who whipped everything into shape in short order. Sweeney found keeping all the Doctors Powers straight confusing at first. She also openly flirted with Steve, to Carolee's amusement.

MJ Match Carroll’s efficiency as a cardiac crisis specialist was increasingly impaired by her grief for Tom. At Carolee's suggestion, Maggie asked Matt to move MJ to less strenuous duty for a while.

Greta began childbirth classes. Billy was confronted with hard questions from Erich, which he answered truthfully, under Carolee's watchful eye. She told Steve it was time to tell her mother and Mona. Neither was looking forward to that. Steve was angry that Greta was having the baby, pointing out to Matt that an abortion would have eliminated all the problems the two families were then having because of the pregnancy. Jonathan Spears reassured Maggie that Greta's condition wasn't her fault. He pointed out that the pregnancy was probably Greta's way of asserting her individuality, that she would have asserted herself, eventually. He suggested they stop assessing blame and examine the roots of the real problem.

When Doreen accepted Jason's check without telling him of the insurance settlement, Luke couldn’t keep quiet. He told Jason of the settlement, saying Doreen wanted to keep him around. Jason left his money in.

Colin persuaded MJ to see Jonathan. After the session, Jonathan was concerned that MJ’s inability to move on in her grief might be an indication of a pre-existing case of manic-depression. He feared suicide. Colin talked to MJ again. He seemed to get through, but they were interrupted. MJ had been asked to take a leave of absence from the hospital until she was better able to deal with things.

The Edge of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Raven Jamison was pregnant and a second series of tests confirmed that her husband Kevin was sterile. When Kevin accidentally learned of the pregnancy from his doctor’s nurse, he confronted Raven and asked her the name of the baby’s father. Raven told him that just after they were married she went to a party, drank a great deal, smoked, and went to bed with a nameless stranger. - Raven went to New York to have an abortion after Geraldine Saxon told her of Kevin's sterility. Raven, however, had delayed seeing a doctor because of her terrible fear and it was then too late for a safe abortion. Logan Swift followed her to New York since she had told him that he was the father. After he learned that she would have the baby, he suggested that they marry. She refused, claiming she could not live on an assistant D.A.’s salary. - Raven’s original plan to spend the pregnancy in Europe with her mother was useless when Kevin confronted her with his knowledge.

Kevin’s political future, which had seemed assured with James Brandon's support in the Congressional race, was endangered when he left the Whitney mansion and spent the night drinking. He passed out and was found in the morning when the bartender arrived. The policeman called recognized Kevin and called Steve Guthrie to take him home. After sleeping at Steve’s apartment Kevin returned home and told Raven that their marriage was over. Kevin was also furious with Geraldine, who considered him like a son, since she knew of Raven's pregnancy and said nothing. He also regretted following her advice and not telling Raven of his sterility. Geraldine pleaded with him to consider his future career before he made any decisions.

Raven used a similar argument when she tried to convince Kevin to stay with her. She asked him if he would have wanted children and he said yes, so she suggested that they start over again and look at her pregnancy as a way of having what they would have been denied.

April Cavanaugh Scott’s pregnancy was confirmed just after Raven visited to tell her that her husband of just a few weeks, Draper Scott, was the father of Raven’s baby. Raven told April that it happened before their wedding when April was hospitalized. She convinced April not to tell Draper since the reve- lation might strain their new marriage. When April told Draper that he would soon become a father he told her that he was pleased, although concerned that it happened so soon after their wedding.

Draper’s workload had increased since his law partner, Mike Karr, assumed the chairmanship of the Crime Commission on Kevin's recommendation. Under Mike's leadership the Commission had decided to devote itself to eliminating corruption in the city government. Tony Saxon, City Planning Commissioner, believed that Mike was dedicated to his destruction and feared that he might succeed. A crony at City Hall told him that when the Commission met, « topic A on the agenda was A for Anthony. » Tony told Raney Cooper, an ex-hood working for him, that « we have to do everything we can to discourage that man. » The conversation was overheard by Chip Beamer, an ex-con whom Raney hired to do some of Tony's dirty work. Chip had been following Mike and checking on his daily schedule despite Raney’s and Tony's decision to keep him out of it since he « lacks subtlety. »

Mike Karr’s wife, Nancy, while worried about her husband's renewed activity against Tony Saxon, was becoming involved with Tony’s daughter Deborah. Nancy planned to do continuing series on Deborah's training after the Police Academy. Nancy told Deborah that, although she did not consider herself a militant feminist, she believed such a series would help women in the way they saw themselves. Deborah, despite feared that she might fail, agreed to the series which would begin with her graduation from the Academy. Nancy told Mike that she felt Deborah might eventually be Monticello’s first woman detective.

When Mike first considered returning to the Crime Commission Nancy told him that one of her concerns was the fact that Tony Saxon was surrounded by violence. One evening when Mike answered the door he was greeted by someone wearing a Halloween-type mask; when he asked if this was some kind of joke, the intruder threw a liquid in Mike’s eyes,

In agony, Mike shouted for Nancy; he was rushed to the hospital where a visiting eye specialist was paged to treat him. Nancy learned that Mike’s face would not be disfigured but that he was blind, although she did not yet know if it would be permanent.

Deborah had been assigned to do her field training with her former boyfriend, Steve Guthrie. She was concerned when she learned that Steve’s only case was to find the man who blinded Mike Karr. Deborah was aware of the speculation which linked her father with the case and she did not want to be in the position of investigating him. Steve assured her that she should continue since she would then be able to find the culprit, which would put an end to the gossip.

The police had no clues to begin their investigation, but Chief of Police Marceau, Mike's closest friend, had decided to begin with Tony Saxon, wondering if Saxon might have thought that the best way to keep Mike from looking into his affairs would be to keep Mike from seeing anything. Tony, meanwhile, was wondering who called him anonymously and told him that his interests were being watched over.

Denise Cavanaugh had lured Miles back to Mayfield by showing him false medical reports which indicated that she was dying. She told him that she wanted him with her during the short time she had left and, as Denise expected, Miles agreed to leave both Nicole and his work at the clinic in Monticello in order to be with her. After his return to Denise, Miles called Nicole and Denise walked in on their conversation. After falling to the floor she asked him, « Did you come home to comfort me or to drive nails into my coffin? » Denise told Miles he had choose between comforting her and going to Nicole and Miles promised he would not contact Nicole while he was living with Denise. As soon as Miles left, Denise called her rival and told her, laughing, “You're not going to see Miles again except over my dead body.” Denise's father Dr. Norwood was uncomfortable about his role in convincing Miles of Denise’s fatal illness, but his daughter convinced him that it was the only way she could get her husband back. She warned him to be convincing when it was time to tell Miles of her recovery.

Denise, still hiding the fact that she poisoned Charlie Richmond and was responsible for the death of Katherine Dane, gained revenge on her fellow nurse at the Claremont, Carole Barclay. – When Denise was in need of her medication she asked Carole to look for her prescription in her locker. Carole found Charlie’s address and, suspicious, told April Scott about it. April, already knowing from Charlie that Denise had framed him, did not accept the excuse that she had the address in order to send flowers. She shared her suspicions with Miles who claimed that April's story was unthinkable. When Miles asked Denise about it Denise decided to get Carole out of the picture. -

Mrs. Chase, one of the Claremont’s more difficult patients, was Carole’s responsibility. Denise came to the woman's room and convinced an exhausted Carole that, since she had a light schedule, Carole should rest while Denise covered for her. After some persuasion Carole left to nap and Denise removed the patient’s breathing tube. Mrs. Chase managed to buzz for help and Carole was blamed for leaving her charge unattended. Denise denied everything when Carole claimed that Denise was responsible. Dr. Norwood dismissed Carole but told her that for the good of her career and the hospital he would not bring charges.

Miles had asked Tree Worthington to come to Mayfield as Denise's nurse. She was leaving the clinic where they worked together because she felt that, with Dr. Dave Roper's upcoming marriage, she would be uncomfortable remaining.

She arrived at Denise's home in time to see her dancing with her father, celebrating how beautifully her plan was working.

For Richer, For Poorer

Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Paco – Esteban Morales - was to be charged with the kidnapping of Megan Cushing and the murder of Donny Quinn on testimony of R.C., another Savage Avenger member. Megan and Bill Saxton knew that Paco had nothing to do with the kidnapping because he helped free her. The witness who identified Turk as one of the two who killed Donny did not get a good look at the other gang member. Lawyer George Kimball showed Sgt. Damico that Mr. Baldwin might have seen enough to know generally whether Paco was the other hoodlum. Mr. Baldwin pretended to be a doctor consulting on Paco's case. He said that Paco was too short and his hair was too dark. The young ruffian he saw had hair that came below the cap he wore. Sgt. Damico dropped the murder charge, but still thought Paco could have been in on the kidnapping.

Ellie Kimball was transcribing the taped interview with Megan for George when she came across Megan's confidence of her call to Bill the night she was kidnapped. Connie Saxton was frantic when Ellie played this tape for her, suggesting that Bill would find out. Connie destroyed the tape. Ellie explained the events to George, claiming that she was only trying to help. Connie decided to see Megan herself after George told her that Megan had no intention of telling about the call. As Megan was assuring Connie, Bill arrived, adding to Connie's already bitter jealousy.

Connie was notified that Bill was expected at the hearing. She rushed to Lee, afraid to give Bill this message. Lee said she couldn't keep this from him and things would work out since Megan had promised to remain silent.

The D.A. was trying to prove that the call Megan received bringing her to the spot where she was kidnapped could have been placed by Paco. George finally insisted that Megan tell about the phone message she left with Connie for Bill to meet her to prove she was not in the habit of putting herself in danger unnecessarily. Bill was livid hearing this. Megan said she started to tell him while they waited in the clubhouse for the police, but when he did not comprehend what she was saying, she dropped the subject. She said she did not want to cause any problems between Bill and Connie, and it was unimportant since she was safe. Bill finally located Connie at her father's and insisted that she come home. She suspected what was on his mind and pleaded with Amy to intercede. Amy took Connie and Billy to the apartment, and before leaving, asked Bill to remember that Connie loved him. He explained that she put Megan's life in danger, and if she had given him the message after Megan had been kidnapped, they could have found her sooner. Bill thought they might have straightened things out when Connie admitted her jealousy, but could see that he was wrong when, in the next breath, she insisted that he never see Megan again.

Bentley Saxton had lost a lot of cash in the noontime poker game at Lee's garage. He had used a good deal of the money from his savings account to buy a new stereo system and couldn't bear to tell his father that the money they had been saving jointly for his return to college in June was gone. One of the guys at the garage suggested a floating game, where the men didn't play cut-throat and were not afraid to lose money. He said it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

Amy Cushing was continuing her modeling career, but wished her mother-in-law could understand her need for a career of her own. Austin admitted that he would like to head the firm someday, but knew that he hadn't had enough experience yet. Amy said she would always support him, but couldn't be the corporate wife — heading fund-raising committees and being the perfect hostess. Edith had thought it over and understood that Austin married Amy for what she was.

Ellie and George Kimball wanted a baby, but Ellie still had fears after having had a miscarriage. She confided to her mother that she had had some symptoms but was fearful of finding out. Josie made Ellie promise to see her doctor. Afraid that she wouldn't keep this promise, Josie told George of Ellie's suspicions and fears. Ellie was upset with her mother when George brought this up. She promised that she would make a doctor's appointment. Looking for shaving cream, George found a do-it-yourself pregnancy test. He confronted Ellie, who said that it couldn’t hurt anything and if she wasn't pregnant, she wouldn't have to see the doctor. George insisted that she see the doctor anyway, to be sure that she was healthy and to discuss her fears of miscarriage.

Jason Saxton could see that Viola Brewster held all the cards when she showed him the photos of Laurie and himself in a compromising position. She insisted that he put a halt to his relationship with Laurie or she would see that he was fired. Laurie couldn't believe that Jason would give her up in favor of his career, but Jason switched his attention to Megan Cushing. Edith was opposed to Megan's seeing Jason, even though Megan claimed all Jason had offered was friendship. Edith compared Jason to his brother Bill, forcing Megan to tell her mother that she had to put Bill out of her mind, since he was married to Connie.

Desmond had thought that Laurie's problems stemmed from not having a home of her own and decided to get them out of Viola's house. Viola told Roger that she wanted to help Laurie and Desmond by giving them her house and finding an apartment. Desmond knew from his father that in an emergency this could leave her short, so he insisted on paying her the market value. When Viola had the safe open, Laurie removed the envelope of photos, threatening to expose them if she tried to stop her. - Laurie had wanted to make her affair known and leave Desmond to be with Jason, but Viola and Jason had prevented this so far. - Roger agreed to help Viola when she decided to invest money in a small business.

Megan wanted Paco to have the $15,000 her mother offered for information leading to her rescue. Paco was insulted and refused it, until Lester Saxton had a serious talk with him, explaining that he could do something with his life, and this $15,000 could be a big help.

Bill was so furious that he left the house. Connie took the baby to Josie's. Learning that Connie and Bill were having problems, Ellie told Josie that this wasn't the first time Connie had kept things from Bill. She explained that George overheard Lee telling Amy that the suicide was a fake and Connie never tried to get an abortion. Connie decided to run away so that Bill would miss her, but on her way to the shelter for wives that she read about in a magazine, her car broke down. Josie told Bill about the article and he headed for Midville after Ellie tolds him about the suicide and abortion. Connie called Josie and decided to return after she learned that Bill was worried. Driving in the rain Connie lost control of the car when distracted by the baby.

Laurie and Desmond had plans to redo the house completely, until Edith offered Viola her pool house. Desmond agreed to buy her an estate that would have no bad memories.

Jason Saxton was trying to discredit Barbara Manners' work at the office because she wouldn't agree to side with him against Austin. Barbara said she wouldn't allow Jason to use Megan to get ahead.

Lee Ferguson was contacted by his old employers and told that he was back in busi-ness. - Lee painted and altered the serial numbers on stolen cars. –

Bentley told Lee that he had lost all his college money and was encouraged when Lee said he had some extra work for him. Lee warned Paco that he should leave town it he didn’t want Megan to get hurt because people thought he might tell the police what he knew. Lester arrived as Paco was dressing to tell him that the kidnapping charges had been dropped and he had to live up to the faith Megan had in him.

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

Under the threat by Lamont Corbin to ruin Dr. Mark Dante if Katie did not resume her role as his wife, Katie left for Boston phoning Mark from the airport to tell him she was going to stay with her sister Sally while she sorted things out. When Mark followed her, she told him that when it came to signing the final divorce papers she realized she couldn't give up everything that being Mrs. Lamont Corbin meant. Though Katie returns to Corbin, he ordered his man Dan Rooney not to proceed with trying to uncover the real culprit in the stock manipulations because he might still want to keep active his threat to use manufactured evidence against Mark. Rooney, who had begun to date Jessie Brewer and was showing signs of rebellion, apologized to Katie for his part in Corbin’s schemes and Katie told him that no one knew better than she, herself, that Corbin was not a man to cross.

Lee Baldwin’s drinking had resulted in missed appointments and a loss of confidence by some of the men working on behalf of the Hauser Corporation in Lee’s reliability. Alan Quartermaine questioned Lee but was assured by him that the missed meetings were due to pressure of work by other clients. Scotty Baldwin, who had seen Lee’s seedy condition which he had managed so far to keep from business associates, begged Lee to admit to himself he was out of control so that he could begin again but Lee wound up telling Scotty his life was none of Scotty’s business. When Monica learned of Scotty’s concern she tried to appeal to Gail to take a good look at what Lee was coming to and her responsibility for it, but had to stop short of telling Gail about Lee’s reversion because of her pledge to Scotty. Gail refused to listen.

Monica’s suspicions of David Hamilton were vindicated when Hamilton was forced by his backers to back down on the price he was asking for the land under the threat of losing out on the deal, and she watched as he met with Pierson, representing Hauser Chemical. Monica told Rick, backed up by Pierson’s description of the man. When Rick confronted David, who was in his apartment to await word on the sale of his car against orders from the syndicate, he learned of the years of jealous hatred David had been waiting to get revenge for. As Rick started to leave, telling David that he was determined to forget he ever knew him, Hamilton yelled out that Lesley and Laura were not going to let him forget. Rick punched David and they traded blows. Then Rick warned David as he left to get out of town or he would return and finish what he started. Hamilton prepared to leave holding in his hand an envelope addressed to Rick and Lesley containing all the love letters and notes he had gotten from Laura. As he opened the door, she was standing there.

Jeff and Heather returned from their vacation trip to announce that they had been married in Toronto. Mrs. Grant was very upset but finally agreed to Susan's plan for a surprise party for the couple at the Floating Rib where Susan had begun work as a hostess. When Jeff broke the news to Steve and Audrey, he accepted Audrey's congratulations but Steve was visibly upset, saying only that he thought the timing was bad, as Jeff was planning to take exams soon for his Medical license. - Steve was Jeff's natural father, a fact only Audrey knew, and neither were aware that the grandson Steve could never acknowledge and whom they believed to be dead had been adopted by Dr. and Mrs. Peter Taylor. -

Lamont Corbin had been readmitted to General Hospital for testing after he had experienced a number of episodes of numbness in his hand, a repetition of symptoms he experienced before his recent neurosurgery. At Dr. Steve Hardy’s insistence, Mark had taken himself off the case.

Lesley arrived home to find a note from Laura saying that she was in love with David and he was taking her away. She was unable to contact Rick and drove immediately to Hamilton’s apartment. As she got to the corridor, Laura burst out and stood in a state of shock, keening over and over that David laughed at her. - David was furious at finding Laura at his door and took delight in telling her that he used her and planned to run out on her. When he learned that Laura had already left a note revealing their relationship he showed her the envelope with her letters that he planned to send and told her it was not necessary then, tearing them to pieces and throwing them up in the air to scatter all over the room. Laura struck out at him and David went down. As Laura and Lesley were in the hall he got up and staggered around the room. -

Lesley told Laura to stay where she was while she went into David’s apartment to call Rick. She stepped to the doorway and saw David on the floor. Lesley looked back to see that Laura had disappeared. She examined David and found him dead. She gathered up the fragments of paper and retrieved a night-gown of Laura's and the sketch Hamilton did of her and stuffed them into a suitcase Laura had brought with her, hiding them in the trunk of her car. Unable to reach Rick, she picks up the phone and called the police to report that she, Dr. Lesley Webber, had accidentally killed a man.

At the police station, Lesley contacted Rick but as he was delayed by virtue of the fact that he had been unable to locate Lee Baldwin - Scotty had lied that Lee’s whereabouts were unknown and sent Barbara Spencer home when he found Lee drunk in his room -. Lesley went ahead and gave the police a statement, waiving her right to have an attorney present. Rick finally arrived with Howard Lansing but Lesley had already made her statement alledging that David was drunk and attempted to rape her. - Lesley’s story was convincing as she was reliving the episode months before, which she had kept from Rick. -

Lesley was released on her own recognizance and Rick took her home. Laura was asleep, having gotten home on her own. The following morning Lesley woke Laura and learned that she had no recollection of being with Lesley in the corridor or anything past the moment when David threw up the letters and poems. Lesley told her that she had destroyed any evidence that Laura was there and insisted that she never mention it, saying that she had not told Rick. Lesley told Laura that David attacked her and she – Lesley - killed him.

Indications were that Corbin’s artery, which Mark Dante replaced in surgery, was malfunctioning. After conferring with Dr. Copeland by phone it was clear that another operation was out of the question. Mark told Katie Katy that the trouble might be due to strain and if she was responsible for Lamont’s emotional strain, as she had indicated in their personal life, she had better see what she could do to counteract it. At Steve Hardy’s insistence Mark arranged for Dr. Cantrell to fly to Port Charles and Mark himself prepared to leave for a vacation in Boston.

When the District Atttorney reviewed the Coroner's report the following day, he was faced with contradictions: there was no trace of alcohol in Hamilton’s system and David appeared to have fallen against the hearth where there were traces of blood, not to have been struck by the statuette which Lesley reported was the cause of death. - Lesley was not aware that the statuette was a present to David from Laura and was charged to Lesley’s account. -

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

Bill Bauer’s murder trial ended in an acquital when a visit to Geno's Roadhouse, where Victor Kincaid was killed, shook loose his memory of that night ten years ago. Mike Bauer, Bill's son and defense attorney, helped Bill reenact the events. When Bill clearly remembered the place where he and Kincaid wrestled, he realized that he really dropped the brick he had picked up and left, unable to kill Kincaid. - Bill had been living with Simone Kincaid and her children under the name Bill Moray since Victor's death. Simone and Bill had an affair before she married Victor and when Bill returned to his family, Simone was already pregnant with their daughter Hillary. Kincaid blackmailed Bill for over a year before he died, in what the police then presumed was a mugging. When the plane he was supposed to take, but didn't, crashed, Bill allowed his family in Springfield to believe he was dead. After Simone helped him to conquer his drinking he "married" her and remained with her in Vancouver until Mike accidentally learned he was alive. Then, tormented by guilt and a faulty memory, he confessed to murdering Victor Kincaid. –

When the not-guilty verdict was announced Bill accepted the congratulations of his wife Bert and then went to kiss Simone; he left the courtroom with her. Bill's joy at learning that he did not murder was dampened by the fact that his other son, Ed Bauer, and his daughter, Hillary Kincaid, were not in the courtroom. Ed had been unable to accept his father's return and confession. Believing his father to be a murderer who deserted his family, Ed began drinking after having abstained for a number of years. After taking a leave of absence from Cedars Hospital, Ed stayed at the Greenville Inn while he drank and walked the streets, haunted. Ed's girlfriend, Rita Stapleton, finally located him and convinced him to return to Springfield.

When Rita left to check him out of the hotel, Bill came to speak to Ed, who was antagonistic towards him. Bill admitted that he caused a great deal of hurt but he wanted to help Ed accept what had happened before he left Springfield. He told Ed that he drank because he hated himself for all that he thought he had done; he wanted Ed to stop drinking and to face the fact that he was hurting not just himself but many others. Ed answered that "it doesn't matter if I drink or not because I'm not you." Bill challenged Ed's assertion that wae is not like his father and Ed became furious, but Bill continued. He told Ed that he couldn't conquer his drinking alone; Ed shouted at him that he didn't want Bill's love or his help, that he just wanted to forget that he was his father.

When Bill left, he saw Rita and asked her to help, saying, "I think I've done enough to ruin my son's life." Rita returned to Ed who, shaking, was still drinking. She tried unsuccessfully to convince him of Bill's love and desire to help. Rita asked Ed not to drink any more and he told her that his drinking was none of her business. As she tried to take the liquor away from him her hand was badly cut.

Ed was looking out the window and he saw his distraught father pacing in the street below. Bill looked up at Ed's window as he began to cross and he was suddenly struck by a car driven by a drunk driver who hit a telephone pole a few blocks away. Since there were no hospitals in Greenville Rita immediately called Cedars and arranged to have an ambulance met by Dr. Peter Chapman. Although Bill was unconscious Ed told him he loved him and he regretted what he said.

While waiting to hear of their father's condition after emergency surgery Ed and Mike were able to resolve their differences. They agreed that they both should have done things differently. When Simone arrived at the hospital with Hillary she urged Ed to go to Bill, telling him that his presence could help Bill more than anyone's. Despite considerable internal bleeding and a concussion Bill was beginning to recover and to regain his strength. Ed told Rita that he knew he could never drink again. She remained concerned, however, since Ed did not remember when she cut her hand or anything about their argument just before Bill's accident.

Elizabeth Spaulding had gone to see Mike Bauer about her plans to divorce Alan. Since he took their son Philip to Kenya without notifying her and had not contacted her since, she felt that there was no hope for their marriage. Mike assured her that custody was usually given to the child's mother. Alan's only contact with Springfield had been a business call to Adam Thorpe, whom he told to replace Mike as his company's attorney; Alan claimed that Mike didn't have the necessary time to devote to his company.

Jackie Marler had shared Elizabeth's loneliness, missing Philip as much as his mother does. - Only Jackie knew that she and Justin Marler were the boy's natural parents. - Elizabeth had told Jackie that her parents were divorced when she was young and that her mother did not want her; she vowed that Philip would never know that kind of rejection. Jackie had fallen in love with Mike. She told him that she hoped their relationship could go beyond friendship. When she realized that she was being too serious too soon for Mike she changed the subject. Later Mike apologized to her, saying that his life had been “unsettled” but that he hoped it wouldn't always be so. In addition to seeing Jackie he also seemed quite fond of both Elizabeth and of his secretary Ann.

Jackie’s ex-husband Justin blamed her for his inability to win back Sara McIntyre’s love. - Jackie told Sara that Justin was continuing to see Brandy Shalloe while he was dating Sara; having been hurt by Justin in the past, she refused to see him and went to a convention in Hawaii. - When Justin learned that Sara met a dashing lawyer in Hawaii and married him after a whirlwind courtship, he told Jackie, “You are more than even with me now.” Before learning of Sara’s marriage to Dean Blackford, Brandy offered to leave town if that would make it easier for Justin to win back Sara. Justin was touched by the offer but he did not accept. Jackie came to Justin’s apartment to apologize, but when she met Brandy there she told Justin that she was right to warn Sara about him.

Roger Thorpe returned to Springfield after having had a number of financial successes in California real estate. He saw his ex-wife Peggy and their son Billy, as well as his daughter Christina, born to Holly Bauer while she was still married to Ed. When Rita refused to make a date to see Roger, he told her to steer clear of Ed because of his drinking. Rita told him that she appreciated what he had done for her in the past, but that she didn't want him to meddle in her life. Despite warnings from Rita and Holly not to meet with Ed, Roger was determined to see him even though he remembered the bitterness of their last meeting.

Since his return, Roger's relationship to Christina had become a problem for him. He told Holly he did not want to feel guilty or have to make excuses whenever he visited his daughter, and he planned to visit often and to take an active part in bringing her up. He therefore planned to confront Ed with his desire to let people know that he was Christina’s real father. - When Roger left Springfield only a few people knew that Christina was his. Even Ed’s immediate family did not know that she was not his child. - Holly was concerned about both Ed’s and Christina’s reactions, and Roger assured her that Christina needed never know; Ed told her not to worry, that he would not let it happen.

Eve Stapleton’s marriage to Ben MacFarren was beautiful. Mike Bauer sang, Ed Bauer gave the bride away and her sister Rita was maid of honor. The bride and groom selected writings from Helen Keller, Anne Morrow Lindburgh, and the Bible and everyone attending the wedding was deeply moved. Evie and Ben were spending their honeymoon in a cabin in the country and were then planning to fly to the Bahamas; the trip was a wedding gift from Ben’s first patron, Jackie Marler, who also arranged their reception. Ben was planning to personalize a picture for Jackie in order to thank her for all she was doing.

Eve was concerned that her blindness might make it impossible for her to be a good mother some day but Ben assured her that she would be able to do anything she set her mind to. They decided to wait before making any decision and to speak to the people at the Institute about the problems involved.

Dean Blackford announced his arrival in Springfield by sending his new wife an extravagant bouquet of roses. News of Sara’s marriage was received with mixed emotions by Mike Bauer; he was concerned about Dean’s reputation as a lawyer. Mike told his secretary Ann that Blackford was known for taking “shortcuts” in order to win cases.

Upon Alan’s return to Springfield he learned of Elizabeth’s desire to divorce him. He was shocked and he told Elizabeth that he never expected a divorce, that he took Philip away in order to give her time to think. Elizabeth retaliated that the purpose of the trip was to punish her and that she couldn’t continue to live with him. Alan warned her that he was not the kind of man who would settle for visiting his son every other weekend. Diane, who accompanied Alan and Philip Spaulding to Africa, irritated Elizabeth further when she told her that Philip missed his mother at first, but that she helped him to get over it.

Alan went to see Mike and told him that he and Elizabeth might have been able to solve their problems if Mike hadn’t interferred. When Alan continued the conversation by asking just how close Mike and his wife had been, Mike's anger bubbled to the surface and he showed Alan to the door.

Love of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Meg Hart made Michael face his love for Cal Latimer. Mary Jane Owens asked Cal to speak to Michael on her behalf when she was unable to understand his behavior. Michael misunderstood Cal's consolation when he felt he had lost everything. She stopped his advances as Rick entered the garage apartment. Rick found Cal on Michael's bed and could only think the worst, after all the ideas Meg had put into his head to break up his marriage. Rick ordered Michael out of the apartment immediately, and in the argument following, ordered Cal out of the house. She took shelter at the Sterlings', hoping that Rick wanted to make the first move. Cal finally took Van's advice and returned to the house to talk to Rick. The meeting was disastrous, with Rick insisting that she never see or speak to Michael Blake again. Cal would not have Rick dictating whom she might see or not see.

Hearing that Michael and Cal left home on the same night, Mary asked Cal if one had anything to do with the other. Cal said that it was all a misunderstanding. Lynn Henderson overheard the conversation and blamed Cal for the problems between Michael and her best friend. Mary returned the engagement ring, telling Michael that she was fine and he was not to worry about her. Lynn pleaded with him, assuring him this was all a front on Mary's part.

Mary Jane had decided that she should quit her job at the hospital and return to her family in Three Rivers as she had broken her engagement to Michael.

Ben Harper moved in with Mia Marriott after she understood that her accident and his ex-wife's remarriage had nothing to do with his realization that he had loved her for some time. Mia returned to her job as a photographer and Ben tried to come up with an idea for his second novel. Mia photographed the local boys playing basketball to put in the paper, hoping that the publicity would find the boys another place to play. Young Danny Ryker thought that since Ben's probation was up, he would forget about them, but learned that Ben had been off probation for the past two months and had continued coaching them.

Lynn was preparing for graduation and the party they were having at the Sterlings'. She was happy that Ben was coming, but upset when he told her that Mia would be there also. Mia cautioned Ben about hurting Lynn's feelings. She said that Lynn obviously had a crush on him and all women were very sensitive.

Cal was sure that Hank would tell Rick that Michael was at Van's, making him even madder. She blamed Lynn for not thinking about the consequences of inviting him to the house to talk about Mary. Cal decided to go to the lake so that she didn't tense at every ring of the phone, thinking it was Rick. Lynn thought she was driving everyone away and apologized for the way she had treated Cal lately. She was surprised when Cal asked her to spend time at the lake before graduation, to keep her company.

Bruce tried talking to Rick, citing his own situation as a very good reason why he should not spend another day without solving his problems with Cal.

Arlene and Ray Slater took April Joy home from the hospital, but Arlene refused to show any interest in her newborn daughter. Carrie, Arlene's mother, and Ray thought that Arlene would have to care for the baby, if left alone, but it didn't work. She threatened to move out if they tried anything like that again. Arlene would like a reconciliation with Tom Crawford and resented the help Dorrie Patton was giving him.

Tom continued to drown his troubles in liquor and found himself at Dorrie's late one night after a battle with the bottle. He passed out and spent the night on her sofa. In the morning, Dorrie’s daughter, Kirsten Patton refused to be civil to Tom, saying that it wasn't necessary to be polite to drunks. Tom's drinking problem reminded Kirsten of her father. Kirsten had trouble relating to Edouard Aleata, who was very much interested in her mother.

Arlene agreed to dinner out. Ray wanted to show her off at Beaver Ridge. He could see that the memories of Ian Russell and Tom Crawford bothered her, but she said she was fine.

Tom sobered himself up and prepared for his return to the hospital. Seeing Dorrie and Kirsten Patton in the hospital cafeteria, he thanked Kirsten for doing what no one else had been able to do — making him see what he was becoming.

Bruce Sterling’s incurable illness had prevented him from running for reelection as mayor of Rosehill and had left him at loose ends. He spent much of his time trying to bring Van and his best friend, Andrew Mariott, together. Bruce's plan worked in that Andrew fell in love with Van, but he tried to keep his feelings from showing by making a play for Meg in front of the Sterlings, much to Meg's delight, as she wanted his attention to make Rick Latimer, her son-in-law, jealous.

Bruce was feeling very low when he was shut out by his old co-workers and was ripe for Meg's jibes when she brought up his impotence and his plan to throw Andrew and Van together. Bruce confronted Van, telling her how angry he was that she confided in Meg, a vicious gossip. Van told Meg that she had talked to her in the strictest confidence, but never would again. She explained that Bruce was not impotent, but was only experiencing temporary problems due to his illness. Even Bruce's jealousy had not kept him from continuing to throw Andrew and Van together. He told Andrew that he had even spoken to Van about this. Embarrassed, Andrew said he would not be able to face Van. Andrew told Bruce that they were starting a fund-raising project at the hospital and thought that Bruce was just the kind of person to head the committee as its administrator.

Dr. Marriott was concerned when he heard a heart murmur during Kirsten's examination. He consulted with Tom Crawford, asking him to run the tests. Tom told Dorrie Patton that they would know more after the tests, but Kirsten's frequent bouts with colds and spells of tiredness needed to be checked into.

Cal Latimer wrote a note to Rick explaining that she had come to her senses. One year ago their positions were reversed and she was the one who needed to he reassured. She told him how much she loved him and that she would be waiting at the lake. Lynn left the note for Rick when she returned to town for her graduation.

Meg Hart suspected that Lynn had some reason for going to Rick's, making her late for graduation. She found the letter and when she read it, found she could use the second half of the letter to help her win Rick back. She put this into an envelope she addressed to Michael and slipped it under his door. She proved to Rick with a phone call that Michael had gone to the lake to see Cal.

Michael arrived at the cottage, surprising Cal. Learning that part of her letter had found its way to Michael, Cal realized her mother has been at work again. Rick found Cal at the grocery store trying to call him. Meg thought she might have gone too far this time.

As he was leaving, an old man asked Michael's help in starting his motor boat so that he could locate his grandson, who was sailing on the lake, before the squall came in.

One Life to Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

Cathy Craig told Brad Vernon she haD decided not to follow through on her call to Ed Hall to tell him that she learned from Will Vernon that Brad had been with Lana on the night she died and that Brad was responsible for the attacks on Cathy herself. When Larry Wolek showed Cathy the autopsy report indicating that Lana had taken two doses of sleeping pills separated by a long period of time, together with alcohol, it tended to indicate that Lana, herself, had taken the second larger dose, perhaps accidentally. - Only Brad knew that he administered the final set of sleeping pills in order to buy time after Lana threatened to tell Jenny she was pregnant and ruin the plans for Brad and Jenny's wedding the following day. - Cathy's main concern was for Brad's wife Jenny and his sister Samantha, who would be subject to prosecution for lying to the coroner's jury. When Brad admitted moral responsibility, Cathy took it as a hopeful sign that he would make good his word to straighten up and try to he the husband Jenny deserved.

Brad’s elation after Cathy's decision was short-lived when Jenny announced that she was going away for a week-long retreat to think over what was happening to their marriage. In Jenny's absence Brad knuckled down to business, telling Sam he had even begun taking a course of religious instruction he had promised to consider before his marriage. Dr. Pamela Sheppard reported to Will, however, that Jenny was out of town only a few hours before Brad was trying to take Pamela to dinner.

Peter Janssen had asked Melinda to marry him and Melinda had accepted his proposal but begged off for a time talking about a ring or setting a date, not ready to face Dorian. Melinda had been taking some riding lessons and though Dorian heard about it and was furious, she did not yet know that Melinda was considering taking out a horse that was a "jumper" in the future. - Melinda injured her arm in a fall while riding with Dorian, who dared her to compete in a jump though Dorian was by far the better horsewoman. Dorian's guilty obsession with "protecting" Melinda stemmed in a large part from that long ago incident. –

Edwina Lewis met with Luke Jackson after tracking him down when he came to Llanview in response to the publicity story on Becky she had planted in Becky's home town paper. She then knew that Luke wais Becky Lee's husband. Becky herself had finally told Mrs. Hopkins about Luke but had refused to  tell Richard. On the night before she and Richard were scheduled to leave for Europe she failed to turn up at a farewell party at the Rileys'. Richard went to Ina's boarding house where Becky and Luke were behind Becky's locked bedroom door as Luke held a gun ready to use on Richard if Becky tried to get away. Luke and Becky slipped out, but Marco Dane saw Becky stop to put some hills to cover the rent money on a table for Ina. She rushed out and he reported her departure to Richard and Joe, but he didn't see Luke Jackson. Later Becky called Richard, in tears, telling him to go on without her and Luke took the phone to say that he was Becky's husband. Luke claims his "marital rights" at the motel in Llanview where he had decided to stay for a time and then insisted that there was no reason why Becky couldn't keep her singing engagement at the Blue Ridge club as the money was good. At first Becky refused but then decided that she would try to make enough money to buy Luke off if he would leave her alone, even though she saw no hope of being with Richard. Luke made it clear that the money was secondary to the fact that she was his wife and he would track her down again and again if she tried, as she had threatened, to get away from him. He also threatened, as a final step, to bring in the police, a threat which terrified her.

After the reported death of the leader of the escaped revolutionaries sworn to kill Paul Kendall, Pat and Paul's relief was short-lived when it was realized that the leads that the two remaining had headed for cover were false and they were actually in Llanview. Bonny Harmon was determined to see that Cantrell kept to his pledge and they both boldly turned up at Tony's Place. Tony spotted Cantrell's tattoo and tried unsuccessfully to stall them. When they left, he had his bartender call the police and rushed to the Kendall house to tell them. As Paul and Pat left moments later, heavily guarded, the two observed with satisfaction that everything was going according to plan. As Pat and Paul waited in the VIP room of the airport, a man and woman purporting to be the pilot and stewardess on their flight insisted on being admitted as it was the only way to the field where the plane was being readied. The guard opened the door, locking it immediately behind them, and Harmon and Cantrell turned to face Pat and Paul with guns drawn.

In the seconds before the police broke in, Bonnie Harmer shot Paul but Herman Cantrell took a bullet in his arm before they got away, with help from their organization, to a hideout in Philadelphia. After an operation to remove a bullet lodged near the  spine, Paul seemed to be on the way to recovery.

Jenny returned to tell Brad that she would not be sharing his bed until she was convinced he could reform, and warned him their life together was over if he ever stroke her again. Brad accused her of being manipulative and told her that she had changed. She replied that she had to, in self-defense, and he had to agree when she made it clear she meant to call a halt to their marriage if he did not.

Carla Hall discovered that Dr. Scott had scheduled Dr. Jim Craig for a coronary by-pass operation the following morning and parted with Jim tearfully as he went home at the lunch hour that day to tell his wife Anna and his daughter Cathy. Jenny left the hospital with him on the day after Kendall's shooting and they were taken by Harmon and Cantrell in a van. As Jim was examining Cantrell's wound he had an attack. Though at first Bonnie suspected he was faking, after Jenny administered some medicine Jim was carrying on him, she accepted the fact that they had no instruments to probe for the bullet and allowed Jenny to clean and dress the wound. She drugged Jim and Jenny with sleeping pills and called Joe Riley. She offered a swap, trading Jim and Jenny for Paul Kendall whom she had learned was alive from radio reports. Joe Riley agreed to put an ad in the next morning's edition if the terms were acceptable. Joe Riley and Ed Hall called on Dorian, telling her of the kidnapping and proposing to offer a counter-proposal of money if the Lord Foundation would back them. Dorian agreed. In the meanwhile Harmer told Cantrell she planned to hit the hospital dressed as a nurse to get Paul while the authorities believed they were holding off. Cantrell was to drive.

Melinda agreed to accept Peter's engagement ring and to tell Dorian later that day, along with Peter. Before news of Jim's kidnapping circulated, Melinda talked Dorian into cancelling her plans to attend a board meeting that afternoon and go riding with her. Dorian was apprehensive, but as it was evident that Melinda was in control and thoroughly enjoying herself, even taking her horse over jumps, they settled down to a companionable ride. Dorian proposed, as Melinda was so obviously in control, that she sealed their new found closeness by arranging for Melinda to leave the boardinghouse and move into Llanfair. Melinda had to answer that her plans were set up a different course and told her that she and Peter were planning to be married. Dorian reacted angrily and as the horses began to gallop, Dorian was thrown.

At dinner, Melinda put on Peter’s ring and told him about the episode, saying that Dorian was not seriously hurt, but stormed off and drove home alone, leaving Melinda to make her own way back to town. At Peter’s insistence Melinda and he called at Llanfair, where Dorian sent word that she refused to see Melinda and asked Peter in. When he came into the room, Dorian insisted that Melinda attempted to kill her.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Frank Ryan, candidate for the Senate, proposed to Jill Coleridge, his long-time friend, some-time lover, and mother of his son, Edmund. Frank would like to be married immediately, but marriage to Jill, outside the Church, would damage his campaign. Thus, Frank contaceds Father MacShane about the possibility of getting an annullment from his ex-wife, Delia, whom he divorced. Frank's grounds for the annullment would be fraud, claiming, correctly, that Dee married him as a substitute for Pat, his brother, and to become a Ryan. Mac told Frank there were no precedents for such a case, in which case, the Chancery would act slowly. It would help if Dee would testify to her state of mind, but Dee wasn't rational. After contacting the Chancery, Mac notified that the annullment would not come through before November, if at all. Frank suggested he and Jill go out of state and get married anyway. Jill, aware of how much the Senate had come to mean to Frank, refused, but they set up housekeeping, Frank spending his nights with Jill and his son.

Rae Woodard, Frank’s sponsor, couldn't locate him one night, claiming to friend Polly Longworth that she had campaign business to discuss. Polly suggested Rae try Jill's apartment. She did, and was hurt when Frank answered the phone, hung up, and took the phone off the hook. Polly got Rae to admit she was in love with Frank. The campaign interfered with Frank and Jill's time together. Jill arrived for lunch with Frank at Lem's and found him surrounded by reporters - sent by Rae -, so she left. They set up a brief time with Edmund in the park, then Frank received a call from an important man who could deliver three counties and lots of money, so he had to cancel. Seneca Beaulac, Jill's former lover, who wanted Jill back, watched from the sidelines, waiting for his chance. When he learned Jill had to leave Ryan's by the back door on Mother's Day, he arrived at Jill's with a present, and agreed to a game of chess, to pass the time. - True to form, however, Seneca couldn't lose gracefully to Jill, until she badgered him into it. - Frank arrived as Seneca was leaving.

Frank objected to Seneca's being there, but Jill replied that Seneca was a friend. Seneca confided to Bucky Carter that he intended to win Jill back, and took her an antique chess set that belonged to his family. Jill refused the set as a gift, but allowed him to leave it, "on permanent loan." Frank was due shortly, so Jill sent Seneca away, but Rae had Frank stop at a softball game, which Seneca was only too happy to report to Jill. Rae's plans to win friends and influence people extended into the Ryan family. She made Jack Fenelli a lucrative offer to join her newspaper chain. He refused, saying his style of working and writing and hers weren't compatible.

Jack and wife Mary were having some problems incumbent with two working parents. Mary's job at Channel R had her galavanting all over the city at all times during the day, taking away time from daughter Ryan and thoughts of domestic details. Mary decided she needed a job with more reasonable demands. Their biggest problem was the laundry, so for Mother's Day, Jack bought Mary 5 new shirts for him and 5 new blouses for her, saying that gave them a week's leeway. Mary was touched. His other gift, also from Ryan, was a diamond ring. Rae, constantly tuned into the Ryans, learned of Mary's discontent from Frank and offered her a job as assistant press secretary on the campaign, with emphasis on TV and radio ads. Mary accepted, after Rae said she could name her own hours, bring Ryan along, and gave her a raise. Jack didn't like it, saying Rae was trying to control all the Ryans. He also pointed out that Mary would work harder because it would be for Frank. Mary was too relieved to listen.

Pat Ryan was divorcing wife Delia. Pat found out about Dee's miscarriage occurring before their wedding, and that she faked a breakdown. He was through. When the Ryans and Dee's brother Bob Reid learned of her deceptions, they, too, turned their backs on her. Dee went to find her mother – who was dead -. She knelt on her mother's grave and asked to stay with her. Dee spent her nights in the park, then wandered back to the apartment. Roger Coleridge, Dee's former lover, had gone there to find her. When he found the radio on, the phone off the hook, her money on the table, and the door open, he became very concerned. Upon leaving, he locked the door. As Dee couldn't get in, and heard voices telling her to go away, she returned to the park. Meanwhile, Roger went to see Dee's psychiatrist, Al Pagano, who agreed with Roger that Dee might have gone over the edge. Roger convinced Bob to start a police search. Angel Nieves stumbled over Dee in the park. Confused by her behavior, Angel reported to Alicia and Rae. Rae hired private detectives to assist the local precinct, forestalling a larger alert, as it would hurt the campaign. Dee took all her money out of the bank and returned to the park. There, she was approached by a man named Lloyd, who promised her a job and a place to live. Dee went with him, but when she figured out Lloyd's real intentions, she panicked. As Lloyd started to assault her, she hit him with her purse. Lloyd was distracted by the money that spilled out. Desperate, Dee jumped out the window. Roger, meanwhile, had Clem cover for him at the hospital and stayed home, calling hospitals, waiting for word. He heard a dull knocking on the door. Dee had made it to his apartment, bruised, cut, incoherent. Roger took care of her.

Tom and Faith Desmond had time for only a weekend honeymoon in the city. One night, Tom reacted with unreasonable anger when Faith teased him about being flirtatious over one of the ballerinas they had seen. Tom calmed down and told Faith his anger got out of control when he had been drinking.  – They had been having brandy. - He recounted examples of childhood incidents where his anger went out of control. Faith urged him to examine his anger and deal with it. Tom just promised not to drink or lose control again.

Pat and Faith crossed paths, finally. Pat declared his love for Faith, who shut him off. She told him she loved Tom and had married him. Faith had every intention of honoring her wedding vows and making the marriage work. Pat pointed out that Tom could apply for citizenship in a year. Faith told Pat she didn't want him to wait for her, that she was staying with Tom. Pat accepted her edict. Tom arrived. Faith reassured him that she and Pat were through, but Tom confronted Pat, who backed up what Faith said. But it was painful for Faith to see Pat, as Tom observed. Pat went out of his way to appear to be over Faith, to be beginning a life without her.

Tom became jealous when Faith became involved in organizing a softball game for Angel Nieves that would include Pat. Faith suggested they get away for awhile, and they went to the beach house. Faith told Tom that she and Pat shared patients and his jealousy was unnecessary. At the beach house, Tom persuaded Faith to make love with contraception. Several days later, when Tom suggested it again, Faith refuses, saying she was not ready to get pregnant, that only people who planned a long life together should have children.

Frank was lambasted by Mary when he chose to allow a TV news crew to film Ryan's first birthday party. In order for there not to be questions, Frank had to ask Jill and Edmund to not attend the party. Mary accused Frank of choosing the campaign over Jill. Meanwhile, Jill invited Seneca to play chess. After a break to play with Edmund, Seneca was playing with one of the baby's toys when Frank arrived. He had earlier almost dared Jill to have Seneca over. Jill said she would see whichever friends she liked.

Roger agreed to look after Dee, pay for her therapy, etc., provided she saw Al Pagano regularly. Dee, with no one else to look after her, agreed. She admitted to Al that she had nobody to blame but herself for her trouble, then tried to regress with Roger, who wouldn't allow her to become dependent.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Kathy Phillips noticed that Douglas was fussy and had a slight fever. His temperature continued to rise and Stephanie Wyatt, a former nurse, suggested that they take him directly to the hospital. Doctors Maria Thompson and Amy Carson were stumped, but continued an around the clock watch for any change in his symptoms. Amy called Dr. Carolyn Hanley when Kathy began blaming herselt for returning to work at the law office for a few hours each day. Kathy felt she should have known Douglas was ill. Everyone was concerned that the strain of Douglas' illness and blaming herself could cause a relapse. - Kathy spent several months in a sanitarium before Douglas' birth. - Antibiotics and constant care soon had Doug well enough to go home.

Stephanie read Scott’s military dog tag that Eric had incorporated in his mobile for Doug's cradle. Suspecting that something was wrong, she double checked Doug's blood type, under the pretense of giving blood in case it was needed. As she thought, Doug and Scott did not have the same blood type. Stephanie told Kathy that David Sutton was very attracted and should be let go from the firm. She was sure that John would think it important, if Kathy asked. Kathy wouldn't.

Scott and David were representing opposing business partners in a libel suit. Scott had trouble keeping things on a purely professional basis, because he couldn't forget that David could have been the father of Kathy's baby. John chastized them both and demanded that they try harder to keep the case out of court. Scott and David came to an agreement on behalf of their clients and agreed that having to confront one another and having to work things out had helped them personally.

The title insurance company told Stu Bergman that the man who checked the title on Hartford House when they bought it no longer worked for them. They admitted he made a mistake, but the most they would do was pay the amount of the insurance policy. Bill Mendel spoke to Ted Adamson, who suggested he might let them keep the building. Stu and Ellie Bergman, Jo Vincente, and John Wyatt trie to show that they didn't feel they would lose in a court battle. Stephanie resented the time John was spending with Jo. Stephanie's joy over moving into the new house was dulled when John rushed off to the Inn for business meetings.

Tom Bergman suggested that they located a new piece of property and had the Inn moved. Jo said that all the land around Henderson had been built on and this was why Adamson was interested in their property. Even if they retained the building, having houses built around the Inn would spoil all the charm and keep away their patrons, who visited to roam its beautiful grounds. Stephanie went to Adamson with a proposition. She would like to give Stu and Jo a piece of property larger than what they had with the same type of landscape, trees, and a heart shaped lake, as a gift. Knowing they wouldn't take charity, but could accept a business proposition, she would like them to present it with no mention of her. The property was 40 miles from Henderson, making it a very attractive site, as far as Stephanie was concerned.

Adamson made the offer to Jo and Ellie, explaining that it was too far out for homes, but since much of their clientele came from afar to vacation, it would not hurt their business. He would hold off with any construction until they made arrangements to have the Inn moved, using the insurance money. Jo did not like the idea of leaving Henderson, and John felt there was something fishy about Adamson offering such an expensive piece of land. He was sure there was someone behind it all. As Jo and Stu came closer to accepting Adamson's offer, John pleaded that Suzi was devastated at the thought of her aunt moving so far away. Finally, he admitted that he could not bear the thought of Jo's leaving town. Stephanie already objected to his visiting her at the Inn and would not agree to his driving forty miles out of town.

Dr. Carolyn Hanley felt that it would be good for Kylie Halliday to visit outside Tudor Oaks. When Carolyn mentioned that she invited Kylie to the house, Gary and Janet had to tell her that they had planned a family gathering at Janet's for Carolyn's birthday. They decided that including Kylie in a family gathering might be good for her. Chance was in the room when Carolyn told her of the change of plans and suggested that he need go along to make sure Kylie felt safe.

Chance used his charm on Janet and her son Danny. He had shown an interest in Janet, after finding out that she was a widow and the major stockholder in the Collins Corporation. Tom Bergman and Kylie learned that they shared an interest in the works of William Shakespeare. Although Kylie had not had much formal schooling because she hds been shunted from one hospital to another since she was ten, she had read every book made available to her. Kylie was excited when Tom asked her to attend a college production of « A Mid-Summer Night's Dream ». As before, Donna had to have several drinks before visiting Kylie, because of all the memories it brought back. Donna told her that there was only about ten percent happiness in any marriage, shattering Kylie's illusions of love. Kylie cancelled her date with Tom, telling Carolyn that she was sure Tom would be ashamed to take her to meet his college friends. Carolyn suggested that Tom could take her out alone first. Jo and Ellie agreed Kylie was probably frightened because she had never dated, and Tom should ask her out again. Kylie agreed to dinner, but then had a nightmare, where she heard a woman crying hysterically. She thought she was worse and admitted to Carolyn that it happened when she was little, but she told no one, for fear of being punished. Carolyn still felt she should go to dinner with Tom, hoping to keep Kylie's confidence up.

Steve and Liza Kaslo had returned from his concert tour, but it looked like another one was in the near future. Steve realized that this life was not much fun for Liza, but until he sold enough of his music, they couldn’t settle down. Liza knew that Steve would not agree to a family and asked Janet if it would really be so bad if she let herself get pregnant without asking him.

Tom Bergman was a few minutes late for his date and Kylie became very nervous. She heard a woman crying and panicked. The date was called off and Dr. Carolyn Hanley tried to calm Kylie. A nurse asked if Kylie was disturbed by the new patient in the next room when she had a bad crying spell a few minutes ago.

The real estate secretary called John Wyatt by mistake about the purchase of a piece of property. He asked Stephanie, who said she had considered a piece of investment property by the reservoir, thinking they might build on it before finding this house. Jo Vincente called saying she and Stu had decided to take Adamson's offer, but John asked them to wait. Stephanie blew up in front of Suzi. As Stephanie and John prepared for bed, Wendy rushed in to tell them Suzi was gone.

Bruce Carson was asked to come to New York to interview with one of the best national magazines as an investigative reporter. Amy didn't want to spoil his enthusiasm, but hated the idea of moving to New York. Bruce ran into Donna at the Inn when he went there to tell Jo the news. She was drunk and threw her arms around Bruce, saying he was the only one she had any feelings for.

The Young and The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Linda Larkin was determined to find a job to relieve the boredom she felt at home. Jeffrey Allen said Linda  didn’t have the qualifications for the position of receptionist that he advertised for, but was willing to make a place for her as his Girl Friday. Larry was stunned when she tolds him that she had found a job so quickly, but finally told her that he had always been proud of her because he considered taking care of his home and children important. Greg and Snapper Foster didn’t like it when they heard how Allen hired Linda. Snapper arrived at the office as Linda was leaving after quitting upon hearing that Allen hired her with the thought of an affair motivating him. Linda didn’t want to tell Larry about Mr. Allen’s advances because she was sure that the only reason he let her look for a job in the first place was his belief that she wouldn’t find one. Snapper was not at all sure that a job was the best thing for a woman as discontent as Linda was. Larry guessed why Linda quit a job she liked so well and said that it was probably for the best, because her job is at home. Summer was almost here and the kids would be out of school. If she wanted to look for a job next fall, he would agree, but he “demanded” that she spend the summer taking care of his children. He thought she was selfish to think of her own needs. Linda retorted he had never taken any of the responsibility for the kids.

Snapper learned that Casey Reed’s apparent dislike of men probably stemmed from her early family life. Her father drank and beat her mother. Her younger sister, Nikki, lived with her mother, but Casey tried to keep tabs on her. Snapper set up a meeting between Casey and his brother Greg. Neither was very happy about it, but Greg later decided he would like to see more of her. Snapper confided Casey's past and said he thought she needed company. He told her that he could understand her feelings because his father walked out on them, not returning for seven years. She admitted that Greg was at least a man of his word.

Having lost the lease on his old salon, Derek could only find a rental in a poor neighborhood. When everything went wrong, Derek walked out and ended up at the new “Golden Comb” that he and Mrs. Chancellor designed. Kay invited Derek in « just to look around »  and made him a proposition. He could run the Golden Comb and have his freedom if he would live with her for one year. She would set up a trust of $100,000 for little Phillip that he could have at the age of eighteen. The only conditions were that he could see other women, provided Jill was not one of them, and no one, including Jill, had to learn of this arrangement. Jill could see that something was bothering Derek, but could only agree to trust him when he wouldn't confide in her. - Kay Chancellor managed to trick Derek into marriage one evening when he was so under the influence of alcohol that he awoke the following morning with no memory of what had happened. -

Derek discussed the arrangement with Mrs. Chancellor and signed an agreement when she agreed to some of his conditions. He took Jill to dinner to explain the situation. He said that they could be married after one year and he would own the Golden Comb. The stipulation was that he live in Kay’s house and see only women she had never met before. Jill said she couldn’t live with these conditions, even though Derek had assured her there would be no other women in his life, and he would not be sleeping in the same bed with Mrs. Chancellor. He felt this would be as much for Philip as for them, since they could be together several years sooner.

Leslie Brooks had had several bouts of dizziness. One occured while Lucas Prentiss was visiting, and he insisted on taking her to the hospital to be checked out. She admitted the possibility of being pregnant to the doctor and the test confirmed their suspicions.

Lorie Brooks Prentiss planned to tell Lance about Roger Dorsett’s offer to manage her and the possibility of her book's being made into a broadway play, but Lance mentioned first that he was glad she hadn't tried to promote the book and profit by Leslie’s misery. Lucas told Lance that Leslie’s refusal to talk about Laurie meant that she could be willing to forgive. If she were really unforgiving, she would be only too glad to vent her anger. Lance stopped by to see Leslie on his way home from a business trip, to thank her for the good advice she gave him about making up with his wife. Lorie appeared at the door, just as Lance kissed Leslie goodbye. Lorie left unseen, and returned home urging Lucas to accompany her to New York to see Dorsett. Lance was surprised that she had gone to New York, as he had planned a surprise vacation in Europe. Lorie called Lance, but didn’t tell him why she was in New York or where she was staying. Vanessa assured him that Lorie looked upon Lucas as a brother and must have had a very good reason for asking him to go with her.

Lorie was thrilled with the attention she was getting, but made it clear to the interviewers that Leslie did not have another breakdown and she was proud of her sister for overcoming her difficulties. Lucas could see that something was wrong between Lance and Lorie and said he would be there to listen whenever she wanted to talk.

Brock again helped Leslie find peace with herself, and she had come to a decision about him after a talk with her father. Stuart had a lot of respect for Brock and believed that she could never find a better man. Leslie said there were many things Brock didn’t know, but he said he was happy to take her the way she was.

Lance learned why Lorie had gone to New York, when he was asked to give an interview to supplement Lorie’s. Lance tells Leslie that Lorie had begun to exploit her.

Lorie was enjoying all the attention she was getting. Roger Dorsett called her to inform her that Lance was contacted about an interview. She broke down and told Lucas how she went to see Leslie to reconcile the differences they had, but found her in Lance’s arms. Lucas said that if he had known this was the problem, he would have advised her to talk to Lance before coming to New York.

Lance felt he didn’t know his wife. If she had plans to promote this book when she talked to him about starting a family, then he could only believe that she was the person everyone said she was before he met her.

Derek had moved into Kay’s house, but let her know that as far as he was concerned, this was strictly a business arrangement. Brock talked to his mother and then visited Derek at the salon. Brock knew that Derek was doing this for Jill and Phillip, not for the Chancellor money.

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No mention of Paul in June. Nikki arrived in Genoa and was described as flirty. I imagine Paul was just a random guy at first. Nikki is said to have sex with a guy named Ted (who has a girlfriend named Carol). The guy gives Nikki a veneral disease. In August 1978 summary, Casey was said to be relieved Nikki was seeing a young doctor but Paul accused Nikki of giving him the veneral disease. It is his first mention. I will have to double check with SoapOperaDigest.

Edited by FrenchFan
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JUNE 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Donna Tyler was baby-sitting with Dottie Thornton as Jeff and Lt. Tolliver arrived to question the little girl. A tape recorder was turned on as Jeff played a "remember game" with Dottie. She re-enacted picking up her mother's glass on the evening David died, putting it down untasted because it smelled bad, then carrying the glass around to David's place setting and setting it down there to reach for some cookies. Jeff found David's medical bag containing the Digitalis with which David began his campaign to poison his wife, Edna. The D.A. dropped the case against Christina the following day but Edna maintained publically that she still believed Chris murdered David, unable to admit to herself that David planned her death.

Dr. Jeff Martin and and Dr. Christina Karras were married privately with no friends or family in attendance on the day that Dan Kennicott graduated. Devon Sheppard, in an attempt to cover her humiliation at seeing Brooke and Dan together, had told Dan and her mother that she knew all along that Dan was in love with Brooke and that she had gotten over her "crush" on him. However she had reacted privately by vowing to herself that she would never again he the "little miss Goody-Two-Shoes" Brooke had called her. She phoned her old friend Wally MacFadden and invited him to visit Pine Valley. As Wally planned to drive to St. Louis to visit his parents, she told her mother that she had decided to drive there with him to reconcile with her father. Although Ellen Shephard believed the trip would be made in one long day's drive, Devon proposed to Wally that they take their time and arrange to spend a night together in a motel enroute.

Tara had embroiled herself in deception by keeping from Phil the fact that little Phillip has sneaked out of his room to meet Sammy, a friend of his. Chuck was there with Tara when a noise from the boy's room revealed that he was back. After Chuck left, Tara found a hubcap hidden under the boy's bed. When he begged her to keep it a secret from Phil, saying that he would think he had stolen it, though he told his mother, he found it on the street, Tara agreed. Once again Tara learned that her son was with Sammy when he told her that he had been playing with another neighbor's child. This time, though Tara did not know it, Sammy and little Philip – who wanted to be called « Charlie » - sold Sammy's three hubcaps - Charlie had kept his as a "souvenir"- . Sammy got six dollars from a junk dealer, but in retaliation for the man's stinginess Sammy dipped some liquid from a can on the lot and asked Charlie for a match, warning him to get ready to run. Sammy then set fire to an old car on the place.

Phil and his partner Sgt. Jacoby answered a call from Tom Cudahy's steak house to learn that Mona Kane's hubcaps had been stolen from the parking lot. Phil withheld from Jacoby the fact that when they had answered the arson call at the junkyard, he found Charlie's watch, a present from Chuck, engraved with Chuck's name. Phil went home to confront his son and got little Philip's version — Sammy had the hubcaps and set the fire. As Phil was questioning Sammy at the boy's house he got a call from Chuck who had been appealed to by Tara. Phil was furious and even more so when he returned home and learned that he was correct in his suspicions that Tara had told Chuck the things she knew about the situation which she withheld from him. Phil made it clear that after the boy admitted giving Sammy the matches, and faced with the evidence of the watch and Sammy's story that Charlie set the fire, he would have to report it. After Chuck left, Tara blamed Phil for not having been home at the time, claiming he put his devotion to duty above his family. She went on to say that if Phil turned their son in, their marriage was over.

When Donna learned that Estelle had accepted an engagement ring from Billy Clyde Tuggle, she and Maggie Flannagan arranged to invite Stelle and Benny Sago to a dinner party at Donna's. Benny was about to speak his mind to Stelle when Chuck arrived and their moment alone was lost. Hope for another chance on the way home was dashed when Billy Clyde arrives to pick them up. Over Stelle's objections, Billy Clyde dropped Maggie off across the street from her apartment and Maggie's poor eyesight proved her undoing as she stepped in front of a car and was struck down.

Kelly Cole made an appearance on WRCW-TV in Pine Valley. Initially, the interviewer seemed a little leery about Kelly but when she explained that she was a native of Pine Valley and the circumstances surrounding her return – Linc Tyler discovered that Kelly was really the twin sister of his deceased wife Kitty – the interviewer joined Kelly in asking the listening audience to call in if they had any information about Kelly’s mother or grandmother Lucy Carpenter.

Eddie Dorrance was hospitalized on Dr. Charles Tyler's recommendation after he experienced severe stomach pains at the Chateau. Though Eddie had been urging Kelly to leave Pine Valley at the end of her successful engagement at the Chateau, he wasted no time in sending for Claudette from his hospital room to inform her that he had contacted Nick Davis long distance in Chicago and Nick's reaction to the reports of full house attendance was to offer Kelly an unlimited engagement. Kelly pointed out to Eddie that Claudette would be harder than ever to work for since Eddie had seen fit to go over her head.

While in honeymoon with Jeff, Christina kept thinking about Edna who accused her of murder. In Pine Valley, Edna realized she knew Kelly. They worked together in San Francisco.

Tom Cudahy had assured Mark Dalton that he had no plans for marriage to Erica but Mona Kane learn that her daughter had been attending Mass with Tom and was considering converting to Catholicism – Erica had learned that Tom used to think about becoming a priest –. When Erica asked Tom's friend Father Chaney if she could begin a course of religious instruction he agreed, but loaded her down with books on theology and philosophy to study.

Billy Clyde bugged Maggie's hospital room when he heard her refer to something she had to give Stelle that would change her life. He learned that Maggie had sensed all along that Stelle and Billy Clyde were covering up their true "profession." She told Stelle that she had $20,000 secreted in her room and directed her to go to her apartment immediately after her death and use the money for a new start in life. Maggie died after receiving the last rites of her church.

Devon Sheppard and Wally were in a motel room together when Ellen got a phone call from Devon's college asking if she would be available to repeat her performance as Phoebe in a summer theatre production. Ellen considered phoning her ex-husband's home in St. Louis to break the good news but held off, believing that Devon must have arrived there but might be sleeping after her long trip. In the motel, Devon admitted to Wally she was a virgin. He was surprised she didn’t make it with Dan. Wally was a virgin himself.

Mark tried again to give Ellen an engagement ring but she refused. Erica tore into Paul Martin for his interest in Ellen. He was upset.

Dr. Charles Tyler learned that Chuck had been drinking although he had been forbidden alchohol because of his kidney condition. He told Chuck that his place was with Donna instead of rushing off to Tara on any pretext which arose. Chuck went home only to quarrel with Donna. After she apologized for her jealousy and asked him to comfort her he left, telling her he was going back to the hospital.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Gwen Parrish, Russ Matthews' fiance, had been under great stress lately, even ag-reeing to see psychiatrist Cal Zimmerman to overcome some of her snappishness. Gwen's tension began with the arrival of her mother, Leueen, who conspired with Liz Matthews to break her engagement to Russ. During therapy Gwen decided that Russ was too steady for her and determined to break the engagement. Russ arrived at her apartment to tell her of an offer from a hospital in Dallas. He felt their moving there would give them a better chance to build a life together. Gwen refused, telling Russ of her decision. Russ decided to go to Dallas anyway, feeling it was an opportunity he couldn’t miss. Liz assumed he was leaving because of the way Gwen treated him. She went to the office Gwen shared with Willis Frame and told Gwen she drove Russ away, that she was an awful person, and maybe Leueen was right—Gwen should marry somebody as unscrupulous as Willis Frame. Willis, who was been drowning his sorrows over losing Angie Perrini to his brother Vince, had found Gwen to be a good friend in need. After Liz's statement, he appeared to see her in still another light. Leueen left Bay City. One morning Willis arrived for work in a foul mood, taking it out on Gwen. She finally told him to stop it. After laughing, they decided to start the day over. Willis walked in again and kissed Gwen impulsively. Both were startled.

Angie Perrini Frame, who married Vince in a civil ceremony, had told her mother Rose that she would be married in the Church. Rose had been in contact with the parrish priest and was busily making lists of guests. However, Angie refused to give Rose a date. Vince had gone to see Willis to tell him of the marriage. When Willis learned they were married by a justice of the peace, he told Vince that Angie would have to be married in the Church to take her marriage seriously. He laughed, angering Vince. Thus Vince was on Rose's side. Angie found an excuse to postpone her mother's plans longer when Vince and Charley Hobson decided it might be a good idea to expand the fix-it shop into a furniture-making business. Jim Matthews volunteered to help them raise the money as a limited partnership. Angie told her mother she wouldn't have time to think about a wedding with all the work involved in setting up the business. Rose let it drop until after her son Joey's graduation party, then finally cornered Angie. Angie finally admitted she might not really be in love with Vince, that she might have married him too hastily, which was why she didn’t want the church ceremony. Rose reminded Angie that she didn't love her husband when they married, but grew to love him. She wished the same for Angie and dropped the Church wedding idea for the present.

After graduation, Joey would be working in the shop to free Vince and Charley to work on the furniture business. When approached to buy one of the first ten shares, Liz Matthews, who had a crush on Charley, refused because she wanted no part of anything having to do with the Frames. However, son-in-law Dan Shearer – who recently came back to Bay City to reconcile with his wife Julia – convinced her she'd be investing in Charley. Liz bought the last of the ten shares.

Iris Bancroft returned to Bay City unexpectedly. She went straight to her old house, then owned by Elena de Poulignac. Elena was having a party, to which Olive Randolph conned Brian Bancroft, Iris' husband, into taking her. However, Iris saw Elena kiss Brian after he had agreed never to bring Olive again. She was furious. Iris contacted Liz to pump her about Brian and Elena and found that the woman everyone had been talking about in relationship to Brian was really Olive. Iris couldn’t believe it, as Olive had a well-deserved reputation for taking men for a ride. Since Iris was back in town, Brian tried to stop seeing Olive, telling her Iris could sue him for divorce and name Olive as co-respondent, which would endanger her getting the house John built for her in her divorce settlement from John. Olive agreed, tentatively. Iris arrived in Brian's office as Olive was leaving. After exchanging recriminations, they decided they still loved each other, but Iris, in her self-destructive way, began making demands again, and Brian asked her to leave.

Dennis Carrington, Iris’ son, learning his mother's back in town, was determined to leave Bay City. His friend Jamie Frame told his mother Rachel of Dennis' intentions, then asked his step-father Mac Cory to pay his and Dennis' way to a working dude ranch in Wyoming. Mac agreed, not wanting to lose contact with grandson Dennis. Dennis asked that nobody tell his mother where he was, and they all kept his secret. However, Iris found a postcard from him in Elena's office at the Gallery. Her arrival at the ranch caused a stir among the ranch hands. Dennis refused to see her, but was forced to by one of the ranch hands. Dennis refused to leave and return with Iris. However, the hand convinced Dennis he was very lucky to have someone to care about him, and Dennis agreed to go with Iris.

Susan Shearer was reluctant to reconcile with her estranged husband telling Dan his inability to talk to her, followed by his dismissal of her when he suggested they separate, were too much humiliation. Dan had joined the hospital staff and was living in Russ' house until Russ decided what to do with it.

Pat Randolph had decided she couldn’t remarry John, but they agreed to keep in close touch about Mike and Marianne, who were going through a bad time. Marianne, against the express wishes of her parents, was seeing John's partner, Greg Barnard. She met him at his apartment and found pleasure in playing limited house. She had to return home every night. Unbeknownst to Marianne, she was a substitute for her mother. Greg loved Pat, but since she had refused all advances, telling him she didn't quite trust him, Greg had decided on the affair with Marianne. Mike knew about it, but he was kept quiet because Marianne threatened to cut all ties to the family if he told anyone.

Mike’s problems with Greg revolved around his friendship with Eileen Simpson and his impending divorce from Molly. Eileen's parents were very strict, and she told Mike they would interfere, if they knew she was dating a married man, even though he was getting a divorce. Greg overheard. Actually, Greg had received Mike's final papers, but he was holding them in hopes of bringing Mike around. Finally, Mike called Molly's lawyer to find out what the delay was. He was stunned to find out that the papers were sent months ago and that the lawyer had a receipt signed by Greg. Mike confronted Greg, who swore to know nothing abut it, suggesting someone else could have signed his name. When nobody was around, Greg hid the papers in an old file. Meanwhile, Eileen's parents learned of her relationship with Mike and forbade her to see him again or work in the office any longer. Mrs. Simpson told Mike she knew he was aware about his divorce being final some time ago, and she thought he was only stringing Eileen along. However, Mrs. Simpson refused to reveal who told her Mike's divorce was final. Mike suspected it was Greg, but couldn’t confirm it.

John found Mike’s papers accidentally. Pat decided to have a chat with Mrs. Simpson. During the conversation, Mrs. Simpson let it slip that Greg told her about the divorce. Mike went to Greg's apartment and confronted him in front of Marianne, telling her he was going to get rid of Greg by telling the family of their affair. Marianne reiterated her threat to cut all ties. but Mike told her that was her problem. Marianne was devastated at the thought of losing Greg and was worried about him being fired by John. Greg told her he knew what to do. He proposed marriage, to Marianne's delight.

Dennis returned to Bay City with Iris, but made it clear he would lead his own life. Iris was distressed, but was then comforted by the return of Brian. After Brian got Olive's signature on her divorce papers, and assurance from the judge that the divorce would be granted in a few days, he told Olive it was all over between them.

Clarice invested in the furniture shop/store. Charley tried to return the check, but she refused, saying she had as much right as others. Furthermore, investing in Charley was also an investment in son Cory's future.

Greg gave Marianne an engagement ring, but asked her not to wear it just yet. Pat, learning from Michael that Marianne had been seeing Greg against John's and her wishes, tried to warn Marianne that Greg might be unscrupulous. When she got nowhere with her, Pat confronted Greg with his deception, and guessed that he was using Marianne as a substitute for her. Meanwhile, Mike met with Mr. Simpson and convinced him to let Eileen return to work. The catch was that Eileen must not see Mike after office hours. Mike and Eileen agreed. Eileen accepted a dinner date with Dennis.

Joey Perrini was developing a crush on Eileen, and Sally Gordon was developing a crush on Joey.

Dan and Susan Shearer found themselves thrown together over hospital/patient matters.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Jane Spencer’s estranged husband, Ron, had contacted lawyer Donald Hughes, imploring Jane not to postpone their divorce so that he could give Michelle's baby his name. She said she had supported Ron for years and then she was only asking that he agree to hold off the divorce for one year for tax purposes. Since Ron was in such a hurry, she would withdraw her petition and he could file in Europe.

Jane continued to control the other man in her life, her son Beau. Annie, Beau's wife, tried making peace with her, but Jane constantly found ways to come between then. She told Beau that Annie was seeing young men at Dee's apartment under the pretext of studying. Beau and Annie had a major fight in which he let it slip that he only gave up the idea of becoming a lawyer to work for his mother so that she could return to medical school. Annie was glad to have this in the open and suggested that he try for the bar exam again. Judge Lowell offered him the position of law clerk again and both he and Annie's father offered a loan. Beau had to think this over carefully when Jane and her secretary, Melinda Gray, suggested Jane might sell the hotel if Beau left the management. She could see Melinda's interest in Beau and tried to help it along. He decided that he really did enjoy managing the hotel, but Jane told Annie before he got a chance to explain his decision.

Jay Stallings was still full of anger over the way his life had gone recently. His wife Carol was getting a divorce because Melinda Gray lied in court about their relationship. Although he was acquitted, being on trial cost him his construction firm and then a fight lost him his job with Fred McGill. Jay sent Carol to tell Dee that he couldn’t continue their friendship any longer.

Sandy Thompson was recovering physically from the accident and her operations, but emotionally she was in a turmoil. She tried to tell herself that she no longer loved Kevin because she believed he never loved her. Jay and John Dixon helped this feeling along by suggesting that Kevin and Carol Stallings were interested in one another. John finally overstepped his friendship with Sandy, bringing her to her senses. After Susan Stewart explained how wrong Sandy had been to think she and Kevin were any more than friends, she put everything into perspective. She agreed to return to the apartment with Kevin, but thought he was too cautious in having around the clock nurses for her.

Sandy felt sorry for Jay and Kevin agreed to try locating a job for him. Jay thanked Kevin, but wasn't sure that he had the job since the man was a competitor of Jay's company and thought Jay was unfair.

Grant Colman defended Dr. John Dixon when he was brought up on perjury charges delayed by his recovery. - Shot by a gun he accidentally discharged, John claimed Dan Stewart shot him. John later spent many months recovering from injuries received while rescuing people from an apartment fire. - The judge took John's bravery into consideration and put him on prob-ation, but gave him a very stiff fine because he felt doctors should set a better example. The hospital board consented to hear his petition for reinstatement and asked Dr. Bob Hughes to testify. John felt it was all in the bag because although he had hurt Bob in the past, Bob was fair. He was shocked when Bob agreed that John's book would draw new funding to the hospital, but he couldn’t recommend he be reinstated because he felt John lacked the moral and professional ethics required of a doctor. The board refused the application.

Karen Peters had stayed in Winterbrook to clear up everything in connection with her father's files and crime in the local government. She planned to leave without seeing Bob, but he found her delirious, suffering from viral pneumonia, and took her to Memorial Hospital. Further investigation revealed that Judge Leonard Peters was not innocent and did not want the files to fall into anyone's hands because he was one of the organizers of the corruption in Winterbrook. Bob shielded Karen from all knowledge of this until she had almost recovered. He had to tell her so that she did not learn from a stranger or the media that her beloved father was not a saint.

Joyce Hughes had decided to let her husband Donald think this baby was his, but she had trouble breaking her ties with Ralph Mitchell, with whom she was having an affair until Donald's return from Switzerland. Donald and Ralph worked together professionally to sell property from an estate Donald was handling. Joyce used Mary Ellison as her confidant because she knew hearing about their affair repulsed Mary and would keep her from reconciling with Ralph. When the lot behind them was available again, Donald made an offer on it because he remembered how much Joyce wanted it. Breaking the news, he was shocked to hear Joyce suggest they buy a bigger house. Donald exploded, saying she was never satisfied.

Unable to handle Joyce's confidences while working for Donald, Mary told him that she found legal secretarial work beyond her and explained that she was looking for another job. Then Donald told Mary that although he did not have an affair, he spent a lot of time with a woman in Switzerland and asked if he should tell Joyce.

Betsy Stewart continued to suffer from hysterical deafness after learning the man she thought to be her Uncle Dan was really her father. Emotionally she believed that if she was deaf, she would not be able to hear him say he didn’t love her. Dan blamed himself for this and the death of a patient in an operation where he assisted. He had been unable to operate and after a forced leave of absence, he had been asked by Dr. Alex Keith to be a surgical consultant. Alex was infatuated by Kim Stewart, but Dan also was suspicious of every move Kim made. She had tried to be supportive, but Dan was continually hurting her with his third degree.

Betsy was able to hear Dr. Devan under hypnosis with the help of Alex Keith. Finally she could hear Dan also. Devan gave her a post-hypnotic suggestion that she would be able to hear the phone ringing, but the test failed. Several days later Kim began playing the piano and Betsy was able to hear it. All barriers were broken when she could hear everything, even her father.

Dan was going to return to surgery, but wanted to perform major operations and not be pushed into minor ones by Keith. Dan's problems had given Susan the chance to be sympathetic to her ex-husband. She told Alex that she wouldn’t be sorry if Kim and Dan's marriage couldn't stand the stress.

Grant Colman decided that his reconciliation with Lisa was not working for him because he was really in love with Valerie Conway. Nick Conway had been playing up to Valerie in the hope of getting back the farm Valerie had made prosperous since their divorce, but she informed him that he hadn't a chance since things in her life were changing for the better. Nick warned Lisa that Grant might have come to a decision. When Grant asked to have a talk, Lisa feigned illness to stall him. When he finally asked for a divorce she asked for time to break the news to her family and friends. She told Valerie that life wasn't worth living without Grant and suggested that she arrive at 5:30 sharp. She also asked Grant and Nick to be there. She confiscated a bottle of her mother's sleeping pills. Nancy was worried when she was turned away that afternoon by an impatient Lisa. Grant was held up by a conference and Nick by a meeting with Kevin Thompson. Valerie thought Lisa was bluffing and when the phone went unanswered, she assumed Lisa wasn't home. Unable to stand it Valerie arrived to find the house empty and Lisa's car in the garage. When all the stories were put together, they were worried and perplexed, but certain that she loved life too much to take sleeping pills. Nick confessed to Val that Lisa had known about her all along and had some plan for that day, but she and Grant had a fight when she insisted Lisa was only trying to scare them.

Lisa showed up at the farmhouse and Valerie read her out for scaring everyone. Lisa was glad to hear that Grant was frightened by her disappearance. He returned to find Lisa there and heard Valerie accuse Lisa of leaving to punish them. Lisa denied this and then fainted. Valerie said this was a fake also and when Lisa refused to let Valerie come along when Grant was going to take her home, she told him not to return. Ralph Mitchell asked Kim to see Valerie because he was really worried about her. Nick had managed to get Valerie drunk and convince her that she couldn't stay with the Stewarts because he would be left alone. Grant had decided to stay with Lisa, but finding Nick with Valerie convinced him they never had a chance.

Karen had been released from the hospital and was taken back to Winterbrook by John Dixon who told her that Bob had been gossiping about her father. She was sure that they were making a scapegoat of her father.

Alex continued to battle with Dan over his return to surgery. Susan was there for Dan when he turned to her, but he didn’t want to get involved with his ex-wife.

Beau had to fire a bellboy who had been on probation after it had been verified that he had been taking bribes and kickbacks. Furious, the man told Beau that he was a joke among the staff and everyone knew his mother was the boss. He was only "The Kid." Melinda suggested to Jane and to Dick Martin that after this kick in the stomach she was afraid he might leave.

Ralph was on edge as Joyce persisted in taunting him about telling Donald about their affair and the baby. He told Mary that Donald was the only one who really stood to be hurt and he would like to protect him because Joyce seemed very unstable.

Days of our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Dr. Marlena Evans, fiancée of Don Craig, had taken in Donna Temple, whose mother, a hooker, had abandoned Donna in Salem when her plot to extort money from Don by telling him Donna was his child failed. Don ascertained that Marlena was becoming emotionally involved and asked Marlena to turn Donna over to a foster home so they could get on with their lives. Marlena complied. Donna was upset, aware she was making progress with Marlena, so she determined to interfere with their wedding. As the music started for Marlena to march down the aisle, Donna called the church and told Marlena she was on the top floor of the Salem Hotel and would jump. Marlena rushed over. But then Donna was too scared to move on the ledge and had to make it look good. Don was unable to stand Marlena's distress, so he joined Donna on the ledge from another window. His steady hand reassured Donna, and they started in. Donna started to slip. Don pushed her in the window, but lost his own footing and fell three stories, landing on a balcony. However, aside from a broken leg and a damaged spleen, he made a good recovery. Laura Horton, Donna's therapist, refused to listen to her cries that she didn't mean for anything to happen. Laura pointed out that Donna had to begin to take responsibility for her own actions. Marlena found it nearly impossible to get past her anger, but Don forgave Donna, who began to deal with her problems.

Meanwhile, Marlena had been having symptoms which she felt could be caused by a kidney infection. She went to Neil Curtis, who confirmed the flare-up, but felt they could lick it with the proper medication. Marlena's twin sister Samantha was staying on in Salem for a while before going to Hollywood again to resume her acting career.

Julie and Doug Williams decided to go to Europe on vacation to try to forget the horror of Julie's recent trial. In Paris, Julie told Doug she wanted to try to find her brother, Steve, whom she hadn't seen in years. They located Steve's favorite cafe, and although everyone denied having seen him recently, Mimi, a mademoiselle de soir, called and alerted Steve, who called Julie at the cafe, saying he would be there.

Janice Horton, adopter daughter of Maggie and Mickey, was approached by a woman on her way home from school. Although Janice had been warned not to talk with strangers, the woman soon had her talking and laughing. The woman tuned into Janice's love for fairy tales and eventually convinced Janice she was her fairy godmother. Maggie found a book of fairy tales the woman gave Janice, but Janice wouldn't tell Maggie how she got it, afraid the magic would disappear. Maggie was distressed by Janice's recent behavior and talked with Laura, who reassured her it might just be a phase, but offered to see Janice.

Before Laura could intervene, the woman persuaded Janice to take a magic trip. They went to Disney World, the woman assuring Janice they were in a time warp and her parents wouldn't know she was gone. Previously, the woman, Joanne Barnes, had been referred to Tom Horton when she went to the Clinic to ask for a refill for her heart medicine. Tom wanted to hospitalize her, but she refused. He gave her a prescription. While Joanne and Janice were in Florida, packing to come home, Joanne had a heart attack. She was too ill to talk and Janice was in shock. In addition, the woman identified Janice as her daughter ; Carol.

Maggie and Mickey were out of their minds. Hope, meanwhile told Bill and Laura Janice had a fairy godmother. They got a clue from Hank about a woman who was asking questions about Janice in Brookville. From there they got a sketch of Joanne, which was published in the paper and recognized by the motel owner where she stayed. Mickey overheared a call to Tom from Joanne's doctor in Florida, and finally they were all reunited. Maggie went in to see critically ill Joanne, who told Maggie she was Janice's natural mother.

David Banning went to L.A. to try to find missing wife Trish and his son, to no avail. Back in Salem, at a party, he met old fiance Valerie Grant, who refused to resume their friendship. Trish called her mother, Jeri Clayton, and asked Jeri to join them. Jeri agreed, then told David that she was going to Trish. However, Jeri refused to tell David where she was going.

Margo Anderman, in remission from leukemia, refused to marry Mike Horton, telling him it would be too painful, that she didn't want to spend their life together clutching at every minute. Mike took a job with the Anderson Manufacturing division in Newberry.

Linda Phillips Anderson convinced Bob to buy the Loomis estate for her, planning to turn it into a showplace for the extravagant parties she planned to give as the wife of one of Salem's leading citizens. She and her decorator, Jamie, spent a lot of time and money on the renovation of the house, managing to talk Bob out of things he found comfortable in favor of decor. Bob, meanwhile, engaged Horton and Craig to handle the details of a planned expansion of his facilities. Don was uneasy about it, as the place Bob planned to buy was a bird sanctuary. Mary Anderson, Bob's daughter, thought Linda was comical in her rush to complete her showcase house and tried to warn Linda that Bob prefered simpler surroundings to relax in. Linda refused to listen to Mary, accusing her of trying anything to interfere with the marriage. Mary told Linda that the Loomis house was haunted, and Mickey told Bob that all previous owners had met with disaster, personal and financial. The house burnt down. Bob tried to convince Linda to move into the Lake House, the house he built years ago, but gave to ex-wife Phyllis. Linda hated it and used the ploy that she didn’t want to live in a place that was full of memories of his former wives. Bob told her she could rebuild on the Loomis estate.

Chris Kositchek, Mary’s lover, had been head of R&D at Anderson, but when Bob refused to let him tinker in pet projects, Chris quit. All attempts by the two men to reconcile had been successfully blocked by Linda, who saw Chris as a threat to her power at Anderson, where she was Bob's chief assistant. Chris decided to start his own company. Mary got over her anger at his throwing away his opportunities at Anderson and offered to help him. He refused until he found he couldn’t get financial support from the bank because he had no collateral. Linda finally made Mary mad enough and she quit to join Chris.

Julie’s brother, Steve Olsen, turned out to be a charming scoundrel. After regaling Doug and Julie with fabulous stories about his investments and his affairs with rich nobility, Steve borrowed money from both Julie and Doug without the other's knowing. Aware of his family's prominence in Salem, and assuming untapped riches, Steve agreed to return to Salem with Doug and Julie.

Chris proposed to Mary, insisting, however, that they live on what he brought in, refusing to touch any of Mary's money. Mary thought he was being ridiculous.

Trish had placed Timmy with her real father and his family in Seattle. She, Jeri and Timmy were heading for Europe, where she had a contract to make a movie.

Learning Joanne Barnes needed surgery immediately, but that she wouldn't get it because she was a charity patient, Maggie convinced Mickey to accept the burden of responsibiltiy for her. They called Bill, who agreed to fly to Miami for consultation.

Bob, Linda and Melissa moved to the lake house until their house on the Loomis estate was done. Neil took Linda's apartment.

Mike returned and convinced Margo they belonged together. She agreed to marry him.

Bill found Joanne strong enough for bypass surgery. They flew her successfully to Salem where Bill found Don had had a massive hemmorhage.

The Doctors

Written by: Linda Grover

Produced by: Chuck Weiss

Sara Dancy and Dr. Mike Powers were engaged to be married. The flaw in the ointment of their happiness had been the arrival of Dr. Colin Wakefield, Sara's former lover. Sara, in fact, agreed to marry Mike shortly after Colin's arrival. Then, impulsively, Sara spent the night with Colin, which had left her guilt-ridden and panicky ever since. Afraid she might say Colin's name while making love with Mike, Sara had asked that she and Mike not sleep together until after the wedding. Mike was stumped and stunned by her suggestion, but went along, thinking it had something to do with Sara's grief over her mother's death. Sara told her sister Nola Aldrich that she was going to tell Mike about the night with Colin. Nola thought she was being foolish, asking whether Sara's motivation was really guilt or whether she was just looking for a way to call off the wedding. Nola wasn't as sure as Sara that Mike would understand.

This strained state prevailed until Mike was wounded in a fight with a drug-crazed teenager in the emergency room. To Sara's surprise, Mike didn't understand. He asked Sara why she loved him and wanted to marry him. When her answer included words like "strong," "steady," "warm," and "kind," Mike was devastated. Without saying so definitely, he left Sara with the distinct impression that the marriage was off. Mike tried to talk to Matt and Maggie. Both told him that marriage was anew beginning, that loving included forgiving, but Mike couldn’t accept it and cancelled the wedding.

Thus, Sara had to face her choice. She decided that Mike was the man for her. She cornered him in the emergency room and told him that she wanted to marry him. Mike told her that he couldn’t. He saw her as a reluctant adventuress. Seeking excitement, she went into the Peace Corps. When she came home, she was seeking security. He thought he was just security to her, that her night with Colin, adventure, wouldn't be the last, that she really craved excitement. Sara, however, convinced Mike that she had had her fling, that she wanted the excitement of waking up with him in the morning, and the challenge of a life with him. They reconciled.

Pregnant Greta Powers felt cut off from her parents and turned for love and friendship to Dorothea, a woman in her childbirth class, who shared many of Greta's ideas about pregnancy and childbirth. Greta had been in therapy with Jonathan Spears, who arranged a family therapy session at the Powers' home. Greta hurt Matt by telling Jonathan that Matt wasn't her real father. Matt replied that Greta couldn't have been more his daughter. Jonathan got Greta's fantasies about her real father out in the light, and Greta saw them for what they were. She and Matt were on easier ground. Maggie learned that she always played the role of the defender.

Later, Maggie took to heart Sweeney's observation that parents often did too much for their children. After the wedding shower for Sara, which Greta had to face alone when Maggie had an emergency, Greta felt left out. She felt a need to talk, so she called Dorothea, who was too busy with her own family. Greta tried Sara, who was too involved with her problems with Mike. Maggie wasn't home. Greta was attracted to the idea of going to a home for unwed mothers. Matt couldn't stand the idea. Angry that nobody seemed to have any time for her, Greta blew in Jonathan's office. As she worked through her anger, Greta came to realize that she was not completely grown-up, that in affecting that facade, she had put walls between herself and others that had prevented her accepting their love and support. Jonathan asked Maggie to join them, then left mother and daughter to talk openly for the first time in months.

Mona Croft, mother of Steve and Jason Aldrich, was unhappy with recent problems in her sons' lives. Accidentally learning of Greta's pregnancy, and that grandson Billy was the father, Mona summoned Billy to make clear what she thought were his responsibilities. Billy refused to let her badger him into marrying Greta. But Billy was upset to learn that Greta was considering a home for unwed mothers. Mona's immediate concern, however, was Jason's wife, Nola, whose drinking was increasing. Nola was upset that Jason had formed a partnership with ex-wife Doreen, feeling Doreen wanted Jason back. She had also told Sara that Jason liked her loose, and the alcohol helped. However, Nola was insulting to Mona's housekeeper and had fallen asleep after enticing Jason to bed. Jason still refused to intervene.

MJ Carroll was finally coming to terms with her grief for her late husband. During a session with Jonathan, MJ described her relationship with Tom as "perfect." Jonathan, however, forced her to examine her assessment, which had brought MJ to terms with her grief. She was almost ready to return to work.

Greta and Matt and Maggie finally agreed, though not wholeheartedly, that Greta would go to the center for unwed mothers. There, at least, she would be among girls she could talk to. Ignoring all pleas, Greta decided to leave on Mike's wedding day. She couldn’t face all the knowing eyes of the wedding guests. Billy offered to drive her, but after he made it clear there was still no hope of a future together, Greta refused.

Nola had been rehearsing for her return to singing. With something to do that she enjoyed, Nola cut down drinking.

Mike told Colin to stay away from Sara, as Sarah daydreamed about Colin.

Greta surprised everyone with her unexpected appearance just before Mike and Sara's wedding was about to start.

Sweeney, the new clinic receptionist, soon had the place running efficiently. She and Barney Dancy were becoming fast friends.

The Edge of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Mike Karr remained blind despite his and his wife Nancy's optimism. Mike left the hospital with the news that there was a good degree of light presence and that the optic nerve was intact. Although the eye specialist Dr. Broomfield told him that the damaged tissue could regenerate, the doctors did not look hopeful. - Mike was blinded when a chemical was thrown into his face by a man wearing a mask. –

Deborah Saxton, still in field training with the Monticello police force, was credited with learning the identity of Mike's assailant. - Immediately after the attack Deborah's father Tony received a mysterious phone call telling him that his interests were being looked after. During that call the word "optometrician" was used. - When Deborah was out for dinner with her date Raney Cooper, his assistant delivered his newglasses to him at the restaurant. When Deborah heard Chip Beamer use the word "optometrician," she decided to investigate further.

The police, convinced that Mike's blinding was related to his desire to convict Tony Saxon, questioned Tony's employee Raney. They asked him about his whereabouts at the time of the attack. Just then Chip barged in to the room and told them that he and Tony were playing pool together and heard the news on the radio.

Deborah called the Beamer family to learn Chip's address. She searched his room and located the mask worn by Mike's attacker, but Chip returned before she could leave. She told him that she was there in order to get information about how Raney Cooper was cheating her father. She suggested that if Chip would help her, he might be able to take over Raney's position. Chip, asking if he would also get Raney's "fringe benefits," pulled Deborah down on his bed. She made the mistake of telling Chip that no one else knew she was there.

When Deborah finally got out of Chip's apartment, she went to Raney's office. Chip, meanwhile, packed his belongings and attempted to get money from his old acquaintance Winter Austin. He told Winter it should be worth it to her just to get rid of him. When she did not have enough to finance his leaving town, he went to Raney's office, where he found Raney and Deborah together.

Chip pulled a gun and forced Deborah to leave with him. Raney took Deborah's service revolver from her purse, which was left behind, and rescued Deborah, killing Beamer with the gun in the process.

Detective Steve Guthrie, still very fond of Deborah despite the fact that she ended their relationship and only went out with him occasionally, was upset with the police department procedures which Deborah ignored. He believed that in her desire to find the true culprit and thus prove her father innocent of any part in the attack, she took chances and put herself in danger. She disregarded rules on search warrants and on using a back-up officer.

When Deborah told Raney how much she would like to show her appreciation for saving her life, he asked her to accept the diamond ring he had bought for her and which she had already refused. Raney insisted that it was just a gift and not an engagement ring. On these terms she agreed to wear it.

News of Mike Karr's blindness had been widely reported. Mike's daughter Laurie, institutionalized for emotional problems, read of the attack and was so concerned her doctor recommended a visit home before therapy could continue.

Upon his release from the hospital Mike arranged to be interviewed on television by Nicole Drake. At that time he told the public that he hoped to continue his fight against corruption and that he did not plan to be stopped because of the attack.

When the crime Commission met to determine Mike's future position on it, Nicole's boss Ben Everett presented a television editorial. He urged the Commission to continue with Mike in an active role, telling his audience that an honorary position for Mike would be ridiculous. He claimed that Mike didn't need any additional honors, but that the Commission needed his abilities if they were to succeed.

Nicole and Ben worked together closely on the evening news. When Ben took Nicole home one evening, he told her that despite the fact that she loved Dr. Miles Cavanaugh he was in love with her and he had to tell her. He asked when she would forget Miles, since she hadn't heard from him for some time.

Geraldine and Tony Saxon heard Ben's editorial; Tony told his wife that Mike had a personal vendetta against him. Geraldine insisted that when Mike was stronger they should visit him and air Tony's concerns openly.

Kevin and Raven Jamison were still mar-ried and living together in the Whitney mansion, despite the fact that Raven was pregnant and Kevin was sterile. Raven, sure that Kevin was staying with her only to further his ambitions to win a Congressional seat, begged him to talk to her and to accept her once again.

Denise Cavanaugh continued to convince her husband Miles that she was terminally ill. - Miles told Denise he wanted a divorce. In an effort to win him back and away from Nicole Drake, whom he loved, Denise used test results provided by her father. She convinced Miles she was dying and that she wanted him with her in her last days. She extracted a promise from him not to communicate with Nicole. Denise's plan allowed for her to have a miraculous recovery after Miles had begun to forget Nicole. –

Tree Worthington, hired by Miles to be Denise's nurse, began to have doubts about whether her patient was really sick. After learning of Tree's suspicions and those of his sister April, Miles decided to run Denise's lab tests again himself. When Denise learned of this she panicked, but Dr. Norwood, her father and head of the hospital, assured her that he took care of everything when he learned what Miles was doing.

Miles’ sister, April, and her new husband Draper, came to Mayfield to tell Miles of April's pregnancy. When she was unable to sleep at night April went down to the kitchen; she overheard Denise and her father discussing the deception they were working.

The following morning, a furious April confronted Denise with her knowledge. As they argued April heard Miles' car in the driveway. April tried to go to tell Miles while Denise pulled her back. April tumbled down the stairs and stopped breathing.

Tree, seeing the fall, immediately examined April. She was unable to feel a pulse but, together with Miles, they administered cardiac resuscitation and they were able to start April breathing again after a little over three minutes. April, only recently recovered from heart surgery, suffered a cardiac arrest. Miles called April's obstetrician, Dr. Stern, who came immediately. He examined April while Tree located Draper, visiting his law partner Mike Karr. Draper arrived back in Mayfield in time to learn that their baby was lost as a result of the fall.

Denise returned to her bed while Miles tries to understand why she and his sister were fighting. He guessed April approached Denise about the restrictions she had placed on Miles' relationship with Nicole. Draper went to April, who claimed Denise pushed her down the steps. She believed Denise tried to kill her because she claimed that Denise was not really dying.

Denise’s attempt to keep her plans from Miles failed, in spite of her efforts to smother April in order to silence her. When Dr. Norwood called Denise, Miles picked up the phone and overheard their discussion about the deception. He was furious and confronted Denise with what he heard about her tricking him. She told him she loved him but he refused to discuss anything except divorce with her.

Dr. Norwood arrived, blaming himself for everything that had happened. He told his daughter that one of the reasons he left private practice was an inability to deal with some areas of medicine; he told her he couldn't always tell his patients bad news. He told Denise that he went along with her plans to deceive Miles because, unfortunately, there was no breach of ethics. Denise was truly suffering from the terminal disease she thought to be a hoax on Miles. He didn't have the heart to tell her when he first learned of it.

Denise thought to herself and later said to her father that if she was to die she planned to take Miles with her. When Dr. Norwood was shocked she said she did not mean it literally. Denise then located her husband at Nicole's home and told him she didn't want to deal with lawyers, but that she would work out a divorce settlement with him if he would come to Mayfield alone to speak with her.

April was transferred to the hospital in Monticello where she insisted that Denise killed her baby and that she, too, was really dead after her fall. Draper was upset by what April said, but she insisted that she was dead and that she couldn’t tell him more because he wouldn't believe it.

Dr. Stern, after running a complete series of tests on April, told her and Draper it appeared she would be unable to have any children because of internal injuries sustained when she fell.

While telling Miles of her belief that she died, April experienced precognition, asking Nicole to answer the phone seconds before it rang.

For Richer, For Poorer

Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Tessa Saxton had continued seeing Lee Ferguson on the sly because they both knew her parents would object. She had used a college classmate who unwittingly was passed off to Amy and Austin Cushing and her family as the man she was seeing. Bentley, Tessa's brother, and Amy began to suspect when Tessa dropped by Lee's garage frequently. She had requested permission to find her own apartment near campus, but was refused.

As charges against Paco Morales for kidnapping Megan Cushing had been dropped, he was recovering from his bullet wound. - The Savage Avengers, a street gang, kidnapped Megan to learn the identity of a witness who saw Turk and R. C. murder young Donny Quinn in an old tennement. Paco played a large part in Megan's rescue, but the police saw his race after Turk as an escape rather than an effort to capture him. R.C. tried to finger Paco as the brain behind the murder and kidnapping until the witness said Paco was not the boy he saw. - Lee Ferguson was afraid that Paco would tell the police that the Avengers were providing stolen cars for him and warned Paco to use the $15,000 reward the Cushings insisted he accepted and blew town before Megan got hurt. Amy saw Lee leave Paco's hospital room and thought that her old beau might be dealing in stolen cars again as he was when they were going together several yeras ago. Lester Saxton asked Paco to stay with them while he recuperated. Paco was an orphan who lived in a tenement with his aunt and many cousins. Welfare barely fed the family, so he took to the street, eating out of garbage cans. When Paco agreed, Lester gave in to Tessa's request for an apartment. Afraid that Amy would give her away, Tessa decided to tell her parents about Lee. As she expected, Lester objected to Lee's age and experience and rescinded his permission for her to live away from home.

Bentley Saxton was an amateur gambler who got suckered into the big time and lost all the money he and Lester had saved for Bentley's return to college. Lee gave him the opportuntiy to make fifty dollars every time he picked up a car at an appointed place and delivered it to the garage after hours. Amy found men painting a car one night when she dropped by to see Bentley and told Austin of her suspicions. He took this information to Sgt. Damico and asked for immunity for Bentley, assuring Damico that he was innocent. Damico said Ferguson was already under investigation by the department on a tip from an informer. Austin suggested that Amy warn Bentley. Her efforts were wasted when she asked him to quit at least for a few weeks. She was surprised when Bentley took offense and learned he was suspicious of the amount Lee paid him. Amy had tried to warn her about Lee, but Tessa believed that Amy was just jealous.

Jason Saxton had told Laurie Hamilton that she could let her husband Desmond know of her attraction to him. Viola Brewster had sold her house to her son-in-law and was setting up an antique shop in the carriage house of her friend and neighbor Edith Cushing. Laurie had decided that she couldn’t bear to live under the eye of her mother, who knew of her affair with Jason, and asked Desmond to buy her an estate because her mother's home was too small for the family they planned to have someday.

Jason had turned his attention to Megan Cushing, whose family owned the stock-brokerage firm where he worked. Laurie was shocked and hurt when she saw Jason kiss Megan when they were having dinner at the club. Jason explained to Laurie that this was all a part of his plan and she had to be patient. Jason continued to undermine Barbara Manners' confidence and reputation by implying that she was playing up to Roger Hamilton as she did in the past with Richard Cushing. He said she would always be an outsider and was silly to think that Edith wouldn't hold a grudge against her for being Richard's mistress! Barbara was almost at her wit's end when Jason handed her his resignation to give to Roger and Edith. Jason assured Roger that he had not had an offer from another firm, making Edith think he might be angling for another promotion. Jason had an offer from another firm, but they understood that he would not be bringing any clients with him. Megan prodded Jason to find out the reason he had resigned when he had no place to go. He confessed he had fallen in love with her and was certain her family would look on this as a ploy to further himself in the agency. Megan told her mother how thoughtful Jason was and asked her to plead with him to come back. Edith put her love for her daughter above her fear of Jason's ambitions and asked him to return. She assured him that she was not as caste conscious as he thought she was and would respect Megan's judgement. Jason agreed to consider her offer. When Edith left, Jason settled down, satisfied that it was a job well done.

Megan Cushing had no intention of letting Bill Saxton find out that his jealous wife, Connie, kept her message from him, but lawyer George Kemball had to bring it out  to clear Paco of the kidnapping charges. Bill was furious when Connie continued to ask him not to see Megan, even professionally. Connie took off from the Saxtons' when Ellie told the family that she tricked Bill into marriage. She hoped her disappearance would make Bill worry. When she found her plan had worked, she started home only to have an accident in the rain. She wandered away from the wreck, getting picked up and hospitalized. Baby Billy was found unhurt in the car, but Connie didn't claim him as her memory had reverted back to the time when she and Bill were engaged. Lee thought this was a trick on her part so that she didn't have to face her latest problems, but shortly they saw she really had lost her memory of the recent past. She was horrified to learn that she had a son and was not married until after his birth. When Connie returned home she began having dizzy spells and violent headaches. Bill took her to Dr. Roy White, a neurologist, hoping that he could help her recover he memory and find a cure for her headaches.

Ellie asked Josie if she and George might care for Billy since Paco would be staying with them. Ellie longed for a baby, but feared pregnancy since she miscarried their first child. She had decided that Connie was a threat to Billy's safety.

Megan’s concluding article in the magazine had made Paco a hero and brought him much fan mail. Wendy Prescott found that Paco never learned to read and write and offered to teach him in secrecy.

Learning that the Hamiltons were going to sell the house next door, Edith suggested to Austin that he and Amy should buy it. Amy was taken by surprise because this was not in their near future as she hoped Austin would return to painting.

Amy told Lee that he was under investigation and sympathized when he said that they wouldn't let him go. Lee told Tessa they were getting too serious and he felt trapped. Tessa saw Amy with her arm around Lee and assumed that she was the reason Lee had broken off. When Bentley went in to set up his work schedule as he would be in school part time, Lee fired him, saying that he didn't have enough work. Tessa rushed to Lee when Bentley relayed Amy's statement that Lee would be arrested soon.

George had asked Ellie not to take Billy to their apartment because Connie might get the idea she wouldn't get well, but she pursued it and Bill and Connie agreed.

Jason accepted Edith’s offer to return, pleasing both Megan and Roger, but distressing Barbara and Austin.

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

With Katie’s promise to resume marital relations upon his recovery, Lamont Corbin's physical condition showed a marked improvement. For a time Lamont's second reprieve from death had him euporically considering plans for the good life on a tropical island but reports from his Board of Directors outlining the financial deficit from his extensive grants which further overextended finances after the stock manipulation losses brought Corbin down to earth. He ordered Dan Rooney to go after Cates, even if it meant jeopardizing his scheme to make Mark Dante the goat. - As Mark Dante had seen bank microfilm photos of the man - Rooney - who deposited the windfall to his account, that scheme was all but useless. - Corbin informed Mrs. Hewett of the General Hospital Board that he would drop the Neurosurgical grant and resumed control of his empire.

Mark Dante had pieced together the reasons for Katie's rejection and faced her in New York, forcing her to admit that she lied to protect him. When he learned that tests on Lamont showed his recovery to be complete, he and Dan Rooney got Katie to return to Port Charles by pretending a summons from Lamont in order that Katie might hear for herself Lamont's doctors opinion that Lamont's determination to put his health first would not be undermined again by emotional upsets in his private life. Katie and Mark went to Lamont's room where Katie told her husband that she wanted her freedom.

Once again, Laura had run away to Buffalo to seek refuge with Barbara Vining, the woman who brought her up. Lesley was unable to leave town, restricted by the terms of her release during the continuing investigation of David Hamilton's death. Drs. Jeff and Rick Webber drove to Buffalo and Howard Lansing was present as Rick left, learning to his puzzlement that Lesley, whose official statement declared that she had very little to do with David, was driven there by him in a previous trip to bring Laura home. Barbara Vining accepted Rick's assertion that Laura was emotionally unstable and needed psychiatric help which she was not in a position to offer. She rejected Laura's pleas to allow her to stay in Buffalo and get a job to help cover her living expenses. While Rick was away further discrepancies in Lesley's story made themselves apparent to the investigators for the District Attorney.

Laura’s nightmares continued and Lesley finally got her to agree to see Dr. Peter Taylor. Lesley had to tell Peter that her story of a young man, a patient of hers, who was unable to account for a period of time in his life and faced the dangerous emotional consequences of a sudden recall of the events he had blocked out was really the condition of her own daughter. - Laura at first accepted Lesley's story that she - Lesley - had killed David and was only trying to conceal Laura's involvement with David, but then she alternated between suspicion of Lesley's claim of attempted rape and her own conviction that it was not just the block that she herself was frightened of but that there was something more, hidden away. –

Under pressure from Howard Lansing, D.A. Richardson revealed that he seriously questioned Les's claim that Hamilton called her over to his apartment with attempted rape in mind when he was packed to leave for New York to deliver a $6,000,000 check to his powerful and dangerous backers and had no time to spare in order to make his plane. Richardson said that in the face of his doubts of the very foundation of Lesley's story, he was seriously considering asking for a Grand Jury indictment against Lesley for murder.

Dr. Gail Adamson had met with Monica in order to hear her out about Monica's involvement with Gail's late husband, Greg. She returned to Lee Baldwin, telling him that she did so to get her own house in order so that she might appeal to him to seek help from his friends and not reject their overtures as she had done with Lee. With the help of a young man from AA, Lee took the first step, rejecting a drink and contacting Dr. Steve Hardy to resume neglected business for the hospital. Gail, in turn, agreed to back off and not try too hard to help Lee, trusting him to stand on his own feet.

Heather Grant Webber voiced her disapproval of her cousin Susan's attentions to Dr. Peter Taylor, saying it was not helping matters in Diana and Peter's strained marital relations for Susan to be flirting with Peter every chance she got. Heather finally convinced Diana to accept a dinner invitation with Steve and Audrey, by offering to baby-sit with P.J., claiming to be over her obsession with the Taylor's adopted son. - The baby was Heather and Jeff's son, whom Heather had led everyone including Jeff to believe died of pneumonia in New York to cover up the fraudulent adoption procedure. - Diana agreed with relief after having confided to Audrey that she had hurt her mother by saying that she couldn't forget that she had been driving the car when her daughter, Martha, was killed in a crash during the height of a hurricane. - Diana was shocked when her mother slept through the ringing of the phone when Diana called him on a recent night out with Peter and found when they returned home that her mother, who had just recovered from a slight stroke, didn't awaken through the baby's cries. –

Richardson decided to assemble the Grand Jury after he was contacted by the car salesman David was relying on to sell his expensive sports car, before his death. The man's story made the timetable according to Lesley totally unacceptable to him. He also noted that the statuette was inconsistant with the style of furnishings in David's apartment and ordered Det. Bert Ramsey to try to trace its sale, speculating that it might have been a gift. - Lesley told the police that she struck David with it, a fact they knew to be false. She was not aware that it was a present from Laura, and charged to Lesley's credit card at a local department store.-

Lamont Corbin had apparently backed down on his threats and told Dr. Mark Dante that he could take Katie with his blessings as she was, after all, not the only woman in the world. He also accepted the resignation of Dan Rooney, who told him he intended to settle down in Port Charles. His growing friendship with Jessie Brewer had shown Dan than there was more to life than the power of big business.

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

Eve Stapleton McFarren decided decides to undergo experimental surgery in an effort to cure her blindness. Her doctor, Ed Bauer, brought together experts in the field of Blake-Came Syndrome and he suggested the possibility of combining various treatments currently being tested. The doctors examined Evie and believed that she was a good subject for surgery, but they warned her of the possibility of failure. If the operation was not successful her blindness would become permanent; in addition they reminded her that there was danger in any surgery.

Ben McFarren, Evie’s new husband, was frightened; he was reluctant to take any chance losing her. Her sister Rita was also concerned since Evie had told her she felt "incomplete" and Rita worried that this emotion was related to the return of Ben's ex-fiancée, Hope Bauer.

Dr. Morrison, the specialist who would do the surgery, arrived in Springfield and reminded Evie that this was only the fifth operation of its kind; of the four previous patients two were able to see and two were irreversibly blind. He told Evie that he had every expectation of success. Ed, Rita, Ben and her mother all supported Evie in her decision.

Evie’s surgery went smoothly. Ed told her and the family that, although they wouldn't know if she had regained her vision until the bandages were removed, he was optimistic. Eve, however, was worried; she dreamed that the bandages were removed and that she still could’t see.

Ben’s brother, Jerry, was remaining in Springfield with the hopes of finding a job. He was quite enamoured of Hope Bauer who had returned to Springfield from studies in Santa Barbara. He invited her to join him at the stock car races where he was temporarily working on a pit crew. While dating Hope, Jerry learned that her engagement to Ben was broken because he refused to tell her where money from their joint bank account went; Ben felt marriage was impossible if she didn't trust him without an explanation. Jerry, in an effort to correct Hope's misconceptions, told her that Ben used their funds to pay back money Jerry had stolen.

After talking with Hope and then Ben, Jerry decided to see attorney Mike Bauer, Hope's father. Jerry was relieved to be rid of the guilt he had felt and Mike, who would speak with a judge, was confident that he would not have to go to jail.

Ed Bauer had stopped seeing Rita Stapleton as frequently as he had been. He believed he had no right to become involved since he didn't know if he could control his drinking. Rita was depressed by the thought that she was unable to help Ed. - Rita was reminded of a previous love whom she could not help to stop drinking. - When he told her that his ex-wife Holly kept him from drinking one night, Rita went to Holly, hoping to learn how to help the man she loved. Holly told her they talked but refused to tell her about the conversation. - Holly had told Ed that the reason their marriage failed was because it was based on a deception. She had gotten him to drink and then to marry her while drunk. In the morning, afraid that he would want an annulment, she told him that the marriage was consumated. Holly begged Ed never to lose control over his life in that way again. –

Ed had managed not to drink since the night of his father's accident, despite the fact that he was under a great deal of personal strain. Roger Thorpe, the true father of Ed and Holly's daughter Christina, had insisted that people be told and that he be allowed to take an active part in her upbringing. Ed, left with no choice, told his brother Mike and then joined Holly to tell Bert Bauer. They were shocked; but, like Ed, they continued to love Christina and to want to be a part of her life.

Peter Chapman, a doctor at Cedars Hospital, was also told about Roger by Holly, whom he was seeing almost nightly. Holly was quite fond of Peter, but she realized that she didn't know a great deal about parts of his life. Peter was often distracted, dreaming about incidents which occurred when he was in the Peace Corps. He daydreamed of the time he was invited to the home of his director, Dr. Waterman, and introduced to his daughter Maya, whom Peter recognized as the girl he had been meeting on the beach. Another time he remembered scuba diving and reaching the surface gasping for air. Peter also thought of the day Maya told him she never felt this way about anyone else.

When Holly told Peter that he had changed as they grew closer, he acknowledged it and told her that their relationship had reminded him of his love for Maya. With Holly's encouragement Peter revealed the story of his Peace Corps days. He met Maya, fell in love with her, and they were to be married. Her younger sister, Lynette, begged him to take her scuba diving as an eighteenth birthday present. He reluctantly agreed. While they were diving, his tank ran out of air. He reached the surtace fighting for breath, expecting Lynette to follow. When she didn't he began to dive down looking for her, but without another oxygen tank he could not find her.

Lynette’s body was washed up a day later and an investigation was held. It showed that Peter was not responsible. He told Holly, however, that he had never stopped thinking of the look on Maya's face when he returned without her sister. Crying, Peter told Holly he didn't want to go home and she invited him to spend the night.

After hearing the entire story, Holly urged Peter to return to the Caribbean to see Maya once again, for both their sakes.

Roger Thrope was settling in to his life in Springfield. Through his father Adam he met Alan Spaulding, who was building an industrial park. Roger convinced Alan to allow him to work without pay as a consultant on the development site with the hope that he would become indispensible and be hired. He was presently dating Hillary Kincaid who lived in the apartment across from his. - Hillary was the half-sister of Mike and Ed Bauer; their father, having been acquitted of murdering Victor Kincaid, was living in Chicago and her mother Simone was, for the moment, planning to stay in Switzerland. –

Hillary, destracted by her father's trial and the emotional turmoil of learning that he was her true parent, had missed many hours and needed to take summer classes to make up work for her nurse's training. Ed was delighted to help her financially. When his brother Mike wanted to share the expense he insisted on doing it himself, feeling that it was a way to make up for the grief he caused their father, Bill. At Roger's suggestion Hillary was considering changing her name to Bauer.

Mike Bauer was becoming involved with Elizabeth Spaulding both professionally and emotionally. On the professional side he was handling her divorce from Alan Spaulding; emotionally they kissed once and both were apologetic afterward, realizing that it shouldn't have happened. Alan was served with papers for the divorce and he told his manager Adam Thorpe to find him the best possible lawyer; Adam refused, saying that was not in any way a part of his responsibility. With his assistant Diane's help, Alan hired Dean Blackford to represent him. They made Elizabeth a very generous offer, but since it did not include custody for their son Philip she refused it. Dean warned Mike that Alan was a fighter and that he was not accustomed to losing.

Dean Blackford had hired an investigator, a possibility which Mike warned Elizabeth about. She was concerned that Alan might use an old newspaper clipping which showed her dancing with another man while on a photographic trip. Mike convinced her to bring in a social psychiatrist who would investigate Philip's relationship to his parents and then testified in court. Mike was quite sure that an unbiased professional would find Elizabeth a fit parent.

During an evening blackout, Jackie Marler took advantage of the romantic candlelight to tell Mike Bauer that she was in love with him. Mike said he thought he knew and perhaps they should have talked before. He cherished their friendship but he told her that he did not envision their relationship as going beyond that. She was tearful, but she told him the following morning that she would try to accept that.

The blackout also left Justin Marler in Sara McIntyre Blackford's apartment. Justin, visiting Sara in order to drop off some conference papers, told her that Dean disliked him because he knew they still loved one another. Sara objected and told him that she married Dean for love and not on the rebound. She was extremely upset by the conversation; Justin believed her mood to be evidence of the truth of what he was saying. Dean Blackford told Justin the following day that when Sara was not at the hospital she was off limits and was not to be bothered.

Dean disqualified the case worker Mike had chosen. Mike told Elizabeth that Dean did not give him any valid reasons for it, and that he suspected they hope to find someone who would be biased in favor of Alan. They both realized they had a hard fight ahead.

Brandy Shalloe and Justin were seeing one another when Alan Spaulding called to set up an appointment with Brandy. They were surprised when Alan said it was to discuss a business possibility. Brandy very much enjoyed telling Alan that she didn't know when, exactly, she would be available to see him.

Love of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Mary Owens went into a depression when she was told of Michael's death – at the lake, Michael tried to help an old man finding his missing grandson but got drowned in the process –, but found Charles Lamont a source of strength. He explained that he lost his wife when her son was born, but he had decided already to let her go to the other man she loved. Mary pulled herself together and went back to work at the hospital.

Rick got a call from some financiers he met on their vacation in Europe who wanted to start a restaurant in Quebec, Canada and wanted Rick to set it up and managed it for a while. Cal was excited at the prospect, not only because it would be a good opportunity for Rick, but the separation from her mother could help their marriage.

Bruce Sterling was told by Dr. Joe Cusack that although he still needed blood transfusions, the iron had built up in his system to a dangerous level and he could have no more transfusions for the time being. Sure that he had very little time, he explained his problem and his plan to his best friend Charles.

At the farewell party for Rick and Cal, Bruce asked her to sing for him one last time. He packed a suitcase and left early the next morning. He was sure that Van would turn to Andrew in her grief and her anger. He called home and felt that his plan was working when Andrew answered the phone. A few days later he returned to the house to tell Van that he would be taking an apartment of his own.

Meg begged the Latimers forgiveness for her part in Michael's death – she was the one who sent Michael to the lake with a note Cal destined for Rick – before they left for Canada and then set about bemoaning the rejection by her daughter and son-in-law. She used Ben and Mia to see Andrew as often as possible until he told her point blank that he intended to be there for Vanessa.

Mia tended to be insecure, especially when she thought about Betsy's return this summer with Ben's daughter. Meg used Mia's insecurity to put doubt in Mia's mind because she hated the thought of another woman being close to her son.

Andrew Marriott asked Tom Crawford to see Kirsten Patten – Dorrie’s daughter – because he suspected she had a rheumatic heart and would need surgery. Tests proved these suspicions correct. Tom said that surgery had to be performed before school started in the fall. Kirsten was resisting the idea and knew that her mother couldn’t argue with her because she was to be kept free of stress. Kirsten suggested Tom was using her to get to her mother. Tom said he never had and never would be interested in Dorrie romantically. Tom told Andrew that Kirsten was not as afraid of the surgery as she was of anyone who might take her father's place. They both realized that Kirsten dominated her mother. Dorrie had harbored romantic feelings for Tom and was hurt by his dismissal.

Arlene Lovett Slater had tried to keep things very cool between herself and Ray since April Joy was home so that he wouldn't get the idea she was ready to be more than a wife in name only. Ray and Carrie, Arlene's mother, continued to care for April since Arlene couldn't bear knowing she was the daughter of Ian Russell. – Arlene was the mistress of Russell, a member of organized crime who tried to have Carrie killed when she could connect him with murder. Arlene was freed from prison when it was proved Ian fell to his death during an ulcer attack. –

Tom Crawford had finally given up alcohol and prepared to return to the hospital after his suspension. Ray loved Arlene and April so much that he made a point of showing Tom his daughter. Joe Cusack and Andrew Marriott commented on what a good father Ray was. Ray was miserable because Arlene continued to reject him romantically. Bambi, one of his girls, offered him an affair with no strings attached, but Ray loved Arlene too much to accept her offer.

Arlene could no longer bear her separation from Tom and asked him to the house. Tom told Arlene that he had thought it all over and come to the conclusion that he couldn’t break up a home and disrupt a baby's life. Arlene saw April as the cause of her problems and told Carrie she hated the baby.

Arlene decided to compete with Dorrie Patten by becoming the lady executive. Ray was hurt, but Arlene tried to smooth things over when she brought up the fact that she was a partner in Beaver Ridge. Rick put Ray in charge while he was gone which helped boost his confidence.

Lynn Henderson graduated from high school and after a few weeks vacation planned to start her nurses training. Lynn got friendly with fellow nurses Cherie Manning. Danny Ryker – who was coached by Ben Harper during his probation –  thought Lynn was putting him down because he was poor when she acted indifferent because of her concern over problems at home. Ben Harper had promised to help the boys find recreational facilities as they had run out of funds even though he had been off parole for several months.

In the coffee shop by the hospital, Mary Owens met a young man – Andy – with a bullet wound who didn't want to see a doctor, but assured her he was not running from the police. Mary cleaned and dressed the infected foot wound and then let him sleep while she had night duty. Andy asked Mary not to tell anyone because he had come back after ten years to see his father and didn't want him to think he was in trouble again. Andy waited at the hos-pital, but finally told the nurse he would see Dr. Marriott at home without leaving his name.

Van located Bruce’s apartment through a detective agency and arrived to tell him that even if he left home, she would not fall in love with Andrew as he planned. Bruce used the one thing he knew would really hurt Van and made her mad enough to turn to Andrew. He told her he had a younger woman in his life. Andrew and Van visited Bruce together to let him know that they weren't fooled. He said he was tired of Van running his life and he had another woman in the bedroom. Van wanted to prove him wrong, but Andrew stopped her from entering the bedroom.

Andy was remembering all the problems he and his father had before he left home. Jim was always the saint and he the sinner. Andrew was glad to have Andy back, but was unable to learn how Andy spent the past ten years. He had to break the news of Jim's death. - Jim rode his motorcycle in front of Ben's car after Mia, then Andrew's wife, ordered him from the house. –

One Life to Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

Dr. Jim Craig waited too long to take the last pill he had with him for his heart condition and it was obvious to Bonnie and Herman that he would not last long. Bonnie phoned Joe Riley and arranged for him to obtain medication for Jim, establishing elaborate procedures for him to make the drop to exclude the possibility of Joe's being tailed. But it was all a blind. As Joe stepped out of the door of the Banner, Bonnie was there. At gunpoint she ordered him to drive away with her. Shortly after, Karen Wolek left her house to find Jim's unconscious body on her doorstep.

Dr. Scott performed the emergency by-pass surgery on Jim successfully. Dorian Lord had taken over as acting head of the hospital and Pat was furious when she learned that Dorian had told Paul that Joe and Jenny were being held by the terrorists. Though very weak from his own surgery, Paul tried to get up, offering to trade himself for his friends. Bonnie Harmer phoned Brad and then Paul himself, threatening to kill Jenny and then, twelve hours later, Joe Riley. Paul went along with a plan to set himself up as a target for a professional sniper in the pay of the terrorist organization. He alone knew how to decode the message the terrorists would print in the classified ads and when he learned that Ed Hall had had his line tapped, he translated it falsely. At the scheduled time - hours past the deadline he had given Ed as the time when an undercover terrorist planted in the hospital would strike - he was to stand at the window of his hospital room lined up in the sights of the hit man on an adjacent roof. Pat came into his room and saw that he had been composing a letter for her which she was not allowed to read. She refused to leave him alone and went to the window. Paul threw her to the floor as the glass shattered.

Acting on information from Paul, Vinnie narrowed the search when he alerted a beauty supply house to the possibility that Bonnie, who was obsessed with the care of her bleach-damaged hair, might try to purchase a particular conditioner available only through wholesalers. After Bonnie showed up at the shop the clerk called the police. Brad was in a bar in the area and overheard the remarks of an apartment super on the strange behavior of the man's tenants. Ed Hall stopped Brad as he was headed out the door with the man. He left Brad under Vinnie's supervision and persuaded the super to smooth the way for Ed to approach the basement apartment disguised as a plumber. Ed's boozy act failed to get him admitted to the rooms that interest him but he was able to confirm that he had the right place and the prospect of workmen and owners descending on the place shook Bonnie and Herman up. Herman, reluctant to carry out Bonnie's order to shoot Jenny after they learned of the failure of the sniper and goaded by Joe Riley, persuaded Bonnie that Joe's death would put an end to the stalling and make up for their apparent softness in letting Jim live. He stepped out with Joe to an area the police had surrounded and Joe turned on him and got free without a warning shot. Still disguised, Ed Hall returned, insisting Bonnie sign a release stating that he couldn't finish his work order. When she bent to sign at a table Ed covered her and ordered Jenny to come out and bring in the first cop she saw as she passed behind him. Bonnie went for a gun she had concealed and fired at Ed but it was she who is wounded.

Will Vernon reminded Brad that he had vowed to start his marriage over with a clean slate. Brad told his father that he had no intention of telling Jenny about Lana McLain as it was in the past and there was no reason to burden Jenny with it then.

Richard Abbott refused to accept the warnings of Luke, Becky or even Ina Hopkins to stay away from Becky, until he knew the whole truth. Finally, terrified that Luke would return when Richard came to the motel room they haf rented, Becky told him that she was virtually sold to Luke, an older man with grown children all older than Becky. Her father married her off when she was 14. One of Luke's twin son's, Jessie, made leering advances and Becky's life became narrowly concerned with seeing that he had no opportunity to be alone with her. However when his brother left to join the Marine Corps, Jessie drove off with him and Luke in a rainstorm but pretended to be sick and returned. Becky was raped. She blacked out sometime after picking up a shotgun and remembering only that she heard a scream. She awoke to find Luke standing over the body of his dead son. Luke accused her of murder and had held her guilt and threats of reporting her for murder over her head ever since.

Luke learned from Becky that she told Richard she had killed Jessie and he went to Richard's apartment. As Edwina Lewis called on Richard she saw Luke leave the building and found Richard on the floor. She phoned for help for Richard, who was in critical condition after a severe beating, and reported seeing Luke. Luke was arrested by Vinnie Wolek after he went to Mrs. Hopkins boarding house to pick up Becky and leave town.

Dorian sent Dr. Peter Janssen a tape she had made on which she led Melinda to make statements that seemed to verify that Melinda had deliberately caused Dorian's horse to throw her and admitted that she became interested in Peter after it was clear that Dorian was in love with him. Peter told Dorian that the tape she had delivered to him by messenger was blank and Dorian lamely told him it was some hospital business she became overenthusiastic to hear his comments on. Knowing that Marco Dane was aware of her plans to tape someone covertly, - he refused to do it for her -, she accused him of warning Melinda, causing her to go along with and then erase the tape. Marco merely expressed satisfaction in learning whom the plot was designed for. Melinda told Dorian that she then had to worry about when she would elect to tell Peter what Dorian was up to, saying that Dorian had better stop interfering in her life because as she could see, little sister fought back.

Jenny insisted on knowing what Brad had been keeping from her and he confessed about Lana and his attempted robbery of Cathy, leaving out his being taken in a badger game set up by Rita. When Jenny informed him of her decision to seek an annulment, he contacted a lawyer to determine the possible consequences of making a confession of perjury and returned to ask Jenny if she would hold off if he turned himself in to the police.

Viki had received a surprise visit from her old college friend, Irene Clayton. Irene told Viki there was a very special reason for her sudden appearance in Llanview. It concerned her sixteen-year-old daughter Tina – Viki’s goddaughter -. Irene was dying of cancer and she hoped Tina would have a home with Viki and Joe. As Tina’s father was already dead, Viki was the last family for Tina. Viki agreed to think the matter over.

Cathy decided to leave Llanview for California. It was just too painful to be near Larry knowing she could never have him. He belived too strongly in the the institution of marriage to ever give up on his union to Karen and it killed her every time she saw them together. Cathy hoped to find her own life in California.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

Delia Ryan was staying in Roger Coleridge's apartment since husband Pat learned of the deceptions she used to con him into marriage and then keep him. Pat threw Dee out and warned her never to come near the Ryans again. In shock, Dee had wandered around until almost molested. She turned up on Roger's doorstep and he had agreed to let her stay with him on two conditions: she had to always tell the truth, and she had to continue her intensive therapy with Al Pagano. Dee agreed, but as often happened with her, the agreement was temporary. After promising never to go near the Ryans again, Dee ran over there as Johnny and Maeve were getting ready to leave on their first vacation in years. Roger saw her there. Maeve and Johnny knew they could no longer give Dee any support if she was to become a whole person. Thus, Dee found her trip was useless, but she was really shocked when she returned to Roger's and found he had packed her bags. Dee knew Roger was serious. She then sincerely agreed to his terms.

Dee found it hard to amuse herself while Roger was at the hospital, so she wandered through the Coleridge house, even into the rooms occupied by Faith and Tom Desmond, recently married. Dee was trying to come to terms with her memories when Tom walked in. He allowed her to stay. Dee began to talk about Pat and Faith, who were in love when Dee managed to marry Pat. Dee was desperately jealous of Faith and told Tom that Faith would never get Pat out of her heart. - Faith loved Tom, but married him suddenly to prevent a confrontation with immigration that might have put Tom's life in jeopardy. Tom had known about Pat and was jealous of what Faith and Pat had together. –

Tom's trust in Faith's love was shaken. Faith arrived and threw Dee out, later warning Roger to keep Dee out of her life and home. When the annullment papers arrived, Dee was shaken, but admitted to Roger that what she did was wrong. Roger suggested she tell Pat she wouldn't fight the annullment as one step towards independence. Dee agreed. She found Mary, Frank, and Pat together. She told Pat she wouldn’t fight him and apologized for the wrongs she had done to all three.

Some time later, Dee asked Roger why he wouldn't make love to her. Roger replied that he was not ready and neither was she; that when she could make love for the pure fun of it, not to repay him, that would be the time. Dee had nightmares about being dead and the Ryans coming to her funeral. Roger pointed out that she was beginning to accept her separation from them. Dee and Roger ran into Pat and Bucky at lunch. When Pat made no acknowledgement of her, Dee regressed and ran to Maeve, who, warned by Roger, refused comfort. At home, Dee unleashed her anger in a furious tantrum, which Roger curtailed by demanding she clean up the mess. Dee was relieved.

As Tom’s jealousy of Pat grew, he took out his frustrations in alcohol and boxing workouts. Jack Fenelli, who'd witnessed one of these episodes before the wedding, and who tried to warn Faith, again witnessed an episode. Tom's anger towards Pat was growing. One night, in bed with Faith, he recited a poem to her. Faith called him "Pat," which set Tom off. He went to Ryan's and drank. Faith was alerted by Bob Reid. Aware Tom wouldn't return to their apartment, Faith went to his old apartment, where she found him drunk and barely coherent, but Tom's ramblings frightened her, especially when she began to suspect he might have killed his father. Faith later confided to Jack that she didn't take his warnings seriously, because they had nothing to do with the Tom she knew and loved. But then, she was frightened. She also admitted she missed her friendship with Pat.

Jillian Coleridge, fiancée of Senate candidate Frank Ryan, understood when Frank had to cancel plans with her and son Edmund because of the campaign, but was becoming seriously concerned that their whole life together would follow the same path. Her fears were fed when she talked with Jose Melendez, who resigned his Congressional seat when his duties began demanding all of his time. She and Frank began to have more and more fights and realized they had to talk it out or lose each other. They arranged to meet at the beach house, but again Frank had to cancel. Jillian had allowed old lover Seneca Baulac to join Edmund and her for part of the day, so when Frank cancelled, she let Seneca stay the night — in a different room. Frank decided to go to the beach house anyway and woke Seneca with a seductive kiss on the shoulder. Seneca and Jill's laughter drove him off. He and Jill met later that night when he found she had driven back to the city, but again they fought. Meanwhile, Rae Woodard, Frank's backer and campaign manager, was in love with him and had made several overtures, which Frank had turned down.

Dave Feldman met with Frank. Backers on Long Island were fighting each other. He wanted Frank and Rae to accompany him to a caucus there, dropping his daughter at the airport on the way. They agreed. They were involved in a traffic accident. Rae pushed Frank from behind the wheel and told the first officer on the scene she was driving. Frank was unconscious with a concussion; Nancy Feldman seemed more seriously hurt. Dave backed Rae's story, but when Frank found out about it, he refused to go along, telling the police the truth. Nancy, a dancer, had a hair-line skull fracture and the seeping fluid was creating pressure that was affecting her left leg. Pat Ryan, a resident in neurology, assured her the injury to her head was self-limiting and she would probably be completely recovered in several months. Nancy took the news well. She and Pat got along well, sharing a good sense of humor.

When Jill learned Frank was in the hospital, she rushed to his side, and they made up their differences. Rae was furious that Jill was there, reminding her she promised to stay away from Frank in public. The two women argued furiously over what was best for Frank, ending with Jill's telling Rae she didn’t know Frank at all. Rae wanted Frank away from Jill and moved up a campaign swing through the northern part of the state. Thus, she would have Frank all to herself. But Frank wanted Jill along, telling Rae Jill could serve as his authority on medical law. When a newspaper story appears in a rival paper that portrayed Rae as incompetent and unscrupulous for her lie to the police, Rae decided the hospital authority mentioned was Jill. She arrived at Jill's office as Frank and Jill were discussing the trip. Rae made her accusations. Jill denied being the source - it was Seneca -. Frank reiterated his demand that Rae stay out of his private life, when Rae insisted Jill not go on the trip. Rae stormed out after a left-handed apology to Jill. Jill told Frank of her fears of what their life would be like if he was elected, pointing out that Rae would be part of their life, too. Jill pointed out that Rae's intentions towards Franks weren't all campaign related. Frank tried to slough it off, but couldn’t.

Jill decided not to go on the campaign trip, delighting Rae, but worrying Alicia Nieves, Rae's secretary. The night before he departed, Frank tried to work things out with Jill, but they ended up fighting. The following day, Maeve was worried by the look of Frank, so she visited Jill. As Jill saw the problem, she and Rae disagreed about the essence of what made Frank. Jill thought she and his two sons were his essence; Rae thought politics and a career were essential.

Dee tried to sweet talk Roger into taking her out. He refused, having reading to catch up on. Dee frumped out alone. She met a nice young man at the deli where she decided to eat. After some apprehension Dee made small talk, then really got to talking about herself. He insisted on walking her home, which worried Dee. He conned himself into the apartment by pretending to have something in his eye. Seeing Roger, he left. After some time Dee finally admitted she put herself in an uncomfortable position, but got herself out of it.

Tom hit the roof again after seeing Faith with Pat as they planned a going-away party for Bucky, who was going to Boston General, so as to be near his family and his ailing grand-father. Tom stalked off, after harsh words to Faith. Later she tried to talk out the problem, but Tom made light of it.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Bruce Carson heard good news from the national magazine he interviewed with in New York. Amy made known her doubts about moving to New York. She would have to start her residency over and might not even be able to get a position. Bruce told her to ask Dr. Marie Thompson to recommend a hospital, but Amy put it off, knowing how Dr. Thompson felt about medical careers. When she finally brought up the subject, Maria used all the arguments Amy had already considered and then had the solution. She suggested Amy and Tory, her young daughter, remain in Henderson for the next three months until she was finished with her residency. Bruce was furious, but made plans to leave for New York alone.

One evening, Amy accepted accepts Dr. Thompson's offer to come to her apartment. When she returned home that night she told Bruce that she was glad she went. Maria's apartment was cold and empty-feeling. She had decided to go to New York because she couldnt bear the separation. She was not as concerned over her career as she was over losing Bruce.

Suzi Wyatt overheard several arguments between John and Stephanie over the amount of time John spent at the Inn seeing Jo Vincente, his sister-in-law. When John and Stephanie had arguments because John refused to tell Jo that she should accept Adamson's offer to have the Inn moved to Loring County, Suzi ran away. John and Stephanie were on the verge of calling the police when she arrived at the Inn to find out if Jo was leaving. Jo lectured her on walking after dark, especially when no one knew where she was going. Stephanie accused Jo of using Suzi to get at John.

Jo had been the one holding out because she had considered Henderson her home, but finally saw that she had to give in rather than lose everything. Stephanie gave John an idea when she commented on how much better the new property would be — the Inn then had only one narrow road for all traffic. John remembered the enclosure law and took Jo to see Ted Adamson. He showed Ted that even if he acquired the land the Inn was on, it would do him no good as Stu and Jo would still own the only access road. Since the land was in the center of a completely developed area, Adamson knew he had lost and sent John to discuss the settlement with his lawyer. He mentioned Stephanie's involvement since the deal was off. Stephanie paid Jo a visit when she learned Jo knew of her proposal to Adamson. She was indignant and warned Jo to stay away from John.

Scott Phillips and David Sutton were getting along professionally, but personally Scott detested David. When he found David watching baby Douglas while Eric practiced pitching with his friends, he warned David to stay away from his family. Scott commented to Stephanie that he thought David was trying to get close to Kathy by playing up to the boys. She again tried to warn Kathy about working in the same office with David. Stephanie knew that David was the father of Kathy's baby and by observing David's reactions was sure that David knew.

Tom Bergman hadn’t had much luck in getting a date with Kylie Halliday since he met her at Carolyn's birthday party. Jo and Ellie suggested that she might need time and understanding because she was probably afraid of dating as she had been in hospitals since she was ten. Tom visited her at Tudor Oaks where they discussed Shakespeare and took long walks. Kylie talked a little about her life when she lived with Donna, Chance and their baby who died at two years old.

Dr. Carolyn Hanley was sure that Kylie would be released soon and she had to have short outings to acquaint herself with life outside the hospital before she was released permanently. Chance said his motel was not appropriate for young girls. Carolyn was considering the Inn until Janet Collins suggested Kylie stay with her. Kylie and Tom spent a lot of time together and found their feeling for each other flowering. Carolyn approached Jo about taking Kylie on as an employee to work off room and board when she was released. Stu balked, but finally offered Kylie a job.

Chance Halliday saw the rich widow Janet Collins as his key to the future. He used Kylie, his faked injury at Collins Construction and his friendship with her son to get close to Janet. He came by with small presents for Danny and then suggested that he take him for riding lessons. Kylie  was surprised since Chance had never ridden a horse. Chance used his image as a cowboy to endear himself to the whole family.

Bill Mendell could see through Chance, but couldn’t help but let Chance get under his skin. Chance implied that he and Janet were intimate when Bill called and she was out. Bill tried to tell Janet how he felt, but she wouldn't listen to anything bad about Chance. Thinking that he had a better chance if Janet forgot for awhile that she was a mother, he suggested a summer riding camp. Danny pleaded until Janet agreed. Knowing that Janet and Bill intended to have a picnic on the grounds at the Inn, he anonymously arranged a luncheon appointment, causing Bill to cancel. When his appointment didn’t show, Bill called, but learned from Tom that Janet was picnicking with Chance. Bill started to tell Janet when Chance arrived to say he wouldn't take any more compensation and Janet, as the majority sto-kholder, ordered Bill to find Chance an office job even though Bill insisted Chance was not qualified for any position.

Steve Kazlo was fretful when he developped a cold or flu that kept him from jamming with his old rock group that had come through Henderson to persuade him to join their east coast tour. Steve finally asked his brother-in-law, Dr. Gary Walton, for some medication. Gary refused until he had a check up so they could determine what he was suffering from. Steve submitted when he couldn't throw off the tiredness and planned to leave with the rock group. Gary insisted on a few more tests.

Liza Kazlo was still hoping that Steve would agree to stay in Henderson and write music, but he insisted that he could only meet music contacts in the big cities. Chance told Janet and Liza that he knew songwriter performer Lonny Garrison and was sure that Lonny would listen to Steve's demo tape if he asked. Liza was as taken with Chance as Janet and Danny.

Bill overheard Chance ask Donna to get in touch with her old beau Lonny and ask him to listen to Steve's tape because Lonny hated his guts. Donna agreed to only because she liked Steve.

Lonny stopped by to see Steve while he was with Gary. He told Liza that he was impressed with Steve, but when she phoned Gary's office, Steve had already left.

Gary had to tell Steve that he might have had flu, but the symptoms were only masking his real problem. Steve's leukemia was no longer in remission and he had to start chemotherapy immediately. Steve said he would not go through that again and demanded that Gary not tell Liza or anyone of his condition. He planned to carry on as if nothing was wrong.

Lonny Garrison told Chance he would rather never set eyes on him again since it was Chance's fault he got sent to prison for the drugs he hid in the car and then skipped out. Chance claimed he was to be thanked because it was in prison that Lonny began to write songs. Lonny told Steve and Liza over dinner that he thought Steve had something and he wanted to help him. Everyone was excited, but Gary. Steve discovered that Liza had stopped taking the pill, and after a frank discussion he went along with her wishes.

Kylie moved to the Inn and had to be made to take a break from work because she was trying so hard to prove herself. Donna got drunk and had to be taken home by David. He was fixing dinner when the candle fell over and set the tablecloth on fire, causing Donna to become hysterical. He suspected that she was terrified by a fire at one time. Donna visited Kylie the following day and told her about the incident. She began to sob and Kylie realized that Donna was the woman in her dreams who cried, frightening her.

The Young and The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Greg Foster offered Linda Larkin a position in his law firm. Since he was just starting a practice he couldn't afford a trained legal secretary. If she took the job she could learn as she went, getting a better salary as he acquired more clients. Linda told her husband Larry that she couldn't abide with his ultimatum that she stay at home with their children for the summer. She had arranged for her friend Beth to babysit and felt the kids would be better off because Beth was happy to stay at home. She contributed Beth's contentment with having worked outside the home before motherhood. Linda threw herself into working for Greg and enjoyed teaching herself new skills. Linda and Greg were out of the office when Larry came by to check Greg out. Larry told Snapper of his fear of Linda's working. Snapper relayed this to Greg and rather than be the cause of problems in the Larkins' marriage he fired her. Linda was furious with Larry for his interference. After thinking it over and discussing the problem with Beth, Linda decided that the source of her discontentment was her acceptance of the idea that every young girl was to go from high school to marriage and children. She explained this to Larry and told him that she didn't know who she was or what she wanted out of life. He couldn't understand why being his wife and a mother to his children wasn't a full satisfying life for her. She said they had lost sight of the happy young couple they were and then didn’t  know each other. In fact, she didn't know herself and would sometimes just like to start over. Larry told her to pack and leave if she felt that way.

Dr. Snapper Foster was upset with his father-in-law when Stuart told him he visited Chris who was trying to find herself by working with special children. Snapper tried to understand that after Karen went back to her natural parents Chris was having trouble coping, but he was becoming impatient.

Dr. Casey Reed was very concerned about her sister Nikki as summer vacation was here. She asked Brock Reynolds to consider her for the job of bus girl. Nikki, very unenthused, and another teenage girl Patty Minter, arrived at the same time and he agreed to try them both. Patty was a very hard working girl who had attended girls' schools and had very little experience with boys. Nikki, on the other hand, although she had been warned repeatedly about having boys in the apartment, liked to live dangerously. Nikki thought smoking pot, drinking beer, and using her body was what made a girl popular. Nikki used Patty to cut out of work early in return for tips on how to get dates. Brock told Casey that they had to tread easy or they would loose Nikki altogether and it would be better if he could keep an eye on her. Brock warned Patty not to try to be someone she was not and also not to use Nikki as a model for her life. Nikki's comment to Casey, "I need men as much as you don't," made Casey realize that Nikki was hurt by their alcoholic father also.

Mrs. Kay Chancelor set about to trap Derek Thurston into marriage and accomplished it with the help of her lawyer and several bottles of champagne. Kay claimed the marriage was consummated and therefore a divorce rather than an annulment was necessary. Greg had warned Derek that if he lived with Jill Foster, whom Derek intended to marry, Kay could hold the divorce up forever and under the circumstances as they were she could drag it through the courts for several years.

Seeing that he had no alternative, Derek decided to accept Mrs. Chancelor's arrangement that he live with her for one year and not see Jill socially. In exchange, in one year Derek would own "The Golden Comb" and Phillip, Jill's son, would have a $100,000 trust fund that would be available when he was eighteen. Jill suggested that Derek treat Kay miserably so that she would let him go before the year was up. Derek tried this, but couldn’t bring himself to continue when Kay accepted his rudeness without complaint.

« The Golden Comb » opened with a flourish true to Kay's form. They were flooded with appointments because Derek and Kay's dream was the dream of every woman. What woman could resist being pampered in a salon where everything was designed to make a woman look and feel her best? Jill left because she couldn’t bear to hear people call Kay Mrs. Thurston. Jill told Derek that she couldn't stay at the salon under these conditions and couldn't wait for marriage, hoping that Kay would set him free after a year.

Thinking over her situation, Jill decided she needed a father for her young son and maybe she was wrong to expect love, happiness and security all from one man. She told her mother that it could't hurt to call David Mallory and invite him over. - David received Bill Foster's eyes upon his death which enabled David to see again. He felt very close to Bill's family and became attracted to Jill. Her attraction to David seemed to be that she saw her father in him. Jill had been very close to her father when he returned after an absence of nine years. When David proposed, Jill realized she didn't love him and she needed more than security out of marriage. -

David inquired about Phillip and Liz and then said he thought Jill's refusal to marry him might have been for the best. He introduced his blind wife whom he met at the clinic where he worked. They were very happy and had just found out that they were expecting their first child. Jill's plans to marry David were squelched.

Derek arrived home with a beautiful young woman to show her his "golden cage." She used very catty remarks to make Kay aware of their differences; age, beauty and sexual allure. Derek thanked her for her help and then tried himself to stress these points. Kay broke down and poured herself a drink. Unable to bear this, he knocked the drink from her hand and held her while she sobbed out her hurt.

Leslie and Lance felt a bond because of Lorie's decision to advertise herself and her book, "In My Sister's Shadow." Lance's attention caused Leslie to fall more deeply in love with him. Lance told her that he was not at all sure where his marriage was headed. Brock Reynolds could see that Leslie was happier and learned that it was not her love for him that caused the change. Stuart guessed that Lance was the man in Leslie's life when she told him she had decided not to marry Brock.

Vanessa told Lance that he was blind not to see Leslie was in love with him. She was so upset with Lorie that she withheld Lucas' telegram of their arrival. Lance and Lorie's first encounter solved nothing because Lance said he had lost all respect for her and Lorie said he was a hypocrite. Lucas decided that Lance should know the truth about why she went to New York. Lorie tells Vanessa that she was going to see a lawyer, but Lance wanted her to understand before she moved out that he had gone to ask Leslie to make up with her and what she saw was a kiss of good-bye. He was truthful in admitting that he had been attracted to Leslie, but did care what Lorie wanted. This was what Lorie wanted to hear.

Leslie was about to tell Lance she was carrying his child when he broke the news that he was not going to divorce Lorie because he still cared for her. Lucas had begun to guess what Leslie's condition really was and questioned Lance's feelings for Leslie and Lorie.

Remembering that Mr. Brooks told her her he would like to help her, Jill told Stuart how much she would like an office job. He hired her at the paper, but explained that she would have to work hard. Derek was furious when Kay said their marriage was never consummated because then he couldn’t have the marriage annulled.

Nikki made a play for Snapper at the Allegro and Brock asked him to play along and then explain to her how dangerous a game she was playing. Patty told Nikki that Brock and "the doctor" seemed to be good friends, warning her that this was a setup. Snapper didn't believe that she was a sweet naive girl who wanted to go for ice cream. Casey saw Nikki in Snapper's car and jumped to the wrong conclusion, but he explained Brock's plan.

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JULY 1978

All My Children

Written by: Agnes Nixon

Produced by: Bud Kloss

Tara and Phil were separated, as Tara had reaffirmed her position that when Philip turned over the information he had on their son Charlie's involvement in the theft of Mona Kane's hubcaps and an arson incident involving an old car in a junkyard, it meant the end of their marriage. Phil was living with his partner Sgt. Jacoby, whose wife walked out on him, taking his son with her, after they were unable to resolve conflicts over Jacoby's career as a policeman. Tara had told Philip that she intended to get a full time job and pay her own way. - Tara had told her father that she was frightened because Phil was so unstable; he carried a loaded gun off-duty and she didn't know what to expect of him any more. - Phil learned that she had asked Chuck to appear in Phil's place at the boy's probation meeting, angering Phil further, and Chuck added fuel by an unsuccessful attempt to get Paul Martin to seek a restraining order keeping Phil away.

Phil was agreeable surprised to find Erica amenable to his request that she sell the house they formerly owned when they were married, as the mortgage payments were a financial drain on him and his separation from Tara was a further complication. Erica told him confidentially that her reason was that she and Tom Cudahy were to be married. - As usual, with Erica, this was premature. Erica had told Tom's friend Father Tierney that her first marriage to Jeff Martin failed because Jeff was too immature and her second, to Phil Brent, because Phil was still in love with Tara and she – Erica - married him only because he wouldn't take no for an answer. - When Erica saw Tom and Father Tierney talking together, she assumed the priest told Tom everything and she blurted out her efforts to snag him. Tom was flattered and admitted his love for her, then wound up proposing marriage. Erica stuck by her story that Jeff Martin was psychologically unfit for marriage since, in the eyes of the Church, Erica's first marriage was a valid one and she told Tom she would work on getting Jeff to admit she had grounds for annulment.

When Erica approached Jeff with her proposal he was floored. He and Erica had been divorced for years, he was married to his late wife Mary in the interim and he and Christina Karras had been married only a short time. He refused to perjure himself to suit Erica and he later learned that just before he arrived, Erica was baiting Christina in his office with phony sympathy about Chris's having been in prison. Jeff went along with Chris's suggestion that they dine out instead of with the Martin family in order to comfort her.

Kate Martin told Ruth she was concerned by Chris's apparent reluctance to join in the home life of the Martin family even though she and Jeff were living with them – Chris had an interest in Jeff buying a house and she chose to retain her maiden name for her professionnal work –. Ruth – who was suffering from dizzy spells – maintained that Chris might be overwhelmed by the closeness of even such a "perfect" family as theirs. Kate accepted this good naturedly but upstairs, young Ted, who had then been legally adopted by Joe and Ruth, remarked that Jeff's former wife Mary was very loving toward him and once there had been the possibility of Tad's being Jeff's adopted son instead of his brother, causing Chris to wince and change the subject.

Linc Tyler had a dream about his deceased wife Kitty. In the dream, Kitty spoke to Linc and asked that he take care of his sister-in-law Kelly. He promised to do so. Once released from the hospital, Eddie Dorrance was furious because Kelly gave Linc back $150 he laid out for her salary. Eddie planned to become manager of the Chateau, Eddie told Claudette – who attended a Chicago convention – that he would help her with book work she had to do to keep her position. He did the work but didn’t mail it. Phoebe Tyler met Kelly and planned to dash any relationship Linc hoped to have with her by getting information on Kelly’s past from Edna Thornton – Since David’s death, Edna was to go to a charm school in order to become a more socially acceptable person. – Myrtle and Kelly clashed because Kelly said she liked Phoebe.

Erica was disturbed when Father Tierney asked her if she was in love with Tom for what he was or for what he could save her from, wondering aloud if Erica needed a husband in order to be acceptable to herself. She told him he was lousy at psychoanalyzing and should stick to being a priest. She arranged a meeting with Joe Martin who was appalled by her gall in trying to recruit him in her campaign to get his son to go along with the annulment, telling her if anyone was unfit it was she. Erica asked Torn, if anything went wrong would he consider marrying outside the Church. Since Erica was taking instructions and she assured him again that Jeff would give no trouble on the annulment issue, he told her she was con-cerned with something that would not apply. Rather than reveal that Jeff was adamantly opposed, she agreed that she was being silly and dropped the subject.

Estelle La Tour had come to accept Mrs. Flannagen's gift to her of $20,000 in the spirit in which it was given, so that she could be free to choose a life aside from the one she was contemplating as Billy Clyde's wife. She told Donna that she was seeing Benny and if he proposed that evening she would accept, though she was engaged to Billy Clyde Tuggle. That day Benny agreed to work on Edna Thornton's car, insisting that he would leave by 7:00 P.M. so that he could meet Estelle. On the way his bike was sideswiped and Benny went off the road. When Estelle called the Tylers’, she was told that Benny went to Edna's. As soon as Phoebe Tyler learned of Benny's accident she went immediately to the hospital where Benny asked her to phone Estelle. Though she agreed, she told herself she would "no more make that call than summon the devil!" Donna learned from Caroline about Benny and went to see him. She had no faith in Phoebe's promise and phoned Center City herself, but Estelle had left her apartment for church to pray before going through with her plans to marry Billy Clyde and Billy took the call.

When Benny learned that Estelle and Billy Clyde had been married, he turned on Phoebe, refusing to return to work for her. Dr. Charles Tyler went to see Phoebe at home to emphasize that she had to make plans to replace Benny as she needed someone to care for her and Phoebe was delighted with his show of sympathy. Charles left but turned back up the path to the Tyler home when his beeper sounded, intending to call the hospital, and saw through a window that Phoebe was up on her feet and dancing for joy around the room.

Dr. Charles Tyler returned to his office to tell Mona Kane of the scene he had witnessed and when she asked if he intended to confront Phoebe, he replied that he intended to get some fun out of it first. The following morning on his instructions, Mona telephoned Phoebe with a message from him that not only would he not comply with her request to pick her up for her therapy session, but he had cancelled her future sessions. Phoebe exploded in anger and left word with Mona for Charles to call her. She wailed to Brooke that she would have to exercise on her own, as without the therapy to offset all the time she put in playing invalid in her motorized wheelchair, her leg muscles might atrophy. She left the main house to start her exercises by the poolhouse.

Charles arrived moments later determined to put an end to the farce and warned Brooke not to try to contact Phoebe by intercom. He came upon Phoebe resplendant in her sweat suit and called her name as she was in full swing, startling her into nearly falling over. His joking mood soon gave way to anger at Phoebe's contrived story of having suddenly, miraculously recovered a few days before and keeping a secret to surprise him.

He reminded her of the valuable therapist's time she had been wasting and wheeled away her chair, intending to return it to the hospital where it could be put to genuine use. As he stormed through the Tyler house, Paul Martin witnessed his exit and learned from Brooke what has happened. Phoebe walked in and demanded that Brooke pack her bags for her part in the "betrayal" and that Paul and Dan Kennicott leave the house. Paul presented Phoebe with a letter of resignation from Benny Sago, then bid her goodbye in high humor remarking as he left, "Sure is good to see you up and about."  Dan filles in as a bartender at the Goalpost while bartender Bruno was in Italy.

Devon Shepherd and Wally McFadden started for home from St. Louis after Devon forestalled Wally's suggestion that they make another short stop at a motel on the homeward trip by calling her mother and telling her they would arrive by suppertime, then pretending to Wally that her father had made the call. After the night they splet together, Devon wanted to bring their relationship to an end but Wally decided to follow Devon to Pine Valley and get a job there. Devon made it clear she’d rather be friends than lovers.

Ellen Shepherd turned down Erica's request that she be her bridal attendant on the grounds that she didn’t know Erica all that well. Erica stormed off, furious at what she considered to be a deliberate snub. - Erica had unilaterally set the date. When Claudette Montgomery informed her that Nick Davis would be back in town for a visit on the first week in September, Erica remarked on the coincidence of it being the weekend she and Tom would be married, adding that she would be sure to send Nick an invitation. –

Phil showed up at Charlie's probation hearing only to be sent to an antechamber by the judge, after she heard the story of the relationship and tried to quiet the furor after Charlie’s remark to Phil that he was not his father. She placed the boy on six months probation, requiring him to report to her regularly and forbidding him to have any contact with Sammy.

When Dr. Tyler was unable to attend a conference out of town and asked Dr. Frank Grant if he would be willing to attend. Frank happily said yes and considered it quite an honor. Caroline however was not so pleases. Once again, they argued about Frank’s ex-wife Nancy. Caroline couldn’t forget that unbeknowst to Frank, his ex-wife was carrying his child. Caroline, in a mad rush to get pregnant herself, couldn’t forget that she was infertile. Frank, not knowing any of what Caroline was going through was sick and tired of Caroline’s continued hostility towards Nancy. Frank was so furious that he suggested to Caroline that a separation might just do them a world of good.

After Paul Martin invited her to a 20-year high school reunion, Ellen Shepherd realized how much older she was than Mark and nixed another plan to spend the weekend with him. Paul considered staying away from Ellen because of Mark’s resentment.

Another World

Written by: Harding Lemay

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Iris Bancroft, having convinced son Dennis Carrington to return from the ranch in Wyoming where he was spending the summer, attempted to take over his life. The month in Wyoming, however, had matured Dennis, and he was able to stand up to Iris. Instead of moving in with her, he returned to the loft apartment he shared with Jamie Frame, enrolled in summer school classes to make up the courses he failed, and joined the summer swim team, as well as working part time for Elena de Poulignac at the gallery. In addition, Dennis began to date Eileen Simpson steadily. Iris objected to Eileen, feeling she was only after Dennis' money. Thus, when she dropped by the loft early one morning and found Eileen there – she had dropped by to give Dennis some new slip covers, while on her way to work –, Iris jumped to all the wrong conclusions, telling people that Eileen was sleeping with Dennis. Dennis straightened her out, but Iris was determined to break them up. When Iris learned that Eileen had to stop seeing Mike Randolph because he was a divorced man, she wondered to Dennis if Eileen's parents would object to her seeing him, considering her own marital history. Dennis asked Eileen, who said her parents were mostly concerned with the boys she dated, not their parents. Iris then went to the Simpsons and painted Dennis as the kind of boy who trifled with girls, then dropped them to go on to greener pastures.

Iris’ father, Mac Cory and his wife Rachel were expecting a baby soon. Rachel's son Jamie was still on the ranch in Wyoming, and his communications to Rachel had almost ceased. Rachel was becoming concerned, especially after Rachel's mother Ada McGowan received a letter from Jamie that indicated he might not return in the fall. The Corys tried to get information from Dennis, but he was sworn to secrecy and would only promise to write to Jamie and tell him that Mac and Rachel were worried. Rachel, naturally, wanted Jamie home when her baby was born. The Cory house was visited by a young lady who claimed to know Jamie, but her answers to how and when she met Jamie were obviously misleading. She took the letter Rachel had written to Jamie asking him to come home, which Rachel discovered later. The girl disappeared as mysteriously as she appeared, but Dennis told Rachel her name was Blaine Ewing. Blaine was the daughter of the ranch foreman and Dennis couldn't stand her. Rachel was convinced that Blaine came to find out what kind of a catch Jamie was. She insisted they flew to Wyoming. Blaine, meanwhile, on the plane, mused, "It's better than I thought, Jamie." Mac continued to refer to Rachel's baby as his first child.

In the weeks that had followed the marriage of Angie Perrini and Vince Frame, Gwen Parrish and Willis Frame, who'd also vied for Angie's love, had been growing closer. Gwen had known she was in love with Willis, but kept hands off, simply being there when he needed her. Vince and Charley Hobson were in the process of starting a furniture business together, and Gwen put in money for both Willis and herself. When Willis first found out about it, he blew his top, making it clear to anyone who asked that he had not invested in his brother's business. However, little by little, Gwen got Willis to rescind his hostile attitude, even convincing Willis to go to the Perrini house and apologize to Vince and wish the newlyweds well. Willis interrupted them at the piano, having a family sing-along. The sight touched him. He returned to Gwen and she got him to admit he'd like to create the same kind of scenario. Willis proposed to Gwen, who accepted, fully aware that Willis might not be over Angie yet. Gwen asked Clarice Hobson McGowan to stand up for her. Clarice arrived in Bay City from Detroit to help with the plans. She let it drop to Angie why she was there. Angie, who'd recently admitted to her mother Rose that marrying Vince in such a hurry might have been a mistake, became withdrawn and cranky, especially during the dinner party Gwen gave, during which the two brothers reconciled.

Greg Barnard, boxed into a corner when Mike Randolph finally told Pat and John that Greg had been seeing sister Marianne for months, even though he'd promised not to, had proposed to Marianne and given her an engagement ring. John was surprised, but accepted it. Mike opposed the relationship, no longer trusting Greg after finding out Greg had a hand in driving Eileen and him apart and knowing Greg was seeing Marianne against Pat's wishes. Pat opposed the engagement because she believed, correctly, that Greg was using Marianne as a substitute for her. Pat predicted the wedding would never take place, and sure enough, Greg began to put obstacles in the way of setting a date, beginning with telling Marianne he couldn't precipitate a split between her and her mother. Thus, he wouldn't set a date until she and Pat had reconciled. Unable to face the idea that Greg might be using her, as Pat suggested, Marianne decided Pat might be mentally unbalanced, recalling Pat's disastrous teenage relationship with Tom Baxter. - Pat was in love with Tom, who was only using her. When she got pregnant, Tom insisted on an abortion, from which Pat almost died. Pat was tried for Tom's murder, and with John as her lawyer, was acquitted. - Pat's other objection to the marriage was that she, too, had married an older man – John - and found she was too immature to handle many of the problems that came along.

At Greg’s urging, Marianne took her idea of Pat's instability to John, who presented it to Pat. Pat threw him out, but went to see her cousin Susan Shearer, who told her everyone had periods of instability. Still, Pat wondered if she was confusing her own life with Marianne's in fear that Marianne might be repeating her mistakes. Pat went to Greg's. He admitted he wants her, that she led him on whether she meant to or not. He insisted he would go on with Marianne, no matter what, unless Pat agreed to come to him. Marianne arrived, and Pat ran out. Greg told Marianne Pat was there trying to break them up because she wanted him. Marianne believed every word and told him the only way to convince Pat that she could never have Greg was for them to marry right away.

Sally Frame, Alice’s adopted daughter, had a crush on Joey Perrini, using every excuse she could to go to the fix-it shop to be with him. Alice had asked Angie to talk to Joey, Angie couldn't, but asked Rose to. Joey wasn't interested in Sally, but she wouldn't stay away, even when insulted. Not even Jim Matthews could get through to Sally. Finally Joey told Sally he couldn't work with her under foot and suggested she find friends her own age. Sally ran out, hurt. Joey had a crush on Eileen Simpson.

Dan Shearer tried to reconcile with estranged wife Susan, backed by mother-in-law Liz Matthews. Susan, however, couldn't forgive Dan for humiliating her asking for the separation. Dan soon found himself a willing confidante for Alice and Pat. Realizing he had missed female companionship very much, he told Susan that he would find it elsewhere if she didn't return to him. Susan told him to go ahead, that she didn't intend to reconcile with him. Liz was incredulous and still tried to bring them together, unsuccessfully. Dan soon found himself embroiled in Olive Randolph's problems.

Brian Brancroft strung Olive along to get her to give John Randolph a divorce with as small a settlement as possible. Her settlement was to consist of the house John built for her. By the time Olive got suspicious, Brian pointed out that John had sufficient grounds to get a divorce without her permission, and could keep the house in the bargain, because it was clear to everyone they'd been having an affair. Olive signed the final papers and the divorce was granted in a few days. Used to being the user, not the usee, Olive couldn't grasp the fact that it was really over with Brian, who had reconciled with Iris, although they were keeping separate residences. Olive made wild threats to Iris and Brian, then began having horrible nightmares. Since her psychiatrist was out of town and Dan was the only other doctor she knew, having met him briefly in Cal's office, she called on him to help her. Dan warned she needed psychiatric help, that he was not a psychiatrist. However, Olive insisted she trusted him, so he accepted her case. When Liz discovered her name on Dan's calendar, she ran right to Susan, who agreed to get involved, but only after finding out what was really going on.

Elena told Rachel she had sold her latest sculpture to a secret buyer, but wouldn't say to whom. – It was Iris whom Elena had developed her friendship with again – Iris also bought two paintings by Dino Amanti. Learning her mother was ill, Dino’s wife, Sharon, left Bay City to be at her bedside.

Rachel’s doctor approved the trip to Wyoming. Rachel was determined to save Jamie from Blaine, telling Ada that she knew Blaine was only out for what she could get from Jamie, just as she used to use people, before she met Mac. However, Mac had to fly to Europe instead, to save his interests there from being eaten up by another publishing combine. Rachel was very disappointed.

Since Mac wouldn’t be able to be his best man, Willis asked Brian, who was honored to be asked. He even offered to give the reception in Iris' suite, to which he had returned. Dennis, however, had found out what his mother said to Mrs. Simpson and was then alienated even more from Iris.

Angie told Jim she and Vince were too busy to take a honeymoon at the moment. Vince wanted to take it because he knew he would be too busy after the store opened. Rose went to Jim, who said no problem with vacation, especially for a honeymoon, Angie was furious.

Clarice had returned to Bay City for advice. Burt had been promoted again, but had to live in Japan. She refused to move there, especially since Burt would be out in the field all the time. Burt had agreed to let her stay in the States with Cory. Charley agreed to let her stay with him; Ada thought she should he with Burt.

Dan was beginning to be sucked in by Olive, partly out of defiance of what everyone had warned him about her.

Pat tried to get Marianne back with Rick Ludlow, an old flame, by taking tennis lessons from Rick, then suggesting Greg and Marianne play doubles with them.

As The World Turns

Written by: Robert Soderberg & Edith Sommer

Produced by: Joe Willmore

Beau Spencer was told by a disgruntled employee he fired at the hotel that no one thought he had any real authority because his mother would always be the boss. He was hurt the most to hear that they called him "the kid" behind his back. He told Annie that he might return to law, but she asked him to think it over carefully. He broached the subject with his mother who said quitting must have been Annie's idea. Furious with her constant belittleing of Annie, Beau said he was leaving as soon as she could find some one else to replace him. Jane asked her secretary, Melinda Grey, to talk to Beau on her behalf. Melinda got him to examine his true feelings and he remembered that he really enjoyed running the hotel and felt he had done a good job. Jane broke the news to Annie before Beau got a chance.

Annie had long hours of classes and then studied well into the night because she was determined to be one of the best doctors in her class. Beau was beginning to regret encouraging her to return to medical school. Jane told Melinda that Annie wasn't the kind of wife Beau needed or the kind of daughter-in-law she could deal with, that Melinda was more his type. Melinda was very agreeable to playing up to Beau and tried subtly to always be there for him when Annie couldn't.

Jane had decided to return to London long enough to sell her townhouse. She was sure that her estranged husband would make it a point to see her since his mistress' baby was due soon and she stopped the divorce, claiming she needed the tax benefit their marriage gave her for another year and Ron owed her that much. Upon returning, Beau and Annie were to have decided if they wished to move out of their studio apartment and into her house. If not, she would sell it also before taking up residence in a penthouse apartment. Annie remembered all the work involved in running the big house shortly after their wedding and wasn't sure she could handle it with her studies. Dee told her sister Annie that she didn’t trust Melinda very much.

Joyce had become moody and impossible during her pregnancy. Don thought it was because she remembered the miscarriage she had shortly after their marriage, but Ralph Mitchell knew that she was playing games with him, intimating that she was going to tell Don of the affair he and Joyce had and that this child was his. Everyone had confided in Mary Ellison who felt overburdened with their problems. Nancy became suspicious of Joyce and Ralph when she overheard them at the law office.

Carol Stalling had been frightened by phone calls from a man asking if she would be home. One day the doorbell rang and she found a baby at the door. A note informed her that this was Amy, her husband's baby by Natalie Hughes. - Carol had forgiven Jay his affair with Natalie and a legal agreement was drawn up giving Jay and Carol the right to adopt Natalie's baby. Just before the baby's birth Natalie left town because of financial problems, not leaving any word for the Stallings. Several months ago they received a letter telling them of the baby's birth. Natalie did not know that Melinda's claim that Jay was forcing his attentions on her was the last straw for Carol and she was filing for a divorce. - Carol wanted to keep Amy, but had no legal rights in the matter. Chris Hughes said the agreement with Natalie might still hold up. Jay said he couldn't do this on his own because he had no job at the moment couldn't afford to have someone take care of the baby. He said giving her up for adoption was all he could do if he and Carol couldn’t get back together. Carol began faltering because of her intense desire to keep Amy.

John Dixon had befriended Karen Peters, telling her that he knew her father and he was a great man. He said he believed that the police, Bob Hughes and Dick Martin were all wrong to say he was involved in the corruption in Winterbrook. Bob warned John to leave Karen alone since she was beginning to deal with the facts before he put ideas in her head. Karen found Winterbrook depressing after her father's guilt was proven and Bob suggested that she move to Oakdale so they could see each other more often. Nancy Hughes began speculating on how much this would mean to Bob and everyone else in town. Karen got a job at Memorial Hospital with John's recommendation. She liked and respected Kim Stewart who told Karen of the time when John kidnapped her son. Karen had been unwilling to believe anyone else's warnings about John, but she could see the pain in Kim's eyes.

Grant and Lisa Colman decided to try and make their marriage work again. She admitted she ran away because she was desperate when she thought he was leaving her for Valerie Conway. Grant finally went to the farm to tell Valerie of his decision, but became angry when he found Nick, Valerie's ex-husband there. After many bitter words he departs. Nick took advantage of this opportunity to assure her that he would care for her. Ralph Mitchell told Kim that he thought Valerie needed a female friend to bare her soul to. Kim found her drunk and suggested that she stay with her and the girls for a few days, but Nick played on her sympathy, saying he would be all alone.

Nick and Valerie left town and returned married. At first Valerie had done it out of hurt and confusion, but then she felt it might work. She continued as an aid at the hospital because she enjoyed her job. Nick discussed taking over the management of the farm with Mr. Kellogg. He called  a woman – Tina – in New York to tell her everything was proceeding as planned and they should be together soon.

Doctors Dan Stewart and Alex Keith were still battling over personality conflicts. Dan refused to attend a medical conference, but after talking to his father could see what an honor it was. He suggested that Kim accompany him as Betsy had regained her hearing and was happy. Since the housekeeper was on vacation they decided to take a trip by themselves when he returned. Susan Stewart, Dan's ex-wife, got sent to Washington also for the conference and planned to use this time wisely to win Dan back.

Alex made his feelings known to Kim, but she asked him not to make things any more difficult than they were for Dan. He told her he couldn’t stop loving her and would be there to talk about it whenever she was ready. Kim decided not to wait any longer and asked Ellen Stewart if she would watch the children while she went to Washington to be with Dan. Unable to reach him, she left a message for him to call. Alex phoned Susan to warn her that Kim was coming the day after and he didn't want her hurt.

Carol had thought it all over and decided to accept Jay's offer of reconciliation for Amy's sake. Just as she was ready to tell him, Jay said his latest job offer came to nothing and he wanted to put Amy up for adoption because he couldn’t keep her. Carol talked the situation over with Chris who said that the decision had to be best for all of them, as it would be harder on Amy if Jay left after they had become a family.

Susan withheld Kim’s message that she would like to join him in Washington. She had Dan tangled in her web until Kim phoned that she was on her way. His infatuation with Susan made Dan feel so guilty that he was uncomfortable with Kim and tried avoiding her.

Sandy Thompson was concerned about Kevin’s brooding and couldn’t understand his secretiveness. She was puzzled by his continual restlesness and refusal to tell her whether he was going on a business trip.

 Days Of Our Lives

Written by: Ann Marcus

Produced by: Betty Corday & H. Wesley Kenney

Steve Olsen, long-lost brother of Julie Williams, had returned to Salem with Doug and Julie, who had been vacationing in Paris. Steve claimed his money was all tied up in investments when he asked for money from Doug and Julie separately, asking that one not tell the other. In fact, Steve even charged his air fare home on Doug's credit card. Steve and Julie's father had died a wealthy man, but had tied his children's money up in trusts that produced a small income until they reached a certain age, at which time part of the principal was given to them. The rest of the principal remained in trust. Julie had received hers; Steve had not. Back in Salem, Steve sniffed out the money in town. He found Julie's money was in Doug's Place, but Doug would be only too happy to have her take it out. Thus, Steve began to pressure Julie into opening a small boutique/gallery of her own, which he would help run. He eased himself into a job at Doug's Place by becoming Robert Le Clair's confidante, since both spoke French. Steve saw that Doug was very involved with the business, feeling he'd neglected it during Julie's trial and their vacation, as well as breaking in a new singer, Theresa Harper, whom Robert had hired on a temporary basis. Steve used Theresa as a "fall guy" in stealing money from the cash box. Robert then distrusted Theresa; Doug gave her the benefit of the doubt and hired her full time. Steve used Doug's involvement with the club and Theresa to point out to Julie that she needed a career of her own to fill her time. Doug didn't like the idea of Julie's having a day job, as that was when he was home.

Mike Horton and Margo Anderman were married in a lovely ceremony in the garden at Tom and Alice's house. Margo had begged her mother to come, but her mother was more interested in keeping an eye on her current boyfriend. Mary Anderson, realizing the newlyweds were penniless, gave them her studio at the lake house, which they accepted for their honeymoon. Linda Phillips Anderson dropped by the studio one afternoon, ostensibly to see how they were doing. However, her real motivation was to get them to leave, as she was planning a soiree that would involve sailing and swimming, and Mike and Margo would be unacceptable bystanders. Mike and Margo found it difficult to stay, especially after Linda made it subtly clear that she held their jobs in her hands. Margo had begun to wheedle Mike into returning to school.

Linda had given her first big party, which Bob assured her was a big success. However, afterwards he again suffered chest pains, which he hid from Linda because he couldn't bear to ruin her glow. But he objected slightly when he found invitations had already gone out for a dinner party in Steve Olsen's honor. Linda, however, was so enamoured of pulling off a social coup, that Bob held off his objections, unable to deny her anything, no matter how inconvenient or expensive. He was a little taken back however, when Linda commented that they then set the social standards in Salem. Forewarned by Julie about Linda's social pretensions, Steve played the jet-setter to the hilt, feeding Linda's ego again.

One of Steve’s reasons for attending the party was that he had learned that Bob had an eligible daughter – Mary –, who was wealthy. He persuaded Mary to show him the grounds. When he was scratched by a branch, Mary took him to the studio, where he was his charming best. Chris Kostichek, Mary's lover and date, soon got suspicious. Finding Mary with Steve at the studio, he made a big production of not being able to sleep with her that night and retrieved his toothbrush. Mary was mortified; Steve was amused. Steve took Mary out a couple times when she had broken dates with Chris after arguments.

Chris left Anderson Manufacturing after he and Bob disagreed on his duties as head of R&D. Unable to obtain funding for a plant of his own, Chris had opened a engineering consulting firm. Mary joined him at Kostichek Enterprises after Linda made her job as head of Public Relations at Anderson impossible. Chris took a few small jobs, which didn't begin to challenge him. Then one day, Jim Bradley, secretary of an ecology group and Don’s former campaign manager, approached Chris to do an environmental impact report. Bob planned to expand his plant and had chosen an area that had been considered for a bird sanctuary. It also appeared to be the closest public recreation area to Salem. Bob had hired Horton and Craig as his lawyers in the matter and had begun to lobby state legislators. Chris knew accepting Bradley's offer could put a strain on his relationship with Mary and widen the breech between Bob and him. While thinking it over, he was visited by Linda, who told him she would use whatever power she had to make trouble for him if he accepted the job. That was all Chris needed. He accepted it. Linda got to Mary with the news before Chris could. When Mary descended on him, he pointed out that he could do the job fairly, and better he than someone who didn't know the full extent of all the pressures from both sides. Chris soon learned the situation was very difficult. Bob's expansion meant jobs and money for Salem, but the area was the last untouched ecological area nearby. With Bob's permission, Chris went to Anderson to check some of their studies. Linda came in and made a rucus, until David Banning pointed out she would find a memo on her desk allowing Chris access. Chris found arguments on both sides were valid and was at a mental stalemate, until Mary suggested they seek an alternative site.

Joanne Barnes survived her surgery, but in the meantime had given Janice a locket with a picture of her and of Janice as a baby. She also gave Bill Horton a letter to give to Janice when Janice turned 18. Hope Williams overheard Julie tell Doug that Joanne was Janice's biological mother. In the process of trying to get one up on Janice when they spent the afternoon together the day of Mike and Margo's wedding, Hope told Janice what she overheard. Subsequently, Janice became obsessed with the things Joanne gave her and withdrew from Maggie. Mickey pressured Bill to get Joanne away, but Bill had to keep her in the hospital for another week and then needed another month of post-operative checks before he could terminate Joanne as a patient.

Don Craig, hospitalized after falling three stories in an attempt to keep Donna Temple from committing a fake suicide, suffered internal hemmorhaging. Bill, who'd had to remove Don's spleen, as well as set his broken leg, had to operate again. Don didn't respond well and his fever began to climb. Antibiotics didn't fight the infection, so Bill suspected staph infection. Finally, Don's fever became life threatening, so Bill was forced to administer an experimental drug, carbomycin. Don awoke to find he was deaf! He immediately plunged into a depression, feeling he had lost everything, as the practice of law seemed lost to him. His fiancée, Dr. Marlena Evans, tried to convince him that they still had their love, but Don was too depressed to respond well. Only Donna, who was then staying with Tom and Alice – after Donna had disappeared to spend some time at the hospital with Don, her foster parents had decided they did not want her back –, seemed able to make him smile. Bill determined that Don's deafness was complete and that if there was to be a recovery, it had to come within the next two weeks. Don's constant rejection of all overtures finally plunged Marlena into hopelessness. However, her recent blow up at him had convinced Don that he had been childish, that he knew there were worse things than deafness. He was determined to fight. Marlena was delighted. She accidentally knocked over a pitcher, and Don heard it! Don discovered he could hear words faintly. Bill told them that Don could most likely expect a full and rapid recovery.

Janice withdrew from Maggie. She and Mickey consulted Laura, who agreed to observe Janice. Joanne was released from the hospital before Janice could ask if she was really her mother. Janice didn't know that Joanne was staying with Marlena's nurse, Dora.

Don refused to move into Marlena's place for recuperation, hurting her. Don and Mickey disagreed over his having accepted the retainer from Bob on the Green Oaks expansion. When Chris and Mary couldn't locate an alternate site to suggest in his report, Mary was reluctant to send in their results. They sent a copy to Bob, who felt he was in trouble.

David received a call from a plant manager: Paul Grant had a heart attack and arrived at the hospital already deceased. David felt much pain and could think of no one else besides Valerie and her grief. When expectedly Val arrived at his apartment, he tried to comfort her as best as he could, and relieved some of the best memories she had of her beloved father. Bob felt guilty over Paul’s death.

The Doctors

Written by: Linda Grover

Produced by: Chuck Weiss

Mike Powers and Sara Dancy were married. After the ceremony, Matt and Maggie Powers tried to persuade pregnant daughter Greta to attend the reception with them, Matt promising to drive her to the center for unwed mothers, where she was headed, in the morning. Greta refused, saying she couldn't stand all the people staring at her. She admitted watching the ceremony was painful for her, that she kept wishing she was in Sara's place. The Powers sympathized, promising that one day Greta would have her wedding. Tearfully Greta demanded to know how they could think that, asking what man in his right mind would want to marry a girl who'd had another man's baby? Unbeknownst to them all, their conversation was being overheard by Billy Aldrich, the boy who got Greta pregnant. Greta's tears and questions and hopelessness touched Billy, but when he tried to make an overture of comfort, Greta rebuffed him. Greta left and Matt told Billy to stay away from her.

Greta’s roomate at the center was a girl named Kim. Her father was a political bigwig and this was Kim's second time around. Her way of rebelling against her parents was to get pregnant, a behavior she recognized, but she couldn't resist offers of love, in whatever form. Kim gave up her first baby, but was determined to keep this one. She warned Greta that the staff would try to play games with her head to force her to give up the baby. The counselor did present Greta with several alternatives, which Kim interpreted for Greta to mean they wanted her to give up the baby. Billy paid a visit to Greta, feeling she might be lonely and enjoy talking to an old friend. He made it clear he was there strictly out of friendship, which Greta accepted, until he kissed her cheek on the way out. Her fantasies of a future together recurred.

Meanwhile, Mona Croft, Billy's grandmother and Madison social lionness, had decided that Greta's baby would bear the Aldrich name. She intended to solve the problem by offering Billy enough money for college, medical school, a house, etc., if he would marry Greta. Carolee pointed out that it would be a disastrous marriage, as Billy didn’t love Greta and Greta was too young. She made it clear she wouldn’t let Mona subjugate Billy's happiness or anyone else's for "the good of the family." Mona objected to Carolee's going back to school for a degree in midwifery, saying Carolee would be in direct competition to husband Steve, who was an OB-Gyn. Finally qualified, Carolee was proud to deliver her first baby.

Mona’s other daughter-in-law Nola Dancy Aldrich, was another bone of contention. Nola had been a somewhat successful singer before marrying Jason. Since her mother's death, Nola has been drifting and was using alcohol as a way of not facing her life. Nola's mother was a domestic and her father was presently a bartender. Thus, she felt threatened by the pervading presence of Jason's sophisticatee ex-wife, Doreen, who had involved Jason in her new restaurant venture, The Medicine Man. In addition, Jason had a very busy law practice, involving many wealthy clients. Thus, he worked long hours and had to travel frequently. Nola thought marrying Jason would mean lots of fun and games, as she lamented to her sister Sara, but, in front of Jason, she told Sara she married a father. Nola was too drunk at the time to realize the pain she had caused, but Jason decides he had to make some changes and dropped his six wealthiest clients to become hospital counsel.

Since Nola’s mother died as a result of a huge fire at Andre's Restaurant, Mona had decided to build a burn center in Madison in Virginia's honor. She thought involving Nola in such a project might lure her away from booze. One night Nola had to meet a prospective donor on her own as both Jason and Mona had previous commitments. After promising to restrain herself, Nola made a drunken spectacle of herself and lost the donation. She settled down somewhat after that, especially getting involved with preparing a surprise singing act for the grand opening of The Medicine Man. Doreen got wind of it. The night of the opening, Doreen stalled Jason's arrival by asking him to find a key, which she had. Nola was nervous and began to drink, especially after being taunted by Doreen. When Jason finally arrived, she was so drunk, her act was a shambles and an embarrassment. Barney got a contrite Nola to promise not to drink again.

Matt and Maggie went to visit Greta on her birthday. They visited with Mrs. Herrick, the counselor, who asked the Powers to encourage Greta to give up the baby. She warned Maggie that she would end up raising the baby, which would cause Greta great grief and guilt later. Greta accused her parents of trying to take her baby away from her and wouldn't talk about giving it up. As she went to leave, she found Billy in the doorway.

Mike and Sara arrived at their honeymoon site to find there had been a mix up in their reservations. Instead of the honeymoon suite in sunny weather, Sara found herself occupying a small room with Mike, during a storm. Mike, naturally, used every opportunity to indulge in lovemaking, which Sara used to enjoy. However, although she responded enthusiastically, she found herself inside just waiting for it to be over. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and asked Mike to take her home, insisting it was only because she wanted to be in their own house in their own bed. Mike was angry, but agreed. - Sara had had a torrid affair with Colin Wakefield in Africa. After her engagement to Mike, she spent a night with Colin, unable to resist the passion she felt for him. She insisted she no longer loved Colin. Sara felt compelled to tell Mike about that night, which caused Mike to call off the wedding, until Sarah convinced him he was what she wanted, really. - Sara worked on Jonathan Spears' staff as a psychiatric social worker. Forced to discuss a case with Colin, she lost her cool, observed by Jonathan, who told her he wouldn't tolerate such unprofessional conduct. He knew the whole story of Sara and Colin and Mike. Sara told him that when she was in love with Colin, she lived for him, and through him. She insisted she no longer loved Colin. With Mike, she continued, she had her separate identity, which she wanted. She told Jonathan she would make her marriage work. Jonathan pointed out that will power didn't work in controlling emotions. Maggie also thought Sarah was trying too hard to make things work.

Colin has been having MJ Carroll – who had caught Sara’s bouquet at her wedding – do research for him while she was coming to terms with the death of her husband Tom. MJ had been unable to function in her nursing job. Colin told MJ he found her attractive and suggested they see each other socially.

Billy supported Greta’s right to keep her baby. Both refused to listen when Maggie and Matt tried to explain the problems inherent in raising a child. Mona explained her plan to Maggie, who turned her down, saying the best thing for Greta would be to give up her baby. Maggie wrote a long and loving letter to Greta presenting her reasons why Greta should consider adoption. Jonathan Spears feared Maggie might have been hasty. Kim suggested Greta run away to a cabin her father had, which was stocked with enough food to last a year. Greta liked the idea, especially when Kim suggested she ask Billy to go along. Both were confident Greta could have her baby safely without help.

Doreen Aldrich had been having dizzy spells and lacks energy. A blood test caused Steve to suspect leukemia. He suggested Doreen go to Boston to a specialist. Doreen agreed, but felt it was hopeless. She was impatient with everyone and fired Barney over an incident she provoked.

At Hope Memorial, Matt and Sweeney got stuck in an elevator between floors. Sweeney revealed her fear of closed-in-places and of Matt.

The Edge Of Night

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Erwin Nicholson

Dr. Norwood told Denise he wanted to try to convince Miles that she truly was dying. She believed Miles hated her and she intimated that she planned to get back at him. Dr. Norwood suspected Denise's motives about Miles' impending visit. Denise put some white pills into Miles' coffee. She told him she had stopped loving him and then hated him.

Draper told April that Miles was with Denise and she had a vision of Miles dying. April called Mayfield and told Dr. Norwood her concern. He interrupted Miles and Denise to convince Miles that he was worried about April and that Miles must leave at once to see her. Dr. Norwood confronted Denise, saying "don't you believe in hell?" but she answered "yes, I'm living it!" Dr. Norwood picked up Miles' coffee cup and was about to drink from it when Denise shrieked in horror. She admitted she wanted to kill Miles. Suddenly Dr. Norwood grabbed his head and fell to the floor. Miles believed Gus Norwood had had a stroke. Denise told him she would never divorce him.

Gus Norwood came home to recuperate with a nurse, Tina. He was paralyzed but could be rehabilitated. Denise told her father her plans to commit suicide and have Miles blamed for murdering her. She knew Gus was incapable of interfering with her plans. Denise staged a phone call to Miles while Tina was present. She pretended Miles threatened to kill her after she told him she intended never to divorce him so long as she lived. Denise told Tina that Miles had a terrible temper. Denise became very weak. Tina offered to call a doctor but Denise refused since she was trying to hide the extent of her illness from the nurse.

April deamed she was in a cemetary and saw a gravestone marked “April”. Carol Berclay, a former nurse at the Claremont, visited April, who described her death and return to life. Carol told April that Denise had tricked her and caused her to lose her position at the Claremont. At April's suggestion, Carol offered her services to Miles and he hired her. April dreamed of Miles going to Mayfield and was frightened for his safety.

Denise had happy dreams of Miles being found guilty of her murder. She learned that her father was only able to communicate by blinking his eyes. Denise sent Tina into Monticello to pick up her fall wardrobe that she had carefully chosen and told the nurse that Miles was coming to visit her.

Denise had Tina prepare a syringe containing her pain killer for her before leaving. Denise bid her father goodbye and told him she planned to die that day. She called Miles' office and threatened to expose Carol to Miles. She demanded to know Miles' telephone number at the hospital saying "it's a matter of life and death." When Denise reached Miles, she told him she was ready to give him an amicable divorce if he visited her.

April suspected Denise’s plan and drove to Mayfield, leaving Draper an explanatory note. Draper and Miles followed, with Draper full of anxiety about his wife. April arrived to find Denise in bed. April had figured out Denise's plan so Denise tried to stop April from telling Miles. Denise got out of bed but collapsed to the floor. April got her back in bed and realized that Denise was actually sick. Denise cried out that she couldn't stand the pain and begged April to give her the shot in the syringe. April couldn’t administer the hypodermic and tried to call the Claremont but Denise had pulled the phone out of the wall. April left to find help but her car skided off the road and she was left unconscious. A passing motorist with a CB unit reported finding April and an ambulance arrived at the scene.

Anthony Saxon saw the ring Raney gave Deborah and forbade her from seeing him, saying he was not entitled to the Saxon "kingdom." Steve Guthrie called Deborah at a restaurant while she was with Raney and invited her to a picnic. Deborah and Steve went horse-back riding. Suddenly, it began raining, and they took shelter in a barn where they reestablished their relationship.

Logan Swift was with Winter Austin when her building superintendent brought in a trunk left by Chip Beamer. The trunk revealed press clippings linking Beamer with Logan's stabbing and with the Jackson suicide. Logan remembered that Mrs. Jackson told him her husband's company was a front for Saxon and that he wouldn't have killed himself. Logan got excited and told Winter he loved her.

Logan showed Chip Beamer's trunk to Steve, Mike Karr, Bill Marceau and Calvin. Bill agreed to reopen the case against Saxon. Logan asked Winter to marry him.

Logan’s friend, Glen Jaffe, from the Institute for the Blind, visited Mike Karr. He had a younger brother who lost his sight and went with him to classes. He was then an instructor in mobility training. Mike agreed to start the training immediately. Nancy reported to Nicole that the mobility training was working wonders for Mike.

Mike visited Bill Marceau's office while Tony Saxon came in for questioning. Marceau showed Saxon the Monticello Uniform Co. - Jackson suicide - file and asked him if the information was accurate. Saxon admitted having an interest in the company but insisted that Jackson killed himself rather than admit he was "dipping into the company till." Saxon lost his temper and yelled at Mike "you would do anything to see me behind bars," and stalked out.

Raven was miserable about how the pregnancy was ruining her looks. Kevin wanted her to come with him on the campaign trail to appeal to women voters. Raven wondered if Kevin would love her when she was a mother. Alone she condemned the baby and Logan Swift. Raven planned a big party and invited Logan and Winter.

Miles and Draper arrived at Mayfield and found Denise already dead. Moments later a policeman came by to inform Miles and Draper that April was at the Claremont after an auto accident but she was in good condition. The policeman found Denise's phone ripped from the wall and reported the situation.

Miles told Gus that his daughter is dead. He tried to communicate with Gus but was unable to do so. April awoke at the Claremont and Draper informed her of Denise's death. A nurse overheard April say that it was her fault Denise was dead.

On preliminary examination, the coroner believed Denise died from an overdose of a strong opiate. The Sheriff took the syringe to examine it for finger prints. April felt guilty and frightened about Denise's death. When questioned, Tina told the Sheriff she picked up Denise's new fall wardrobe and travelled folders in Monticello, that Denise refused to divorce Miles and that Denise told her Miles threatened to kill her.

The autopsy showed Denise was suffering from a terminal illness but died from an overdose of a strong opiate. The Sheriff examined the syringe for fingerprints and found April's and no others. April denied giving Denise the injection.

At Denise’s funeral, Miles and Draper wondered how Denise could have given herself the shot without leaving her fingerprints on the syringe.

Tony Saxon told Raney the police knew Morris Jackson worked for him and that he owned the Monticello Uniform Co. He was worried about how much more the police would find out. Saxon was fearful of the investigation and made Raney close the Cooper Co. Raney offered to finish Mike Karr "the way Chip would have," but Saxon refused.

Mike received two anonymous calls from Raney who promised to help him get evidence against Tony Saxon. He gave Mike a list of companies in which Saxon had an interest that did business with the city and the aliases he used. Mike had the information checked out by the Crime Commission and gave the story to Nancy and Nicole for newspaper and TV consumption. Nancy worried about who the informant was and what his motives were. Mike and Logan believed they then had clear evidence of conflict of interest by Tony Saxon.

Tony was burning his files on the Monticello Uniform Co. when Deborah's arrival surprised him. She questioned him ahout his building a fire on such a warm night. Unknown to Tony, Deborah retrieved a scrap from the flames that read "Monticello Uniform Co."

Tony, Deborah, Geraldine and Kevin heard Nicole break the conflict of interest story on TV when Tony agitatedly shut off the set, accusing Mike Karr of carrying on a vendetta against him. Raney convinced Tony to give his OK to doing away with Mike Karr.

Logan told Raven that he intended to marry Winter and refused to go to her party. Raven threatened to tell Winter about his paternity of her baby.

For Richer, For Poorer

Written by: Tom King

Produced by: Paul Rauch

Tessa Saxton, learning Lee was about to be arrested by the police, rushed to his side. Lee Ferguson had been letting his garage be used to process stolen cars for years. Recently he had been having a change of attitude, but he was in too deep, he thought, to ever get out. The only solution he could see was for Tessa and him to run away. Tessa promised to wait for him if he had to go to jail, feeling that was the only honest way to deal with the problem. Lee told her he'd be killed in jail. She agreed to run with him. When Tessa didn't return home that night, Lester Saxton became very worried. He suspected she was with Lee, whom he couldn't stand. Against wife Josie's advice, he went over to Lee's and demanded Tessa return home with him immediately or never. Tessa chose to stay with Lee.

Meanwhile, the police picked up Bentley Saxton on a stolen car charge. Learning of this, Lee went to police headquarters to speak on behalf of Bentley. Sgt. D'Amico let Bentley go, as Lee was the one he really wanted, but he didn't have enough on him yet. Lee indicated he knew a lot about stolen cars, but suggested he had to keep his secrets or be killed. D'Amico told him of the secret witness program, in which witnesses were protected, then given new identities and lives elsewhere. Lee expressed interest, provided he got immunity. D'Amico would look into it. Later at home, Lee was visited by Mr. Big's right-hand man, who said they knew Lee'd been to the cops. Lee said it was just to get one of his men out and to make sure he didn't talk. The man left, making a subtle threat by showing Lee his gun. Tessa was terrified. Two men watched Lee's house.

Amy Cushing, aware of the split between Tessa and Lester tried to bring them together. Lester agreed to Amy's being the intermediary and Tessa came to the house. She told them she was going away with Lee in the secret witness program and would never see them again. D'Amico was upset to learn Lee planned to bring Tessa with him. Lee and Tessa were frightened when they returned from the meeting with D'Amico to find Lee's house trashed.

Jason Saxton, firmly entrenched in the Cushing stock brokerage firm, planned his next move, marrying Megan Cushing. He invited a jeweler to his office and examined rings. He passed over a three carat diamond, choosing instead a star sapphire. He proposed to Megan, who accepted. When they went to tell her mother, Laurie Hamilton and husband Desmond were there. Laurie was shocked and confronted Jason in his office the following day. He told Laurie he really loved her, that she had to trust him, so that they could be together eventually. Laurie told him he was not going to make a fool of her any longer and promised to get to Megan soon and tell her about them. Thus Jason decided he and Megan had to elope. Megan finally agreed, but insisted Jason tell Bill about them first. Bill, Jason's brother and Megan's fiance before he married Connie, was furious. Jason told Megan that Bill took it well. They eloped. Meanwhile, Laurie had obtained the pictures that her mother Viola had taken of Jason and her to blackmail Jason and Laurie into breaking up. Laurie was with Edith when Megan called with the news that she and Jason were married.

Connie Saxton was admitted to the hospital for neurological tests to see if there was a physical cause for her loss of memory, headaches and blackouts. Billy was being cared for by Ellie and George Kimball. The tests revealed nothing, except Dr. White's interest in Connie. He sent her home and agreed she was well enough to retrieve Billy from Ellie. Ellie was depressed at losing Billy, having grown very close to him. But the following day, Connie suffered severe pain and a prolonged blackout. Bill found her and rushed her to the hospital. He called his mother to come get Billy at the hospital. Ellie again took charge. Having Billy around had reinforced her desire for a baby. Her doctor had confirmed that she could get pregnant. She asked George to have a check up, but he refused, saying he got her pregnant only a year ago, when she miscarried. Dr. White told Connie and Bill of an experimental new drug being tested at the university where he used to work. It appeared to return memory. He thought the headaches and blackouts were caused by Connie's anxiety at having lost her memory. The drug was highly experimental and could only be administered under the auspices of the university's treatment program. Connie and Bill wanted the drug for her.

Lester couldn’t face Tessa's leaving. Shortly after Bentley saw him staring at a liquor bottle, he disappeared. George, Paco, and Bentley went looking for him. When Tessa found her father was missing, she refused to leave Point Claire until he returned, unwittingly endangering Lee. Tony had put out a contract on him.

Austin Cushing accidentally learned from the firm's chief competitor that Jason had accepted a job with them at the time Jason resigned, telling everyone he did not have another job. Austin was worried about Megan. Edith suggested the newlyweds move in with her. Roger told Edith it was time he returned to his own company.  Austin and Amy decided to buy a house while Viola Brewster bought loads of antiques for her shop.

General Hospital

Written by: Douglas Marland

Produced by: Gloria Monty

Dr. Monica Webber and Dr. Alan Quartermaine were married with Gail Adamson and Alan's sister, Tracy, as attendants. Ever since Tracy discovered that Gail's and Monica's antecedants stopped at the orphanage where they were raised, she had been glorying in her own distinguished family lines. Tracy's references to Alan's former love were quickly put down by Alan but she made it a point to bring up references to Rick Webber – who caught Tracy’s eye – before Alan, while at the same time emphasizing to Monica that her brother Alan was the most jealous, possessive man she knew. Alan and Monica had been given a year's lease on the suite formerly used by Lamont Corbin. Tracy had managed to get $10,000 from her father after his generous gift to Alan and Monica, but she was keeping secret just what the money was for and her real reason for staying in Port Charles. She managed to pressure Alan into making her his assistant in Public Relations for the Cardiac section of General Hospital.

Dr. Lesley Webber had been indicted by the Grand Jury for murder in the second degree. She was free on a mere thousand dollars bail, owing to her outstanding reputation as a physician in Pt. Charles. Lesley tried to hold up in front of everyone, comforting her daughter Laura when she went into hysterics upon hearing the verdict, but finally broke down herself, sobbing to Dr. Steve Hardy. At a board meeting, while Steve tried to fight the suspension the hospital was seeking, Lesley calmly offered to submit but, through Steve's efforts, the board voted a leave of absence for Lesley.

Lee finally admitted he had a drinking problem. Gail was there to help him. She had shown him the wost in life could be handled and faced – she had finally seen Greg for the man he really wasand no longer blamed Monica for the affair. Lee had to try to. Gail introduced Lee to Bryan Phillips, a young partner at the Alcoholic Anonymous.

Howard asked Lee for support on Lesley's case, but Lee had disappeared after calling Bryan, the young man in AA Gail had appealed to for help, and telling him he was tempted to have a drink. He called again to say that he had taken the drink but there had been no word from him since and he had lost a number of important clients.

Richardson told Bert Ramsay he felt the statue might provide the answer to why David Hamilton was killed. The erotic statue of two lovers was obviously given to him as a gift. It didn’t fit in with the rest of the décor of the apartment. Ramsey had to find out who purchased it.

Howard asked the D.A. for permission to have Lesley return to David Hamilton's apartment. Les went there twenty minutes early and tried to construct for herself what might have happened between David and her daughter Laura so that she could get her story straight for Howard's and the DA's benefit. Her story was still inconsistant. A resident of the building, Mrs. O'Brien, arrived home from a business trip as Les and Howard were leaving the apartment and turned and said "hello" to Les. Later Howard questioned this but Lesley didn't recognize the woman, believing her greeting was only a friendly gesture. In the meanwhile the police had found the receipted charge slip for the statuette Lesley claimed to have hit David with, carrying Lesley's signature which Laura forged in order to pay for it.

Laura was beginning to have flashes of recollection and turned on Lesley. She remembered forging Lesley’s signature on the receipt for the statuette. Rick learned from Monica of one rude outburst in her presence and confronted Laura, who had been warned by Lesley not to go into it. She was sweet and apologetic for her abuse of her mother. Rick went on to ask her where she was on the night of David's death, as he had called the house repeatedly over a period of an hour and a half. She maintained that she was showering and then drying her long hair and the sound of the dryer must have covered the ringing of the phone.

When Lesley demanded that Laura talk to her she was once more insolent, asking what Lesley did to encourage David and saying she was sick of hearing that Les was just trying to protect her when she was hiding the truth about David's seduction from her just as she had hidden it from Rick. Lesley slapped her face.

Heather had gotten a letter from the lawyer who arranged the grey market adoption of her son Stephen Lars. Mrs. Hadley was dead and the letter mentioned a package that would be arriving for her. Before Heather and Mrs. Grant could conceal the letter, Susan grabbed it out of Mrs. Grant's hand and noted the lawyer's address. She guessed that it was being kept a secret from Jeff. Later, when Heather again tried to warn Susan off from pursuing her plan to break up Diana and Peter Taylor's marriage, Susan threatened to go to Jeff about the letter if Heather didn’t back off.  Susan arranged to start therapy with Peter for "depression."

Mark and Katie returned home from their trip to Mexico to tell Gina and Gary they were married that very morning. Before the guests who had suddenly accumulated leave, Dan Rooney gave them a present. A framed copy of the check which Lamont had Rooney plant in an attempt to implicate Mark in the stock swindle. The check, which was to be the means of breaking Katie and Mark up, was in fact, the instrument of bringing them together. Meanwhile, Gina got a medical grant that would take her out of town for a while.

Bobbie had flirted with Lamont Corbin but when he told her he couldn’t go to New York for holidays as she hoped, she was very upset. She continued seeing Scotty but her relationship was cooling off.

Lee telephoned but was incoherent and Gail managed to hear only the word "motel." Scotty and Bryan searched every place within a fifty mile radius without any luck. On the eve of the day Scotty had promised himself and Lee's friends he would report Lee as a missing person, he and Bobbie were dining with Gail when Lee called again. This time Scotty stayed with Lee's slurred speech until he mades out the word "Midway." Gail told Lee she loved him and when he told her to stop looking for him, she begged him to let them help. Scotty took the phone telling his father to stay where he was and left. Scotty, Bryan, Gail and Bobbie arrived at Lee's room and it was clear that he was unable to move without assistance. Gail suggested that he be taken to her apartment where she could care for him in the next few days so that he not be paraded in this condition through the lobby of his club, where he was a resident.

Lesley confronted daughter, demanding an apology and telling her she couldn’t live in the atmosphere of Laura's surliness and suspicion. Laura told her mother she only said what was on her mind, following Dr. Peter Taylor's orders to give her emotions free rein. Later Laura snapped Bobbie's head off, telling her to stay out of her business, leading Bobbie to remark that she didn't think Laura was such a good judge of character and reminding her how she was always going on about how kind and understanding David Hamilton was, and that was the man who tried to rape her mother.

After a long session with Susan, Peter called home to ask Diana to have dinner with him before he had to go back to work on correspondence late into the evening. Diana's mother was not there and she told him she couldn’t leave the baby. Heather offered to sit with P.J. after Diana hung up, insisting that Jeff could pick her up there when he got through. Diana called back but Peter had left his office. - Peter had been prevailed upon by Susan to have his dinner at the Floating Rib, where she worked, instead of the hospital cafeteria, as he'd planned. – When Dr. Steve Hardy saw Heather teasing Jeff in the hall, he feared having Heather as a wife was going to ruin Jeff’s medical career.

Diana arrived at the restaurant to see Susan staring adoringly up at Peter as she pinned a rose from the table arrangement to his lapel. Diana stayed to have a cup of coffee with Peter, as he had already eaten and had to get back to work. She stopped on her own way out, after Peter had left, to congratulate Monica and Alan, and Tracy dropped a catty remark about having taken Susan for Diana at Monica's wedding because of how attentive she was to Peter. Diana cornered Susan, telling her that if her therapy was a cover for her designs on Peter, to forget it. Diana added she was on to her. Susan countered that she had seen wives like Diana, afraid their marriages were going stale, who kept on boasting about how perfect they were.  

Guiding Light

Written by: Bridget & Jerome Dobson

Produced by: Allen Potter

Dr. Ed Bauer removed Eve McFadden's bandages and she could see light and shadows but everything was blurry and gray. After a few days Evie awoke from a nap and her vision returned. The first person she saw was her husband Ben. Rita thanked Ed and tried to tell him she was sorry she told him about her college friend's drinking problem and that she felt differently about Ed.

Since Eve could see, she discovered Ben's wonderful paintings. Eve was apprehensive on seeing how pretty Hope Bauer was. - Hope was once engaged to Ben. - Ben assured her that it was she who shone for him. Ben and Eve looked at Mrs. Wexler's guest house as a place to live. Mrs. Wexler was familiar with Ben's work. The house seemed too good to be true to Ben who thought the rent was too low.

Roger and Hillary were seeing more of each other. Roger said he "got his act together" in Lake Tahoe and was becoming more responsible. He warned Hillary that people would tell her to stay away from him. Hillary was charmed by Roger and kissed him good night. Katie Parker, RN warned Hillary that Roger was "bad news."

Rita saw Roger and Hillary together and confronted Roger regarding his motives. He admitted he'd do anything to upset Ed. Roger told Hillary not to act overly friendly in public. Hillary brought Roger some cookies but he got rid of her when Diane Ballard called. He inviteed Diane to dinner and found out that she began as Philip Spaulding's governess but that she thoroughly enjoyed working for Alan.

Hillary stopped Roger’s amorous advances and he left saying "I don't want you to do anything you don't really want to do." Roger visited Rita to convince her to stay out of his personal life. She accused him of dating Hillary only because she was Ed's half sister. He grabbed her and kissed her, but she smacked him, screaming he wasn't half the man Ed Bauer was and never would be. Roger called Rita a social-climbing hypocrite and was waiting for the day when she came to him.

At the Bauer party in her honor, Ed proposed a toast to Hillary and she emotionally hugged him. Afterwards, Hillary changed into a revealing dress for her date with Roger. Roger told her he had wanted her ever since he saw her and led her to his bedroom.

Ed brought Rita home after the party and they began to reestablish a close relationship. Ed said Rita was the most beautiful, exciting woman he had ever known and they kissed good-night.

At the Bauer party, Mike's secretary Ann told Sara that everyone but Sara knew that Dean cut corners in the courtroom in order to win. Justin watched Sara and Dean together and then admitted to Brandy that Sara seemed to love her new husband. Justin realized he didn’t really love Sara anymore.

Hillary was then legally a Bauer and postponed her date with Roger until after the party the Bauers were giving in her honor. Hillary and Roger hoped to make their next evening together "special." Roger wanted to "celebrate the new woman" she had become. Hillary was sensitive about hurting the Bauers over Roger but she had to decide about him herself - she was unaware of the reasons behind the conflict -.

Roger reporter his cost-cutting work to Alan, who was impressed. Roger recommended using a lower-bidding contractor over a higher-bidding but well-known competitor and accepted the responsibility of keeping the project honest and on-schedule. Adam was dubious but defered to Alan's judgment.

Mike Bauer brought Elizabeth the resume of a social case worker to approve and they discussed Alan's generous property settlement. They drew up a counter offer with Elizabeth agreeing to freer visitation rights for Alan and a low financial settlement. Dean Blackford showed Alan Elizabeth's counter-offer and indicated he thought it was a good offer. Alan refused to consider it, saying "they are not going to take my son." Alan believed Elizabeth and Mike were romantically involved and authorized Dean to do "whatever it takes" to get the truth from the man in the photograph with Elizabeth in Madrid.

Jackie Marler foudn out that Philip was upset over the divorce and asked Alan to make it easier on him. She refused to believe Alan's insistence that Mike and Elizabeth were romantically involved.

Elizabeth was taking photos in a rough neighborhood and was mugged by two men who knocked her to the ground and take her camera. Elizabeth's back was injured and she had to remain in the hospital. She agreed to give Alan temporary custody of Philip while she recuperated and Jackie agreed to care for Philip during the day. After watching Mike and Elizabeth together in the hospital, Jackie admitted to Alan that there was more than a client-lawyer relationship between Mike and Elizabeth.

Alan showed Mrs. Wilson, the social case worker, what a good father he was to Philip. Dean drew up papers formalizing Alan's temporary custody of Philip. Helen Wilson visited Elizabeth in the hospital and was incredulous at learning of Alan's plan to start a little league team. Elizabeth confided to Mike that she was worried about what Mrs. Wilson would say. Mrs. Wilson again visited Alan and Philip and the boy displayed wide interests and knowledge after priming by his father. Alan was happy with his good impression and informed Dean he showed Mrs. Wilson "how good life can be with Daddy."

Jackie was concerned about her father's health and asked Justin to see what he could do. Justin Marler and Sara McIntyre Blackford confronted Emmet with Jackie's fears and asked him to take some tests. Emmet refused and Justin suggested Sara talk to him by herself because he thought Emmet was unwilling to admit becoming head of the Cardiac Unit might be too much for him to handle and he was too proud to ask for help from Justin - who was also in line for the position -. Sara got Emmet to agree to a physical exam. They discovered that Emmet had a cardiac anomaly and warned him to slow down. Justin and Emmet told Jackie that the condition was a hereditary disorder passed on through females to their sons. They told her any sons she might have would have a 50% chance of developing the disorder. Jackie was upset on hearing the nature of her father's illness. She made Philip promise to let someone know if he ever got pains in his chest. - She was the only one who knew that he was really her son and Justin Marler's -.

Brandy rand into as she was looking for Justin. Brandy tried to smooth things between her and Sara and said Justin's happiness was very important to her. Brandy told Justin that Alan Spaulding had offered her a job writing a brochure describing his company. She accepted Alan's offer. Dean was introduced to Brandy by Alan. He agreed to represent her in the negotiations to the film rights to one of her novels. Alan reminded Dean not to neglect his affairs but Dean bristled.

Barbara Norris was surprised to learn her daughter Holly and Dr. Peter Chapman were lovers. Peter decided to take Holly's advice and went to the Carribean to resolve his feelings about Maya. He said he cared about Holly but that they didn't have a chance until he had confronted the situation. Holly was worried and told her mother that if Pete returned and asked for a commitment from her, she'd say yes. Sara told Holly she felt it was possible to love more than one person.

Pete visited his friend Herb who undersood that he returned to test his feelings for Maya. Pete hadn't forgotten anything. He rented diving gear and planned to dive again off the reef where Lynette drowned. Pete intended to dive alone. Herb tried to persuade him to let him go with him but Pete was adamant about diving alone. Pete went to meet Maya.

Maya was worried about her father because he had had a stroke following her mother's death. Pete and Maya spoke awkwardly at first and Pete explained that he hadn't been able to settle down and that he had never been able to forget her. Maya had come to accept Lynette's death and urged Pete to forgive himself. Pete related that he missed the warmth he felt from Maya's family and asked whether a person could go home again.

Pete inteded to dive off the reef again. He was determined to find out what went wrong on the fatal dive with Lynette. Maya and her father begged him not to go.

Ben and Evie decided to move into Mrs. Wexler's guest house. Mrs. Wexler offered them use of some old furniture and seemed overjoyed that they were moving in. She was looking forward to having Ben paint a landscape for her. Ben's friends had told him that Mrs. Wexler was known as an eccentric and that she had a married daughter.

Roger and Ed met in Barbara's house. They both had plans to spend their afternoon with Christina and quarreled over who really had the right to be with her on her birthday. Roger, angered by Ed's accusations of irresponsibility, announced that it was he who anonymously donated the blood to save her life when she was so ill. Roger then defered to Ed's plans and left.

Ed confronted Holly about Roger's revelation. He demanded to know why he wasn't told before of Roger's donation and if there was anything else she was keeping from him. Holly realized she had lost Ed.

Roger’s plans to take Diane to dinner were spoiled when Alan phoned and asked her to work late. Diane told Roger that Elizabeth was a stupid woman to let Alan go.

Hillary invited Roger for dinner and they were embracing on the sofa when Katie unexpectedly returned home – Hillary and Katie were roomates –. Roger and Hillary finished their evening in Roger's apartment. Later, Hillary confided to Katie that she loved Roger. Katie realized that Hillary was blind to Roger's faults.

Jackie arranged to visit a cardiologist in Cleveland but gave a false name. She explained her family's genetic disorder and that she was worried about her son. The doctor reassured her about the treatability of the disorder and told her not to worry too much.

Jerry McFadden got a three year probabtion for the deli robbery after admitting he was responsible, not his brother Ben.

Bert received a letter from Steve Jackson, who took a leave of absence. He told her he was not sure when or if he would ever return to Springfield.

Love Of Life

Written by: Gabrielle Upton

Produced by: Darryl Hickman

Mia Marriott had been having headaches, but tried to keep this from Ben Harper, her roommate and lover. When he noticed that she was continuing to take medication he asked her to return to the doctor for a checkup. - Several months ago Mia was depressed after advising Ben to see if he still loved his ex-wife. She ran through a detour sign, but insisted that she was not making a second suicide attempt. - After she ran out of pills, she became moody and tried getting a refill, but was refused until she contacted her doctor. She even tried making a contact through one of the photographic models she heard was into the drug scene.

Ben felt he wasn’t pulling his weight financially in his relationship with Mia. He learned from Ray Slater that Beaver Ridge needed a night time bartender and asked for the job. He only needed to brush up a little as he tended bar here when he first returned to Rosehill.

Ben’s ex-wife, Betsy, had recently married an American, Elliott Lang, in England and had written Ben that they would be returning to Rosehill. Elliott had arrived from London and set up his law practice. One night Ben realized that his bar patron's wife, Liz, was his ex-wife. Elliott was looking for a suitable home for Liz and Suzanne - Ben's daughter - and heard they would be arriving soon because the packers had finished early.

Arlene Slater was enjoying playing the woman executive to compete with Dorrie Patton. When Rick Latimer left town, he left Ray Slater in charge of Beaver Ridge, Arlene, as co-owner, dismissed Dory as their lawyer and hired Elliott Lang. Although Tom Crawford had told Arlene he would no longer pursue her, she blamed Dorrie for taking Tom's attentions from her. Arlene had refused to care for her infant daughter April because she blamed her for keeping Tom away. - Arlene was mistress to deceased Ian Russell, a wealthy mobster, and April was his daughter. Ray had been in love with Arlene for some time and married her to protect the baby. - Carrie, Arlene's mother, became ill and couldn't care for the baby so Ray hired a nurse. Arlene didn't like the way Mrs. Fine cared for April and sent her home, carrying for the baby herself. She let Ray believe the nurse left just before he arrived. She had a hard time admitting she was being drawn to April.

Arlene had some ideas for redecorating at Beaver Ridge and Ray welcomed her involvement. They learnzs that a disco downtown was for sale and decided to check into it, investing some of Arlene's profits. She was becoming more content with her life.

Dr. Tom Crawford wanted Kirsten Patten to trust him before he performed corrective heart surgery. She had been very close to her alcoholic father and resented any man who came in contact with her mother. Dorrie gave in on most issues with her, fearing that an argument would be too much stress for her heart. Kirsten was ready to run away from home, but found the experience too energy consuming and had to be hospitalized. Tom decided to wait no longer for surgery. The operation was successful and Kirsten was doing well.

Eddie Aleata knew that Dorrie's relationship with her husband had left her secretive and hurting. Although he would like to be more than a friend to her, Dorrie was not ready for a committment to any man. Eddie had contented himself with showing Dorrie's son the attention he needed during Kirsten's illness. At first he was afraid to trust any promises made by an adult, but finally accepted Eddie as his friend.

Ray told Carrie that a miracle has taken place. Arlene was actually giving April Joy a bath. They had hoped that Arlene would someday begin to love her baby. Carrie explained they went to Tom Crawford's office the other day because Arlene was hoping to see Tom, but instead they saw Dorrie Patten anxiously waiting for word on how Kirsten's surgery was going. Seeing Dorrie's love and concern for her daughter must have stimulated something in Arlene. Maybe she saw what a precious gift a child was and how much she had been missing by blaming her child for all her own misfortune.

Bruce Sterling had moved away from home and told Van he was interested in another woman, hoping she would get angry enough with him to fall in love with his friend, Dr. Andrew Marriott. Andrew told Van that it would be best if they went along with Bruce's game. Because she had been unable to reason with Bruce since he found out he was fatally ill, she agreed.

Lynn Henderson, the Sterlings' ward, had started nurse's training at the hospital where her best friend worked. She confided to Mary Owens the problems at home. Mary had been very helpful to Bruce when he was trying to cope with the desperation he felt when confronted with death. Mary had cancer surgery several years ago and knew the emotional struggle he was facing. Lynn learned from Cherie Manning that her mother, Faith, - who was owning a boutique in Rosehill - was interested in Bruce. Lynn was very upset when she asked Van to take Bruce back and was told to mind her own business.

Andy Marriott felt he owed Mary Owens an explanation for the bullet wound in his foot which she treated. He said he and his business partner had a disagreement and in the heat of the moment Kentor shot him. Kentor had gone off to make a big real estate deal that would bring in a lot of money. Andy wined and dined his father, assuring him he could afford it. He visited the bank to set up a checking account on his father's reputation. He wrote a check for a $7,000 car and took off for the country. Howard West visited Andrew at the office, telling him Andy didn’t have money in the bank to cover the check. Andrew defended Andy to West, but exploded when Andy finally came home after being gone all night. Andy calmly explained he had the check to deposit in the bank, but hadn't wanted to waste a beautiful afternoon being tied up in red tape. When told West was threatening to have him arrested, he asked his father to call Mr. West and tell him he would deposit the money in the morning. Andrew had hoped Andy had changed since he left home, but it appeared he was still the same impulsive immature boy who left home at fifteen.

Visiting Bruce, Van discouvered Faith Manning’s business card and decided to visit her boutique. At the boutique, Faith intimated that Van and Bruce would soon divorce. Lynn apologized to Van, saying she knew that Mrs. Faith Manning was trying to trap Bruce. She wanted to tell Bruce, but Van told her to mind her own business because she didn’t understand. Lynn was hurt by her attitude.

The bank explained to Andy that they could not cover his check drawn on an Italian bank until it cleared. Andy committed his father to covering the check, claiming his reputation would be ruined if he had to return the car.

Elliot was too busy to meet Betsy's plane so Tom took her to the hotel. Tom felt that her marriage might not be everything she expected.

Kristen painted a picture of a house with no door for Tom and a picture of a large black door with a red light behind it for herself. Eddie was sure that this had something to do with Bob and the basement door.

One Life To Live

Written by: Gordon Russell

Produced by: Joseph Stuart

Brad Vernon received a sentence of three months in prison for his perjured testimony at the inquest into Lana McLain's death. Jenny refused his request, passed on through Will, that she go to court with him. Brad asked for a cooling-off period, postponing the annulment Jenny had told him she would seek, to give him hope while he was in prison. Jenny kissed him goodbye and took off on another retreat. On her return she got a note from Brad, delivered by Samantha, asking that Jenny not visit him in prison because he had lost weight and was not looking good. Jenny was cool to Sam but told her she had to see Brad and asked Sam to remind him that when she was a nun she saw many imprisoned men. She became angry with Sam's pleas for forgiveness for her brother, saying that she did not want to take on the sole responsibility for trying to change Brad from a spoiled boy into a responsible person.

Viki Riley had been caring for a good friend and former college mate who was terminally ill. As she was paying Irene's hotel bill after having her transferred to Llanview Hos-pital, Viki saw Karen Wolek stopped by Marco in the lobby and handed over to his "client." Viki saw money changing hands and as Karen walked into the elevator on the john's arm, she turned and saw Viki staring.

Viki confronted Karen, telling her about seeing the transaction at the Wallington Hotel and overrode Karen's feeble explanation about a cousin by asking if that cousin knew Marco. Viki want on to say that it was not the first time she saw Karen and another man go up in the elevator at that hotel. Karen blurted out the whole truth, telling Viki that Marco had been blackmailing her. She was being destroyed by the deceit of her double life; she could hardly bear to touch Larry. - Karen told Marco that sex was disgusting to her then, even with her husband, and Marco's solution was to give her speed, in pill form, to help her "cope." - Karen begged Viki not to tell and Viki, believing the truth of all Karen had told her, offered to involve Joe to get Karen out of this. Eventually she promised to keep silent. Karen went to the office at the Health Club which Marco had bought out from Brad, and which he intended to turn into a massage parlor, and quit.

Marco recorded a threat from Viki that if he didn’t pack and leave town she would put the newspapers on his scent. Marco tried again to set up Karen but she hung up on him. Finally, Marco called Larry and set up an appointment to see him. Larry couldn’t get Karen to tell him what the calls she had been getting were about so he agreed to meet Marco later that day at the Clinic. Karen showed up at the Health Club and threatened Marco's life in the presence of his new secretary. Karen went to Viki and told her she wanted to leave town immediately. Viki urged Karen to stay and fight, and asked Karen to tell her everything she knew about Marco. Viki then went to Marco's office, got him to dismiss his secretary and handed him an envelope with some papers, telling him she would wait while he read. It was an article she had prepared entitled "Who is Marco Dane?" In query form was Marco's past record and, for good measure, it included the question of whether his past and future activities in Llanview constitute a violation of the parole he was under.

When Marco threatened a suit for libel, Viki laughed it off. He then insisted that the allegations were based on the word of a known hooker – Karen - but Viki named his associates from the River Rat Bar, including Aldo and Rita, and reminding him that his friends, like him, would turn on anybody for money and that Viki had. She forced him to call Larry with a convincing story of why he had to cancel his appointment. Marco told Larry the reason was a medical one and he couldn't wait with the pain his back and so saw another doctor. At Viki's news, Karen was ecstatic and welcomed Larry when he arrived with open arms. Marco made one more phone call to let Karen know she had won — for then — but added he would get even with her and Viki Riley in a way that would hurt them the most.

Pat Kendall had gotten a Carribean divorce from Paul and had resigned as editor of the woman's page at the Banner to go into television journalism under her maiden name of Pat Ashley. Roger Landover, Pat’s new boss, was really impressed by her. Paul told Tony Lord he – Tony - never really knew what happened the night Brian died and when Tony rushed over to Pat's, she told him how she told Brian Tony was his father and how the boy rejected her and ran out into the street where he was killed by the hit and run driver. Tony left but returned to ask Pat's forgiveness and if there was a chance for them. He got no satisfactory answer and Pat told Joe Riley the timing was always wrong between herself and Tony. Samantha told Tony she loved him and would be there for him. Tony was not looking at her a little kid anymore and relished having her as his assistant of his supper club but added he was not interested in a serious relationship with her.

Joe Riley had, all along, doubted Luke Jackson's version of the killing of Luke's son, Jesse, and he told Becky Lee that no body meant no murder. Becky told him that Luke buried Jesse in Corin's Bend, next to his mother. Becky packed to leave town after checking that Richard would recover. In the meantime Joe obtained an exhumation order and it was clear that Jesse died by a heavy blow to the skull administered by Luke after Becky lost consciousness following Jesse's attack on her. Richard was missing from the hospital and collapsed at the bus station as Becky was about to board. Becky returned to the hospital with Richard to find she was free. Edwina visited Richard to find Becky in his arms and learned that Becky and Richard were to he married. She swallowed hard, offered a sad congratulations and left, crying outside the room.

Joe Riley had given Edwina Lewis Pat Kendall's former job with the understanding that it was on her merits as a writer and not due to Dorian's influence, warning her not to ever appeal a future decision of his to Dorian, adding that she would go at the first sign of deviousness.  Edwina had beel telling everyone – including her close friend Dorian – that she came from a well-to-do family – but she had been lying. She grew up in oprhanages and foster homes. It was a past she wanted to forget and bury but it had made a surprise appearance in her life. Her brother Dwight had arrived to town. Dwight told Edwina not to worry. He was not going to blow anything for her. It was going to give him great joy to watch her become a successful, wealthy businesswoman.

At a session with Will, Dorian stressed her firm conviction that Melinda was not in love with Peter Janssen, but had only been interested all along in taking what she thought Dorian wanted, witnessing that Lynn had been putting off the wedding plans. Later that day, Melinda was putting down her thoughts in a letter to Dr. Overton, her former psychiatrist and mentioned her scorn of her imminent role as doctor's wife and housefrau, wondering how she could  get out of "this marriage nonsense" and still keep Peter so Dorian wouldn’t move in. She was carried away and went on to write that she believed that the answer to her life and happiness was Dorian's death. Just then Peter arrived and she greeted him with a big smile, ready to take up her wedding plans. Ina Hopkins came in to clean and saw the letter along with some bills that Melinda had ready to mail. She inserted it in an envelope marked with Dr. Overton's address and gave the whole packet to Becky to mail as Peter and Lynn had gone out and Becky was on her way to the hospital to pick up Richard.

Karen turned on Viki when she dropped by her house, asking if the visit was to check up to see if she was still being a good girl. She was immediately remorseful, saying she was afraid she might begin to pick up men again. Viki urged her to consult Will Vernon and Karen made the call for an appointment. She stopped by a bar to kill time the following day and Talbot Huddleston urged her to drink up and go with him to his place. She knocked the drink out of his hand and told him she didn't ever want to see him again.

Karen came upon Viki at the hospital and when she learned that Irene Clayton was dying, offered to stay with Viki, telling her about Huddleston. Viki urged her to keep her appointment and Karen offered to come back afterward, kissed Viki and went. Tina Clayton, who had not been told of the seriousness of her mother's condition at Irene's insistence that she wanted to tell her daughter herself, went on denying the deterioration that was evident. She was in the Chapel, praying with Jenny when Irene died. She heard Jim tell Viki that Irene was gone and refused to believe it. Finally she turned on Viki and Jim, saying that they knew her mother was dying and she had a right to know. She accepted that she had to leave the hospital to go home with Viki but added that she didn't want to and told Joe when they arrived that she didn't want his sympathy or his pity. When Joe insisted on talking to her later, he told her that he and Viki wanted her with them to accept all the love and comfort they could give. She replied, "You can't ever be my parents, ever." - Irene Clayton had come to Llanview to beg Viki and Joe to adopt Tina and fought to stay alive long enough to see her daughter cared for. –

After his recent cardiac issues, Dr. Jim Craig was unable to continue as hospital chief of staff. Both Dorian and Larry viewed for the post and Dorian got it. Carla found working for Dorian intolerable and she eagerly accepted Dr. Jack Scott’s offer to come work for him as his secretary. Since she showed Jack he didn’t scar her, they had developed an easy and comfortable rapport. She respected him very much and couldn’t deny that meeting Jack’s latest flame, Lily, aroused in her a feeling of jealousy but she couldn’t think of that. She was married to Ed. Meanwhile, Larry swore he would challenge Dorian for the position of chief-of-staff.

Ryan’s Hope

Written by: Claire Labine & Paul Avila Mayer

Produced by: Claire Labine, Paul Avila Mayer & Robert Costello

The night of the farewell party for Bucky Carter, Faith Coleridge Desmond went to Ryan’s early to help Maeve with the preparations. While there she confided to Maeve that she thought she was pregnant and had had the test. Faith did not want to be pregnant with Tom's baby, but she loved children too much to destroy her baby. The other alternatives were to make her marriage to Tom work or to raise the baby alone, something Faith felt incapable of doing, saying she was not as strong as sister Jillian. Faith knew Tom loved children, too, and would be ecstatic to learn she was pregnant; however, she knew she had to set limits and curb some of his enthusiasm, in case things didn't work out. Maeve suggested she tell Tom as soon as she knew for sure and sit down with him. Pat Ryan arrived. He and Faith were lovers and planned to marry before Pat married Delia. Tom knew this and was fanatically jealous. When he saw Pat with his arm around Faith, singing old Irish songs, he abruptly separated them. - Faith married Tom, whom she loved, in an impulsive gesture to prevent his being deported. They planned to use the year they had to stay married to explore their love and life and decide whether to continue as man and wife. –

When her pregnancy was confirmed, Faith told Tom, who immediately began to make fantastic plans for their future together, plans which Faith had to call a halt to. She demanded Tom take things one day at a time, insisting their original arrangement stood. She refused to be swayed when Tom insisted the baby changed things, insisting it would bring them closer. Faith had seen too much of children and families to be swayed by that argument. Tom planned a surprise party with Maeve to cheer Faith up.

Frank Ryan was on a three week campaign swing through upper New York State. He had invited fiancée Jill Coleridge to accompany him, but Jill backed out after a no-holds-barred argument with Rae Woodard, Frank's backer, whose intentions towards Frank, as ascertained by Jill, were more than political. Frank and Jill had been having problems because of the time the campaign took away from her and their son Edmund. Frank called Jill from Buffalo, trying to resolve their differences, but they had another argument when Jill refused to stop seeing Seneca Beaulac, whom she considered her friend.

Finally fed up with the tension and unable to see a resolution to their problems, Jill told Frank she didn't want to see him until after the election. Rae, of course, had been privy to Frank's side of the conversation and made her move. After making love, Rae promised Frank there were no strings attached to her love, that they were both adults and either could back out at any time. Frank wondered if that was possible. Alicia Nieves, Rae's secretary, discovered the new affair and quit, telling Rae that their standards were too different, that she couldn't shut her eyes and mouth any more. Alicia returned to New York and told friend Bob Reid, Frank's campaign treasurer, what she had seen. Bob found an excuse to go to Buffalo, and seeing Alicia had told the truth, tried to talk to Frank, who refused to listen.

Edmund came down with some illness that Frank couldn’t diagnose. She called in Dr. Gilette, who ran further tests, but Edmund remained critical. Dr. Gillette began to narrow the causes of Edmund's fever down to some respiratory disease. Jill was frantic when Edmund stopped breathing, then began again spontaneously. Two more episodes occurred. Jill had notified Frank that their son was ill, but had told him not to come, as there was nothing he could do. Seneca had been beside Jill through the whole episode.

Delia Ryan, residing with Roger Coleridge, platonically, amused Roger while trying to balance her checkbook. Roger refused to give her money, although he was letting her live with him. He also refused to help her, telling her balancing her own checkbook was another sign of her growing up. Dee finally threw up her hands and got the bank manager to help her. She found she had less than $300. Pat refused to give her anything, even through the process of their annullment. Roger told Dee he would like to have food money. When Dee added that to what she needed for walking around money, she found she would be broke in about six weeks. Roger suggested she find a job. Dee started through the want ads and was soon discouraged. She tried job hunting, in a dinner dress, to no avail. Thus, desperate for money, she asked brother Bob Reid to find the $6000 stolen from her by a pimp while she was still in shock after Pat threw her out. Bob had found the man, but needed someone to press charges. Dee refused. She sneaked a peek at the man's file in Bob's office, then went to confront him. He thought she was wired by the police. She wasn’t. Finally, she begged, threatened, cajoled and got $4800 from him. She had left notes for Bob and Roger, who arrived just as she was leaving. Roger told her he would have preferred she found a job, but he was proud of her courage and took her out to a fancy dinner to celebrate.

The Ryan household had been upset by the arrival of daughter Siobhan from Seattle, Irish Wolfhound, Finn McCool, in tow. Through Siobhan another dimension was added to the Ryan family. Siobhan had always been a troublemaker, as that was the only role left, since Mary and Frank were "perfect" and Pat had his own problems. She was Johnny's favorite, as Mary was Maeve's. Johnny had always wanted wolfhound, but Mary pointed out it would be Maeve, who had to run a home and a tavern, Who would end up taking care of the dog. Siobhan revealed she left home three years ago beause Mary virtually drove her out. She was home again to see if she could be part of the family. Things didn’t bode well. The night of Tom's party for Faith, Maeve had to walk the dog because Siobhan still had a sprained ankle and Johnny had a cold from walking the dog in the rain. After they returned, Maeve had to referee another fight between Siobhan and Mary, during which time Finn ate all the party food!

Dee, uninvited to Tom's surprise party for Faith, drowned Roger's apartment, on purpose. He demanded she pay damages or leave. She left, meeting Tom outside. The party got off to a disastrous start when Faith arrived home to what she thought was an empty apartment, with Pat in tow. She'd had a fainting spell outside Edmund's room, and Pat persuaded her to let him take her home. What the guests overheard, as they waited in the dark, could be mistaken for love talk, but wasn’t. Tom controlled his anger and jealousy until after the party, at which time he took off to run for miles. After Dee saw him, she went back to Roger. She told Roger that Tom was crazy and asked him to warn Faith. Her reasoning was sound, but Roger didn't know how to approach his sister.

Edmund was found to have a viral infection. Treatment caused almost immediate improvement. When Jill called to report to Frank, Rae observed that it was a crime the effect Jill had on him.

Maeve convinced Siobhan to give them time, that she loved her dearly.

Since her car accident, Nancy Feldman feared her dancing career was over. Pat tried to comfort her.

Search For Tomorrow

Written by: Henry Slesar

Produced by: Mary-Ellis Bunim

Stu Bergman offered Kylie Halliday room and board at the Inn in return for her services as a waitress. She worked so hard to make a good impression that she had to be forced into taking breaks. Since they lived in the same place and worked together, the relationship that was starting between Kylie and Tom was flourishing with leaps and bounds. They took long walks through the woods and picnic among the trees. When they realized that they were in love, Kylie began to pull away. She had been hospitalized and in therapy since the age of ten. She hadn't lived as a family since then nor had to relate to people, let alone learn to deal with and understand feelings of love. The only married relationship she had seen was Chance and Donna's and that ended tragically. Kylie blamed herself for its demise. Stu voiced his concern to Ellie and Jo, but they both told him that he would only make the situation more complicated by talking to Tom or Kylie.

Steve Kazlo’s remission had has ended, but he refused to let his brother-in-law and doctor, Gary Walton, tell the family. His wife Liza would like him to settle down in Henderson rather than touring with rock groups so they could start a family. One-time star Lonnie Garrison had come to town to see him about his music and the opportunity was at the moment Lonnie asked Steve to write a score for a movie. After Steve finished, they made plans to go to New York where Lonnie would act as front man. Steve insisted that his fainting spell was due to weakness from a recent bout with the flu and he would be his old self in no time.

Gary consulted with chief of staff, Dr. Bob Rogers, on the advisability of going against the patient's wishes. Bob agreed that the patient's health came first and if the family had be told so that a bone marrow transplant could be performed, then Gary should inform them. Gary also asked his wife Carolyn, a psychologist, for her opinion without mentioning the name of the patient. He told Steve he couldn’t keep his promise. Steve said he had worked all his life at his music and if Gary couldn't guarantee the chemotherapy and transplant could give him the time he needed, then he couldn't waste precious time on it. He wanted to leave the world knowing that he had made it, especially since he was so close.

Chance Halliday was pursuing Janet Collins and nothing Bill Mendel could say against him would make any difference. In the beginning Kylie and Danny, Janet's young son, were Chance's excuses, but then he needed none. After being a widow with a small frightened son for several years Janet was ready to begin living again and Chance made her feel young. Hearing that Janet was to meet Lonny, Chance gave her his own version of their past. He claimed Garrison was bitter because Chance was not sent to prison with him when Lonny got drunk and had an accident with drugs in the car. Bill Mendel had Halliday investigated and came to Janet, but she refused to listen, saying she already knew the story. Chance told Lonnie that he should be thankful to him because it was in prison he began writing the song that made him famous. Garrison still swore at him for hiding drugs in his car.

Chance took Janet sailing and the boat developped a leak. They made it to a small island where Janet said friends had a cottage. She gathered wood for a fire while he hiked up to see if anyone was there. The caretaker offered the use of a wireless radio to call the coast guard, but he only asked for some caulking compound and permission to spend the night on the beach. They talked about dreams and emotions and after a night on the beach he fixed the boat. Janet and Chance professed their love for one another.

Lonnie Garrison noticed that Chance was playing up to Steve's mother-in-law and felt he had to warn them about Chance. Steve said Liza shouldn't say anything because Chance was only being friendly. Liza said she knew her mother very well and could see she had really fallen for Chance.

Stephanie Wyatt continued to suggest to Kathy Phillips that it was not a good idea to work so closely with David Sutton. Kathy thought Stephanie was overly cautious. When her sitter was unavailable she brought Doug in to the office. Kathy's father had to have surgery and she felt she should be with him. Scott assured her that he and Eric could care for Doug with the help of the sitter. This was the first time she had ever been away from Doug.

Stephanie had thought that she and John would have more time for one another after he settled Jo Vincente's legal problems, but he had trouble dealing with Stephanie's jealousy. John asked David to straighten out Stephanie's legal affairs and in the process David found the option on the property she was to buy for Ted Adamson so that the Inn could be moved to Louring County. He confronted Stephanie who told him that she knew he was the father of Kathy's baby and if he told John, she would use this against him. David asked Jo if he should remove the papers and she suggested that for John's sake it would be a good idea. David was too late because John found the option first. He confronted Stephanie who admitted she did it with the intention of getting Jo out of his life by moving her forty miles from Henderson.

Donna Davis had been having more trouble with her drinking since her ex-husband, Chance Halliday, had come to town. One night when she knocked over a candle, catching the table cloth on fire, she became so distraught that David got her to talk about her son who was killed in a fire. When Chance learned that Mendel had had him investigated, he accused David, the U.S. martial who arrested him, of talking about his past. Then he accused Donna. He brought up the fact that her drinking killed their two year old son. David threw Halliday out and then she sobbed out her story. She had been saving all she could while Chance moved them from place to place. When she had saved $500 he was to put a down payment on a house so they could settle down, but he returned with no money and no house. He had gambled the money away. He slammed out and she started drinking. She continued to drink until she passed out at the table and must have knocked over the candle. The flames and smoke woke her, but she was unable to get to the baby's room. She had been punishing herself ever since. Alone, she turned on the gas and lay down. David couldn't get her on the phone and told Chance he should apologize. When Chance arrived he finds a rag stuffed under the door and decided things would be better left the way they were. David arrived in time to save her and after she recovered she felt ashamed. David visited her in the hospital and tried to help her sort things out.

Kylie became hysterical when left alone with a candle. She agreed to narcosynthesis to find the source of her fears.

Steve visited a doctor in New York hoping for something to help the pain. He was told it was probably not possible for a second remission from a bone marrow transplant. Lonny brought Steve the news that his song had been accepted for the movie. Steve felt he had made it.

The Young And The Restless

Written by: William J. Bell

Produced by: John Conboy

Larry Larkin told Linda if she really felt she was missing something and would like to start over, she should move out, but the kids stay with him. Linda got Greg Foster to rehire her as his legal secretary who was to learn on the job. She didn't tell him that she had to leave home to return to work. Greg had really become dependent on her and was happy to have her back. When Linda finally confessed her home situation, Greg told her that she had to make an effort to see Larry and straighten things out. She had been waiting because she was afraid if she saw the children, she would buckle under to Larry's demands. The decision was made for her when Larry came to the office and offered to let Linda see them, but in his next breath he asked if she was ready to come home and give up this crazy idea. This brought them back to where they started.

Snapper Foster told his brother Greg that he could see how much Greg was drawn to Linda. He suggested that he wasn't being fair to himself or Linda. He reminded Greg that he hadn't been attracted to or involved with a woman since Gwen. - Greg helped Gwen to get out of the prostitution racket. She gave her savings to an orphanage and became so involved with the children that she became a nun. –

Nikki Reed tried putting the make on Snapper, but felt a trap when she learned he was a friend of her employer Brock Reynolds and a doctor at the hospital with her sister. When he met her after work at her request, she pulled an act of being naive and not understanding how he could have mistaken her intentions. Snapper told Nikki's sister, Casey, about the circumstances as she saw Snapper drive off with Nikki. Casey decided to take a hard line with Nikki, but was warned by both Brock and Snapper that she could easily alienate her.

Nikki had been trying to educate Patty in the art of getting dates. At first Patty, a hard working girl who had little time for social life, was willing to listen, but had since decided that she couldn't live her life through Nikki. Snapper tried warning Nikki that some day she might turn on the wrong man and not be able to handle the situation. A friend asked Nikki if she had been intimate with Paul, a guy Nikki had seen a lot since she arrived in Genoa City. Nikki’s friend confided that Paul had VD and it was a good thing things have been cool between them.

The health department official asked Paul for his female contacts, but he refused. The doctor gave him cards he could give the girls if he couldn't bear to tell them face to face. At first Paul was going to send Nikki the card through the mail, but decided he had to be fair and tell her in person.

Jill Foster had obtained a job at the newspaper after hinting to Stuart Brooks that she had always wanted an office job and had never really been satisfied as a hair dresser. When her mother, Liz, confided to her the details of her dates with Stuart, Jill said that any permanent relationship between them was impossible because their life styles were so apart and he was such an attractive man he could have his pick of all the eligible women in town. Jill herself then made a play for Stuart, but he spent the evening talking about Liz. She told Stuart that Liz could only think about her deceased husband.

Jill was determined to find a man immediately although her recent attempts had been fruitless. She would not wait for Derek Thurston and returned her engagement ring to him.

Derek couldn’t understand how Kay could take so much mental abuse from him. He realized that she was as much a prisoner in this "golden cage" as he was. She knew how much children meant to him and had offered to have a child so that he would not leave her after one year as planned. When Derek showed disgust, Kay said she lied when she claimed their marriage was consumated. Derek asked why she would tell him then that it couldn’t improve the situation. - Kay tricked Derek into signing the marriage license and then gave him champagne until he did not realize they were being married. She agreed to give him title to their "Golden Comb" salon, a divorce and a trust fund for Jill's son if he lived with her for one year. –

Kay learned by her lawyer Mitchell Sherman that Derek’s ex-wife had been left a widow by her second husband and travelled to California to see if some arrangement could be made concerning his son. Derek had consented to adoption, feeling the boy should have one father. Suzanne, Derek’s ex-wife, told Kay that she had thought her husband was well off, but his business had many debts when he died, leaving Jamie and herself with virtually nothing. Kay said she would help financially if Jamie could spend some vacations with Derek. She finally admitted to being Mrs. Kay Chancellor Thurston, prompting Suzanne to say that Derek had probably married her for her money. She asked if Derek explained why he gave her custody of Jamie. At first Kay wanted to hear but then decided she loved him and it made no difference.

Lance Prentiss took Lorie to Europe for their second honeymoon as he promised. He took her to Venice, the one place she had always wanted to see. This time alone together seemed to provide the healing a marriage needed.

Leslie Brooks had agreed to return to her concert work after Lorie showed her the magazine article in which she praised Leslie for overcoming her mental illness and having the strength to become a talented concert pianist. Leslie had been about to tell Lance that she was carrying his child when he told her he couldn't give up on his marriage. She then knew she had to provide for her child-to-be and would go away soon so that Lance would never know the child was his.

Lucas Prentiss followed Leslie to Denver to be with her for her first concert. He told her that he knew of her plight and agreed with her decision not to tell Lance. He said her plan was no solution though. He suggested she marry him, seeing the practicality she agreed.

Lorie placed a call to Denver, but was out of the room when it came through. Lance was surprised, not only by the call, but that Lucas was with Leslie. When Lorie returned to Genoa City, she made peace with her father and told him that Lucas was with Leslie. Stuart was stunned and puzzled. Lorie said that Lucas probably thought that she needed someone. She believed that most people didn't understand Lucas.

The Maestro gave Leslie a long lecture about how a sensitive person who was as talented as she should only marry for love, but still she planned to wed Lucas in Denver. During the ceremony she left the room, but after being reminded of the alternatives she returned and the ceremony procedeed.

Over dinner, Greg told Linda that her children needed to hear from her to know they were loved. Snapper accused Greg of dating another man's wife.

Leslie and Lucas broke break the news of their marriage to her father who was not very happy about the situation. Lorie was surprised, but happy to hear that Leslie wanted to put the past behind her. Vanessa was also thrown by the announcement. Leslie should be married to Lance! Vanessa wanted to find out the real reason behind this sudden wedding.

Kay returned to hear what was so terrible about Derek's past. Suzanne claimed that they had to leave Atlanta when the syndicate found Derek after he had testified against them. Derek’s real name was George Bowman. As George, Derek was wanted by the syndicate for killing the brother of an important mobster.  Suzanne warned Kay that any man who was involved in murder was terrible.

Casey was beginning to see Snapper as the man he really was – a sensitive, kind, understanding fellow. -They had attended the 4th of July at Liz’ together which had upset Stuart Brooks since his daughter, Chris, was still married to Snapper despite missing in Genoa City for a while. - Casey had then agreed to a date with Brock but Snapper’s obvious concern and compassion for Nikki had proved him to Casey to be a genuine friend. Snapper suggested the best way to show Nikki that there were other ways to get guys to like her besides sex, was to introduce her to a guy who would ignore her come ons. This guy was Dr. Scott Adams, a young intern at the hospitaL He was quite sure that as soon as Scott learned the seriousness of Nikki’s problem, he would be glad to help out. Unaware that she was being set-up, Nikki was very glad to find this handsome, young intern, sitting in the doctor’s lounge. She was very impressed when he asked her out. Looking forward to a night of lust, Nikki was surprised when Scott ignored her signals and made her realize he only wanted to spend time with her.

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Reading about Nikki's early storylines as a troublemaking promiscuous girl/ho in these streets, not surprised she ended up climbing that pole three years later.

Jill would break her mother's heart in pursuit of the come up.

The four Ls quad is really taking off here. I think we're getting close to the big Leslie/Lorie confrontation.

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