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The Media/Journalism Thread


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So, Megyn Kelly, irrelevant harridan desperate for the limelight, has apparently been interviewing men that claimed to have "served with" Tim Walz, calling him a "military impersonator", whatever that is.

Of course, the right is eating it up. But this crap has been debunked again and again. Makes me wonder if these guys were promised something or whatever.


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Bitter Megyn will chase any trend. I imagine this is getting extra push now because of the Arlington fiasco. The only people who even listen to her are brain dead cultists who will only ever vote for Trump anyway.

Here's Semafor Ben, spreading paper-thin claims that his pal in Beltway smugness Olivia Nuzzi lost a big publicity campaign because of Democrats who were mad at her and didn't understand that her years of racist and bigoted tweets against Obama were "jokes." (no mention of her devotion for Richard Spencer and Ann Coulter) And of course a whine from her that when the right targets journalists, no one cares, but the left complains and she is punished. 


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This reminds me of the time when one of the other members at my mom's former church printed a quote from Nietzsche in the program for some church-related event (can't remember which atm).  Of course, the difference here is that Sister Patrice was just ignorant as hell, lol.

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The NYT has a lot more of its friends in media this weekend circling the wagons and clucking about how the libs are being unfair to the one great paper that does such hard work, and besides it doesn't matter since Republicans don't read them anyway so what is the point of criticizing the coverage. The constant cognitive dissonance in this explanation (we're important and are informing you ungrateful libs, but also none of this matters so don't blame us) continues to fascinate me. Point being: The Dem attacks on the Times and Beltway media have gotten sharper and more sustained in the last few months and they are really feeling it.

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WaPo is circling the drain, too. Its editorial board had an Op-Ed yesterday ostensibly comparing the candidates - but mainly picking apart Kamala Harris for being vague with not ONE mention of TRUMP's lack of policies.

It got over 10K responses and caused many within to actually cancel their subscriptions. Myself included.

Yet the media wonders why Dems are turning to alternative methods to get their message out.

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This tweet, in reply to Nate Silver doing what you've mentioned, says it all:

I was not shocked to see Josh Dawsey pitching to praise the shill who wrote all these articles (who also gleefully tweeted an ugly painting of Harris and Biden on sale at the Moms for Hitler rally). As mentioned above, Washington Post is no better.

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The thing is, even Bill Clinton once confronted a journalist on camera when he still was in the WH, and he said (and I'm paraphrasing), "There are many, worthwhile things that my party/administration is trying to do, but I know you won't report on any of it, because all you care about is selling newspapers."* People either overlooked or dismissed his comments, because they were considering the source; but just as he and Hillary were right about how you can't bring a knife to a gun fight with the GOP, he also was right about the state of American journalism today.

(*I wish I could where and when I saw this moment exactly, and whether it's available online, because, as it turns out, it fits where the MSM is today.)

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He also said (as James Carville quoted in an actually pretty good op-ed I posted in the Politics Thread) 'strong and wrong beats weak and right'. And he was correct about that re: the GOP approach back then and often in the 21st century. Dems have the wind at their backs and some aggression in the mix now, but they need more and they need to sustain it. The press are not our friends.

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What he's campaigned for all along! I will not be tuning in to see his puppet-like rictus grin 24-7. Maybe he'll finally change his 20 year old profile pic to celebrate.

Victoria Lord, take the wheel (the full screencap can be clicked on to view):


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