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So, the finale. Very happy. Protip: Stay through the end credits, there is a mid-credits surprise (and big teaser for the spinoff).

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Overall this season was a very strong farewell to the TNG crew. Color me very happy and bring on Legacy.

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Yeah, maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it last time, but after having some mixed feelings about the previous episode, I was a mess this whole time. Basically the best finale they could have come up with. Wild to think that TNG and Picard basically both ended with pitch perfect finales.

Some thoughts-

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Edited by AdelaideCate007
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I'm pretty sure it's bc Alice Krige was not about to put that makeup on again at age 68, lol.

I love Kestra and was amazed they got Lulu Wilson for that part, but Lulu stays very booked and busy these days and I would be surprised if they secure her long-term going fwd.

I do wish some of the mooted plans for Ro, etc. had come off. But they clearly had a tremendous uphill battle with budget and time as is.

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Yeah, I realised it was probably a makeup thing after I posted it lol. I'm just glad they used her voice.

Oh yeah, I was always assuming they'd recast her for whatever spinoff plans they have if they used her long term. That actress was a gem though I thought.

I just saw the Ro plans and some of the other plans. I wish that had happened as well, but I get it with money constraints. I'm happy with what we got either way.

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I think they should def bring Lulu Wilson back! I just doubt she'd commit long-term.

I am amazed if keeping Ro around was on the books. I was sure Forbes had asked to be killed off and will never return again. She'll now spend years alive again in the books just like poor Trip on Enterprise, I'm sure.

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@Vee No I didn't lol. Funny though since I had thrown her and I think the Paris daughter out there a few weeks ago as kids that could appear on Legacy if they wanted to expand outside of TNG. She was kind of annoying on Voyager but I think that would be an interesting relationship to see between Seven and her as an adult. The idea of her being a space pirate is a fun idea. 

I know everyone is all in on Legacy being the TNG kids and the Titan/Enterprise crew of course. But I do wonder if they'd want to bring on anyone from DS9 or Voyager in the mix. Are there even any DS9 kids out there other than Jake? He's not even in Starfleet though.

Great stuff in the AMA. Poor Ro and Shelby really are going to live on forever in those books lol.

Also, since I was talking about it the other day, I've been running through the episodes again with my husband so he can watch the finale and I totally missed that they tossed out a few other Kestra references outside of the first episode and when Troi and Riker talk about her when they're kidnapped. I guess I totally skipped over him mentioning her to Jack or that Jack mentions her and Deanna to Picard when he wants to give himself up to Vadic. My bad lol!

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I choose to hope Forbes or Dennehy could return on Legacy. I will cackle if he eventually gets to do Captain Harry Kim; Matalas has said he wanted to use a number of VOY and DS9 people including Kim and Kira.

I do think Molly or Kirayoshi O'Brien could easily be used. Ben's son with Kasidy should be old enough by now too, but I have my doubts she or they would want him in Starfleet.

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Yeah I could see both of them popping up on there. I love Kira like everyone else and would have been excited to see her here. I do think though she's somebody that would be better served on something like Legacy thought where they could make her the focus and give her arc for an episode or two. I feel like any Picard appearance would have just been a drive by to talk to Worf or to pop up in battle. Captain Harry Kim has to happen at some point too lol. It's too good.

Molly and Kirayoshi are really good ideas. I'd love to see Molly, especially since she was technically born on TNG. Kirayoshi would read too since the Legacy kids are a little female heavy outside of Jack and I guess Alexander. I totally blanked on the second Sisko kid, but yeah, I don't think he'd in Starfleet either.

A great article about why they used Deanna and Riker to save the day in the end-


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Speaing of the kids, I am not super into Miral Paris bc I just found Paris terminally boring and B'Elanna not far behind most of the time sadly, but I am open to whatever. I do hope a Janeway live-action series can happen, as well as some sort of return series or TV movie for some of the DS9 gang. I adore DS9. And Kira is my fave.

As Matalas has said, if the show had been 13 eps I think there would've been room for Kira or others. I do think a Legacy spinoff is a show that could sustain 13-15 eps again, as could SNW. I know the trend in prestige TV these days is towards 8-10, it's been rapidly shrinking in the last decade, and I have zero interest in going back to 20-30 eps a season bc I think that is the death of quality. But I think a largely episodic show like SNW could sustain it and so could Legacy. DSC could not because they never understood how to properly plot serialization; they can barely make 10-12 hold together without becoming a grind. But SNW and Legacy, with serialized elements or not, I think deserve a longer episode order. I just don't think it's likely these days for many reasons, beginning with budget.

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