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"Fresh Prince" alum Janet Hubert: Still Bitter After All These Years


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True; and I'm sorry neither JH nor her career recovered from her firing, or that she didn't just push ahead until her career HAD recovered (which it would have, I think, had she not let it destroy her).  But how long do you have to toil on a sitcom cursed with piss-poor writing JUST for the paycheck?  Janet needed to jump before she was pushed.

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I agree. She played second fiddle to Will because it was his starring vehicle. She knew that when she signed up for it. It was a hit and is probably an even bigger hit in syndication, yet Will has still built an enormous career beyond the show.

Meanwhile, Janet is just chilling on the internet, hating her ass off. Wasn't she on OLTL at one point?

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But Will COULD have been more generous, IMO, and shared a bit more of that spotlight with his co-stars.  Mary Tyler Moore is the best example I can think of.  Her name might have been on the show AND on the company producing it, but what you saw onscreen was a true ensemble series, with good material spread pretty evenly throughout the cast, and not just "Mary Tyler Moore...And Some Other Folks."


Aside from Will, of course, and Alfonso, I really don't think FP's serviced its cast as well -- and that's especially true once Winifred Hervey Stallworth left as EP and Will himself effectively became showrunner with Jeff Pollack and Benny Medina.


She was.  And she was on AMC, I think, as the woman who was married to Adrian Sword's father.


Meanwhile, Telma Hopkins and Sheryl Lee Ralph are yukking it up somewhere with the other members of the Sistahs Who Stay Busy Club.  (Jenifer Lewis was president before Telma and Sheryl, but "Blackish" is just too time-consuming for her.)

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Many have now gotten hip to WS's arrogance. Jada's video didn't help.....to me , it sounded like she was pissed because he didn't get an Oscar nom and wanted other black performers to back her. now if Will had gotten one would she have still made the video? Will's last, what, 4 movies have tanked at the B.O.? with all that being said....time for Janet to move on. IMO.

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And there's also Valerie Harper.  I know things have been said about her in the past, but when she had "Rhoda," she reportedly never complained about Julie Kavner's Brenda receiving so much attention, even though Jim Brooks and others felt "Rhoda" needed to be about Rhoda (and by extension, Rhoda and Joe).

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I thought Hubert was wonderful on the show. I know almost everyone but the cast and crew consider the 'real' Aunt Viv - she was a force to be reckoned with any time she was onscreen, and they wrote for her accordingly. I think it's a shame she hasn't parlayed herself into a lot of long-running work like the women mentioned above, but she did it to herself.

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I did, too.  But, like I said, I think she was actually too good for that particular show.  She (and James Avery and Karyn Parsons) just deserved so much better.

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My favorite JH/Aunt Viv moment on FPOBA:


Philip and Vivian have invited over the parents of the girl who has been bullying Ashley at school.  When the girl's parents suggest, via psychiatry buzz-words, that Philip and Vivian are the ones with the problem, Vivian is just beside herself.


Mother of Ashley's Bully (played by Tina Lifford): What's the matter, dear? Too many big words for you?

Vivian (gets up from the loveseat): Nah, Miss Thang, but I got a couple of small words for you.

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It's sad that she hasn't been able to move on from all of this. "Fresh Prince" was never a very good show, and when Janet left it became downright awful most of the time. She was definitely the best part of the show in my opinion.

I cannot help but wonder why Vivian's role was so severely diminished after the actor switch. The first few years she was every bit as important and prominent as Phil, but the last few years she was barely seen.

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