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Little Women: Atlanta


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I'm super happy Minnie did that to Monie homely ass.  Not fun to be jumped in the presence of everyone, is it?  Minnie had such a devilish look when it was over.  That made me smile.  I would love to see more of that than lying put on the spot Minnie.  Tired of her being a wimp.  

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But, Minnie has no right to go at anybody when she always lying about something. I'm glad that Queen of Atlanta is on the show. She have the girls doing things they never done before. I'm glad the girls are supporting the twin girl.

Edited by MoTheGreat
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Not only that, it came across hateful and prejudice.  If Monie wasnt a little person, then she has no business being friends with them. WTF kind of BS is that? She was being messy for no reason. She knows damn well Monie was little. That ordeal was her jealousy and resentment over not being maid of honor


Church definitely wasnt the right place to bring it up but I cant wait till she throws her test results in Liar's face


She has a new hairstyle every segment of every episode. Isnt she unemployed? Trying to be K. Michelle without K.Michelle money




You know my ass is shady. LMAO, WTF is she doing? All off beat and sh-t



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Good lord, Lifetime has added gremlins to the cast and I cant with these goblins. How are they named Hope and Charity? They are a bit too hard and ratchet for that. They have the nerve to call Monie a hoodrat when they fighting over food stamps



Who the hell pops off at a 3 year old's birthday party? Why the hell would they even show up to the party without their kids? Without them, they had no business being there.


I see the resemblence



Minnie know she about 40 years too old

Edited by Cheap21
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They are trying way too hard. I hope they dont get upgraded next season. I think Lifetime added them bc Bri and Amanda (I think thats the right twin) couldnt film with the rest of the women. And I call bull on Juicy knowing them. She looks shocked and surprise when they speak as if she's hearing the stuff they reveal for the first time

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Morlin to Monie: "Who you think you are? Beyonce?" LOL

The GremTwins. Were they trying to say sorry or cast a voodoo spell?

I feel bad for what she's going through, but Emily is a cautionary tale in be careful what you wish for. She looked so silly last year saying she wanted her baby to be a little person despite knowing the health risks

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Can we talk about Minnie getting in her feelings when the psychic told her ass she was lying about ever being pregnant? Minnie needs to come clean and quit the sh-t. I swear she's a sociopath. 


And the Twins are stupid for hiring her as a nanny next week. Have they not seen The Hand that Rocks the Cradle? Glad Juicy tosses shade in Minnie's direction telling her that she'll try and claim baby Aubrey too.

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I cant with her and Im so over her pregnancy lie storyline. She should have just came clean and shut it down so everyone can move on. She doesnt have a good poker face bc its so easy to tell when she is lying.


That psychic was so fake though. Im convinced that was an actress the producers hired and fed info to.

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Y'all those insipid miniature gargoyles are inspirational speakers!  



Minnie is forever the punk.  She needs counseling to deal with her issues.  She lies too much and can't handle the fall out.  


Andrea is pathetic.  Getting pregnant again by that loser when she isn't even raising the first one.  And I agree that karma has come for Emily.  Why would you wish for a little person when their are multiple health risks?  Another one that is not raising her first kid but has another?  

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There are rumbling and rumors that there might be a Texas spinoff and have been for awhile. Terra (of Little Women LA) has alluded that the franchise might expand. With Amanda/Andrea talking about missing home, lately does anyone think that they might be spun off to the TX show? Does anyone think that this might be the reason as to why Charity & Hope were brought on?

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