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Y&R He's back

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Kevin is terrifying. The only (and best) story you can play with him, his brother and his nephew is for all of them to come out as varying degrees of gay and bisexual. Then Lauren can take to the streets with a club.

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I'm afraid it would end up being like the horror of the disgusting mother of Honey Boo Boo revealing that everyone but their second cousin is fluid and multi-loving, and hey give us some of that cash you're throwing at Bruce Jenner, I'm still here.

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I can see them thinking they are 'slick' by making the SL have been Detective Mark having been jealous of Abby/Austin's affair, so he killed Austin. And Courtney found out... so he killed her, too.

It WOULD blow my mind if the entire thing was about him being a closet-case, and maybe he was having a secret affair w/ Austin as well? Maybe, Kevin comes out and this all ties in together, somehow?

or here's another thought: the detective's been in a secret relationship with Fen, Austin secretly filmed them having stolen moment together. Fen drugged everyone to try and get on Austin's computer and delete the video. Things got out of hand, etc, etc.

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